Male Pattern Baldness

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Rachael Karen
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Male Pattern Baldness

Postby Rachael Karen » Mon May 23, 2011 6:01 pm

Male Pattern Baldness:
Sorry to ask I have just read on a thread about hair,and a post placed and just need to confirm something. It is proboably a question that everyone thinks but never asks:

"I was receeding slightly at the front and had a small bald patch on the crown and this was now gone due to HRT."

I have receeded at the front (ÂŁ2 coin size both sides of fringe) and have a 10p piece bald spot on the crown.I am 41 years old and still have brown hair (No greys)
My GP has given me FINASTERIDE 1mg tablets per day on a private prescription(I hope to get this prescribed on NHS after my 1st appointment at Notttingham GIC next month).

Was it the Hormone Replacement medication that initated the growth of your hair or Finasteride or both.

Be Safe

Rachael Karen :thumbup:

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Re: Male Pattern Baldness

Postby Cassie » Mon May 23, 2011 6:58 pm

Here's the pm I sent you:
It's hard to tell what did what. It was explained to me that Finasteride would prevent further hair loss and then the HRT would stimulate regrowth but i'm pretty sure I had my first major regrowth on Finasteride alone. It does take a long time - three months until you see any change in your hair - and after two years of Finasteride i've just got round to going wigless. It's said that anything that fell out in the last five to ten years should come back. It grows much more quickly over summer too.

FWIW I had very thin coverage on top... there was hair everywhere but using a mirror I could see the ceiling light reflecting off my skin (sad!). That's not the case anymore as it's thickened up greatly. New hair grows close to old so if you have a bigger bald patch it'll take longer to fill.
Your hair sounds just like mine!

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Re: Male Pattern Baldness

Postby JENNYJET » Mon May 23, 2011 7:28 pm

I have been on some kind of anti-androgen medication for some 4 years now and remain on it as a post-op. I started with Finasteride 5mg daily, then graduated to Decapeptyl injections every 12 weeks to prepare for pre surgery T levels and now I am on Cyproterone 50mg daily. My bald patch was and remains the size of a dinner plate and body hair is rampant.

It seems to me that ones own biology has a big part to play in these matters and that thyne own has an agenda all of it's own and the prospect of me going wigless remains remote :(

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Re: Male Pattern Baldness

Postby Ice Maiden » Mon May 23, 2011 7:35 pm

Hey babs windsor and Joan Collins proudly wear wigs as doe Brucie and Terry Wogan (allegedly) ;)

nothin wrong with wigs ask Lady Gaga :makeupx: :clap: :thumbup: :wave: :wtf: :D ;) :( :o :shock: :? :cool:
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Pink Bunny
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Re: Male Pattern Baldness

Postby Pink Bunny » Mon May 23, 2011 8:23 pm

Well I''ve been on 5mg of Finasteride for 9 Mnths Now.

That was to regrow My Hair Loss the size of a 2 Pound Coin on Both Temple Areas.

& I have New Hair Growing. Yaa :clap:

Soo I'm Well Pleased. :D

Byeee Robyn Suzanne. :wavey:

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