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Postby anonymous1 » Wed May 08, 2013 10:03 pm

I just came across this post. I am in the exact same situation, questioning if I am trans. I have always considered myself female, never questioned it until I started to deal with my gay feelings. Since then, I have started to worry more and more am I trans?

Here are the reasons for

I am attracted mainly to women and always considered myself a lesbian, even though I didn't admit it, until I started to try and come to terms with it quite recently. However, not long before I started dealing with my gay feelings, I kind of noticed men for the first time in my life. I can appreciate if a man is attractive and I thought that I was beginning to feel some attraction but I am wondering if it's actually admiration as in I want to look like them. I kind of envy men for their effortless looks, dominant gender role, and the role they play in sex as the dominant male. Plus they can date woman with ease.

If I imagine myself as a man, I think I could kind of interpret what I feel about men as attraction, and might be a bi-sexual man. It would feel much more comfortable dealing with this as another person ie a male than as a female.

I cannot imagine being intimate with anyone in my female body. Never gave it a thought till I started questioning my sexuality, then when I did I got freaked out.

I don't feel comfortable with my female parts and body shape since questioning my sexuality and now gender. I now feel very uncomfortable looking at myself in the mirror. I don't like shaving my legs much any more, but I'm not proud of it getting my hairy legs out! It's more like I can't bare to look at my body which I would have to do to shave my legs.

Since admitting I like women, I feel uncomfortable around other women like I'm not the same as them, I don't fit in. Whereas before, I could feel like one of the girls because I did not admit to myself 'I'm gay'

I feel uncomfortable being looked at that way by men

Since all this gender confusion began, I've started to wear baggier clothes because I feel self-conscious. I get anxiety from wearing girly clothes and trying to shop for new clothes or basically anything to do with my appearance.

I would prefer to wear male clothing as it is more conservative

If I try to imagine my life in 5 years time, I cannot imagine being the person I am now ie female. Never mind in a relationship with man or woman. I have fantasies about being a successful man with a good job but it's kind of imagining me as someone else rather than me the same person but in a man's body.

These are the reasons against

I have reached my mid twenties and up until recently I have never doubted my gender identity. So it's quite a recent thing.

My best friends at school were always girls. I have had any desire to go play with the boys, act like a boy etc. I would say I was just a normal girl, not overly feminine but definitely not a tomboy. I always looked up to girls and women as my role models - like I want to look like/dress like/be like her. But now I'm wondering is that the lesbian thing.

Growing up my interests were art, learning musical instruments, reading (novels), making things (bracelets, clay models, anything like that) I was never into rough games, climbing etc that I would consider boyish. I would be sat engrossed in a book or painting!

As a child, I loved dressing up as a girl. Again could that be the lesbian thing tho?

Up until recently I have always been feminine in my appearance and interested in fashion.

I feel that if I am trans it would be a case of 'reinventing' myself as a man. It's not already there as I'm still looking/acting like a girl. Is this how it feels to be trans? like recreating a new persona, a male version of yourself with different interests, tastes etc.

When I think I may be trans, it gives me much anxiety, not happiness and relief but fear. Fear that I have to reinvent myself, my perception of the world around me will change to that of a male, so my friendships and relationships with family will change too. I get the sense I will feel differently about them from a male perspective. Like I won't relate to them in the same way. I feel like I will be shedding the person I am now and starting with a blank canvas :-( But at the same time, it feels kind of exciting to start afresh

Do you think this sounds like trans?

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Postby Aurele » Sat May 25, 2013 10:16 pm

When I think I may be trans, it gives me much anxiety, not happiness and relief but fear. Fear that I have to reinvent myself, my perception of the world around me will change to that of a male, so my friendships and relationships with family will change too. I get the sense I will feel differently about them from a male perspective. Like I won't relate to them in the same way. I feel like I will be shedding the person I am now and starting with a blank canvas :-( But at the same time, it feels kind of exciting to start afresh


It startet 8 weeks ago: my aunt told me that she was so afraid that i was born in the wrong body (i am male) because i always played with dolls and wore girls-dresses.
However this "cross-behaviour" stopped and later i felt so good being a (gay) guy!

But my aunt's quote stroke horribly! I thought: How does it feel to live in the wrong body? I had terrible fears and could not sleep for hours!
So I went to see a psychiatrist who told me: "No, you would have known for years, do not be afraid, you are a guy and you like to be a guy."
But it just didn't stop! It always came to my mind and i asked my self: would you prefere to be a women?
I went to see another psychiatrist who analysed the fear: "You have always been sourrounded by powerful women. You think that beeing a woman would be self-esteem!" And this made everything even worse because my brain then thought: you would be more self confident as a women!!!!!
Again, i went to see another therapist, a very well knwon head psychiatrist of the university of heidelberg (i am german) and who treats my now regularly. I told her about my problem and she really shouted: "NO! NO ANALYSIS! YOU HAVE A VERY DIFFICULT OCD!"
I felt quite relieved for a few days but then it began again! I always looked at women and asked myself if i was happier and if the surgery was the way out of the depressions and fears all the years ago. This made me even more terrified. I thought: Would you be so crazy to cut off your d'''k in order to got selfesteem? I felt that i had a low selfesteem. In contrary: i always considert myself as very attractive.
I told her about my thoughts and she calmed my that i would never do that because in reality i do like my manhood. But my OCD is soooo creative! Yesterday it told me, that i fear men! So i did not want to go out of my flat for hours because i thought i would shout it out loudly.

In the evening then, my OCD told my, that i had always known to be born in the wrong body. Today, it suggests that i am looking forward for the surgery. And i really wished i would be trans in order to stop this dreadful OCD! I now think that i really want to be a women and that i already feel like one. Or that i feel sad to be born as a is dreadful. I just cannot leave my bedroom....
I spoke with my parents about this weird thoughts and they were furious....they told me, that i was doing al this on porpuse in order not to finish my phd....
at least, my therapist called in order to send seroquel. she told my parents that she will never ever let me run in to my suicide (she says a surgery in my case would be a suicide) and she would rather lock me in the hospital for years until my ocd stops.

I am soooo happy, that there are people who suffer from those ocds! In germany, we only know few of the homosexual ocd, but the trans ocd is not that common over here :-)

I also should mention that i began a relationship with a bi-guy 3 months ago.....odd enough :-)

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Postby JustMe » Mon May 27, 2013 5:59 pm


Of course you can carry on being a man and nobody can force you into having a sex change.

You have already said that you are a man, you prefer to be referred to as a man, you dislike being referred to as female. You have already 'come out' as a gay man, so if you are happy as a gay man why not stay as that - a gay man and be happy? Sorry that that is rather simplistic of me. This is why you need to seek some counselling to help you find out which way you want to go.

The journey for transitioning as a Transsexual is long and hard, this is something that you need to be absolutely sure about. I am currently on the journey and although very hard, it is a journey of discovery and getting to know myself as me - a girl. I am now living my life entirely as a girl and I am in no doubt that it's where I should be. I love it when people get my pronouns right and treat me as a girl, it brings me such happiness because that is who I am and I have had to suppress it for so many years. I absolutely HATE it when people get it wrong - HATE it.

Well, I hope this helps a little.
Kerry x.
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Postby Cassie » Mon May 27, 2013 8:17 pm

Oh and hi Anonymous1 :wave:

Really sorry it's taken a while to find your post (our bad!). Ultimately the decision of whether you are trans or not is yours and yours alone. The best you can do at present is read, reasearch and chat. I'd recommend you join the forum and read some of the blogs (which you can't see at present) and see how much your feelings match those of transpeople on here.

Welcome also Aurele :wave:

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Postby Jane_D_C » Mon Jun 03, 2013 2:13 pm


You do not sound to me as though you have anything more than weak gender dysphoria (dysphoria is Greek for discomfort), if that. I do not see any evidence that you are a transsexual, and see some evidence that you are not. Gay men are men, not women. If you are happy to be a gay man, then you aren't a transsexual.

Not all transsexuals are unhappy with their bodies. For some, it is the social role that is the burning issue.

But I am not a professional, so please don't take just my word for it. Get your GP to refer you to a professional. It may take a few months to get an appointment unless you can afford a few hundred pounds to go private. Cassie is right that people fight against admitting that they are trans, just as they do against admitting that they are gay.

Hope that helps.

Jane x.
Proud to be feminine


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