UK Television Transgender Monthly Round up Oct 2014

Every month we list UK programmes the feature transgender issues good and bad. If you work in the media this is a must see monthly list.
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Ice Maiden
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UK Television Transgender Monthly Round up Oct 2014

Postby Ice Maiden » Wed Nov 05, 2014 11:41 pm

So here we go again!

What is broadcast in the UK reflects on you as a transperson. Every month it is a case of spot the positives. Almost all television featuring anything remotely associated with transpeople is negative, comical or are negative stereotypes. So if we do not list them they go unchallenged as evidence is needed to effect change! Or even give awards.

It is a thankless and time-consuming task - as you can imagine especially when a trans character is introduced ... Nevertheless rest assured someone is watching even if you can't.

High Points

Grayson Perry and the Trans Teen Male
Tori Banks
Brave New Girls

Low points
All the rest!


Celebrity Big Brother 2014 - THE FULL BLOG!

(Channel 5/ Endemol).

Channel 5's 'Celebrity Big Brother' and 'Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side' (the after show discussion about the house and its housemates) returns with the live launch presented by Emma Willis. Recent Transgender sensation Kellie Maloney has gone in.

This is now on every night so please refer to here for the full blog.
Click - viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4436



Hollyoaks is now establishing itself with the controversial trans character 'Blessing Chambers'.


However rather than have every single daily episode listed here I will simply direct you to the main blog thread that includes the daily storyline and photos so you can catch up!


So I have deliberately not included this in this Log for practical reasons and length.


So let's begin.


This Week

A change from the advertised programme where Francesaca Martinez looks at welfare with Andrew Neil, Michael Portillo and Tom Watson. Plus a review of the Tory Conference week from Isabel Hardman of the Spectator.

This was changed to:

Andrew Neil reviews the political week with panelists Michael Portillo and Tom Watson. They are joined by comedian Francesca Martinez for a film and debate on why she thinks it is unfair to freeze working age benefits. There is a review of the Tory conference week from Isabel Hardman of The Spectator. Miranda Green and Suzanne Evans join in with the panel, and transgender journalist and presenter Paris Lees talks about the politics of sex.

So anyone with 'Paris' or 'Transgender' in their keywords of programmes would not likely even be aware of her being on it. #pushForTopBilling


The BBC's favourite topic, no sex please we are British. Why don't people just have sex and shut up - after all the planet cannot move for humans so people clearly all have sex - they just don't bleat on about it. Who cares what consenting adults get up to between the sheets? Talking about it just is salacious nonsense. If Paris was 72 nobody would be interested. Just sayin'...

Stick it in and rub...

Those interviewing her were careful not to suggest for as moment they ever did such a thing as sex, and even labeled themselves 'old fashioned' but that was a dig also meaning their honourable values are old fashioned.

Sadly it made Paris look a bit grubby and isolated.



This Week
BBC Parliament

Repeat of 'This Week'


The Simpsons
The Good, the Sad and the Drugly
Channel 4

When Milhouse takes the blame for one of Bart's school pranks, Homer decides to punish his son by sending him to the retirement home to visit Grampa. However, things begin to look brighter for Bart when he falls for Jenny, a young volunteer at the home, and tries to behave in an attempt to win her heart.

Marge - "Oh Bart (laying the table for his new girlfriend to impress his new Squeeze) I don't care if this is just an act, you have become the boy every mother dreams of a girl!"


If only it were that simple, eh?


Secrets of Sex - Aravani Girl

Documentary. Two teenagers dream of becoming ladyboys. Loved as performers but hated as homosexuals, their stories echo the conflicts of India's gender culture.


Again obsession with Sex work - India has a Trans Television News Anchor - we don't (in the UK). India has a space program - we don't. Ladyboys are a Thailand westernised business label - to sell sex more easily. Thais are kathoey, Indian Trans are usually Hijra - therefore this programme decription is USING Trans-Currency to sell this 'man and cam' low budget programme vis sex tourist labels. It empowers noone.

Not happy!


Rude Rio 1
Television x

Black British 18+ babe Jasmine goes to Rio to meet sexy she-males. She meets up with the lovely Labelly, and the girls share a blistering session!


Same issues as above - "SHE-MALES"? Using MALE in any descriptor about a transwoman is offensive. This use is no different to N*word being used about a black sex-worker in porn. No doubt it is used - doesn't make it right though.


New - Bad Education

4/6. Fundraising: School-based sitcom. Martin and Alfie accidentally run over the caretaker. Alfie and his class start fundraising for his surgery. Contains some strong language. Also in HD. [AD,S]



Boy to teacher - "What's the cash for Sir - Kick start for your fanny tuck?! Curtains for his Curtains?"

Teacher (Jack Whitehall also is Associate Producer and Script Writer and also done transphobic material not only on this programme but on Mock the Week) - "Er, no, and that doesn't even work, anyway,because I'm 100% red-blooded bloke, mate."


Teacher's Father (Harry Enfield - who has also done transphobic material over the years) - "Though you did go through a phase. You couldn't tell Alfie what to wear - Skirts, dresses, padded bras. For a week we had to call him Angelina."


Students in class (laughing) - "The final piece of the puzzle!"


Cut to the Gay student and female students - this is a cynical use of 'Gay Licence' as in absence of an actual transgender student they clearly assume all trans are gay, if a Gay student is present and seen to be laughing it is clearly seen as 'OK' to be transphobic. WELL IT IS NOT OK, BBC! This is unbelievable, especially in light of years of meetings with AllAboutTrans and others. This production company ironically produced 'Boy Meets Girl' (The trans comedy writers award one - yup you couldn't make it up(!) well you could as they do... More on that below).


In this episode we see Jack Whitehall humiliated by his father for behaving feminine - for laughs. Also by proxy of Jack's character shunning it as shameful - it mocks Gender Variant children. Who have it tough enough as it is!

Still, the BBC and all their meetings with trans activists has clearly fallen on deaf ears? AGAIN! I wonder if those trans activists will be up in arms and protest? My gut says this is the only place you will see anyone challenge the BBC and the mistakes it makes.

This is interesting as the production company behind 'Bad Education' is the company producing 'Boy Meets Girl' that's the Trans Comedy Script Award (Let's not forget the idea of this was to find a transgender writer not a trans actress). The winner is not trans and the co-writer added to the winner is not trans either - and it is produced by a company Tiger Aspect, that produces programmes with transphobic content. Suffice it to say mocking people by calling them 'trannies' as this comedy has done so - we have it archived, is a small part of this irony. What is their excuse this time?

Tiger Aspect are also responsible for numerous transphobic comments a multitude of 'tranny' and other nasty labels in their programme 'Benidorm' - search this site - truly a fine example of transphobia by proxy if ever there was one - the GOLD Standard! Les/Leslie Character is not a transperson either. They also produce 'Harry and Paul' - more cross-dressing for laughs - more transphobic sketches. 'Dame Edna Show' was one of theirs... can a company that so depends on cross-dressing for laughs drop it all in the light of one 'good deed'? Time will tell...

Even Tiger Aspect's attempt at a B-Movie 'Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Silk Stocking' (2004) Here is a taste of that script:

Holmes discusses 'analysis' with what is still a young science with a female doctor. He asks about the motives of the killer.
Dr - It struck me that Lady Alice's clothes maybe embuked with some significance?!
Holmes (Pregnant Pause) - Go on...
Dr - He seems to have kept them for himself!
Holmes - You mean for himself to wear?
Dr - Possibly? Holmes looks up - Some fetishistic power perhaps?
Dr - Do you know that there is Dr Richard Von Craft Evans...Encyclopedia sexualis?
Holmes - Not intimately. [Ironic as Holmes is played by Rupert Everett who boasted of his sexual exploits in a recent series about sex on Channel 4.] [...]
DR - The case studies are fascinating! It is an indispensable literature for anyone interested in sexual derangement! You may keep it!
Holmes - Most Kind.
Dr - It has a wonderful array of sexual perversions! Sadomasochism, bestiality, exhibitionism, Transvestism, Coprophilia (they are interrupted..).
So there it is in the same line Bestiality, adoring feces and Transvestism. Are the viewers smart enough to define the two and untangle them? I doubt it.

Their ONLY programme to date that was close to offsetting all this was "Eddie Izzard: Marathon Man:"(2010) - But it is a sad epithet.

The problem remains and will continue. Will 'Boy Meets Girl' be a flash in the pan to unburden all this abusive telly? Like going to some BBC equivalent of 'The Confessional'? "Say two Hail Mary's and make a programme with a transperson in it!" "Yes Father BBC!" "Then you are absolved my son(!) and can get back to the trans-currency on which you so depend!"

Data suggests most definitely they will continue as they have been! And in a couple of years 'Boy Meets Girl' may well be just a footnote in this forum and on a Hard drive in our archive. Like all the rest.

For once I hope I am wrong! [yesss]


Secrets of Sex - Normal

Documentary presenting the real life stories of male, female and transgender migrants working in the sex industry in Albania, Italy and the UK.


Trans Voices - but about being prostitutes. What about they make a programme about trans Priests? Or Trans Foreign Aid workers? Or Trans Academics? Or Trans Nurses, doctors and Teachers?



Secret Diary Of a She-Male 1
Television X

Exotic ladyboy Alekksandra has started an escort agency with a gender bender twist. Her first client is the lovely mature Starr, and she certainly gets her money's worth.


More Trans doing sex on telly... Anyone see a theme here?

(This programme maybe scrambled but its public television listing is not! They would not say C*NT in the listing because it would not be allowed - so why say "GENDER BENDER" OR "LADYBOY!"). Exploitative.


The Simpsons
'Coming to Homerica'
Channel 4

Homer forms a border patrol group to help keep Springfield's borders secure from the unemployed residents of Ogdenville.



Krusty the Klown - (About his burgers not being healthy and launching a new 'green' burger for the vegetarians to save the planet! That leads to food poisoning - but that's another story).

K - "Find the cheapest vegetable and make a burger out of it and double the price!"
K - "And say it's got none of those...What are those unhealthy HE-SHE Sounding things?!"
Lawyer/Marketing consultant/accountant - "Uh? Trans-fats?"
K - "Yeah that's it!"



Last time this 'trans-Fats' gag was used was by non other than well-known Lesbian and 'The Great British Bake-off' Host Sue Perkins when she said... in 'Horsemeat & Other Food Shockers',

"Ready meals contain Hydrogenated Vegetable oil, and that means they contain fat tranny ...[Shows a clip of Rio carnival dancers and a crotch shot]...sorry 'trans fatty' acids which are bad..."


Channel 4 show progress again...(NOT!)


Rude Rio 1
Television X

Black British 18+ babe Jasmine goes to Rio to meet sexy she-males. She meets up with the lovely Labelly, and the girls share a blistering session!


Same issues as above - "SHE-MALES"? Using MALE in any descriptor about a transwoman is offensive. This use is no different to N*word being used about a black sex-worker in porn. Nodubt it is used - doesn't make it right thou'.


Celebrity Juice

Outrageous celebrity news quiz. Keith Lemon welcomes team captains Gino D'Acampo and Fearne Cotton as they go head-to-head with two teams of celebrity guests. X Factor judge Louis Walsh and singer Rick Astley are among the star panellists this time.


Another Sex-change gag. By proxy of contestants on the X Factor this time. After all it is not transphobic if you use a non-trans proxy? Well I beg to differ calling a white guy the 'N' Word is unacceptable and so is transphobia by proxy.

Ironically on Stand-up to cancer later in the week on Channel 4. Both him, and Alan Carr both behaving all humble, yet one of the people who had cancer listed how it affected her life and it was the same as a transperson can experience in many ways. Just sayin'

She listed - "Vaginal Pain, Infertility and not being able to bear children, feeling isolated etc..."

However with trans you can add not being assigned the right gender (from birth she has had 30+ years to this point of being 'correct', add to her woes being abused if you walk down the street and on television - ironically by these two hosts --- is it still funny Keith and Alan?



Come Fly with Me

They Hold David Schwimmer in customs with a collection of porn featuring...wait for it


"One copy chicks with dicks, shemaleorgy 3, tranny mania, ladyboy lickfest, shemale sandwich..."


The BBC may well smile in selfies with various transactivists but they make no changes whatsoever to the endless repeats - that they also sell to DAVE and GOLD! Historically this progamme and Walliams still does objectify and 'other' transpeople in anyway they can. I have no idea why they chose to do this, but it is their mind set they have sat down and mentally worked through this gag together in some office long before broadcast. David Schwimmer even being bussed in to add further weight to it, and even perhaps get it through the door - well he is famous and so it must be OK eh? Newsflash Dave it ain't! When they describe these titles they are in fact describing quite often vulnerable, abused, exploited and physically threatened trans*people living in poverty, and laughing at it in the same way the BBC objectified here viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4135 and have found another way to say these hate-crime words on the BBC - a disgrace! All trans are sex workers it seems and can be mocked is the only message here. Still someone is getting rich out of it. Plus they cross-dress all the time for laughs and David feeds from the trans-currency trough in every Britain's Got Talent Season as a judge! - after all their male characters are for the most part unfunny so they have to use 'trans-currency', racial mockery or disability gags. Why is this still even on the air?

I can only imagine the BBC controllers have their fingers in their ears and are going "LALALALALALA!" - at any meetings with trans activists.

They at the BBC will do anything as long as it doesn't cost them or restrict their freedom in anyway shape or form... Loaded deck, loaded dice - the house always wins!


Kinky Boots

British comedy. A Northampton shoe factory is on the verge of closing down, unable to compete with cheap Third World imports. The reluctant and desperate owner is inspired by an outrageous drag queen to switch production to saucy footwear for transvestites - to the despair of his fiance and the shopfloor. An Ealing comedy for the Ann Summers generation.


I have seen this numerous times, and even saw the original BBC documentary (I think it was entitled 'Trouble at the Top' of this family run cobblers buisness. I have it somewhere in the archive buried - (probably on Video Tape) on which it was based about a factory struggling against imports from the Far East and stated making larger sizes for cross-dressers...etc.

However, The term 'Kinky Books', the whole fetishistic angle, the way CD/TV/TG/TS are used does leave me a little off balance. It is basically trans are shoe fetishists, but are not most women? But because they are 'designated female from birth' they do not suffer this 'pervert' link that trans* do.

Its a not bad film, better than most, but clearly rewritten slightly (and to sell it better) from the original business story I saw - to flesh it out a bit. And 'sex-it-up a bit? :shrugs:

Close but no cigar - sorry!


Kourtney and Khloe Take Miami
'Kourt Gone Wild'

Reality series following Kourtney and Khloe Kardashian as they move to Miami. In an effort to forget about Scott, Kourt goes on a boy crazy rampage and Khloé hosts a Transsexual Khloe Kardashian Look-a-Like contest to raise money for LGBT equality.


Well I have been here before numerous times as this is a constant repeat. Suffice it to say this was a drag queen event, she uses the word 'tranny' throughout. So this is Channel 4 using a listing that is incorrect to exploit 'trans-currency'. AGAIN! Getting so bored with this...

Still all trans are gay? Right? ... Hmmmmm?! [WRONG!]


Celebrity Juice

Keith Lemon hosts the outrageous panel show. Team captains Gino D'Acampo and Fearne Cotton lead two teams of celebrity guests as they answer questions on the past week in showbiz.

Opens with:


"Let's meet our team captains, first up, she has the biggest dick I've ever seen on a woman, its Fearne Cotton!"



This is transphobia by proxy of Fearne Cotton again. See:

This is classic Transphobia by Proxy read what that means here the definition:

The expression on her face is not one of happiness about being described that way it is one of disgust. Therefore we can only glean that this is a negative use of this comment. Unlike if he said, "your child is beautiful!" Or, "you look amazing Fearne!" Her eyes would twinkle at these positive remarks and she may even flush with a smile. No, this is just nasty! And more of the same, it is relentless! Historically Leigh Francis (his real name) has been one of the worse people on television in this regard, even before he became 'famous', back in his Channel 4 days on Bo'Selecta and a Bear's Tale he was full on abuse - something Channel 4 still profit from on demand and on DVD. But Celebrity Juice in 2014 needs to stop doing this - he rarely has a transperson on his show... I wonder why? Maybe he dislikes them? Or could it be there are not any! And why is that?!!! You can use Fearne instead eh?

What is going on? :roll:


Mrs Brown's Boys

6/6. Mammy's Miracle: Father Quinn loses his faith, while Grandad decides he wants to witness his own funeral. Contains strong language. Also in HD. [S] Followed by National Lottery Update.


Some love it, some hate it - I for one think that laughing at men for wearing dresses is not the way forward in 2014, and this is indeed very old fashioned, it lacks imagination, this has been done and the BBC need to have some courage, and opt to take some risks - the first black stand-up comic was a risk, the first Asian shopkeeper in Eastenders was a risk - made headlines at the time! That's almost absurd today - but it happened! 'Mrs Brown's Boys' has got to the point of offensive. This is the trans community's 'Black and White Minstrel Show', it is equally loved as that was the B+W Minstrels back in the 1970s, but for the most part by those it least affects (in that time white people). Prime example. White people loved watching 'blacked-up' white people and enjoyed it, when it had to be axed there was outrage in the 70s as the show was the BBC's most popular programme of its era But the BBC were brave enough to say NO MORE! 'Mrs Brown's Boys' does have a very similar bent in that regard. MBB is one of the BBC's most popular shows and I suspect would cause an equally outraged outcry were it pulled from air. But then again those that watch it are not really affected by it are they? Those trans that see no harm in it need to think about the 'Black and White Minstrel Show' as well. There was 'no harm' in that either, they only sung and danced! But in hindsight it is obvious today why it had to go. And MBB will become more and more obvious as time goes on as the unsavoury spectacle it is. The only difference is I can see it about 10 years early!

In 10 year take another look and you will see what I mean. But we could save 10 years right now!


Rude Rio 2
Television X

Komilla is a lovely she-male with a stunning leggy figure. Black and beautiful Jasmine is all woman, but happy to join Komilla for some fun in a sunny Rio setting.


This is scrambled but the family Freeview listings are not! 'She-Male'? This is a term used in porn to attract ignorant onanists. It does nothing to empower transgender women. It objectifies them into the MALE role - if that it what they want congrats! Job done.


Secret Diary Of A She-Male 2
Television X

Transsexual Girlfriend Experience: A frustrated guy has always wanted to sample the delights of a lovely ladyboy, and now is his chance. Go on, give it a try.


Seriously this is in the Freeview and Family TV Listings. Scrambled or not they should just have a URL to their website schedule, and not ave this posted in this way at all! I should not be able to find this on my general TV guide (no puns).



Morning show with a topical mix of entertainment, discussion and showbiz glamour, as well as featuring the latest fashion, food and celebrity gossip. Beverly Knight talks about her starring role in Memphis: The Musical.


Good show - Kellie Maloney appears with her daughter and it was a lovely relationship, all smiles and excited - wonderful stuff. No matter how you feel about Kellie, this has all gone rather well ;) And a great benchmark and role-model for older trans women to aspire to at last!

Well done Lorraine! She historically has always delivered for the Transgender community! And celebrates 30 years at the top of Breakfast Television - and this is why! :thumbup: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


(Stand-up to Cancer Telethon)
Channel 4

OK before I begin I want to add a caveat - My own Mother died of Cancer before my eyes and I have helped fund-raise for RFL etc in the past.

However, there was one glaring omission from this so-called advanced modern day thinking on Channel 4, a hannel that is supposed to be working with the trans community now for years?!

Well here it is!

Jack Whitehall (have some transphobia on file with him but that is another story) speaking about the upcoming show that he will host also on channel 4 later this month on testicular cancer, he remarks...

Jack Whitehall - "I was doing a really serious bit to camera and I went, with your help we can beat testicular cancer, a cancer that can affect young men and women between 15 and 30! No, no, of course women don't have testicles!"

Audience roars with laughter!

And look at the reaction of the panel (Last Leg).

Image Channel 4

In actual fact Jack was accidentally correct in the first part, but then ruined it (but not for any educated PC reasons, just to get a laugh sadly) and this serious isse should not have been laughed at like this. SOME WOMEN "DO" HAVE TESTICLES - THINK ABOUT IT!!! THIS IS THE ENLIGHTENED CHANNEL 4 EH? JEEZ THEY NEED TO CALL ME FOR ADVICE! And this hummilation may mean a trans woman could avoid visiting their doctor if they have a testicular lump! IDIOTS!!!

Just embarrassing - trans*Women also have prostates AS WELL!!! [NO IT IS NOT FUNNY GUYS! prempting this laughter here, Eds] and they do not get the removed during GRS either - IS THAT FUNNY? Hmmmm shame on you Channel 4! You did not include the minority that is likely to go ignored! Trans women also have breasts, how many are called for screening if they have not got a Gender Recognition Certificate yet, they still may take HRT? And this increases Breast Cancer Risks! Channel 4 had a golden opportunity to grab the bull by the horns here and enlighten the public. Instead they choose to laugh at the idea. And put transgender people at risk!



Star Trek IV - The Voyage Home

Admiral Kirk and his crew time-travel back to the late 20th century to save a future Earth from being destroyed by a space probe. Their mission - to find a pair of humpback whales to communicate with the probe. The bemused crew's adventures in 1980s San Francisco make for a more tongue-in-cheek big-screen outing than previous entries in the series.

They wheel Chekov out of the operating theatre after using their 'futuristic raygun/nanobot technology' to repair his brain rather than allow the 20th century brain surgeons to start cutting him about (they lock the surgeons in the anti-room at gun point and operate) shame that future docs could not come back and give trans*s what we need eh?


Police Officer - "How is the patient doc?"
Kirk - "He's gonna make it!"
Police Officer - "He? You came in with a she?!
Kirk - "One little mistake!"


Is nothing sacred? KHAN! KHAN! (love that overacting joke from the series with Kirk screaming it!)

Sadly in what is perhaps one of my favourite Films ((I like Time-travellers and loved 'Goodnight Sweetheart' (BBC sitcom) etc)), a transgender gag crops up, and you might have watched this a thousand times and not spotted it, well time to ruin the film...

Not that big of a deal, except it suggests that removal of, or not possessing a penis makes you female - well this is incorrect as any trans*man will tell you most vociferously(!), it is a gag to get a laugh in the cinema (and it did), and the term 'mistake?' Although it means they were clumsy again, it is amazing when we analyse one sentence just haw bad it can be!

Of its time!


Secret Diary Of a She-Male 3
Television X

Transsexual: Gorgeous TS Melanie trains her new man servant with verbal domination and more. He loves it, too!


This is at least better, if this has to be posted at least this is not quite as bad - maybe someone is listening? After all these film titles only tend to show up on Google with us and Television X ;)

I would say to their company, Out of respect for your performers and the wider trans*community (many of which are potential customers and future 'performers' don't forget!) I would ask that Television X continue along these lines. What is the betting it won't?


Grayson Perry - Who Are You
Channel 4

Three-part documentary series in which Grayson Perry turns his attention to portraiture and identity.


A Trans*Man as one of his subjects and a Tranvestite Artist sculpting him! Plus his backstory.

What is not to like.

Grayson first burst onto the scene 10 years ago winning the Turner Prize for his 'controversial pots', however, he was immediately seized back then by Channel 4 (YEAH WHEN THEY WERE COOL AND KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING!) And made a programme called 'Why Men Wear Frocks...' It was primarily based on straight men who go to events as their female alter egos, something Grayson also enjoys/d.

He later went onto present a show called 'Pastimes' about hobbies, and a few years ago, one on 'Class'. Now an establishment figure, having even presented the BBC 'Reith Lectures', she has been on Question time (a long time ago as was Eddie Izzard) ... He has been on 'Have I got News for You' as Claire, when it actually raised eyebrows - even plucked ones ;). So for Channel 4 to allow him to do what he likes is probably the best bet now. He has the golden touch, and the content is not 'about being trans, it is a talented person who happens to be trans... But we quickly forget that. In the end, it is all about the talent. Looks are fleeting! And Grayson, love him, love her, hate him or hate her, they are unquestionably a true talent!!!

We also discuss this in our podcast here:

So A positive for Channel 4, but this is coasting, they need to find the NEXT Grayson, or the Next Izzard - not rely on past glories when someone bettr made these decisions for them! No more documentaries about surgery, or transpeople in distress please! Grayson can shove some of that into his existing show - and he did ;) We don't need a 'special' show - Gaytime TV was done in the late 90s and why is it not around today is obvious - WE DON'T NEED IT! Bolt-on transpeople to what you already have. Start with News readers maybe? Or trans*reporters outside Number 10?

This is putting yout money where you mouth is... Channel 4 certainly talk a good talk that's for sure over at their London Studios. But I am only interested in results. Coasting with Grayson as good as it is, is still past glories! Compare that to their most recent effort - Hollyoaks! Well you can see that 10 years ago Channel 4 were so ahead of the game (they also had Nadia in the Big Brother house at the same time remember Big Brother WAS a Channel 4 Show back then! And Nadia and Grayson are trans* Blessing in 'Hollyoaks' is not! Um 10 years later and this? It doesn't make any sense whatsoever!), it really does make Channel 4 today look shoody and lack lustre.

Teachers comment - must do better, must try harder, and think OUTSIDE THE BOX! Grayson has taught you that at least!


Cardinal Burns

Sketch show. New Guy and Charlie try out extravagant new flirting tricks, Yumi kills Rachel's chances with a dreamy yoga instructor in Young Dreams, and Turkish minicab drivers Hashtag and Bukake demonstrate heroic attempts to rescue a damsel in distress, while Banksy is back trying to bond with his stepson on a camping trip that ends in catastrophe.


More cross-dressing nonsense...

THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX CHANNEL 4!!! (SEE ABOVE). Stop falling into these comedy traps! You are better than this!

Now if the two comic leads (I use the term loosely) were both trans*people like say a Trans 'French and Saunders' or a Trans*man and a Trans*Woman along with a few other cispeople doing sketches, that would be a modern 'Smack the Pony'. But that stinks of effort eh?!!! Go an have a lie down! Poor little Channel 4 Commissioning Editors boo hoo! :lol: :roll:



Brave New Girls


Reality series. Canadian transgender beauty queen Jenna Talackova gets ready to use her new celebrity status to launch a television and modelling career.


Reality series. Jenna and her new publicist Vanessa hit the Big Apple for some important business meetings and a photo shoot with PETA.



The fact it is after the watershed of 9pm tends to give it the impression it is not suitable for younger people, yet this is TOWIE lite.

Fly-on-the-wall dates way back to 'The Family' in the 1970s ... _series%29

But the 'Celebrity scripted reality shows' like 'The Simple Life' with Paris Hilton (there is a joke in that title) ;) Created what became 'scripted reality'.

These scripted reality shows with the common man are rife and have been so for decades, now we have 'The Only Way is Essex' OR Towie' as it is more affectionately known, 'Geordie Shore' (which is just bottom of the barrel think 'The Jeremy Kyle Show' where they have sex on Camera and that's about it - YAWN!), and now a Welsh Effort has joined the pile (and it is a PILE!) entitled 'The Valleys', and it is trying to cash in on the 'Gavin and Stacey' vacuum. Of course the queen of all these shows is 'Keeping up with the Kardashians' and all their spin offs - they do it, and they do it well, but they have an army of family to film, and a brilliant 'MOMAGER' in the shape of Kris, who is relentless in her focus for the success of her girls! This is why she is rich! We also have had Katie Price and Peter Andre and of course Kerry Katona all doing similar things for years! PS A nod to 'Paddington Green' Trans* sex worker circa 2002, in Paddington Green (BBC) they did something similar with her.

Many of them need to be filmed 'doing something', unlike the Kardashians and Andre/Price where they were filmed with their children and going to work! However, a number of these other shows like 'Made in Chelsea' and 'Women of Beverly Hills/London' etc tend to be show shopping and 'partying'. But after a while it gets boring!

On the other hand all these other shows tend to be rather throw-away by comparison, get rid of one member and bring in the next hot thing! Or, one might get too big for their boots and are sacked and have to go it alone!

All of this is much of a muchness, and I think in time people will just bore of it. After all, in a world where Hardcore Pornography is a click away, what is the point of these shows exactly as they can never 'go that far', and the rest is getting drunk, and gives the impression to young people that as long as they can get on one of these shows they will be MADE! The trouble is what if they don't? You then get these desperate stories in the press, especially with trans*women who change their minds about transition who are fans of such reality stars (namely Chelsea/Matthew Atonely and Jordan) etc... as that makes headlines.


So here we have what is a scripted reality show that has bunged in a transgender woman, namely Jenna Talackova. She is pretty, but she has adopted high school California way of speaking like so many of these california/Kardashian'esque' women do. Like they are stupid, or behaving dumb. The vast Majority are not dumb! Kloe Kardashian (who states she is not a pretty as her sister) has had to make up the shortfall with her noggin! She is as a result quite fierce! And to me that is a far better role-model for young women! Jenna needs to do the same! Who needs another drippy transwoman on the telly? Ironically she met Laverne Cox in one episode and Laverne was fierce by comparison!

So for most of her appearances they tend to focus on complaining that 'they' are only interested in her because she is trans, she is on a show, and has been employed because she is trans, she is famous because she is trans, stop complaining! One agent said to her, "if you don't want to sell being trans get to the back of the queue with the other million Hollywood hot girls looking for this opportunity!" - she called him a (and I quote a "douche-bag". No, Jenna, he is smart and you are a tad deluded!

So we have a trans*girl pretending to be Paris Hilton (without the cash and glamour) and the series desperately tries to orchestrate scenarios that she can go to, or bars, to meet people (read actors) they can film being shocked when she tells them she is trans. It all feels very lethargic, as there simply is not enough going on. The only thing that keeps me watching is "THERE IS A TRANS*WOMAN ON THE TELLY!" YAY!!! And I suspect that is all that is keeping anyone else watching too.


So in episode two they go for broke and bus in Laverne Cox - I first saw Laverne on a series about an UK Ugly Actors/Extras Agency that went looking for people to join their agency, they went to a bar in NY and Laverne helped then look. Yeah humble stuff!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Since then Laverne has been in the hit series 'Orange is the New Black' I have heavily reviewed both series so search for it at the top of the page. As a result of her being in this, she was asked to go onto the front of Time Magazine (quite and Honour!).


So this was a good move for this show to get her on camera with Jenna, plus as I have said, Laverne is 'Fierce' (second outing for that word today), and Jenna started to speak 'normally',


Laverne said she needs to 'study' acting, asks he if she has studied? No, she replies, Laverne then goes on to say that Jenna is already a celebrity as Miss Universe is HUGE! and other trans girls are going into pageants. So stick to that...

I think this is maybe a way for Laverne to pee on her territorial lampost :) In other words there is only room for one top trans actress and that is her!!!

This to me is not very inspiration, this focus on what is fleeting beauty and powder puff conversation, suggests that Laverne does not need any competition, the, "have you studied acting and stick to beauty," was perhaps a bit of a back handed compliment ;)

After all Jenna could be the next inmate in the prison on OITNB!, and Laverne suddenly gets parole!!! :lol: MEOW!

I think I would be more interested if Jenna was up for a Nobel Prize for Medicine really. And that brings us back to Eddie Izzard and Grayson Perry. Trans with Talent that will last them a lifetime! Not sexual attractiveness that gives then 6 years at best! :noway:

Jenna then finds a 'Gay Friend' (also hot).


Then she goes to the photo shoot for PETA - "It is for the animals..." "There was a hushed tone in awe of her body when she removed her clothes..." Yeah all wanting to see if there was any evidence she was assigned male at birth. Just a note to say this is usually a free thing celebrities do, and Kloe Kardashian did it years ago, so let's hope in 2 years time a fur company doesn't offer Jenna a million dollar contract eh? As she will have to turn it down on principle?! No more leather LV heels Jenna!

In the next episode they have arranged a blind date with another 'hot guy' from central casting... The show goes on!


Make hay while the sun shines Jenna. But the longevity of all this is questionable, after all she is Candis Cayne without the acting background. That's probably where Laverne should have told her to go - Learn to ACT! But she did not advise that, she told her to go back to Beauty Pageants! Call me a cynic but that sounds like she is trying to put her off the scent ;) There is only room for one transgender superstar in Hollywood and that is Laverne Cox darlin'!


This Morning

Gender Neutral Parenting

Not trans but rather the idea that you call you kid an 'IT' until they decide what they want to be!

It was handled quite well and all were tip-toeing about the potential trans links I guess.


Loose Women

Grayson Perry joins the ladies - including Judy Finnigan as a guest panellist - as he reveals why he is turning his attention to the subject of identity for a new Channel 4 series.


Grayson is indeed a rare talent and somehow is a brilliant presenter. Grayson has cracked it, not only in the art world but is establishment, and Claire is a welcome fun diversion the brightens up this drab world. Grayson's Alter ego is a person that people simply enjoy being around. I have been a bit of a fan from the very first time I saw her. And there have been some 'moments' namely in the episode of 'Why Men Wear Frocks in 2005. I think where HE had a dig at a transsexual, and seems to encourage the term 'tranny' this is a mistake. Even Jenn Talackova on 4Music said in her reality series 'Brave New Girls' that she hated it. I have been pressing for its use to be lessened for over 18 years! And at a time when no one played ball. Now they for the most part realise that it is damaging, but I have had to demonstrate it internationally with evidence upon evidence. So that's the last hurdle for Grayson to become a trans 'national treasure' - drop that Grayson and your done!

5 stars!


Channel 4

Television review comedy series in which TV fanatics open up their living rooms to reveal their reactions to popular and topical shows. The featured shows in this episode are You Can't Get the Staff, Secrets of the Living Dolls, Jurassic Park, the X Factor and the News.


They viewers comment on "You Can't Get the Staff" about Lady Colin Campbell.
"Lady Colin?!"
(Shocked faces)



"Is that a man?"" I don't know!"
(Disgusted Face)

Another Family...


"Is that a man?!""Daughter (confused), "No? She's a Lady?!"

"Oh My God, Look at her!!!"


"She looks like Lady Gaga!


(All images Channel 4)


Lady Colin-Campbell is a titled version of April Ashley. And intersex.

FULL REVIEW...On what went wrong in this programme!



Loose Women

Mrs Brown's Boys stars Brendan O'Carroll and Jennifer Gibney join the Loose Women on today's show.


Brendan O'Carroll perpetuates the idea that a man in a dress is hilarious!

For that reason and that reason alone I dislike his whole cross-dressing to make cash business.

After all, here he is on 'Loose Women' and where is the frock? Just some bloke who dons the frock for cash and nothing more - the most detestable use of 'trans-currency' there is. The argument often given is, "He is pretending to be a mother not a trans*person!" The problem here is simple, No one belives he is anything other than a man in a frock, so this is a non-starter! It would not be so popular if he were a woman designated female at birth! Nor would it be popular if it was 'Mr Brown's Boys'. It is a drag act nothing more, Les Dawson, Dick Emery, even Norman Evans' 'Over the Garden Wall' (Circa 1950). This type of show historically then spawns programmes like 'Little Britain' and others. Trust me when I say that this programme is damaging to transgender people. And the difficulty in being taken seriously in the media is compounded by programmes such as this. After all, why hire a trans person when you can 'tran-up' a non transperson? Why hire a trans*person for comedy, when you can mock transperople (Gay Licence) by wearing a dress. Even Stonewall's CEO agreed with me on this argument! See:

Brendan (and of course the BBC by proxy) is making a fortune from cross-dressing for cash. The BBC to me are therefore morally corrupt in the 21st Century! When they are MORE than aware from the last 25 years of featuring trans*people and making documentaries, they therefore already know EXACTLY what they should be doing - playing dumb now with trans media pressure groups just shows HOW CYNICAL they really are! It is nothing more than stalling for time!

When you can count trans*people on television with one hand. 'Mrs Brown's Boys' is the trans version of 'The Black and White Minstrel show' for this decade! After all in the 70s a group of white men pretended to be black to entertain and cash in, and it was hugely popular. What is the difference? Sounds the same to me! Brendan in in a trans space.

Annoying! And VERY old fashioned! It plays into the public's zest for laughing at cross-dressers, the fact this is on television at all and so popular is in actual fact worrying! It also demonstrates the BBC have learned nothing and not moved at all! This act has been done numerous times since the BBC was founded! It is 2014!

Anyways he is a millionaire from all this so what does he care?

Let's hope the bubble bursts! But the repeats will haunt you for evermore! Until the BBC realise that it is actually unsavoury!



BBC Newsbeat
Rado One


A transgender 23-year-old interviews Kellie Maloney for Newsbeat | Radio 1 Newsbeat


At last something positive! Good Luck to Tori you can hear our thoughts on this encounter and what Tori said here:


Vanessa Feltz
BBC London

1:02:05 in


They talk about Transitioning Trans

Vanessa of course was around before Trisha that then became Jeremy Kyle. Vanessa has dealt with this subject many many times over her tenure as a presenter on various networks, she was one of the first to show GRS surgery on her series 'Extreme Plastic Surgery'.

However, when Vanessa upped sticks and moved to the BBC 1 with her show back in the day (for more cash I guess? 10 years ago+) it was a fake transsexual guest that finally axed the programme. As they were accused of not researching their guests adequately and people lost confidence in her show. The BBC as far as I am aware said, "enough". So I am not sure how Vanessa 'feels' about the whole trans* thing, suffice it to say the person who screwed up her BBC series was not trans* that's the point ;) They did it for a laugh and they simply did not check him out adequately!


Channel 4 News
Channel 4

Paris Lees appears on Channel 4 news described as a 'recreational drug user'. ... s-lib-dems


Don't have nightmares - see you next time with more of the same I guess?
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