Voice Therapy Questionnaire

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Voice Therapy Questionnaire

Postby Freya-MMU » Mon Jan 25, 2016 12:09 am

Hi all!

I am a Speech and Language Therapy student from Manchester Metropolitan University. I am currently in my final year of studies and am carrying out a small research study for my dissertation.

This is to investigate voice perception in male-to-female transgender individuals. I am carrying out this study so that the importance of voice therapy in the transitioning process can be explored. This may contribute to what aspects of therapy are important to transgender individuals through learning about voice and self-perceptions.

If you are interesting in reading more about this study or have any queries, then please take time to read the Participant Information Sheet provided below. Once you have read this, the questionnaire link can be found on: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/77TGJ6B

If you have any further questions then please do not hesitate to contact me or my supervisor via the emails provided in the Participant Information Sheet.

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Freya Yorath (student researcher) :-)


Title of study:
Voice perception in male-to-female transgender individuals: a study into the importance and significance of voice therapy in the gender transitioning process.
You are invited to take part in a research study exploring the significance and perceptions of voice therapy in transitioning male-to-female individuals. To understand the purpose and involvement of the research, please carefully read the information provided.
Information regarding the purpose of the study and your involvement can be found below. If you should need any further information then please do not hesitate to ask. Please take time to carefully read the information and decide whether or not you wish to take part in this research study.

Purpose of the study:
This is a research study, conducted and led research by myself, Freya Yorath. I am a 3rd year Speech and Language Therapy student at Manchester Metropolitan University, studying Speech Pathology and Therapy. This research contributes towards the student’s final degree mark.
The purpose of this study is to explore and consider the importance and consequences of voice therapy as a possible influence in the gender transitioning process in male-to-female individuals.
The aim of the study is to explore aspects such as the individual’s perceptions of their voice in relation to their gender and the individual’s opinions of voice therapy and its importance in the transitioning process.

Do I have to take part?
No, this research study is entirely voluntary. You do not have to take part if you do not wish so. If you request to take part then you may keep this information sheet and will be asked to consent to the study by signing a form. Your decision to participate, or not, will not affect your access to any services regarding your transition. You have the right to withdraw from this study, without providing reason.

Why have I been chosen?
For this study, 8-12 participants will take part. Their ages will range from 18+. You have been selected because you are considered as an appropriate individual for this research.

What will happen if I take part?
If you should choose to take part in this study, you will be given this participant information sheet and a consent form to sign that consolidates your agreement to take part in the study. Then you will be asked to complete an online questionnaire as part of the research information gathering. This questionnaire includes a compilation of different questions: a scaled question e.g. the participant circles an answer on a scale from 1-5, and open box questions e.g. the participant is free to write their opinions, ideas and feedback. The questions are not compulsory to complete, if for any reason you should not want to answer a question, this is your right. All participant information is anonymous to protect the individual’s identity.
You have until February 16th 2016 if you should decide to withdraw your participation from the study. After this point the results will be used in the project and the study will conclude in April 2016, once the information gained is analysed.

What are the possible advantages/disadvantages of taking part?
The participant is able to give their opinions and feelings on matters they may not have spoken about before, this is then to be used in research that may be beneficial for others in the future who may experience the same issues.
The participant may feel positively upon reflecting on their experiences and enjoy sharing their perceptions and opinions.
The area of research I am conducting can be sensitive and personal to the individuals taking part. The participant may feel unsettled or distressed by some questions on the online questionnaire.

What happens when the research study stops?
The participants have from January 2016 until February 16th 2016 to complete their questionnaires. At this point the participant can no longer withdraw their questionnaire from the study as the results will have entered the analytical stage of the research and will be anonymised. The research will be completed by April 2016. The participants may request to read the report on completion of the study Interpretation and collection of results will be conduction by the student (myself) and supervised by Dr Emma Turley.

Will my taking part in the study be kept confidential?
• Information collected will be via online questionnaire.
• The information collected and interpreted will only be used purely for the purpose of the study.
• Participant detail will be kept anonymous, the only identifiable code will be attached with their completed questionnaire (random letter plus a number from 1 to 50 e.g. F21).
• During the study, all information and questionnaires will be secured in a password-safe computer document.
• Only the student (Freya Yorath) will have access to confidential participant identity. Supervisor (Dr Emma Turley) will have access to the report in progress, but she will not be able to access participant identity. This will be anonymised.
• Participant information will be retained for 1 month after the student is given their final degree mark. After, it shall be securely destroyed.
The procedures for handling, processing, storage and destruction of their data are compliant with the Data Protection Act 1998.

Contact Details:
If you should seek further information, validation or wish to withdraw from the study, please do not hesitate to contact:
Freya Yorath (student): 13115999@stu.mmu.ac.uk
Dr Emma Turley (supervisor): E.Turley@mmu.ac.uk (senior lecturer in psychology)

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