About this Guest section

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About this Guest section

Postby tzone » Fri Apr 06, 2012 1:13 pm

Hi and welcome to this special guest area.

The team here at tzone know all well and good the stress and worry that goes hand in hand with social networking.

There are a few fears we have all experienced at some time, the main one being having something pop into your inbox that may out you.

We at tzone do try to make sure you feel safe, and many now long time members of this forum felt the same way a long time ago.

So why not have a area where ANYBODY can post?

Well of course if you have no security measures, people 'out there' will abuse this. So we still have to have moderation of what you supply, to ensure it is suitable for this forum - which we try to maintain as G-Rated. If you want to discuss adult topics then please visit the 18+ section.

How does it work?

Well like any forums you post in the Social or General section here, or click the 'Agony link' for the guest area there. So make sure you choose the right place for what you want to say.

Next, we will take a look at your post, if it is not spam, advertising or abusive, it will be approved.

Make sure you do not have any java script disabled as you will need to assemble an anti-spam puzzle, so make sure you turn off adblockers and or NoScript plugins ore add us to your safelists!


Always be careful about what you say, do not use actual names locations or contact details in your posts, in part because you may not be who you say you are and be trying to 'out' someone be pretending to be them and saying their name.

Most of all remember this
Read this section - not all applies to you as a guest but most does viewforum.php?f=5
And read this if you are looking for advice viewtopic.php?f=40&t=9
and read this as another


The group is made up of volunteers who are happy to chat and support and offer informal support, we advise you to visit your family doctor, all advice given here is based on people’s own experiences and should be taken as such, do not change any regime based on the chat here, it should be entered into in the spirit of friendship and mutual lay support.

The views and opinions expressed in this group are not those of transgenderzone.com. Transgenderzone.com do not guarantee the accuracy of any advice given and accepts no responsibility for any consequence of its use. Terminology used may not necessarily be consistent with accepted practice.

Rest assured the team is at your disposal and will do the utmost to care for you whilst you are here :)

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