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Born to be Genderqueer (I don't know the term for what I am)

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 3:56 am
by nero09
Hey, everyone. So I'm at the point in my life where I am coming to realisations about who I am. I was born male, but since my teenage years I've always felt like I was always between genders, from my thought patterns, I would think in very feminine ways and act in feminine ways, while also acting masculine in other aspects of my life.

The first time I realised what I am was the first time I saw a transsexual, albeit it was probably Bailey Jay or another shemale porn star.

I was wondering about everyone's opinions. Is this a recognised thing? The only change I want to make to my body is having breats and wider hips. Would taking oestrogen provide, what effect would taking oestrogen have on a person who naturally produces testerone? Also, is it "safe" to buy hormones off the Internet.

Love you all.

Any questions, I'll always answer. Just please ask them in a respectful way.

Re: Born to be Genderqueer (I don't know the term for what I am)

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 4:09 pm
by Ice Maiden
Hormones will more than likely change you.

However the people you mention are really benchmakers, in that some transwomen transition early and can afford to have cosmetic surgery, they may have the 'primary constitution' of a DFAB woman (hips, height, foot size (small), voice, and just more effeminate (in the male role). Thus it doies not really take that much to step across and pass almost immediately.

Hormones, develop additional fat layers, most notably breast growth (but not guaranteed if you are super thin, this may develop nipple tenderness and some sensitivity, but friends of mine (at least 2, were disappointed with their breasts, when other developed larger cup sizes - so no guarantees.

Hips unlikely will grow wider if you are already post puberty. But one can get implants, and fat may grow on and around the butt to at least give that impression. Or simply buy some underwear with pads in :) Thats cheaper and same effect. After all who will see you naked other that yourself or a sexual partner/doctor etc?

HRT on the net (or anywhere even from a Doctor) can be risky as our bodies are all different and react differently. A person can take Ecstasy for a lifetime of partying, yet one young woman can die on the first one. Not that I am suggesting this, but making the comparison. That it is alsways better to get blood pressure and a blood test if possible. It is not always possible for people to see their doctor, Many, many transgender people self-med. And for any number of reasons, in some cases because to visit a pharmacy where they live may result in being outed and attacked! Or family disowning them - or worse!

So this is a decision only you can make. You can take supplements that are off prescription such as ... sules.html and this has had clinical trials and as good as it gets before going to the doc. Type in pueraria mirifica into Pubmed and see for yourself (do your research!). If you want meds that will cause irreversible feministasion, then try this company, they have been around for decades and have a very good reputation The continue buttons will take you through but read the explanations first as a guide. Most use the net as it is often better value and ironically safer than some parts of the world. But if you can it is much better to have a medical practitioner oversee your care of course.

But please read the disclaimer below!

Re: Born to be Genderqueer (I don't know the term for what I am)

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 4:12 pm
by Ice Maiden