A recent data point on waiting times

Claire Yorks
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Re: A recent data point on waiting times

Postby Claire Yorks » Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:54 pm

One of Trans Yorkshires members whose referral with approved funding was received by CX in November as been told that her first appointment will be perhaps/maybe the summer of next year at the earliest.

It occurred to me that the only way that the official waiting time of 7 months can with this 18 month is if CX as in effect a shadow waiting list. That is referrals are filed with no further action taken until there is a space on the official list. The official list is the NHS measure of meeting the waiting time target a shadow climax non waiting list would not immediately attract the scrutiny of the DOH because by its nature it doesn't officially exist.

Claire Eastwood
Trans Yorkshire

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Re: A recent data point on waiting times

Postby Christine » Tue Feb 19, 2013 4:37 pm

Ouch, that's a long time. :( I've heard of tell of other health services implementing a waiting list to get on the waiting list but I think that's the first time I've seen it in action. Nasty.

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Re: A recent data point on waiting times

Postby Christine » Tue Jan 07, 2014 6:16 pm

I've been reading some worrying stuff on the CX fb group about waiting times: both in terms of initial appointments now taking a year, and them not doing surgical referrals for "several weeks", whatever that means.

I've mentioned elsewhere that I only had one appointment with a clinician last year, and that accomplished nothing at all, being pretty much a waste of time.

CX will of course insist that it's a problem caused by a lack of funding, but that's not what I'm seeing: there seems to be a fantastic waste of resources there, they're not actually being used at all effectively. For example, again to reprise, I was referred to a counsellor. Why? No reason was given and she seemed to be fishing for things to do. During my second appointment she focussed on something that wasn't a problem and harangued me about it: I left feeling very upset and demoralised. There were third and fourth appointments that CX didn't bother to tell me about and then berated me for not attending. So that's five appointments last year that could have had clinical significance for me or other patients that were completely wasted.

I've also written about my appointment with Dr Barrett being cancelled at the 11th hour so that he could attend a meeting.

Sorry, but I don't buy this lack of funds at all. What they seem to have is a severe and chronic lack of organisation. Maybe what CX needs isn't more funding but a competent manager.

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Re: A recent data point on waiting times

Postby Jane_D_C » Sun Jan 26, 2014 11:38 pm

The other issue is that according to GIRES there are now 20% more patients in the system than there were in 2010.
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Re: A recent data point on waiting times

Postby Adriana » Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:59 pm

Hey not sure if this is the right section but here goes :-)

After coming out to my psychiatrist and doctor as trans at the end of last year i got refered to notts gdc the first time in april after not hearing anything i started phoning them they couldnt even find my first referral so my doctor had another one sent for me in August.
Finally they have this one but i still havent heard a thing :cry:
I just feel so frustrated i need my referral letter so I can move forward with my doctor.

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