Doctor who thread

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Re: Doctor who thread

Postby Lairiana » Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:34 am

I know all that, but it doesn't change my problems with the show. The first episode was ridiculously misleading. Yes, I know it's what she said they should do (And did she plan it? The delivery was way too quick for it to be spontaneous), but it's clearly just the writers generating a bit of controversy to get the series heard about, which ironically didn't work for me as I only found out about it returning the week it was due back.

My point is the first episode was so ridiculously convoluted for absolutely no reason. What was achieved could have been done in a better, simpler, easier to follow and more interesting fashion, rather than boring the t*ts off me and half the people I was following on Twitter. After that episode ended, I looked at Tweet Deck and it was just "What the f**k was that?" or "Did anyone else find that confusing?".

This current trend for Doctor Who is really getting me. I loved the finale to the first half, including that super cute lesbian couple, but that series was mostly trash for me. The same seems to be true of this one so far. We've had one badly done episode, and we've had one creepy as hell episode with the sex changing creepy dolls of creepiness. The latest was closer to how I view a classic episode, but it was still poorly done. As an example, why didn't the Doctor notice Amy wasn't with Rory at the end? You know, that cute redhead with the jealousy-inducing chest and long legs? The one who was all over him a few times? Yeah, her.

The next episode looks like it'll be fun (Sorry, got a thing for women with weaponry), but I'm just not impressed with this half of the series at all.
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Re: Doctor who thread

Postby NW_Nikki » Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:06 pm

Isn't it fair to say that a lot of advertising is misleading. I have on numerous occasions watched programmes or movies where the trailers seem to tell a different story to the actual film.

I know a lot of people seemed to struggle with the first episode, but I also know a lot more people who really loved it!
As a friend of mine said, a lot of people want programmes these days where they don't have to think about what is going on. The twists and turns in the lets kill Hitler episode I thought were great! but I can see why some people would have struggled to keep up with what was going on.
I appreciate that people have their own opinions on shows and I can respect and accept their points of view, but there is times when I think some of the criticisms are more peer based rather than being their own opinions. I have talked with several people who have said things about programmes and movies like "what a great episode" or "that was awesome", then not long after talking to other people, their opinions have changed and they are slating it.

I am not for one minute suggesting that is what your opinion is based on, as I would never suggest that, but I think with things like Twitter and Facebook, it does become easy for some people to follow the trend of slating things and it never really gives a true reflection of peoples actual opinion.

Anyway, fingers crossed that the show gets better for you and you find more to your liking with the upcoming episodes.


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Re: Doctor who thread

Postby Lairiana » Fri Sep 09, 2011 9:54 am

I've been thinking 'Who has been getting steadily worse for quite a while now. As good as Smith is, I think the show's writing is just abysmal.
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Re: Doctor who thread

Postby Christine » Mon Aug 12, 2013 4:57 pm

Nobody excited that the new Doctor has been announced, then? I'm rather glad he's not another teen pin-up type, and would like to imagine that he'll be as sweary as his Malcolm Tucker incarnation. :D But that's probably because I read Viz too often in my youth.

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Re: Doctor who thread

Postby Ice Maiden » Wed Aug 14, 2013 2:06 am

Funny thing is we predicted this in this VLOG :)

I think he arks back to Jon Pertwee :) And Tom Baker - Its time for a change and someone older - the kids will respect their elders more I think. Matt Smith really didn't work for me compared to his predecessors like that moment where Chris Eccleston and David Tennant.

That moment when Chris held Rose's hand and said - "I can feel the spin of the earth!" Chilling, and goosebumpy! :).

Or the magical mania of David Tennant - totally believable. Matt Smith was a very lost on his own, he was an ensemble piece, and they bolted on a LOT of helpers to him for it to work. He was just boney headed and odd lookin' that helps :)
Time to go back the its roots Steve (Steven) Moffat the writer does like that.
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