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Re: Facial Feminisation Surgery - Face Femininzation Surgery

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 2:32 pm
by Ice Maiden
Interesting - should I change the question to

"The NHS can only spend £10,000 on you - which do you want?"

Or add another option you decide guys :)

Re: Facial Feminisation Surgery - Face Femininzation Surgery

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 4:24 pm
by Cassie
It has to be borne in mind that many transwomen neither want nor need FFS.

Personally i'd rather have fully funded hair removal.

Re: Facial Feminisation Surgery - Face Femininzation Surgery

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 5:46 pm
by chrissy
Dear All.

For the record I have recently had FFS which was performed on 31st October 2012. It is expensive and I was one of the fortunate souls to have someone who went to great personal sacrifice and help me fund it. The costs of which are as follows:-

Performed by the Facial Team - Marbella - Facial Feminization Surgery, The cost was 21,600 euros (£17,300.00 approx) for surgery and clinic costs. I booked queasy jet out to Malaga, the cost of which was £170.00 return. Hotel costs were £595, B&B for the fortnight. £100 spent on Taxi's, £100 on prescriptions, £200 on meals and refreshments.

What was done:-
Forehead/Orbital Reduction & Forehead Lifting and Eyebrow Lifting
Upper Blepharoplasty - Eye lid reduction
Rhinoplasty with osteotomy - Nose Surgery
Chinplasty + contouring and Jaw Contouring

The surgeons were Dr Luis Capitan & Dr Simon Simon, the rhinoplasty was performed by Dr Kai. I would like to say that my treatment and care was superlative. I am not sure how long I was in surgery because I had been sedated for 48 hours. I spent a further 48 hours before leaving and during this whole time all my nourishment was, runny yoghurt, water & orange juice, great way yo lose some weight!!

The most unpleasant aspect was having a "cold mask" on for the whole duration of my stay, but this does limit swelling so has to be endured.

Still swollen, bruised and sore in the mouth because of 5 incisions made on the inside of both upper and lower lips. The swelling will die down by the 6th week and the rest up to a year.

Expensive but more reasonable than UK, US or the people in Belgium.

I realise that the NHS is strapped for cash, however passing as woman has never been a problem for me, although many can put this down for many reasons or even suggest vanity. Its a personal thing for me and even now with swellings, bruises and having to eat soft things only I feel so happy with the outcome I can cry with joy.

Your costs are a little high

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 6:36 pm
by Jane_D_C
Keith Altman in Brighton charges between £10 and £15K. He was the one on Channel 4’s 'Embarrassing Bodies'.

I think I have posted elsewhere that I have just paid £12,500 including CT scan for brow reduction, eyebrow lift, nose job & cheek implants.

I'm not having any jaw or mouth work done.

My op is due on December 6th.

Jane x.

Re: Facial Feminisation Surgery - Face Femininzation Surgery

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 6:48 pm
by Ice Maiden
You have the same one that Jenny-Anne Bishop had on EB?

I didn't see that much difference between her before and after, but maybe that is the point?

You have some good close ups of you before and recently, so this is a great way to show us the difference and scrutinise his work.

Jane and Chrissy thank you for sharing this I feel this will be really beneficial to tzone visitors!

I look forward to you posting the more glamourous you's in due course.

Dec 6 - that's my birthday :)Xxx

Also it is useful if we have a good FFS surgeon in the UK Spain is all very well but there is something comforting about being in your own country! :)Xxx

I get the feeling this will be a 'HOT TOPIC'

I will also allow the uploading of images to this thread so you can attach them.

Give me an hour or so and you can do it registered visitors only though.