FTM transmen issues.
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Postby Felix » Fri Sep 30, 2011 8:49 am

Hya Guys well I'm two days Post Op my chest revision off Mr Kneeshaw in Castle Hill Hospital in Hull. He's done a great job considering I started out 20 months ago a size 38 eeeeeee, lol rather large anyways ;) Its taken three lipo suctions and two chest lifts to sculpt my chest into what he wanted but I think its finally there although he might do a nipple shave at a later date :) I've put pics on Face Book on my private account Helios Pistis if anyone wants a look or I can email them before and after pics :)

Felix :)

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Postby RedGeorge » Sat Nov 12, 2011 12:21 am

Hi everyone,

sorry if this is in the wrong thread but I'm having some issues with my GP and funding. He's quite dismissive about the whole 'transition' thing anyway and when I saw him today basically said he would try to get chest surgery funding from the PCT but that as it wouldn't be considered a particularly important operation I shouldn't get my hopes up.

I've been under charing X for over a year and they are more than happy for to have and have referred me to Catherine Milroy at St George's who is happy to do it. Other than sit tight and hope for the best is there anything I can do about his less than helpful attitude to the whole thing and has anyone else experienced anything similar?

Sorry for the essay but to be so near yet so far is quite distressing.

Hope you're all well.

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Postby Make_It_Good » Sun Nov 20, 2011 12:51 pm


I had chest surgery with Mr. Ward just over 5months ago. I had the double incision, he trimmed the aereolas (but left the nipples the same, but they werent big anyway). I am pleased with how it looks. My left nipple has stretched, but thats nothing to do with the surgery, just the healing. Overtime sensation has been returning to my nipples/chest area that lost sensation after surgery. Id actually expected to permanently lose nipple sensation, which didnt bother me, so it comes as a nice surprise to feel it returning :)

If anyone has any question about my surgery with Mr. Ward, Im happy to answer them :)

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Postby Felix » Sun Nov 27, 2011 9:42 am

Hya Tom My areola and nipples were kept on pedicles and alive through out both my chest lifts and I have retained sensation too. My surgeon was Mr Kneeshaw here in Hull he is an excellent surgeon and I would recommend him to anyone. I had a big chest and he did mine peri areola it took some time but I was his first FtM even though he's done many male chests as he reconstructs chests after cancer and deals with gaenomastasea in gm males. If you want to know anything else feel free to ask......Felix :)

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Postby firebird » Sat Jan 28, 2012 7:04 pm

Hey guys!

I'm having my top surgery in 1 or 2 months - the date is set on March 29th, but because I'm wishing to have it sooner that what's planned (because I want to have more time to heal before the next exams) I'm going to call the hospital and ask if they could re-shedule my surgery.

I'm asking you guys to give me some suggestions - what kind of clothes should I pack for the day after the surgery? Is there anything really important to remember? Just post whatever you think would be good to share with me and/or anyone else preparing for the surgery....

Also, I want to show you what I found when I was browsing the internet looking for hints. An article with title: "Preparing for the plastic surgery"... I thought this could be really useful for all of us; here's the link:

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