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Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 6:54 pm
by thedreadpersephone
This thread is suspiciously empty - are we all couch potatoes?

I recently got a new bike. ... ewBike.jpg

Don't be taken in by the photo - I'm not particularly athletic. I resisted getting a bike for years (my parents and Mole are all keen cyclists). When I eventually gave in, it was more for the practical reasons of needing a quick, cheap way of getting from home - train station - uni and back again three days a week. When I finished my course at University I started cycling to work every day. Now I'm at the point where I will happily go out for a longer cycle (20-30 miles) at the weekend if the weather is nice, especially if the route is reasonably flat and traffic-free. At heart I'm quite lazy, so it's tempting to avoid exercise. However, my bike is my way of getting to work so it's fairly unavoidable. Don't get me wrong - there are cold, wet days when I really don't fancy getting on the bike. But mostly it's a pleasant way of traveling.

Re: Cycling

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 8:36 am
by troodles4
Hi All,
I won't cycle due to reasons I won't go into. However I do a lot of walking. Were i live is quite hilly,living in the Pennines this is to be expected. However the views are worth the effort. Also I get to go when the weather is favorable and I'm not confined by holidays. Not to mention some excellent local beer on the way home. :)

Re: Cycling

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 11:58 pm
by Flameboy
You look very athletic in that pic TDP! Personally, I don't fancy cycling at all, just not my thing I'm afraid, depsite the fact that I know it would be good for both me and the environment!

Re: Cycling

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 4:24 am
by Moose
Nice bike TDP! I'm really into cycling. Think it's a great way to keep fit and a cheap way to travel. It's very enjoyable, especially if you're cycling with someone else (or your iPod). Generally I cycle to and from college/work most days, a good half hour cycle in the morning definitely wakes me up! lol.

Re: Cycling

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 5:52 pm
by thedreadpersephone
Well winter is over so it's time to get back on your bike.

Actually I've been cycling throughout the winter (except when there is more than a few centimetres of snow on the ground :( ) but it's only now that it actually becomes enjoyable rather than just something to grit your teeth through. This week I've been out in a t-shirt with no jacket or gloves - however one hairy-legged Mole I know has been out in shorts and t-shirt for a couple of weeks already :crazy:

If your bike has been lying neglected the last few months, do take it into a shop for some maintenance before heading off on a 100 mile ride. I know almost nothing about the finer points of bicycle maintenance - but if your tyres are flat, gears are clogged or brakes are worn away you'll soon notice!