I Survived the Zombie Apocalypse REVIEW - Transgender Leah - BBC3

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I Survived the Zombie Apocalypse REVIEW - Transgender Leah - BBC3

Postby Ice Maiden » Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:23 pm

I Survived the Zombie Apocalypse - Transgender Leah - BBC3

Trans Woman Leah is 'Survivor' in the BBC's Latest BBC Three Effort.

BBC Three


Described at the time of commissioning by the BBC as “This is a tongue-in-cheek game show that will really test one’s mettle. I think people will die to be a part of it.”


Leah (Says she is a Man?)


What is this exactly?

A group of people seem to have moved into a business park that has gone bankrupt (Joke this review will be very tongue-in-cheek) or is being built somewhere and one of the 'housemates' is trans ('Housemates' copyright Big Brother) in this case called 'Survivors'?

Who all seemed to have been lucky enough to have moved into a Branch of Boots by the looks of it. There is a girl named Leah. I assume as I will state later I am not sure how she identifies.


The show is basically imagine 'The Crystal Maze' (Google the images of it very similar plan shots http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/e ... 79x229.jpg) made love to 'Big Brother'- Big Brother series 1 that would be - whilst Derren Brown, 'Apocalypse' Watch that here http://www.channel4.com/programmes/derr ... /55169-001 (which was actually better made) and a factory outlet/shopping centre that is closed on a Sunday :-) looks on. Throw in a bunch of Extras (I am waiting for Ricky Gervais to goon at the camera at any moment in a Micheal Jackson Thriller'Esque' get up.


But no, this is your Licence Fee being put to good use as we can all see!

Of course, in this 'Zombie Apocalypse' hair and makeup is not an issue, nor is cleanliness or clothes, not a dark root in sight. If this really were the end of the world, nail varnish would not be on the agenda - or at least it would be chipped. For a more realsitic take on how close we are to eating each other if the electricity went off tomorrow check out Channel 5's ''10,000 years BC' but that is equally one of those 'survival' programmes just wrapped-up in skins. I think probably one of the most realistic programmes like this was and when it was actually a pretty recent format was where Ben Fogle made his name on the Island of Taransay, in 'Castaway' made by the BBC in 2000 - my goodness if there had of been a firearm there it could have all gone very wrong! Those were the days eh?

Anyways back to 'reality'... Um yeah right...

This is the level it is for me and kinda hilarious. I think the very fact the 'Survivors' know this is the case makes it a bit of a joke. And a bit pointless really. Their expressions running away is almost like playing 'kiss-chase' in the playground. In a world of Health and Safety, I suspect even sharp corners of this Zombie zone have had to be sanded off lest the poor little things hurt themselves. Drop them onto an island with wolves and bears and film it with Drones - now I would watch that! If 'The Hunger Games' and 'Maze Runner' has proven anything, this is not what we want! ITV have tried another format called 'Release the Hounds' but that's all clearly 'gummy dogs' now if a face had been bitten off I would think hmmmm... Well this is actually dangerous. I wonder how many would then apply? Watch that here https://www.itv.com/itvplayer/release-t ... /episode-1 I think you will agree this at least has some jeopardy and fear and nobody cares what gender they are. The BBC just don't get it!

Here we see Toby the Zombie (not his real name, one I have made up to show this for what it is) upset about what they have done to his Ford Focus.


Toby who was absolutely fantastic in the role!

Me - "I just loved your performance Dahling!"

Toby - "Oh yes I thought I would throw myself into the leg-dragging and groaning and play with it a little!



They have tasks to perform that heighten the risk of being caught by Toby amongst others on his day off ;).

This is the Crystal Maze Element - The French version of 'Fort Boyard' was better when it first began (I was in France at that time and they did it really well).

Some scenes from the series.

I am focusing on this transgender issue here, as this is relevant to this site as Leah comes out as "being a man" - Leah's words.

I assume the she pronoun is in order? But who knows?


They have a task to collect water. Leah and the gang check their hair and grab some sterile plastic containers - that's handy. I can never find a container even without Zombies around.



Leah - "They're gonna come, they're gonna come, I am f*cking scared now!" (There is a joke here but I won't go there!).

"Shushhh noise attracts them - we are gunna die!"

"He's coming, he's coming, lord have mercy!" (Please stop! This is funny).

"Everyone's got a secret!"

"What's yours"

"I'll tell you at some point."

(about 5 mins later)









comment - Above we see in the subtitles as they hid upstairs to say it, that the response to Leah saying "I am a man" was but but you look so pretty! This only suggests that most transgender people are assumed to be butt ugly embarrassments I suppose - there is a message here. If he had said that about race, if she had said I am mixed race, and he said, really? but you look so white and normal. There would be hell to pay! Think about it BBC! If she were not trans and said she was a billionaire as her secret instead? Would he then say, But you look so feminine?



Vogue it down the stairs! It's fine, it is only the end of the world - throw yourselves into it at least! I felt it was just Center Parcs with some publicity for them to get 'noticed'.

Stating "I was born a man? "I am a man!" Really is Jerry Springer's influence here on programme-makers. I doubt she has ever known what it was to be a man, my gut tells me she has always been a girl maybe she had to pretend to be a boy for a while for society? I cannot speak for her, but this actually does play into the transphobes. I apologise if Leah identifies as a male. I just hope she is telling the truth as she passes so well, sadly the actual point of having transgender people on this show is lost. In this instance the public have to rely on cross-dressing, Lady Gaga-obsessed Thom for their camp fix.

There is heavy irony in all this, as once someone is for all purpose male or female and identifies as such, then the essence of their 'trans-currency' (here it is used http://library.transgenderzone.com/?page_id=2987 ) is lost. Then they are a man or woman with a trans history. This is why they have to reinforce it with shock words like "I AM A MAN!!!!" as the male is on sale... (pun copyright me). Noone is interested in Leah a girl. Would she even have been selected without this element to her life. Does she have to come out every time she does anything? "Hi I am.... I am actually a man!" Very odd - and a bit sad.


Positives -

Transgender woman (I assume) had been invited to take part.
Hilarious rather than scary!

Negatives -

Already an old-fashioned format.

I feel this is very tokenistic, and I just wonder if Leah were not trans or passable, would Leah be there at all? One could say, it kinda defeats the object as to state "you are a man," this felt like production coercion to 'up the ratings' as where did the 'we all have secrets' conversation come from? Plus she is a late-comer.

Most trans I now state the were always the gender they are now, they just were prevented from being it. So using this one-liner is akin to the Jerry Springer show doing the same. This is in fact actually very damaging to many transgender viewers, especially those not as 'blessed' as Leah In how's they look or in their freedom to exist.

Nevertheless it was interesting to see a girl that despite it Being a zombie apocalypse managed to keep her hair and make-up in good standing.

When they get caught they pretend to die and lie on thee floor in a contorted way and it is all very silly,

This Episode ended with the Voice-Over:

"Why not send in photos of yourself as a Zombie and we will show them next week at the end of the programme!" What is this 'Blue Peter' (Children's BBC TV show)?

Image 2/5 TZ Stars - Below Average.

2 Stars. Just because it was bloody awful, trans or not, however, have to gives one star, for at least them putting a trans*person in their programme even if it was apparently for all the wrong reasons.

NB - As a final say, I think Leah is a very lovely girl (I assume again apologies if Leah identifies as male some people do), and this is not about her personally, rather the way this is formatted which feels a tad cynical.


Leah's Profile

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Re: I Survived the Zombie Apocalypse REVIEW - Transgender Leah - BBC3

Postby Ice Maiden » Mon Feb 23, 2015 5:05 pm

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Re: I Survived the Zombie Apocalypse REVIEW - Transgender Leah - BBC3

Postby Ice Maiden » Mon Feb 23, 2015 5:06 pm

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Re: I Survived the Zombie Apocalypse REVIEW - Transgender Leah - BBC3

Postby Ice Maiden » Mon Feb 23, 2015 5:06 pm

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