Please Recommend Several Fragrances for Work, Home, Travel

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Please Recommend Several Fragrances for Work, Home, Travel

Postby claud » Fri Dec 18, 2020 3:20 am

Most inconveniently, shopping malls (e.g. Long Island’s Roosevelt Field) make my skin crawl; ditto Sephora or any cosmetics stores.

The only scent I have is some ghastly thing called Dunhill.

I’m looking for five to seven scents to use occasionally over 8 weeks or so. I wouldn’t be wearing one every day but perhaps often enough to where a faint trace of one of them might linger into part of the next day.

Of course many like me can be hesitant about fragrances. There are countless formulations and some can trigger allergies, headaches, nausea, even depression and other ills. And who hasn’t wanted to run out of a room where someone’s wearing some ultra thick concoction that screams at you “I’M HERE!!!” ?

But some of the lightest and simplest smelling scents (expressing “pretty”, “innocent”, “breezy”, “smart”, “honest”, “primal”, “musical”, “handsome”, “spicy”, “nutty”, “smooth”, “safe”, “machine like”, “metallic”, “tire shop”, “elevator”, “library”, et al) can inspire optimism and dissipate hunger pangs-both valuable benefits for millions suffering the stifling confines of COVID lockdown or without access to public or private gyms.

Though I’ve been back at work full time since July, I barely risk going anywhere, and no where near a gym since March. But without the routine of machines, even the better home work outs are harder to habitualize, and the penalties for which have been boredom and weight gain.

So I’m hoping to find the right assortment of scents, especially used during my darker days to lift my spirits and make chores and other grunt work less stressful. And I think there may even be some scents known to dissuade one from snacking and helps quell feelings of anxiety.

Are there any perfume retailers and/or brands who will mail you sniff cards of “top rated” scents?

Even “classic” types like Chanel #5?

Presumably, many fragrances are also formulated or otherwise marketed as gender specific.
Thus, would it be best to choose scents which could each be classified as somewhat more female and/or gender qu*er?

However, I’d be especially interested in those scents you may know of which not only smell beautiful but may help with these specific problems.

Lastly, to afford the cost of five to seven scents and thereby maximize the variety,
please suggest scents each available in the smallest quantities.

Total budget ~ $375.

Thank you.

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