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Doctor Cute

Postby WeWantWaffles » Thu Apr 10, 2014 10:42 am

Okay. I went to the hospital again recently- this time it was endocrinology..

... and I met the most -adorable- doctor you could ever imagine. She was SO cute, I couldn't help but constantly smile and even let out a little laugh at one point. I will call her Doctor Cute, and she's a short darkhaired woman in her early twenties!

Doctor cute guided me to an exam room and said;
"Oh! Your name is Sarah, mm? I love that name!" *she snickers, giggles*
"I love it so much. It's my favorite name--! Because.. it's my name too!"

She asked me about my experiences, and whenever she asks a question you could read her facial expressions in such a clear way. She emoted like no one else I've ever seen, the deepest most interested frown as she listens to my 'problems', or the most cheerful wiggle of her legs when she typetypetypes at the computer! xD Sometimes she was adorably awkward-

"So, you have some breast development. C-can I see?", to which I said, "Well, you are my doctor!" And after she took a glance, she added "May I have a feel? Is that okay?" .. it was just beyond endearing. I want to keep her? Like, just to cheer me up on a sad day xD

And that was doctor cute. Was a pretty nice day.
- Sarah
And at the end of it all, I just want them to say; "Oh, that Sarah. She was a pretty awesome chick."

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Re: Starting HRT

Postby Christine » Thu Apr 10, 2014 10:44 am

Awesome! :D

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