I think my friend is into me but she doesn't know I'm trans

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I think my friend is into me but she doesn't know I'm trans

Postby plumkacz » Thu Nov 09, 2023 4:34 pm

Heyo :wave:
I haven't been here for sooooo long. So hell yeah now I'm finally sure I'm transgender woman and I wanna start my medical transition next year. I have a friend. She's cisgender, straight woman. I think she's into me but she doesn't know I'm trans. I'll give you some background. I met her as my friend's girlfriend about 4 years ago. Then covid hit and basically our friendship was kinda frozen. We rebuilt it for the past 2 years and created some kind of friends' group with her, her boyfriend and one more friend. Not to go too deep into details she broke up with her boyfriend this holiday. And as we got back to college at the beginning of October, she started to kinda 'magnetize' towards me. We spend a lot of time together (at least that's what I think) and I just feel that kinda 'I'm into you energy' (damn it sounds so stupid :roflx: ). I want her to know I'm transgender woman but I'm scared I'd lose her.
Thanks for all the advice :D

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