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Postby Casaluna » Mon Nov 25, 2013 2:16 pm

Last edited by Casaluna on Wed May 13, 2015 1:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Letting go of ones past...

Postby Christine » Mon Nov 25, 2013 2:34 pm

I must admit I'm ambivalent about it and can't commit to whether I think it's a good or a bad thing. Maybe it's because I'm indecisive.

From a personal perspective, it was my life, even if I was living it as someone else, so I guess it's nice to have some reminders of that; and I do draw some strength when comparing who I was with who I am.

On the other hand, erasing the "wrongness" from one's life could also be a very empowering thing: it was a diversion, a wrong turn, an chapter of our life that wasn't ours.

I guess it's an intensely personal thing that comes down to whatever works best for someone!

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Re: Letting go of ones past...

Postby JustMe » Mon Nov 25, 2013 8:41 pm

I agree whole heartedly with Christine :clap: :clap: :clap: .

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Re: Letting go of ones past...

Postby bethy » Tue Nov 26, 2013 11:55 am

The past is the past for a reason. You can not change what has already happened. Just accept it, move on and change your future. The things you burnt are those that made you who you are today, good or bad. Each to their own, there is no good way or bad way to get rid of your past memories.
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Re: Letting go of ones past...

Postby BeckiKeiko » Sat Dec 07, 2013 5:39 pm

Hi Casaluna,

How are you doing? I liked your post because pasts are something to come to terms with and by freeing yourself you free a lot of pent up anger and frustration. It's normal and it's OK to do that. It's a really good coping mechanism and I'm glad you've written about it. Being free to express how you feel about your past allows you to move on.

I waited 36 years before I was strong enough to come out and remember the passion of throwing away all the "mens" clothes I was made to wear. Anger was my first response, and then pain and upset of the way I'd been forced and coerced by society, and how I'd held myself back because of it.

I'm not angry any more, just relieved. But I still have times when I cry about it. I think we all carry with us our experiences, you are angry for the inner you who wanted to come out and you are looking after yourself by letting yourself express that.

I think... also... lots of hugs and a really close friend are needed too. I suspect there are a lot of tears to come.

Thank-you for sharing x
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