What games are you playing?

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Re: What games are you playing?

Postby Christine » Wed Aug 28, 2013 3:34 pm

"If you can't do it in C, it's not worth doing!" to paraphrase some nutter who was actually talking about Fortran. Though as much as I like C, I grow weary of having to do every small thing in such a long-winded manner: it seems that no amount of libraries and macros really dull the pain. I'd look into D, which seems really interesting, but it's still not widely supported and I'm lazy. And stay away from Lisp, you'll go blind. :D

The next gen consoles are quite pricey. Says the one who'll think nothing of spending £250 on a graphics card but will baulk at the idea of spending the same on a complete console!

I think one good thing about achievements is that they often incite you to explore bits of a game that you might've otherwise passed by: sometimes it can just end up being rather pointless grinding, but other times it's really enjoyable. One of the few good things about Steam (not a fan of DRM, so in general it's a Bad Thing in my view) is that it has achievements! But I wish it actually counted playing time properly: time that the game is paused and minimised is not time that I'm playing it, curiously enough... which doesn't matter if it's just a few minutes, but I tend to leave it overnight and forget about it. Hmm, what else can I moan about! And, yeah, playing pirated games online: what could possibly go wrong...?

I've been playing a fair bit of Saints Row 4 over the past few days, and it's been surprisingly enjoyable so far. Yes, it's very silly, but it's fun. A bit of grinding here and there, it'd be nice if more quests were unique, but most of the variations are good fun. I particularly enjoy the Tron-esque 3D takes on old 2D platformers. I'm still surprised I got into this series so much because on the face of it, it seems so much like it's just not my sort of thing at all, but I think the humour pulled me in: and they do have a fair bit of exploration potential too.

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Re: What games are you playing?

Postby Christine » Sat Nov 16, 2013 6:23 pm

I love sniper games
Randomly, this reminded me that I think it's finally time I finished Mass Effect 3: I was rather put off by "that ending" but I never played the "fixed" version, and I also want a look at the Citadel add-on: I always resented not being able to explore it after ME1.

I mention it as I always end up playing as a sniper, which I feel most comfortable with since I suck when I'm actually in combat. Though being a sniper simply makes me suck even more. I'm not sure how well I'll do after 18 months' break from the series, though...

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Re: What games are you playing?

Postby Christine » Tue Nov 19, 2013 10:22 pm

Not sure if I'm now the sole games addict here (come back Lairiana, Waffles and Charlie, if you're reading!) but anybody else looking forward to Fallout 4? It surely can't be that far off release now. There's been some speculation that it might happen next month, though I think that's a bit optimistic, even if it is kinda due now.

My controversial comment is that I hope FO4 takes more after FO3 than New Vegas: for all NV's much-vaunted storytelling, I found FO3 was just so much more fun in terms of exploration and atmosphere... though I never thought that the "Oblivion with guns" description was pejorative in the least, and that's what I enjoyed about it. Whichever path it follows, I hope it continues to be easily moddable as with previous Bethesda games, even if I won't be entirely delighted to see yet another outing for their hacked about and broken version of the ancient Gamebryo engine.

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Re: What games are you playing?

Postby Christine » Tue Nov 26, 2013 11:43 am

I figured I'd revisit Stalker: Clear Sky over the weekend. I really enjoyed the game, just not the plethora of bugs that afflicted it. I downloaded the latest patch figuring that surely they must have fixed it by now.

They haven't.


Oh well, back to thinking of something else to play. I could try Call of Pripyat, but it gave me awful motion sickness.

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Re: What games are you playing?

Postby Christine » Tue Dec 10, 2013 3:53 pm

Since I'm bang up to date with computer games, my latest outing is... Morrowind. Hey, it's only 10 years old! And it doesn't look too bad with some of the many graphical improvements doing the rounds either, though the animations will always look idiotic. It's great fun provided you like your progress quite slow. :D I am enjoying it, though.

To be honest, of the rather po-faced-sounding Elder Scrolls series, I still prefer its successor, Oblivion (albeit with the FCOM mega-mod which, well, pretty much makes it more like Morrowind) but as games go, it remains something of pretty epic scale.

I admit I've been playing it when I feel I should have been paying attention to other things, such as cooking, my girlfriend, or last night's TZ outing. Hurrah for irresponsibility, etc.

This seems to be rapidly turning into my personal videogame blog. Shame I'm kind of rubbish at it!

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