Hormone Prescriptions - whats yours - how bad is your care?

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Re: Hormone Prescriptions - whats yours - how bad is your ca

Postby suzi2008uk » Sun Oct 27, 2013 8:31 am

Well i can say over the last 3 years with Charing cross i have had appointment near on every 6 months, and seen iffy or dr seal who have check my weight and my blood results and explained what the results mean, Also my GP does all my blood test 10 days before i go to charing cross and gives me a print out to take with me which saves CX having to doing the tests, I find this helps me and also nothing is getting lost before my appointments.
I take decapeptyl every 3 months and done by the nurse at my GP surgery i also take estradial valerate every day and simvastatin to keep my Cholesterol levels on good order.
So i would say my care level is very good and its a shame to hear other have such a poor level of service.


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Re: Hormone Prescriptions - whats yours - how bad is your ca

Postby Christine » Sun Oct 27, 2013 10:11 am

It seems that my care at CX has been pretty middling compared to comments I've seen from other people: not as good as some, but certainly not as bad as others. Wonder if I'll be singing the same tune after my next appointment in a couple of weeks...

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Re: Hormone Prescriptions - whats yours - how bad is your ca

Postby suzi2008uk » Sun Oct 27, 2013 12:48 pm

well i dont have my next appointment till next year lol, but hoping it goes good and the service offered should be the same for everyone, but this year it seems to be getting very busy when i have been to CX this year maybe GP's should do the bloods and supply the results so can been taken when people go and that should save some time.


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Re: Hormone Prescriptions - whats yours - how bad is your ca

Postby Christine » Sun Oct 27, 2013 1:56 pm

well i dont have my next appointment till next year lol, but hoping it goes good and the service offered should be the same for everyone, but this year it seems to be getting very busy when i have been to CX this year maybe GP's should do the bloods and supply the results so can been taken when people go and that should save some time.
It was quite a speedy appointment: this one was only a five month wait! :D

Fortunately, my GP is happy for me to do my blood tests at their surgery (though it's a bit of a lucky dip as to which ones the local path lab actually do...) which I can then email to Iffy, and I take a printed copy down there with me to. They do fax the results to CX, but it's not unknown for the fax to go missing on its long trek from the post room to the recipient's office...

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Re: Hormone Prescriptions - whats yours - how bad is your ca

Postby belli » Mon Mar 17, 2014 6:06 pm

Hi all

I have only found out lately that my HRT, Which happens to be 7 Progynova 2mg tablets a day = 14 mg a day was way to high. This I only found out as I was getting discharged from CX after having SRS. I have been on this level from back July 2012.

Myself and my GP was told was to keep upping the does in till we got to the right oestradiol levels
All that GIC doc looked at was serum oestradiol levels and not what the does was.

Sadly I was none the wiser, and I was the first Trans person my GP had ever treaded.

On good note I have spoken to iffy and know I am waiting for my 8 week ops opp blood test so we can try and fix this.

Kind regards

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