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Re: A bit of Advice About Privacy

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:37 am
by Ice Maiden
There are bio women who look masculine and they dont have the excuse they are bio males

If you are over 40 then you dont really have that long left on earth anyway, i think this is why many transpeople of a certain age just give up and enjoy their lives.

Age withers us all women over 40 become increasingly invisible anyway.

Younger people i would think that being trans is something interesting amongst the dull live their cohorts lead.

People fall out over all sorts of things part of the problem is trans tend to immediately assume its because of that.

Ali G best made that point - when asked to move along by a police officer at a rally - "Is it cos I is black!"

No its cos you are in the way...

Is it cos I is trans you dont like me - No i just dont like you!

We end up in the area whereby if you know someone who is black or gay today and you genuinely do not get along you find youself politically gagged as anything negative you say sounds like racism or homophobia.

Trans are exactly the same. This then becomes exhausting for those around them, its easier not to bother with minorities as they can so easily backfire when you disagree.

This can then lead to more people talking behind you back because talking to you risks upsetting you all the time.

example - you look like you have been dragged through a hedge backwards... (said in good friendly humour). Transperson see this as a direct attack on them and stamps feet

next day Oh have you seen mary she looks like she has been dragged through a hedge backwards - a chuckle out of earshot by the water fountain ensues. - Othering.

Who is that you know the transsexual - oh is she transsexual - yeah didnt you know? Know wow here frank ...

people will always talk about other people they gossip and gossip is not covered by the Gender Recognition Act unless the info was sourced through official means and thats all very wooly

Re: A bit of Advice About Privacy

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:32 pm
by thedreadpersephone
I think this is going off topic to yet another discussion about pride vs stealth...

The point is that everyone should be careful with what personal info they give out on the internet and some trans people might have a particular need to be careful.

Re: A bit of Advice About Privacy

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:16 pm
by Joel E.
I think this is going off topic to yet another discussion about pride vs stealth...

The point is that everyone should be careful with what personal info they give out on the internet and some trans people might have a particular need to be careful.

Thank you TDP,

I couldn't have said it better myself. I posted this link as an attempt to give advice to people who are merely considering transition, or are just starting out. Frankly, that doesn't apply to anyone who has commented on this link so far. If you would like to discuss the merits of and/or short-comings of stealth, I would suggest moving that debate to a Controversial Subjects Thread. That is an important subject, but it occurs at a very different stage in life and isn't relevant to my point.

I will repeat my advice, as I feel it has now been lost in this discussion. 'NEWBIES': Please be careful about where/when/how you disclose the information that you are considering transition, both in the real world and online. Please take extra care when giving out personal details over the internet, or to people you only know from the internet.

Thank You