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Re: Help needed. Your experiences with hysterectomy?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 9:18 pm
by GalmOne
Speaking of hysterectomy, does anyone know how/if it's performed in Hungary? I'm planning to transition as soon as I get permanent residence in the EU, and I've recently achieved a big step forward for that; I'll work for at least 5 years in Hungary, as the company I work for needs someone to take care of a big investment in this Budapest real estate, and I have both experience and some bases of Hungarian, so I received that mission. I've talked to my boss, and he's okay with me undergoing the operation and legal change after the first year of said mission. And thus, I'd like to know if it'd be better to transition in that country, or in another EU country nearby, and it'd be great if you folks know a specific clinic that can provide these services.

Re: Help needed. Your experiences with hysterectomy?

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 8:05 pm
by Cloe
Thank you so much for the answer!

In Greece the health system works in a different way so no primary care doctors (i have idea what this is haha!) but he is being watched by an endocrinilogist yes. As for his headaches and vision he has to go at 2 different doctors, he has already set appointments. We have to go also at a gynecologist to guide him through the hysterectomy process and cons.
I asked here because we wanted a personal view on this by someone because there are things that you will not learn from the statistics and the doctors maybe will not tell you.
He is already on T for the past one and half year and he doesn't have a period, so we are good on that.But those migraines are a killer sometimes. Taking half a dose on T is working quite good on the migraines but not always.

He is now thinking of stoping the T treatment altogether in a year or so, he is afraid of all the side effects of a hysterectomy (and there are many from what i have read). He thinks that maybe staying a bit longer on T to at least grow some more facial hair and have a more enlarged clitoris and then stop will work for him ok.
But he will consider every option.

Thank you again for taking the time to answer us! ^^