Important - Please Read

How to apply for your own support group forum.
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Important - Please Read

Postby tzone » Tue Feb 22, 2011 1:51 pm

This is a category has been created specifically for independent support groups.

Although it will be overseen and managed by the tzoneteam, it is directly under the control of the group organisers. The team will moderate the forums regarding abuse and rule breaking. It will not however directly interfere with the group dynamic. Support will be made only in private with the organiser and it is for them to decide how to deal with any challenges that may occur with individuals.

Unlike an internet forums where most people never meet, Outreach workers here do meet their members in real life. It is therefore important that the tzone regular members understand that sometimes the organisers and the team must be ultra sympathetic and diplomatic when dealing with these specific areas.


If you have a website and a support group in real life and a site (not just an internet one) you can apply for a free forum here and you will instantly be made the head moderator of your forum. Similar to the way blogs run but a whole forum rather than just a thread.

It will be labeled the same name as your group and the organiser clearly shown as the moderator. They will be given a special outreach rank that will apply globally. The members of your group are free to take part in the main forums as normal.

Your forums will have to allow input from the regular visitors of the main forums, and not only your own group. But as an organiser you can work with the moderators of the main forums if you face any problems with individuals outside of your group upsetting you, and working with the head mod deal with that as and when that arises.

If you have a website and simply want to have a transgender forums for your site (simply post the word forum on your page and link to your section here directly with lots of activity without the headache of managing it and still remain autonomous) then this is for you!

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