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Hello everyone!

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2019 8:45 am
by Allison Winger
WARNING! The following content may contain elements that are not suitable for some audiences. And include self-harm [ADMIN]
The Admin want visitors to share their stories but many can trigger sensitive individuals we have therefore allowed the following post but felt this needs to be understood before you read it! We have summarised this in part as it contained extreme methods of self-harm.
Disclaimer!!!! Please Read!

Hey everyone,

I am here to tell my story, of how homo and transphobia can do very deep mental harm.

I have been distinctly aware I was female since age 5 at the latest, but my parents threatened to send me to an insane asylum if I didn't act like a boy. I wish I could have been reassigned sooner, and I wish I didn't have to do it myself. Instead, without my parents knowledge, I was forced to take matters in my own hands at age 17.

Due to the extreme content we have summarised this.

ADMIN SUMMARY [The poster of this topic ligatured their penis and attempted electrocution in a bath before self-mutilation and disposal of the parts]

I have been living as a woman for the last eight years. If anybody else has similar stories, I'd like to hear them. It's not easy being one of us and we need to stick together.