Male Pattern Baldness

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Re: Male Pattern Baldness

Postby JENNYJET » Mon May 23, 2011 8:28 pm

Getting the correct wig is everything and recent comments about blonde wigs being a giveaway has unsettled me somewhat as I have always worn dark blonde since first day of transition. Even my passport shows me as blonde. I own a brown wig but it is unmanageable because there is so much of it and being human hair, it needs expert care in order to fit my face etc. and I do not possess those skills and I do not know anyone I can trust to style and cut it for me.

If there is a medication out there that can restore some measure of my lost hair then I shall be grateful but sadly I fear there is nothing other than implants and I have little donor hair to work with and even less cash to finance the work and to what end? I am 51, past it as far as sexual interest from men and I doubt a lesbian would look at me once let alone twice :shock:

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Re: Male Pattern Baldness

Postby Jane_D_C » Thu May 26, 2011 7:03 pm

My impression is that the effect was discovered with Finasteride administered to cis men for prostate problems. They were not prescribed estrogen LOL.

I also get the impression that the effect works better on soome trans women than others.

I have seen no benefit myself after 6 months of Finasteride 5mg. Someone once told me that it took her 8 years :crazy:


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Re: Male Pattern Baldness

Postby freespirit » Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:45 pm

This is all truely depressing! and maybe I should never have started reading this thread
I seriously believe I'm beyond hope and have resigned myself to a lifetime of wigs and as such are gearing up to have fun with it.



Re: Male Pattern Baldness

Postby AbracaDebra » Mon Jun 06, 2011 5:45 pm

Well MPB and hair loss / regrowth is a multi million pound business and we still do not completely understand all the issues that dictate either. Some hormones work for some and not others. Some work in unison with others. As Jenny intimated, it is down to other things as well as the medication, which may or may not have the solution for you or anybody. For me, I was slightly thinning on the crown and very slightly up the sides as one does. Months of herbal treatment not only stopped it but all the thinning was replaced. A lot of body hair disappeared also. Then when E came along, the body hair all returned (it is thought due to bodily T using the E for it's own fighting purposes). However, the head hair did not go again. Now with E and Dutesteride the correct balance in terms of hair, appears to be achieved in terms of what should be growing and what should not. D is not easily available but works wonders. The whole area is a bloody minefield and you have to try and see what works for you. Don't give up as as 'your' solution is out there. :crazy:

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Re: Male Pattern Baldness

Postby Jane_D_C » Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:55 pm

I have posted a comment about this in controversial topics at viewtopic.php?f=42&t=1861#p18907. Do not read it if you are easily offended :crazy:


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