What do i wear to a wedding

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Re: What do i wear to a wedding

Postby tzone » Tue Mar 23, 2021 4:35 pm

Well I think the most important thing is not about you but rather NOT to upstage the bride!

I am sure there will be some wry smiles and polite comments. But thats understandable. After that you can back away and ensure the Bride has their day. What do you want to wear? Wear what you want... But obviously formal attire Maybe a cute hat? I am not the best person in the world to offer fashion advice. Rather I suspect this is about you arriving and everyone going silent (the piano stops playing) and turning around like the new sheriff in town in a wild west saloon! :lolno:

Dress to fit in with the crowd. Sadly if you overdo the outfit people would tut disparagingly even if you were cisgender. A white pant suit can look amazing with heels and it may help push back any awkwardness. But I suspect many reading this would say wear a dress if thats what you want... sadly there are no easy answers.

(Ice Maiden)

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Re: What do i wear to a wedding

Postby tzone » Tue Mar 23, 2021 4:36 pm


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