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UK Television Transgender Monthly Round up Sept 2014

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 10:44 pm
by Ice Maiden
So here we go again!

What is broadcast in the UK reflects on you as a transperson. Every month it is a case of spot the positives. Almost all television featuring anything remotely associated with transpeople is negative, comical or are negative stereotypes. So if we do not list them they go unchallenged as evidence is needed to effect change! Or even give awards.

It is a thankless and time-consuming task - as you can imagine especially when a trans character is introduced ...say in Hollyoaks as that eats into even more of our time. Nevertheless rest assured someone is watching even if you can't.

High Points
KELLIE MALONEY and Miranda Posonby two older trans women who made my month!
A special mention for 'New Tricks' not perfect but a good effort by the trans actress! [yesss]

Low points
Channel 4 in general. Simpson, Alan Carr, IT Crowd... It just goes on and on and on and on and on...and on and on... and on and on...


Celebrity Big Brother 2014 - THE FULL BLOG!

(Channel 5/ Endemol).

Channel 5's 'Celebrity Big Brother' and 'Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side' (the after show discussion about the house and its housemates) returns with the live launch presented by Emma Willis. Recent Transgender sensation Kellie Maloney has gone in.

This is now on every night so please refer to here for the full blog.
Click - viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4436




Hollyoaks is now establishing itself with the controversial trans character 'Blessing Chambers'.


However rather than have every single daily episode listed here I will simply direct you to the main blog thread that includes the daily storyline and photos so you can catch up!


So I have deliberately not included this in this Log for practical reasons and length.


So let's begin.


This Morning

'Mum is Dad and Dad is Mum' Interview.

Watch it here Full Review


Castles in the Sky

Drama chronicling the invention of radar, which proved pivotal in the Battle of Britain, and telling the story of the tenacity and courage of an unlikely group of British heroes.


This came in under the radar a bit ;) Get it? [GROAN, NM! :p].

Eddie Izzard (who btw does identify as a trans*person... and) is an excellent actor!!! And has been in Hollywood movies... So before Rebecca Root And Bethany Black etc get all excited just remember Eddie is already there! (Sometimes this is forgotten) In this instance in boy mode. As a nerd (he plays them so well). A very good story beautifully told, subtle and Eddie does bring a gentleness to the performance that is special to him. I think I know why ;) PS she has done Girl Mode on stage in stand-up and in the Film 'All the Queens Men'...

Excellent and interesting as it is a true story!!! Plus I love that era! 'Goodnight Sweetheart' (based in 1940) remains my favourite sitcom of all time!


Celebrity Big Brother
Channel 5


Image Channel 5


So endeth the good summer series with what in parts was some of the most moving scenes I have ever experienced in the show, especially Her hugging Audley Harrison (the Boxer) in tears and him accepting his old Boxing adversary as a woman for the first time(!) - amazing piece of television!




Eddie Izzard is back again this time on Lorraine where he was on the Red Carpet at the Toronto Film Festival


Alan Carr - Chatty Man
Channel 4

So it is what 10 seconds into his new show new series and new routine. "Princess Kate is going to have another baby! It is too early to say if its a boy or a girl!" "It is a bit like Kellie Maloney walking towards you from a distance!" "ROARS OF LAUGHTER"



Celebrity Squares

Warwick Davis hosts a 21st century version of the classic game show. Can Danny from Blackpool or Emma from Hull secure the 20,000 pound jackpot with some celebrity help?






Barrie (non-trans) Humphries tops up his pension fund with an appearance as 'Dame Edna' on this Z-list so called 'Celebrity' programme. It is not exactly Johnny Depp, George Clooney and Bill Clinton up there! Dame Edna's now rather tired one-liners kinda worked in the 80s, but these days the act is just a bit embarrassing - sorry!

That said it has enabled television to give Warwick Davis something where his height is not an issue and his personality can shine through. The built up set gives him a dominant space (at last) and he does a great job! Point proven that when you give a minority group (in this case people who have Dwarfism) something more than a part in a Christmas Pantomime they are indeed ready, willing and able to step up and deliver.

But like most minority groups, inc Chinese Presenters, Black Comics, and Transgender News Readers. Blink and you'll miss them. There is only room for one Dwarf on television and that for now is Warwick. What a shame that broadcasters think their community is nothing more than something to laugh at - this is a very similar benchmark to the way television will pan out for trans*people, so be afraid - be very afraid!

One in - One Out!


The Wright Stuff
Channel 5

Seema Pathan on the phones of The Wright Stuff Jokes with Matthew...

M - Good Morning Seema, what a dazzingly fine dress!

Channel 5

S - Awww... Thank you! You can borrow it anytime you like Matthew!

Channel 5

M - Cheekingly embarrassed, I'll have to lose some weight first!


Unlike other presenters that play this game I genuinely think he would wear it. Not in a 'Trans' way (although who knows ;)) but in a 'total clothing rights' way - in a "Why can't I wear it if I want to!" way.

Matthew always finds that right (no pun intended) balance between fun, TMI and taking a subject VERY seriously! That's a tough ask these days, and as you will see below with Eamonn Holmes and Richard Ayoade, when they try it it just doesn't work and just looks like they are taking the P*ss!

This is definitely a skill, I think Matthew is cool with all because historically he has cross-dressed and seriously on his show to prove points. And even wore a Bikini in the Jungle on "I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here!" Not to offend but to prove a point that all the public are waiting for is the 'hot girl' in a white bikini in the shower scene. He just beat them to it! That is in actual fact subversive feminism ideology. As he showed how ludicrous the viewing public and ITV are for touting this misogyny!

It has now got to the stage where the public are so used to Matthew doing these things, and taking trans issues seriously, that when Seema says this, rather than get all stiff necked and ashamed and offended he has a little twinkle in his eye as if to say - "I might just take you up on that offer!"

And that is sweet!

Matthew is winner of out best presenter of the year on the and for good reason!


New Tricks

Trans Character and finally played by a trans woman but still not a 'normal' person. That will come one day!


Full Review



81 y-o Miranda Posonby - "The Making of Miranda"


Hilarious and for all the right reasons a must see!




The IT Crowd

Sitcom set in an IT department. Jen asserts herself after winning Employee of the Month, but makes powerful enemies in Roy and Moss. Douglas finds out that the love of his life is not all that she appears to be.

And just when you thought it was safe to leave you sofas, the April Episode is back when she reports, "I used to be a man!" and ends up being thrown through a plate glass window and left unconscious with the audience laughing after orchestrated violence.


The idea was that she was the perfect woman/drinking buddy and what they showed as a woman who behaved like a man but have sex with and sex that would not leave him traumatised, that was until he found out she 'was a man' [SIC]. Transpanic is the same defence used in the murder of Gwen Araujo - they got 25 to life!


As he shakes the blood from his knuckles he shouts, "It is over April!" The audience roars with laughter. The Bunny Boiler and Trans freak is unconscious! HOORAY! Until it is your daughter that is eh?

The mindset is built to hate her. Let's imagine now she is not trans and she is just another cisgender employee lucky enough to be registered female at birth! Suddenly not quite as funny. I am sure they would be splitting their sides at refuges all over the country! NOT!

Trans rarely "used to be men" (or women) they were always women (in this instance), it is ignorant male writers like this that create the social problems and confusion. Sorry but love the show and loved 'Father Ted', but with this Graham Linehan went for nothing but stereotypes and masculine behaviour in this a'transsexual' (who was not a trans*actress either) and the joke was on us sadly!

Now despite Channel 4's promises and Logo at the bottom of the 'AllAboutTrans' homepage, it has again been repeated on 4OD and E4/Channel4 for since 2008. That is the thing, Channel 4 can wine and dine transpeople all they like, but when it really comes down to it they simply do not have the courage of their convictions. Exhibit A!

How could it have the been better? Hired a transgender woman, not had a fight where she was seriously injured and not said, "she was a man". A comedy slapstick routine would have sufficed at the end it works for 'Vic and Bob', but in a world where transgender people are murdered and assaulted for just walking down the street. this is not a message Channel 4 should be sending any longer. Their greed for cash and the popularity of the series far outweighs the damage it may cause and it demonstrates what they truly think, or the screening rooms the donate (when they are not in use for more important things). We are just seeing our true value to them that is all. Pulling down one of your most popular shows cos a few trans people don't like it... well trans can go scr*w themselves eh? What do they matter?

There you go Channel 4 here is a link have a really good laugh!

Hilarious? isn't it? Hey maybe you can encourage some more to assault trans?

You see this is not at all funny! It is 'Othering'.

Maybe he could have a laugh watching his 2 kids being assaulted throw them through plate glass windows - after all it is HILARIOUS isn't it! It really is as cold as that. They just can't see it. The projection is out. Other comics on Channel 4 are just as bad. There are some places they simply won't go but trans is NOT one of 'em!


Scotland in a Day on Channel 4 the night of the vote.

Channel 4

Channel 4 re-run 'Bouncers' and the episode where a group of transwomen are all called "men".

A bit of a car crash really tonight Channel 4 eh?

See our archives


8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown
Channel 4

Comedy version of the words and numbers quiz with host Jimmy Carr. Team captains Sean Lock and Jon Richardson are joined by guests Vic Reeves and Jo Brand. Adam Buxton is in Dictionary Corner with Susie Dent, and there is a special appearance from comedian Rob Beckett.



Sean Lock has a pretty bad transphobic track record, in his stand-up tour he mocked trans genitals, and regularly uses 'Ladyboy' humour. This is I suppose insignificant man-in-a-bra-gag compared to all that. But still the same old thing really.


The X Factor Ad Break

Conchita Wurst and trans*women with beards it is official... "you are ridiculous!"

Well according to Samsung thats is and the X factor ad break at 20.50pm on itv1 on the 20/09/14

"Celebrate the Riddiculous!"

Enjoy! :\

It might appear to be subtle, even harmless, but this is being funneled into 8.9 million Homes! Maybe some of them have ridiculous gender variant people in them as well?

Windows Phone, MotoX or Iphone 6+ Anyone?


Full Review


Secrets of Sex - Aravani Girl

Documentary. Two teenagers dream of becoming ladyboys. Loved as performers but hated as homosexuals, their stories echo the conflicts of India's gender culture.


'Poverty and slums struggle' type documentary. Informative but bordering on exploitative.


This Morning

The Trans Woman with the Biggest Butt in the world
see Full Review here!




The Simpsons
Channel 4

How the Test Was Won - While taking the rebels and underachievers of Springfield Elementary on a fraudulent field trip, Principal Skinner rediscovers the meaning of teaching. Homer forgets to pay the family's insurance bill.


Channel 4

See image - nuff said.

A 50/50 gag, on the one hand it shows that Springfield Elementary is an equal opportunities employer, on the other it is yet another 'trans gag', still it is a step up from the episode with the Gym mistress coming back as a Mr where it was not played very well at all. Also another FTM gag with another teacher at the school being FTM(?).

The other trans gag about transmen was this one...

Here is the last similar gag they tried in the past:

The Simpsons
My Fair Laddy'
Channel 4

Principle Skinner - "Your Gym Teacher Miss Pommel-Horst is going to make a brief announcement!" Miss Pommel-Horst - "This is very emotional for me! I'm taking a leave of absence and will return in the Fall as Mr Pommel-Horst! Your new shop teacher. Principle Skinner - "We're telling you children now so you can adjust and not make jokes!" Nelson (the school bully) - "Looks like there'll be some new 'wood' in shop class!" Principle Skinner - "Precisely the type of wordplay I seek to discourage!" [whispers laughing under his breath] Heh heh heh ... New wood!"

But the photo above says Mr Newbury? So that is what 2 trans teacher gags? They also had the town Minister let slip that his wife used to be 'male' and that Marge's sister almost married a cross-dresser. I know the Simpson's is a reflection of 'real Life' but too many throw away gags. Make the principle trans and leave them trans - like forever! Or pack it in!


On a bit of a roll the Community Channel eh as they serve up this show for the Transguys!

The Gayest Show Ever

Magazine show. Controversial director Bruce LaBruce tells us how his hardcore pornography takes aim at consumerism and we continue our look at the female-to-male transsexual community.


All Trans are Gay? The Gayest Show Ever?

That aside a rare programme for Transmen. Although those featured - who include the Porn Star Buck Angel. Are not really the ordinary transguys knocking around I know.

But it is interesting 'the community channel' managed to put something together... As for the BBC and Channel 4 this would have been something they'd have done in the 90s. Shame they don't bother anymore I guess.


Gadget Man
Channel 4

Can Richard Ayoade make himself a brighter man with the aid of gadgets? He enlists Eamonn Holmes and actor Richard E. Grant to help and challenges a memory expert to a contest. [S]

Channel 4

Eamonn - Let's engage with my transgender... what's it? Trans?...

Channel 4

Richard (shaking his head) - "I don't think there is any gender reassignment!"

Channel 4

Eamonn - "Transcranial!"


In Channel 4's attempt to emulate Channel 5's 'Gadget Show' we see the IT Crowd Richard Ayoade (he is not really Moss Channel 4 btw!

Here we see Channel 4's attempt at an ad lib trans joke.

Keep trying!

It is a forced gag, as anything 'Trans' is ripe for this treatment. Why say it all? Eamonn luckily has Ruth Langsford (his wife) on itv1's 'This Morning' who often rescues him from this sort of thing. It is like grandad at a wedding saying (Hashtag) "#OBS" when talking to his grandchild to attempt to be down wiv d'kids. Just awkward and unnecessary. And it is Channel 4... Nuff said... they could have edited it out. After all he could have said, "It looks like I have brain cancer!" Or, "it looks like I have got Motor Neuron Disease!"

What's the difference?

But Trans are again the easy target and somehow unaffected by 'jokes' about what is very serious physical and emotional trauma from childhood (social psychological abuse!) resulting in life threatening surgery (for many), poverty, street violence and unemployment - surgery that leaves a person sterile! - HILLARIOUS! [NOT]. This can of course be accompanied by all the other human ailments on top!

They just don't get it! And never will I think. So We see the IT Crowd not only throw a trans chracter through a window for laughs we see one of its stars joke about GRS on top.

The argument often used is , why can't trans take a joke. Trans can but there is nothing non funny or non-murder to balance it!


Celebrity Juice

Keith Lemon continues the twelfth series of the outrageous comedy panel show. Fearne Cotton and Gino D'Acampo are the team captains, joined this time by magician Dynamo, This Morning presenter Eamonn Holmes and Blur's Alex James.

KL - Fearne have you waxed today?

Fearne - "Yup here" - points to top lip, "here" points to armpits "....and my B*ll*cks!"

Big Laugh...


If she actually had 'B*ll*cks' from birth she might not find it quite so funny.

Maybe she could throw in a Breast Cancer Gag next week? Oh not a place they would go? So they do have some self-restraint then - just not with trans stuff it seems.

Leigh Francis (his real name) and Fearne Cotton return back to the. 'She has male Genitals' for laughs yet again.

Get some new material Leigh FFS! You have been milking Trans-Currency now for the best part of a decade! Most of that was on Channel 4. And they still cash in on it on 4OD - it is strange that they refuse to pull all their old cash cows that were transphobic in the same way the BBC use 'The Dave Channel' to dump their sh*t! Something media pressure groups that work with the BBC seem to excuse.

Our archives are full to bursting with his abuse of transgender issues.

This at first glance may seem trivial, but it is having a laugh at a woman who has male genitals, over and over and over again years in and year out.

In any other medical sphere this would not be appropriate. The trouble is they are 'Othering' ... -othering/ and this is basically BULLYING. They simply cannot grasp the suffering that transgender people and gender variant children experience 'having B*ll*cks' to quote Fearne (who works for the BBC as her real job btw). Trust me if she woke up tomorrow with male genitals she would not be laughing! She would be traumatised and seek immediate medical care. An Leigh would be laughing whilst she broke down would he?


The Irony of this is, that Holly Willoughby who is one of the usual panelists and who has taken part in similar gags also presents ITV 'This Morning' a show that does deal with trans issues (Properly)... and her husband Dan produces Celebrity Juice! So don't give me that nonsense that they are ignorant to the potential upset when they go to these jokes. Also they rarely if ever have a transpersopn on the show as a panelist (Lauren Harries once stuck her head out of a box). So they are abusing by proxy and that's even WORSE!

Still its only a laugh eh Fearne?! Leigh probably wrote the gag - you can tell!

Maybe AllBoutTrans can invite her to one of their BBC 'interactions' and tell her to PACK IT IN! see or if Paris is passing her in the hallway at Radio One she can whisper something? But she won't listen they never do.

I had hoped they had turned a corner at the end of the last series. But sadly Leigh cannot let transgags go. He needs them too much in a world where comedy is being increasing squeezed, in the same way nespapers cannot let it go either! I wonder how long it will be before 'Operation Yew Tree' will be knocking at his door... After all he does some pretty 'risque' things' with people who seem to be under pressure 'to go along with the baying crowd. Good luck with all that when his star fades and people suddenly think, "hang on a minute!!!" I mean DLT got sentanced ... ersonality for groping someone on the 'Mrs Merton Show'! Maybe people do not care anymore? I mean this show is at times worse and encourages many of the problems society faces - the audience can often forget that Leigh IS a performer and Keith Lemon IS an INVENTION and does not actually exist.

That said this is all a laugh... That is until someone shouts at you in the street, "EH DARLIN' HAVE YOU SHAVED YOUR B*ll*cks!" That is the point where you also must laugh... yeah - after all Fearne says it is OK.

Maybe I will create a new term, "Genital Respect." [There it is coined I have invented another one! :) I did Google it and no it does not exist in this context] look out for it in the future in regard to transpeople.


CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
'Getting Off'
CBS Action

Getting Off - Drama series about a team of forensic investigators in Las Vegas. A professional clown and a halfway house counsellor are found dead in different parts of the city.


A regular in our logs (search for it above) this series really does use a lot of Trans-Currency.

I have reported on this before as it is regularly repeated so I will simply just say the line they used and leave it at that.

Scene - female cop walks towards a dead body through a dark dirty end of town car park, with rough sleepers and , burning oil-drums and hookers in doorways.

Female Cop - "Welcome to Tranny Town! This is where the hustlers come!"

Nuff said!

Full Dialogue

"Welcome to 'Tranny Town! This is where the Hustlers come!" "Yeah I can see why it is very romantic! (Sleazy damp car lot/junkyard at night - the natural habitat of the transperson in TV it seems). "Blush on cheeks, make-up, transvestite(?) certainly fits the profile?!" "Honeymoon suite (Knackered campervan) is across the way - anonymous sex becomes and anonymous sex crime?"

Image cbsaction

Image cbsaction


Secrets of Sex - Normal

Documentary presenting the real life stories of male, female and transgender migrants working in the sex industry in Albania, Italy and the UK.


The 'Community' Channel do deliver some gems, but they tend to repeat and repeat them. Trans in the Sex industry - stop press eh? Would have preferred they chose another topic for a change!


Carry On Girls

In one of the later Carry On comedies, a local businessman convinces the town council of a seaside resort to stage a beauty contest, persuading them that it will be a marvellous publicity stunt. But the idea meets with fervent opposition from the local Women's Liberation group, led by a fearsome woman councillor.


Bernard Bresslaw dresses up as a contestant in a Beauty contest for women. Daft plot, and the usual dated sexism. But television history and does have a few laughs.

I suppose this would have been a defense used by many facing 'Operation Yew Tree' today.


The Simpsons
'Wedding for Disaster'
Channel 4

After discovering that his marriage licence with Marge is invalid, Homer proposes to her for the second time. However, his disappearance on the big day means another case for Bart and Lisa.

The Parson Reveals to Reverend Lovejoy...

"I knew your wife when she was called Harold!...."
"Uh," he says...
Parson replies... "I have said too much!..."


Seriously why even say this? It is not relevant and a throw-away cheap gag! And Channel 4! ;|
