My Story.

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My Story.

Postby TBM » Thu Feb 12, 2015 2:16 am

This is the first time I've ever typed this out or put it into any detail beyond a few spoken sentences.

When I was a little kid I used to play with dolls and toy kitchens and imagine I was Barbie's/Tiny Tears' mother. But I also used to play with He-Man and Thundercats toys as well. I used to proudly take my dolls everywhere with me, on the bus, everywhere. I wanted to be the little mermaid and be loved by a prince charming. I would quite literally consciously try to sing in the highest pitched, girliest voice I could do, when someone heard it and asked who was singing, I would stop and run away. I did this until my voice broke.

But I never cross dressed. Even if I loved the idea of it. I knew even as a seven year old that they'd be judgin. I never felt like one of the girls. How could I be? I looked nothing like them. So as I grew up, I didn't and don't speak to girls much. I've never had a date, never been kissed. I don't care anymore now, to get romance. I had to stop caring for my own health.

During secondary school though I hit the gym, won a couple of karate trophies, tried to be as manly as possible. But then guess what happened? The second I get access to the family PC, I would play MMO's with a female avatar. I spent huge amounts of time on painting a female model, neglected my studies and dropped out of university. I spent the next five years as a shut in, only going out some four times a year. But it was then that I started writing and drawing a graphic novel trilogy, starring three females. For six years I completely abandoned my male identity, living online as a woman.

Her name is Aya Taylor. My younger brother thought I was doing it to troll people online, but I knew different. I had dropped my old straight male best friend, who expected my old male self, and I couldn't relate to him anymore. I even turned down the offer to be godfather to his child. I just couldn't do it, wear a suit and be a man anymore. I had gotten a new best friend online, a female. And we talked throughout that time. I would stay up ridiculous hours for a chance to talk to her. (Different time zones). As long as I could write and draw and be Aya online, I would get by. And I did.

Then I got obsessed. I would spend all my time drawing a female character in particular, wanting her to look as I saw her in my head. She started out innocent and simple, but became a troubled, tortured soul. I relate strongly to her to this day. Drawing her took priority over eating. I became underweight and my mother thought I had an eating disorder. A hospital doctor took one look at me and said I'm "wasting away". But unbelievably, I liked the way my face looked. It looked thinner and more feminine. I wanted to lose even more weight and have a beautiful sculpted face, like a supermodel. Thankfully I had read alot about anorexia beforehand and saw and respect the danger and power of such thoughts. I made a conscious effort to stop that before it took hold and I was somewhat successful.

But then at Christmas 2008, I thought this couldn't go on. Time to MAN UP. So I told my online best friend, Kristen, who I really was. She was fine with it. Even suspected as much, as I had been feeling guilty about deceiving her for the weeks leading up to it. But this sent me into a tailspin of depression and psychological meltdown. I would stay in bed crying with the curtains drawn and barely get out of bed at all. Even drawing didn't help. So I was booked in to see a therapist. My mother thought I was autistic, so wanted me tested.

I was twenty five at this point, never had a job, living at my mother's house, and had "failed to launch."

So I went to my GP, requested said test and some therapy. I told my therapist, three of them in fact that I feel like a girl inside. But I said I can't be feeling that. I am a man! Manly! But she could see in my face how terrible I looked. Unhealthy and off colour. As she could literally see the depression in my face, I was offered anti depressants, but I refused as I don't believe in numbing my problems with meds. Her and another mental health worker believed I has slight psychosis in my beliefs when I told them I'll always have that desire to be female, and I have to live with that. For the rest of my life probably. I had told them that it wasn't so bad as to make me want to transition, and that I could always control it. With sheer willpower.

I told my mother that I had some uncertainty on my gender identity. She said it doesn't matter, people are what they are. But later on in a quarrel she said "You were the one who said you didn't know if you liked men or women". Which isn't really what I said, but whatever.

They diagnosed me with Asperger Syndrome. My mother wanted me to move out and learn life skills so I went to live at a supported living accomodation for people with learning disabilities.

Then I thought, I'll hit the gym again and exercise my way out of depression, lift weights and reclaim my masculinity. No dice. I very rarely look at myself naked but a few months in when I started noticing increased muscle size I got hit with anxiety and panic attacks. I even went to the ER twice because I thought I was having a heart attack.

I recently bought a wig that I thought looked stunning in a shop window. I sometimes put it on a mannequin head in my room, and just stare at it and admire it. I wouldn't dare try it on, as I know it would break my heart. I want it all or nothing at all. Which I suppose is why I never really cross dressed and never learned about make up. I couldn't pull it off anyway. Rather than be jealous of cis women, or even trans women, I'm more jealous of effeminate guys who could pull off a transition if they wanted. Guys like Sunny5ma of youtube. Why couldn't I look like that? :cry:

There are upsides, I've gone back to college to study art, but it's really a means to an end (Graphic Novel). I've rekindled the friendship with my old male school friend, though we're not nearly as close as we once were. Amusingly he had this exchange on facebook:


-no Sisters of Battle

****** Roberts (him)
12/17, 11:51pm


***** Roberts
12/17, 11:52pm
***** Roberts

What the duck is it with u n female models n drawings lol

So clearly the reason behind u n ur thing with women.

A tad more difficult to relate to than he used to be.

But truthfully I've grown numb. Not happy, but not in pain anymore. I spend my days doing art, listening to music, watching amusing videos or interesting documentaries. I follow and watch videos by trans people and read forums on the topic on a regular basis. I admire their bravery and am dismayed by trans phobia. When it comes to breaking gender expectations in front of people, I'm a complete chickenshit. Nor do I want painful surgery, to be seen as "qu*er" or mocked, or take pills for the rest of my life. Which is why I conclude my issues can't be that bad compared to others.

Which is why I will say I'm not and can never be a girl. I am not Aya. I'm a man with a caged girl inside his heart who needs feeding constantly.

I'm still at the supported living accommodation, still going to college. I watch alot of videos about becoming "an alpha male". But...meh.

I barely put any effort in grooming or my appearance because there's no point. I just want to stay alive long enough to get my graphic novels finished and published. After that it doesn't matter.

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Re: My Story.

Postby JustMe » Thu Feb 12, 2015 8:59 pm


I just wanted to say hello and welcome to the site. You've already taken a huge step (in the right direction) by coming on here and writing down your thoughts and feelings. Believe it or not, there are many here who are just like you. I was one who said 'I'm a man and I should just 'man up'' but in reality, there was only so long I could do that. Eventually, I came to the realisation that I couldn't go on the way I was - trying to fit into society the way everybody who knew me expected. Yes, I used the female avatar as an escape and got quite addicted for a number of years. But eventually I could no longer cope. I thought that I was a pretty laid back and quite happy person but inside I was always so sad - I just wished so desperately to be a girl. The thing is, that unbeknown to me - people who knew me always thought there was a sadness there which they couldn't put their finger on. Well, when I eventually started transition - the sheer relief to finally be ME was (and still is) indescribable. I am now almost 2 years into RLE and just over 3 years since I decided that I needed to transition - I wouldn't go back for anything. You have a lot going on TBM and all I will say is that you are not alone. I so hope that one of my friends here will come along and give you some better advice than I've been able to at this stage - but I did just want to show that there are people here who do come along and read what you have to say, if possible we may even try to give advice based on our own experiences.

Take care and do keep posting,
Kerry x.
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Re: My Story.

Postby TBM » Fri Feb 13, 2015 3:07 pm

I tried the wig on last night. Was pretty much what I expected.

It's my forum avatar, but that's just camera tricks and airbrushing.

I had this exchange with my mother this morning. Mothers in red im in green.

Mother: good morning *******, how r things?

Me: hm
not well

can i ask ur opinion on somethig

have you been to the it something physical or is it depression, cos you look a little depressed to me

how does one look depressed

I just know

- howd u know

cos ur grandmother suffers from bouts of depression, I use to and still do sometimes etc etc.....we have a family history, probably related to aspergers, it's not uncommon in that condition
oh and plus *********

- thats nothing new though, been depressed for over a decade

-well do something about it!

-like what- drugs?

-there's therapy, there's counselling on the NHS u can get the leaflet either from the pharmacy or your's really good so I've heard

well i told you before i have gender identity issues.

ok well go to the doctor, they will refer you to someone who is a specialist in that department, there is nothing wrong with that! ... a.jpg.html
as you can see there

Don't be embarrassed to talk to your doctor, Dr ******** has heard it all

nah i dont want to do anything about it

well then it will just fester and make u feel worse, so man up and do something about it

i dont care if it festers
it probably will but who cares , just keep my mind busy and get on with it

There's nothing wrong with a bit of support

yeah i guess not, though i got online support forums

It's not the same though as these are just opinions, the counsellors are qualified and will give you the support you need!
also u could do with a little holiday, you've not had one for years or in fact, not at all

after my course

i can bring this issue up with the GP. Not expecting much from the NHS though
i mean all those years online at number 41 when i had no interest in the real world - what do you think i was living as.
but as i said, i dont want to treat it i just want to talk about it maybe in a support groupor something
ill get by - i always have.

There's no doubt that things will get bad and subside and get bad again. I know I'm probably still in denial, but I'm thinking overall that I can control it. Up till now, I didn't think I was a true transgender (I still think I might not be) because I had been looking at my behaviour in bits, which is much easier to blame on social forces, and mental illness, never saw it as a cohesive trend. It took typing it out to realise that those with pasts similar to mine have seen it as enough reason to transition. When I go to the GP though, Id ask for therapy or to have a local supportgroup recommended. But realistically what will that do? Lately this I'm struggling to even think about anything else other than being female. Fighting it isn't an option. I have to channel it in the form of art and writing. People live with chronic conditions all their life. I don't think this is any different.
Last edited by TBM on Fri Feb 13, 2015 4:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: My Story.

Postby Ice Maiden » Fri Feb 13, 2015 4:13 pm

You have a very feminine face nose and lips - lucky! :thumbup: [yesss] :thumbup: :-) :-) :angeleyes:
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Re: My Story.

Postby TBM » Fri Feb 13, 2015 4:33 pm

That picture was chosen out of dozens, carefully cropped (you see little of the jaw) and airbrushed digitally. I'm not that lucky. What I am is a good artist. [yesss]

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