Hello and a info please on being an 'active' TS

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Hello and a info please on being an 'active' TS

Postby Vicki » Sat Jun 04, 2016 2:25 pm


My name is Vicki and I am new to the forum. I apologise in advance for asking a question straight off the bat without scouring the board but I’ve been going mad for weeks and need definitive, knowledgeable answers as quickly as possible. People on the other board I am on don’t seem to know the truth and deviate into a debate rather than provide answers. The information I am looking for may offend some of you and I am sorry if that is the case but I have to be true to me. I am aware I may change my mind and fall in line with the majority – after all I have changed so much recently.

I am very interested in the transition process but as it stands I want to maintain my fully functioning penis a la transsexual porn stars and top/active escorts. Initially, I just kept getting the same info: HRT kills the libido and reduces your penis size, I've since spoke to an active TS escort who told me the way around it is to not take t-blockers and to cycle hormones (she rattled off a bunch of names and her schedule/doses but it was too much to remember when bumping into someone on a night out). As a result, she and her peers, get the best of both worlds - feminisation: soft skin, breasts, shifting of fat - as well as the masculine: strong sex drives, healthy erections and the ability to ejaculate

Can I get some advice on this please? The dangers (if any)? The viability of finding a doctor who would aid in this "half and half" approach (I assume it would be private not NHS). Has anyone done it or got any insight into it? I found a thread (on my phone that I can't locate anymore) that talked about swapping hormones (names I can't remember - spiro?) and dosage to help maintain this equilibrium between the male and female hormones coursing through the body.

Yes, what I am asking may offend those who want to be 100% women and yes, I may well change too as I've changed so much in the past 12 months but like I said, this is where I am now and would like the inside gen so I at least know where I stand and what my options are. Even if you disagree, it's far healthier to have the full details than slivers and myth.

Thanks in advance.

Vicki xxx

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Re: Hello and a info please on being an 'active' TS

Postby Steffi » Sat Jun 04, 2016 6:14 pm


I moved your topic here as you had posted it into the Female-to-Male section.

I do not know anything about this half-and-half balance and I do not know of anyone on these boards who has experience of this.

I am assuming that as yet you have not started any hormones.
Male life is steeped in testosterone and very sex-obsessed. Looking at the "hormones will kill your sex-drive" thing is a horrifying concept to almost all men.
However, estrogen does change the fundamental attitude.
What happens is that the sex-drive fades away gradually and it's loss causes zero distress (- to a genuine transsexual ........ males usually sink into depression thus administering hormones is something of and acid-test) Eventually the male genitals lose all relevance and become little more than an annoying skin-tag that needs to be sorted out so that one can settle properly into a female life-role.
Should you ever start HRT, you might find that this happens to you too - I have seen similar happen many times, people who begin by saying that although they have transitioned etc they do not intend to have lower surgery, but the attitude-change happens as described above.

A good friend of mine started estrogen at a moderate dose and never took any anti-androgen. By 18 months, her male genitals had shrivelled and her sex-drive has gradually dwindled to almost zero, not that it distresses her at all.

From reading your post, I would make a snap-judgement that you are probably a sexually driven transvestite - ALL transvestites feel the same, i.e. that during the times that they are dressed, they wish most fervently that they were also actually physically female at the time, had breasts instead of padding etc etc.

I would observe that from your post, you have found a good source of the information that you seek at least twice, yet have failed to capitalize on it.
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Re: Hello and a info please on being an 'active' TS

Postby Vicki » Sat Jun 04, 2016 10:29 pm


I am not a sex-driven transvestite and would take offence at the knee-jerk if such trannies weren't so common-place. I do, however, take exception at the 'failing to capitalise' comment and the attempted psychoanalysis - as well as the derisory reaction to wanting to be active (especially as I was polite and asked not to be criticised - but I'm not going to go in a huff about it. I am just here asking for advice and answers, that's all. Not a debate or a fight.

I will howeve let you in on me and TS who go half 'n' half. (And this is genuine, not snide). Sex is important. Not merely because men are sex-driven. But the concept of sex. What it means. The physical pleasure, the intimacy, the bonding - not to mention the mental well-being it delivers. There is also the 'dom' nature within us - not just men but us, specifically. The active escorts and porn stars are not playing, they are not acting, they are just as trans as any other woman. Just because they choose a different path and have a different outlook makes them no less genuine transsexuals. Some transsexuals want FFS, some don't; some want breasts some don't; some want SRS, some don't. Each woman is free to be herself - whether that includes butt implants or not. Now some may not 'get it' or agree, and that's cool, but it doesn't mean they get to judge - just like the active transsexuals are in no place to look down on full SRS transsexuals.

Many "genuine" transsexuals lament the loss of the sex-drive (but by that point they also don't care anymore but if they could, they'd prefer to have it). FWIW I'm currently living full-time as a woman and am on the waiting list for my GIC. Like I said, I am not here to argue and I am not judging nayone for their choices.

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Re: Hello and a info please on being an 'active' TS

Postby Steffi » Sun Jun 05, 2016 9:14 am

I did write a longer reply justifying myself, but realistically I don't care if I appeared bitchy etc.

For info try Susan's Place - the Non-Op board for instance has your very question at the top of the pile
https://www.susans.org/forums/index.php ... 579.0.html

The GIC's are perfectly tolerant of people who wish to remain no-op. However, I think that if you tell them that you have a desire for erections, ejaculations and suchlike, they might well blank you. Any juggling of your hormone schedule will probably have to be your secret, although you would then need to cope with the blood-tests etc.

Any starchiness you detect in my attitude is mine alone. The general policy of the boards is open and inclusive. I expect other members to be friendly but as I said earlier, I am not aware of anyone here who has pursued this course of "half-and-half"
Contact me privately via "steffi AT transgenderzone DOT com" Click to see Who I am

To those who understand, I extend my hand
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my trans-ness viewtopic.php?f=40&t=5401&p=45640#p45351

Some (mostly rough) tracks of my prior life as a guitarist up on You-Tube, if you want to check them out
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8QKYu ... zkA/videos

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Re: Hello and a info please on being an 'active' TS

Postby Ice Maiden » Sun Jun 05, 2016 12:04 pm

To avoid this leaning into 18+ conversation I will use a more measured comment.

Steffi (above) is a very experienced moderator, writer, and super knowledgeable regarding the sex industry. So there is no more perfect person to speak about all this.

For my two-penneth I can only go on knowledge I know to be true and not third hand info you may find elsewhere.


To feminse but maintain an active sex life one needs to avoid Antiandrogen-specific meds. The implants etc... and of course no orchidectomy.

Maintaining a full 'downstairs' even to the point of 24hrs before surgery is possible. But usually it requires ethnylestadiol. 50mcg (or less snapped in half daily). Then keep a close eye on your 'performance'. The first noticeable change will be budding breasts and nipple sensitivity. Just pace yourself and do not be in any rush. Many will get breast augmentation anyway. But many of the other advantages, softer skin etc, although not as swift as a full Gender Cllinic-managed programme should suffice. However, as Steffi warns you need to have a blood test, even if you pay for one (GPS are/'can be' accommodating, people) self-med with Drugs and Alcohol and need that monitored. Just find a nice one - or buy a wrist BLood Pressure Monitor and if it changes visit your GP (one less trip).

All HRT used on trans*people is still a bit hit and miss (no pun intended) and I have heard countless tales of GPs screwing it up even when directed by and Endocrinologist.

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