UK Television Transgender Monthly Round up Sept 2013

Every month we list UK programmes the feature transgender issues good and bad. If you work in the media this is a must see monthly list.
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UK Television Transgender Monthly Round up Sept 2013

Postby Ice Maiden » Thu Oct 03, 2013 4:37 pm

So here we go doesn't time fly when you are being abused!

So here we go again, what is broadcast in the UK reflects on you as a transperson. Every month it is a case of spot the positives. Almost all television featuring anything remotely associated with transpeople is negative, comical or are negative stereotypes.

High Points


Low points


Big Brother 13 Lauren Harries Thread here

Don't forget our Soap storyline Archives

And what has been happening to Hayley in Coronation St .

All the following clips have been archived for evidential purposes should they be needed.

NOTE - Again this month demonstrates The BBC and Channel 4 have a mountain to climb and they have changed NOTHING since the BBC have injected support into 'Allabout Trans'/'transmediaaction' and Channle 4's now infamous 'Memorandum of Understanding'. Been better had they not bothered as at least then they would have an excuse. But somehow Channel 5 manage to do a great job AGAN this month - is it luck or are they listening? So what's the hold up with the others eh? There is something rotten at the core of those institutions. Especially when they are happy to use their logos now on transgender training materials, yet have what only can be described as a diabolical track record on air!

Our logs are here for the world to see, every entry is archived in video - I just wonder what would be happening if we didn't raise these concerns every week!


New: Family Guy

Space Cadet: Animated comedy. When the Griffins pick Chris up from space camp, they find themselves launched into space and reliant on Chris to get them home. Contains adult humour. [S]



Embarrassing Bodies
More 4

"And Dr Dawn has a leading question for the Boys in Thailand!"
Dr Dawn - "Do you want to feel my b@lls!"


Facepalm - This is clearly to get a laugh off the back of the trans community and its associations with Thailand. She should know better - especially as she is in a 'professional capacity' here and not with her mates in a bar off-camera.

The 'joke' would not work as well elsewhere. I mean the very fact they likely had a production meeting about what subjects to tackle (no pun intended) in Thailand, and this was suggested by someone as she could say that line. They then had to prepare props and plan this all out. They could have helped men examine testicles at some other location. Cynical!

This single line is kinda malice a forethought in that case. And that makes it far worse!

Again like all our logs, in isolation apparently minor fun, but seen together - HORRIFIC!


Pick TV

Following on from the acclaimed documentary exploring the world of Thailand's ladyboys, this series offers further insight into a sector of Thai society that makes up one per cent of the country's population. Western men who have found love with ladyboys discuss their experiences.


Very good.


This Morning

A teaser for a trans guest tomorrow...

In the next programme shown below we have the story of the ex-prisoner who had surgery whilst serving her sentence. We are currently speaking with her about getting her on our VLOG show.

Of course the public rarely want to allow any humanity in jail. But maybe part of the offending was down to trans issues. She reinforces this tomorrow.

HOWEVER, when they tell the viewers about what is going to be on tomorrow's show Holly Willoughby says,

"And we speak to the convict, who had a sex-change assisted by the NHS whilst behind bars!"

She didn't have a sex-change, but even allowing for that lay language, she didn't have surgery whilst in Jail either. She transitioned in Jail. So this again is that 'Loaded' language often used to sell [url= ... s-currency[/url].

This is a shame, as 'This Morning' do have their good moments, but in her absence they speak about their guests in rather unsavoury tones, when compared to speaking to their faces.

This would have been better worded, "And we speak to the Transgender ex-offender, who transitioned to female whilst serving her term in jail. Should prison inmates have medical care on the NHS?"

Worded like that the sting is removed, firstly she is an ex-offender she has done her time, suggesting she is still a CONVICT is cruel, rewording it also suggests that to withhold medical care from prisoners FULL STOP to me is barbaric and not befitting a 1st world country in 2013 - what has NHS and trans got to do with it? What about prisoners who are being treated in secure psychiatric units? SHould they be abandoned at Broadmoor? Its nonsense really. The fact she is trans is irrelevant too, it seems to be the case if she 'deserves' medical care or not?!This logic could be used by racists in the same way, they could argue that a black illegal immigrant can't visit A and E or a woman who is unmarried not be allowed to have free birth control tablets on prescription paid for by the tax payer, It also bypasses the transition and surgery link. Transition to your preferred gender role doesn't have to include surgery, and it often does not involve surgery. And £18,000 'Sex-change?' Well cheap at half the price, if as a result a person doesn't burgle your house! How much does it cost for Court time? Victim trauma, transport to and from Jail? Maintaining a prisoner, full board? You soon reach £18 grand that's for sure!

So these upcoming programme teasers are something we are aware of, and programme makers need to be more careful as this basically just looks transphobic to me - as what else can it be?

It also in part help fule the terrible vote -in they ran - more or that below!


This Morning

So here we go, here is the teaser for the interview...

Holly - "Good Morning to you, today we are asking should prisoners be entitled to a sex-change on the NHS?"
Phillip - "Formally known as Darren, Jasmine was sentenced to 11 years in prison for burglary. But was granted a sex change costing the NHS £18,000 pounds, but what do you think? Get in touch via the website..."

This is the image they flashed up - surprised they didn't add bars to the photo - just to go the whole hog eh?


Sex/Gender is set at birth, nobody as far as I am aware changes anything in this way, transpeople simply adjust what the world judges and prejudges them to be and 'simply' transition to correctly fit into who they have always been.

This term Sex-Change - although easy for people to understand, does not help our community move forward. As it suggests 'changing your core Identity, and this is not the case. What they perhaps should say is genital reconstructive surgery on the NHS. This would then align the issue with accidents, cancer and general medicine. If Phillip had a crash and damaged his penis, he would likely expect the surgeons to repair it? I do not see the difference. He wouldn't suddenly want to be a woman. Because that's not WHO he is.

Very problematical term, unfortunately even we sometime mention it because that is what people understand, but there is room for some education here, it falls into the same camp as when people ignorantly describe Dwarfs as Midgets. And equally offensive to many.

Jasmine spoke about being on suicide watch and being unable to approach the situation with anyone regarding her feelings.


Phillip - "You went to Jail for 11 years!"" Burglary, robbery and conspiracy to commit murder..."
Jasmine - Murder?! No...
Phillip - Well that's what I have got here!

[Yeah what you have got there is clearly the truth :) You are a Murderer! No I am not, well it says so on my piece of paper! :roll: ].

Phillip, now come on, I think she is perhaps best placed to know her charge sheet.

Phillip - So what happens in jail when Darren wants to be called Jasmine?

Jasmine - The medical care was great.

She felt isolated until her HRT clicked-in then suddenly the men were coming on to her, "saying no way, you never used to be a dude!"

Phillip posed the question that she was in prison for, after wrecking many people's lives, why should she get the treatment?

Jasmine accepts that this is the case, "I am sorry, I have to live every single day with what I have committed! It hurts of a night time I cry a lot. There is nothing I can do to turn back the hands of time. But when it concerns the NHS, the NHS is a totally separate body, you know... to the prison system, the NHS are there, so even if I were in prison or out of prison, I would still be entitled to the what the NHS have gave me."

Holly raises the fair point that Jasmine was suicidal and if she had been released without this treatment, she would not have been in the right frame of mind and still required mental health services anyway. And as a result of this treatment, she is, "less of a drain on society because you had this treatment."

The images of their voting WORM do not bode well... Its really quite sad that the public think in this transphobic way.

And this 'IS' Transphobia. Again what else can it be? Denying sick people medical care because they are trans? That's transphobia!

I wonder if she had not said she was trans and said she had a mastectomy in Prison as she had breast cancer if only 9% would agree?



Phillip - "Would you commit a crime as this new person?"
Jasmine - "It is not gender dysphoria, it is now gender euphoria!"
Phillip - "Have we got our money back? As would Daren of simply re-offended and cost us more in the long run?"
Jasmine - Agreed
Holly who was clearly a bit shocked at this vote, suggested were it any other treatment it would not create the same reaction, that if this were for anything other than transgender in nature would it be different? Like a pioneering cancer treatment for example?
Jasmine suggested that she is unable to relate to many medical conditions, because she doesn't have them, so she cannot judge the pain of living with them.
Phillip agreed that unless someone watching has actually had Gender Dysphoria then they do not realise the pain suffered.


Both presenters have interviewed plenty of transpeople over the years (and mocked them - Holly Celebrity Juice) so kinda get it more than most.

Jasmine now says she dedicates herself to supporting others in the GLBT community.

Jasmine did her best I think, and its a topic that triggers the worst in people, as it bunches up punishment/rehabilitation argument, with Transphobia. And that is an emotive and explosive mix indeed!


Secret Diary Of a She-Male 1
Television X

Exotic ladyboy Alekksandra has started an escort agency with a gender bender twist. Her first client is the lovely mature Starr, and she certainly gets her money's worth.[SIC]


In the regular listings - even if the programme is scrambled in broadcast the listings are not(!) and terms like Ladyboy and Shemale, Gender Bender and Sex, it just all destroys any hope of transpeople making progress, as this just drags you back down again.

It is adult and therefore should only be viewable by adults. That may mean Television X will have to email schedules to their subscribers and have no listings transmitted or published.

The interesting thing is would they describe a black sex worker as a N-word? No they wouldn't.

So why should trans sex-workers get any less respect?

Unfortunate and not easily fixable as all said and done they are transwomen trying to pay the rent. And these negative stereotypical labels are what their customers are looking for.


The Wright Stuff
Channel 5

Matthew - "I was just telling Denise that I have spent most of the summer with bright pink nail varnish on one hand and bright orange on that...And I don't have a problem with that"
Female Panelist - Holds up her sparkly high heels.
Matthew - Ah...OK...And I also said, that if I could get into those shoes, I would wear them! Is that a terrible thing to say?

Audience cheers!

You Know I like Matthew, he is is sincere and not just doing throw-away gags. Also if you are totally comfortable with who you are, you can say and do things like this without any 'damage' to your image whatsoever - if anything it gets him more fans - Transgender Zone awards him highly every year. This is why. More on the Wright Stuff later in this thread log.

If you disagree, can you imagine Eamonn Holmes, doing the same or David Dimbleby?

He is one of those rare breeds that can balance serious world shattering dicussions with a blooming good laugh! If our own Vlog tries to emulate anything it is this format!


American Chopper
"Pilot Pen Bike/Ducati Bike" (Original Air date June 4, 2009) Ep9 Se06 .

No it is not about them saying 'Tranny' for transmission, as that's what they call them.

It is when Paul Senior, jokes about his son who has invested in building his Girlfriend a Boutique.

They make a number of unsavory comments about this investment, one of which was,

"I do not know where Paulie is, he is probably at his boutique trying women's underwear on!"

Then everybody laughs.

It is comical in that context as Paul is as far as we know not trans so they are not to their knowledge being transphobic.

But people watching who are trans, many who enjoy riding motorbikes, may just have a little knot in their gut, to see and hear what their motorbike idol really thinks about cross-dressing.

More fool him. In business a transperson's money is as good as anyone else's.

In their defence they have shown Mikey getting his toenails painted and saying he, "embraced his feminine side."

Nevertheless just another issue to add to the pile.


Celebrity Juice

They play a game and this was one of the questions.

Keith Lemon - What size is Jordan's (in Rizzle Kicks) kn0b on the slack? is it
A. Bigger than yours?
Is it B...smaller than Fearne's?
or C as big as mine...

He turns around and says - How big is your kn0b Fearne? Her female guest looks sorry for her...
Fearne - Annoyed That he would even consider it - "I don't have a knob Harley!!!"

Audience laughs.


Now, this is 'Transphobia by Proxy' (SEE TBP - ) AGAIN. It is happening a lot lately and I have reported on its increase. KL (AKA Leigh Francis) is getting a laugh out of a woman with a penis. What else can it be? The fact she does or does not have one is irrelevant.

Its the same as calling her (she is white) the n-word racially for a laugh. She isn't Black so that in theory and by this logic should be OK too, It isn't and for the exact same reasons this transphobia is not OK either!



Married Muslim Woman Who was a 'Male' TA Soldier is interviewed. Draw you own conclusions here.



Mrs Brown's Boys

4/6. Mammy's Valentine: Sitcom. Everyone has a date for Valentine's Day except Agnes. Can she really start internet dating at her age? Contains adult humour and strong language. Also in HD. [S]


How many more times must they repeat this - FFS!

Makes something new - preferably with an actual transperson?


Ladyboy Training 1
Television X

18-year-old sex addict Holly Harlow is a gorgeous ladyboy and Keisha Kane makes sure she shows her the ropes as she enters a house where sex is always on the menu.[SIC]

Comment - the listing equivalent to Porn in the children's comics section of a the newsagents.

The show might be scrambled but the descriptions and listings are not and available to anyone looking at their TV guide (no pun intended).


The Wright Stuff
Channel 5

Lively magazine show in which Matthew Wright and guests discuss the topical issues of the day.


Rebecca Wheatly - despite apparently a supporter of Gay rights, still uses the term 'Sex-Change' on the show when speaking about an article regarding having to disclose your sexuality in 'social inclusion forms' when making complaints to the council.

There was no malice in it, but if she is going to say it (especially when she lives in Brighton and seen on marches for Gay rights) it doesn't help as people watching will assume this terminology is correct. At least use quotation marks hand gestures to demonstrate that it is common jargon rather than factually correct or something.

Maybe Matthew could just correct panelists and say, I think its better to use the term transgender or transsexual. Although the term Transsexual is even being worn down. But OK for now. Transwomen or transmen, GenderQueer or transgender seem to be (luckily for this site and its name :)) still a la mode!


Alan Carr- Chatty Man
Channel 4

David Walliams (AGAIN) talks to the man with the licence to mock transpeople on Channel 4 Alan Carr.

You just know this is going to be transphobic at some stage.

It was.

They spoke about Simon Cowell and the mother to his child Lauren.

They then Joke about Lauren Harries from Celebrity Big Brother.

Alan - "I saw the headline Simon and Lauren.. I naturally assumed it was Lauren Harries from Celebrity Big Brother."


David - Laughs.

[Comment - Point of order - The story broke about Simon before Lauren even went into Celebrity Big Brother.]

David - "He was thinking about Lauren Harries when the Baby was being conceived."

Another big laugh.


Well I think they wanted to find a way to make a Lauren Harries Joke, and went from there, yet they could have used someone else in the CBB house for a gag. Why her? Lauren is the name of Simon Cowell's GF, and is the name of Lauren Harries, David works on the BGT with Simon Cowell. That's the "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" method of transphobia.

In other words, no matter who his guest was, or what the topic he could have found a way to use this material.

What saddens me most is there is like one transsexual on telly and Carr uses Gay Licence to abuse her almost immediately. This is worrying. As how can trans ever break through if they are always belittled like this and in something totally unrelated to her anyway.


What is wrong with this? Well as he is talking about an actual transsexual person and not a pretend one in a soap or drama, or indeed David himself in a dress, then he has to be more careful, he didn't say tranny - although I suspected he would have liked to based on all the other times he has used it.

However, what went wrong here, is the implied transphobia.

Lauren is seen by some of the public an eccentric character. And some may say even unattractive - although that is subjective - people all do not find one type of person attractive.

The Joke here is plain and simple - Lauren Harries is a 'weirdo' and Simon was thinking about her when he had sex. Making it doubly weird?

Else why would they laugh? I mean swap Lauren Harries for say Rhiana or Kate Moss? Not so funny now. What is the variable that makes it funny? That's the transphobic part and also the fact they all laughed inc the audience I found a little disturbing to be honest. This is a REAL person Now Alan, not pretend, and very dodgy territory!

If she had won maybe he would have had her on the show and repair some of the damage he has inflicted over the years - Channel 4 desperately need some trans content to happen as atm it is a real mess! Lauren of course is Channel 5! That must grind their gears a little on C4 who seem to be totally lost transwise atm!


Paul Chowdhry - What's Happening White People
Channel 4

Comedian Paul Chowdhry feels the pulse of mainstream Britain with his particular brand of observational humour.


Regular readers may remember his Tirade about transgender women on Channel 4's Stand-up for the Week - if you have forgotten then click here (Channel 4 again - bit of a theme brewing).

On this recording of his stand-up performance again on Channel 4 we have this.

"I thought I'd take her to an expensive restaurant..."
"She goes...I want to tell you sumthin'!"
"Oh it doesn't matter!"
"Well I've changed!"
"What do you mean changed?!"
"You used to be a man?!"
"No I am different now, but I used to be a right Sl*g."
"Well you better turn back time!"


Not a lot to say really other than, when he scripted this the term 'changed' immediately goes for this joke. And looking horrified with a long pause, doesn't help.

That said, noone does Asian humour like him and the reason why is simple - and this logic needs to apply to transphobic content too. You want that comedy CHANNEL 4? Then Stop faffing about with empty promises (that you are on top of transphobic content - news just in your ain't! - HIRE A F*CKING TRANSPERSON TO SAY IT! Preferably a full time transitioned trans comic who is not going to leave the dress at the stage door!


Coronation Street Omnibus

Karl's shock admission scares Jason. With Roy by her side, Hayley is prepared for theatre. A confused Beth confronts Karl over his interest in Craig.

Hayley has an increasing awkwardness around her as the street comes to terms with the news she only has months to live. However Hayley puts on a brave face and wants to make the most of the time she has left.

We have the full details of Hayleys final month here viewforum.php?f=16 or click the link above at the top of this thread page.


Bad Education

1/6. Swimming Gala: Abbey Grove's new term kicks off with the annual swimming gala and Alfie bribes his class to take part with the promise of a trip to a restaurant. Contains adult humour. [S]

Female Teacher sits down
A male - "A selection of guest ales?.."
Teacher talks about pupil but is interrupted...
"I am going out with a woman, Fraiser! I am not a man!"


"FEW! Ahhh there it is... I had heard you kissed a girl.."

Relieved she is not trans...

This is negative stereotyping, and a poorly written sequence, what are the BBC up to? BBC Three and Channel 4 make a good pair!

OK lets break it down. Last series they had this - viewtopic.php?f=16&t=3249 and used the term 'Tranny'. This series they are at it again!

Until she says otherwise he assumes she is 'a man', as this explains tempting her with Darts and beers etc...

A similar plot-line was written in 'WILFRED' viewtopic.php?f=16&t=3290 - Again a BBC Three programme. The other similar plot was on Channel 4 and the IT Crowd, where 'April' a transwoman is mistakenly dated by the company boss. (name obviously copied from April Ashley) ends up unconscious after being smashed through a plate glass window - for laughs. It had a montage in that of her drinking beer etc.

Tired, lazy stereotyping. But what really sticks in the craw is the relief of the male character when she said she was not 'a man', which based on her presentation is transhobia in anycase!

As what is wrong with being 'a man' or trans and presenting like this anyway? A cutting edge show would be cool about it and maybe even artificially over embrace trans issues to be the first to do so in a saturated market desperate for new ideas - HELLO!!! TRANSPEOPLE HIRE THEM - IDIOTS!, but as this is written by people past their sell-by it is anachronistic considering this is supposed to be about school!


Stardust (2007)
Channel 4

Lavish fantasy about an English country boy who rescues a beautiful princess in the form of a shooting star. To win the heart of a materialistic village girl, the lad vows to bring her a falling star he saw tumble from the sky. However, the star fell the wrong side of an ancient wall which the villagers are forbidden to cross, as beyond it lies an unknown supernatural domain. Disobeying the rules, the young man soon finds an exciting new world full of adventure and danger.


Robert Deniro plays a cutthroat captain of a ship but has a secret penchant in his cabin closet for ladies finery ;)


'The Men Who Love Ladyboys'
Pick TV

Following on from the acclaimed documentary exploring the world of Thailand's ladyboys, this thought-provoking series offers further insight into a sector of Thai society that makes up one per cent of the country's population.

Welcome return of this excellent series - worth watching.

Also this is one of those rare times that the term 'Ladyboy' is context correct!


Comedy Fest Live 2013

Gary Delaney

"I have got two kids, Jane and Emma, sadly they do both get bullied at school."
"I can't make it stop but I can teach them how to rise above it."
"Cos the other day I said, look, boys!"
Roars of laughter...

This is just outrageous! As whilst it was assumed they were girls, there was a silence and seriousness, the moment they have boys with girls names its all a big laugh.

Because at school today there are 'boys' who are transitioning to girls. This is just nasty and quite telling too.


Star Trek - Enterprise
CBS Action

Farther and faster into outer space than any humans have previously gone. The Enterprise crew makes first contact with the Vissians, a species with three genders. S2 Ep22/26


Interesting trans-like episode, however it ends with the trans committing suicide - so what can I say?


This Morning

This is a follow-up interview with a trans ftm lad by the name of Leo on the 24th June 2013.

Basically he and his mum were on the show because he needed/s puberty blockers and is not getting them.

All very supportive, and I suspect this was more of an arm-twisting exercise to shake -up his local health authority into getting on with this issue.

Very nice interview, he has a great mum. Not a lot more to say really other than I hope he gets what he wants.



Certainly better than the one with Jasmine above. But is that because he presents as male?


'Ladyboys Doing It For Themselves'
Pick TV

Following on from the acclaimed documentary exploring the world of Thailand's ladyboys, this thought-provoking series offers further insight into a sector of Thai society that makes up one per cent of the country's population. This final episode soars into the skies with PC Air, the world's first airline to hire ladyboy stewardesses. We also catch up with Nok, who has a life-changing decision to make.


Welcome return of this excellent series - worth watching.

Also this is one of those rare times that the term 'Ladyboy' is context correct!


Secret Diary Of A She-Male 2
Television X

Transsexual Girlfriend Experience: A frustrated guy has always wanted to sample the delights of a lovely ladyboy, and now is his chance. Go on, give it a try.[SIC]

Comment A above - the listing equivalent to Porn in the children's comics section of a the newsagents.

The show might be scrambled but the descriptions and listings are not and available to anyone looking at their TV guide (no pun intended).



Dan Wooton reports on Celebrity Big Brother.

He gave the odds - ABZ FAV - CHARLOTTE 2-1 - LAUREN 3-1 pretty close.

But he said that he wouldn't rule out Lauren...

Lotta love built up for Lauren over time.


The Wright Stuff
Channel 5

Lively magazine show in which Matthew Wright and guests discuss the topical issues of the day.


Louie Spence - Celebrity Big Brother was on.

The topic of choice was fun and something I could tell Matthew relished it was...

It was based on Sir Tony Robinson (BALDRICK BLACKADDER/TIME-TEAM) saying, "that all men could benefit from a spell wearing frocks."

Tony told the Reader's Digest that, "he loves wearing the occasional frock," he went further adding, "that your average red-blooded testosterone-fueled fella would be better off spending 2 years in women's clothes than being forced into national service!" He says the feeling he gets from wearing women's frocks is, "liberating and fun" :).

They went on that it is more often than not, not about being 'trans' but about expressing oneself through an alter-ego.

Mathew to the panel - "I can see why a lot of kids enjoy dressing up in women's clothes and men as by and large men's clothes are BORING!" And women's clothes are FUN!

They all compared notes on when they cross-dressed inc Dr David Bull. And how much they enjoyed it.

One of the men in the audience was asked - he got a bit uncomfortable -

Matthew - have you ever done it he asks him?
Audience member - No.
Matthew - how do you know, you might like it?!
Audiance member - well I know I ain't gonna like it if I fall off a building.
Matthew laughs - Fair enough!

Good fun and it does lessen the burden on transpeople who do transition for this to be warmly discussed.

Good stuff!


Alan Carr - Chatty Man
Channel 4

Alan Carr hosts the comedy chat show, which this season will celebrate its 100th episode. In this show Alan is joined by Mel Giedroyc and Sue Perkins, as well as American pop star Miley Cyrus who will be performing her single 'We Can't Stop'.


Alan is joined by Comedian Sean Lock,

Alan - 8 OUT OF 10 CATS is taking over Channel 4, first it was 'Deal or no Deal' then it was 'Countdown'? What next?
Sean - My Transsexual Summer!
Alan - That would be amazing!
Sean - LAUGHING - Jon is...
Alan - In heels?!....
Sean - is ... going to have a very intimate operation...
More laughter...

This is the same man who relentlessly mocks transpeople on Channel 4 and in his stand-up, describe trans GRS as an animal being shot at pointblank range.

When 'My Transsexual Summer' first aired, as some sweetener to show Channel 4 was 'doing something' - yeah what's been on since? Anyway, on Channel 4 that programme MTS was mocked relentlessly by Jimmy Carr and the gang, and on 'Big Fat Quiz of the Year' and on '8 Out of 10 Cats Do Countdown' 2 years ago. What is the point on doing it if the abuse and mockery is the fall out(?), its better not to bother, as this is just ammunition for them to use in stand-up. This is the thin end of a very large wedge, Channel 4 seems to have little or no control over thus making their promises pointless.

I could go on, suffice it to say CHANNEL 4 Sean is likely to be on some contract with them as is Jimmy Carr and Alan Carr, and this was, how many years after 'My Transsexual Summer' first aired? over 2?! So not even topical by 2 years, yet still scabbing about looking to a laugh at a transperson, and then jokes about GRS. This is Channel 4 the same channel who agreed to this!

Clearly avoided the section they agreed to here - "Avoid gratuitous descriptions, comments and reference s that subject transgender people to ridicule."

I think laughing at GRS is about as bad as it gets really.

I said it at the time and was told that I was a 'spoil sport', for even suggesting that Channel 4 had no idea what they had agreed to and would be unable to deliver - we knew we keep records - and I was right. Over and over and over again, why(?) because they never realised how institutional the transphobia was, and also didn't expect anyone would observe and catalogue it.

Well Channel 4 they are and you are bang to rights!

If he understood for a moment the pain and suffering gender dysphoria felt like he would be ashamed! If only I could let him experience that for a week, how it would change him! But instead he sits there laughing. People kill themselves over this issue, I think he assumes we all do it to give him comedy material and cos its a good laugh - yeah big difference between Drag and being trans!

ImageChannel 4

ImageChannel 4

Sean Lock and Alan laugh at Gender Reassignment Surgery.

Again I worry that this may seriously impinge on transgender comics and actors breaking through as if they do they will be ferociously, abused and ripped to shreds by these people before our very eyes!!!

Continued below...
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Ice Maiden
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Re: UK Television Transgender Monthly Round up Sept 2013

Postby Ice Maiden » Thu Oct 03, 2013 4:38 pm


Ladyboy Training 2
Television X

Having passed her audition, tasty 18+ girl Holly gets it on with Keisha Kane and the handsome Paolo, who swings more ways than a Robbie Williams party album![SIC]

Comment - the listing equivalent to Porn in the children's comics section of a the newsagents.

The show might be scrambled but the descriptions and listings are not and available to anyone looking at their TV guide (no pun intended).


Mrs Brown's Boys

5/6. Mammy?: Rory and Dino have a bust-up and Mark and Betty announce their departure to Australia. Contains adult humour and some strong language. Also in HD. [S]



Seann Walsh's Late Night Comedy...

...Spectacular. From the Edinburgh Fringe, Seann Walsh introduces new comedy acts including Tom Rosenthal, Marlon Davies,

Aisling Bea and hip-hop artists the Rubberbandits. Contains strong language. [S]


And like Channel 4 with their empty promises we have even more from the BBC!

Yeah I suspect being on so late that they thought we would miss it, Sorry 'bout that.

So here are a few one liners from this programme.

Seann Walsh opens the show less then 5mins in.

"From the back I look like Sarah Jessica Parker, from the front I look like anyone who has come back from Thailand, [...] yeah if I had a Sex-Change and breakdown!


5mins later...

Tom Rosenthal - About Danny Dyer - "He always plays drug-taking Cockneys apart from the film where he was a pre-op transsexual!"
Big Laugh
Tom Rosenthal - "Nah he was a drug-taking Cockney in that too."


So a 'non-joke' here, in that it was not something even he could say actually happened, he created a transphobic joke out of thin air and bolted it onto someone that this never happened to!

In the space of 10 mins we have 2 separate comics make trans jokes. One says, his face "looks like someone who has come back from Thailand", in case you were unsure of the reference he reinforces it with "Sex-Change" in the next breath. Tom uses "Pre-op Transsexual" for a laugh.

If both these terms were removed the jokes would not work as well, this means the material is weak if you have to go straight to the transphobia for a boost.

This happens a lot, and as the BBC come to rely more and more on these cheap stand-up programmes rather than investing in big Saturday night entertainment shows of yesteryear with carefully crafted scripts that are scrutinised, this will happen more and more.


Remember this is the same BBC full of promises here!

This sadly is all pointless if they cannot even deal with the simplest issues, and these are issues they could deal with NOW! without any negotiation. With the click of an video editor's mouse the gag is dropped from the set, the comic would unlikely repeat it again on TV if that happened, as they need the work, so why leave it in? Because transsexuals are 'funny' and the production team perhaps need some advice from 'above'.


Snog Marry Avoid

9/12. Natasha and Laura: Make-under show. Laura's mum wishes her daughter could be confident without the make-up and fake tan. Natasha's Katy Perry-inspired look is causing fireworks. [S]


Pleased to see they now say they look as bad as a 'a man in drag' - rather than as bad as a tranny... Progress?!

Took a bit of arm twisting and shaming to get here though!


Storage Hunters

Bin #336

Reality TV series in which a couple go to extreme lengths to win items in abandoned storage lockers. Brandon and the Taylors compete to win vintage military equipment, while other lots include a deep fat fryer.


Unusual one this as they never know what they are going to find when they bid on a 'bin'.

This time T-Money bids on a storage locker and discovers its a crossdresser's hideaway.


T-Money - "What this? A dress, a wig, what the? Oh My goodness somebody been stuffing a damn bra."

Auctioneer - "OH NOOOO!"


T-Money - "You don't know what's real up in Hollywood man!"


T-Money - "Big ass heels!" Puts on wig, "Can I fool anybody like this?!""Hell no! I still look like a man don't I!"


Based on the principle they do not know what they are going to find, T-Money is a funny guy. Not sure on the auctioneer's comment "OHHH NOOO!!!"


Or the comment that transpeople are in some way, "not real!" As this plays into the concept of fraudulent behaviour.

Nevertheless very interesting moment.

Unlike a comic who scripts their transphobia 'carefully' this is just how people behave in general when dealing with trans issues - especially men. And T-money has less bravado than most as he tries on the wig :)


Pick TV

The Ladyboy Capital of the World

This thought-provoking series explores a sector of Thai society that makes up one per cent of the country's population. Cameras travel to Pattaya, Thailand's sin city. Once a sleepy fishing village, it is now a tourist hotspot and home to the world-famous ladyboy cabaret shows.


Another installment of this excellent series (OFTEN REPEATED SO ADD IT TO YOUR SKY PLUS OR MEDIA CENTERS).

If there was one downside, it would be it can make the benchmark for beauty very high and this impinges on the ability for many transwoman to pass well. Yet inside they feel exactly the same. So it can trigger gender dysphoria of those struggling for this reason I would exercise caution if you are easily troubled in this way.


Snog Marry Avoid

Nothing bad but better than usual as they continue to use man in drag rather than 'tranny' to describe women who dress badly. Although Men in drag may need their own support group at this rate. Truth is 'othering' is not the answer here. If you 'look bad' and that is a very subjective issue anyway, then you look bad it has nothing to do with transpeople, or men in drag it is to do with just you!

But glad to see the back of 'Tranny' for now, they just need to edit it out of the reruns on REALLY CHANNEL - I assume the BBC are still being paid for that term being used on there?


New - Hustling America
Channel 5

Las Vegas: Documentary series. En route to Las Vegas, TV conman Alexis Conran tries to outrun a horse on foot and meets a man who had breast implants to win $100,000. [S]


Not trans really, but it does have cross-over issues. Harmless programme about wild bets people have made or taken. This is now a well documented case of a man having implants for a bet. I find it interesting that of all the bets he has ever done this is the only one people remember or are interested in. And as such it does have that 'curiosity' transwomen attract when they grow theirs. He didn 'get them out' just talked about them. Probably too expensive to get that.


The Wright Stuff
Channel 5

Lively magazine show in which Matthew Wright and guests discuss the topical issues of the day.


Matthew - "First is being Loud anything to be proud of? Gobby and brash they say she is but Charlotte beat the Big Brother quiet types, Bi'ar'tches and Lauren to win the converted title of Celebrity Big Brother Champion..."

This was smart writing from TWS, as it purposefully separates Lauren from the 'mean girls'. I though that was good. It is often the little things that make the most difference, and just how you word something demonstrates clued-up and joined-up thinking regarding the sensitivities with someone like Lauren. Keep it up!


This Morning

Phillip and Emma unban and interview Lauren Harries.



Secret Diary Of a She-Male 3
Television X

Transsexual: Gorgeous TS Melanie trains her new male sex slave with verbal domination and more. He loves it, too! [SIC]


Again a girl has gotta make a living I guess... However these terms and labels are available to the general listings and not in the back of a porn mag - so scrambling the content does not stop this being shown.

Transsexual = Dominatrix - She-male - all very unsavoury for family listings viewing. And just reinforces trans as no more than sex-workers, as earlier this month they had Ladyboy sex programmes too with similar language.

In the public listings they could I suppose say

"Secret Diary of a ... with Gorgeous Transsexual Melanie Trains."

People would still know what this means and less offensive.

What they show on their own site or descrambled is up to them, this concern only is to do with the way it is shown in listings, newspaper pull out TV listings mags etc (no pun intended).

The Cleveland Show
'A Brown Thanksgiving'

Animated spin-off following Family Guy's Cleveland as he embarks on a new life away from Rhode Island. Cleveland celebrates his first Thanksgiving with his new family and is privy to a secret regarding Donna's Auntie Momma.


Possibly the worst cartoon sequence currently broadcast on Channel 4 network.

It has everything, from trans panic, Projectile vomiting about a trans person, Cleveland describes the transperson as a tranny, the transperson is seen as a sexual deviant and marriage wrecker - only interested in sex.

Truly a disaster! And the fact E4 broadcast it just rubs salt into the wounds, further reinforcing their empty promises to stop all this.

This is not the first time either, we have listed this as being repeated time and time again and again - so rather than go any further it is easier to click here.

e4/Channel 4



Steptoe and Son (1972)

Film version of the TV sitcom starring Wilfrid Brambell and Harry H Corbett, 1972. Restless rag-and-bone man Harold decides to get married but his cantankerous father Albert isn't too keen [AD,S]


Harold and Albert go to the bar after watching a strip show. Where Harold meets the stripper who takes a shine to him and later marries him, but that's another story!

However, the drag act comes out with her to have a drink and Albert fancies 'the drag act', Harold has a good laugh about it with his new squeeze and says, "do you want the key?" (Ah back in those days when you only had one key!) And Albert smiles back, "I may not be home tonight!2 Albert the next day is angry that, it was a fella!

Its of it's time and surprisingly the gay man who played the drag queen was treated well in the script as Harold bumps into him later to find out where his estranged wife is now living.

I am not sure if this has been edited as I think the original may have had 'poof' and so on in it - I maybe wrong.

However, that aside, the topic of transpanic applies here. A person (with male anatomy) presenting as female for whatever reason, was and still is disturbing to many.

Not the end of the world, and a bit late to worry now, this was over 40 years ago and they are both dead! But interesting how some things never change, so an important social observation of the UK at the time (1972)! A time of April Ashley's newspaper scandal moments.

Of course what was not known so publicly was Wilfred Bramble (The Father, Albert) was gay himself, and with his teeth in and smart suit and his real posh voice cut quite the dandyesque figure on the London scene. This maybe in part why this Film is not quite so dated. As I suspect he may have had some input here maybe with the casting too of the drag queen.



The Last Leg
Channel 4

Last in the series.

Probably the best episode so far.

Adam Hills, Josh Widdicombe and Alex Brooker present the comedy show that takes a look at the weird and wonderful stories of the week. With guest Eddie Izzard.


Special Guest Eddie Izzard - Eddie rarely goes wrong as a guest and still promotes his transiness. :)

This show is the one ray of sunshine Channel 4 has - its probably almost perfect as the disabled comics are brilliant and make you feel safe talking about issues that would be a concern were it anybody else, this exemplifies the need for a transgender equivalent. What more proof do you need? So Channel 4 do it now before someone else does! No one remembers who came second! And what a missed opportunity!





(All images Channel 4).

Eddie also appeared at the Labour Party Conference this year, he makes no secret of his political ambition's mainly towards Mayor of London.

I know some feel it maybe a shame Eddie has boxed away his girly side a bit (maybe just at home), but I think he knows where to draw the line, in this instance high heeled boots, nail varnish, makeup and still id'ing as trans. Seems to work for him (and her). So good luck to him in 2015! :)


Posh Pawn
Channel 4

Documentary looking at high class pawnbrokers in Britain. Focusing upon Prestige Pawnbrokers in Surrey, stories behind the expensive and exclusive items which come into the store are revealed. Headed up by slick former property developer James Constantinou, with the aid of a quirky team of asset experts including salt-of-the-earth jewellery expert Lawrence and feisty PA Jo, Prestige is the go-to place for people wanting fast cash in well-heeled Surrey.[SIC]


Although the face was Blurred it was pretty obvious a transwoman kicked-off because the value of the item she was pawning didn't meet her expectations!


Embarrassing Bodies

Christian Jessen and Pixie McKenna uncover the nation's most awkward medical complaints. The doctors examine a variety of blush-inducing conditions in Glasgow, including a pus-filled armpit and a spotty groin. Back in the main clinic, Christian meets a man with a buried penis, and Pixie puts herself in the patient's chair as she agrees to undergo treatment for her phobia of spiders.


Mr Guri Sandhau does a chondrolaryngoplasty‎ or Adam's Apple Reduction. Carried out at Charing Cross Hospital for obvious reasons, this was a rare case of a 'bio female' having it done.

Good episode for anyone interested in this procedure.

It also featured a man regarding Gynocomastia - again very relevant to transpeople.


The Fried Chicken Shop
Channel 4

Documentary series that follows the staff and customers of a fried chicken shop. In this first episode, the cameras show why the Rooster Spot is a hub for love and relationships.


'The Wright Stuff's' TV Critic Kevin O'Sullivan said that Jessie was one to watch out for in this programme the week before, and only politeness something more cutting being said I feel. And this was the constant theme of Political Correctness that led to this absurd situation where someone was clearly behaving inappropriately, but people dare not say anything lest they create a scene or be labeled transphobic. This is the problem when the pendulum swings too far the other way.

Interesting one this, as it features a transwoman (although it is unclear if the person identified as female or just like to wear skirts?).

Unfortunately the individual was quite passive-aggressive and we discuss this in some detail in our Vlog #20 this week.

Jessie - "When I was 35 years-old I used to try and get my Girlfriends to dress-up sexy, but she refused. So I did it instead. Walking down the street in my sexiest most naked outfit makes me happy."

Channel 4

Channel 4

Channel 4

Jessie to Girl - Why don't you dress better?

Channel 4

Girl to boyfriend - "OMG this is so scary" (under her breath sipping water).

Channel 4

Girl - So he looks OK (pointing to her boyfriend) its just me that looks bad? I am proper offended."

Channel 4

They quickly leave - "Girl to BF - what kind of people are in this Chicken and Chip shop?"

Jessie - I don't mind being labeled the 'Clapham Tranny!'


Students eat after college.

Jessie pulls up on a bicycle...

Channel 4

Teenager puts his hand up to mask his view of her - "Oh Muy god...somebody? F*cking hell man!"
People laugh uncomfortably in the shop.

Channel 4

This was not good. On the one hand we have a person living their life, and dressing how they want. But it was bordering on indecency and Jessie was passive aggressive and intimating to a innocent couple just having lunch. Their manners and 'PC' behaviour resulted in them humouring Jessie and politely leaving. But at one point the girl said she was scared!

To quote Janett Scott from our Skype debate link shown above. "Jessie was a prat!"

I think the truth is the fear of upsetting transpeople may have swung too far in this instance, and results in the situation where an individual is wandering about intimidating the public without a word being said lest it be transphobic. Well few people are better placed than our group to tell it straight and we did. Although it was balanced as you will hear.

If this is Channel 4's contribution to furthering transpeople in the media then they can keep it!

The effect of this can be quite critical, as I can hear people watching all over the country pointing laughing and saying the same things and then suggesting, "Well thats what them transgender are like init!"

See what we thought of all this in part 2 of our Video Log! (Available from 250913 #20)


Celebrity Juice

Keith Lemon continues the tenth series of the outrageous comedy panel show. Fearne Cotton recently returned as team captain following her maternity break, with fellow presenter Holly Willoughby once again leading the opposing team. Joining the panel for are TV presenter Carol Vorderman, Celebrity Big Brother winner Charlotte Crosby, chef Gino D'Acampo and comedian Chris Ramsey.

Guest behind the life-sized Magazine this week was Lauren Harries.



I thought hmmmm? Wonder what he will say?

He treated her fine.

He had a dig about her saying she had a fling with Russell Brand (Russell denies this). And that's it. Thankfully.

Now isn't that interesting, when he has the opportunity to openly mock someone trans to their face he bottles it! As most comics do.

Best to stick to his transphobia by proxy of Fearne Cotton eh?

Transphobia by Proxy Definition -

Of course this again demonstrates the need for more trans actors and 'celebrities', as if they are on these shows there is rarely tranphobic comments. In their absence they are rife!

Its almost like 'trolling' on the internet, very few would say these hateful things to the face of the person.


Ladyboy Training 3
Television X

Damien has no idea that stunning ladyboy Holly has a secret weapon in her love arsenal. But he's up for anything, especially when Keisha Kane joins in the porno fun.[SIC]


The same as those above - in that the labels and terminology associated with these listings is publicly available too all (not just adults) and can be very distasteful. On the other hand transwomen are making a living.


Mrs Brown's Boys

6/6. Mammy Swings: Wedding mania descends on the Browns. Agnes is looking forward to it, until she meets their wedding planner. Contains some strong language. Also in HD. [S]


[GROAN!] Is it still 1978?!


'Ladyboy Beauty Queens'
Pick TV

Following on from the acclaimed documentary exploring the world of Thailand's ladyboys, this thought-provoking series offers further insight into a sector of Thai society that makes up one per cent of the country's population.


Good programme, if there was one issue is that it is about Thailand (of course) and they set the benchmark for beauty and stereotypes. This logic does not translate well in the UK, and the term Ladyboy in the UK is often a hate-crime word, or used to make jokes about a 'visit to Thailand'.

Also it is repeated a lot suggesting that's all they have to show.

I think we need some dramas with transpeople in now, rather than the cheap documentaries.

That said it is still worth watching!


Family Guy

Subversive animated comedy about the trials and tribulations of American family life. After a public disturbance, Peter and Brian are forced to attend a 12-step meeting to help kick their drinking problems. Unable to recognise his issue, Peter gets a visit from Death, who gives him a glimpse of what life would be like with and without 'Mr Booze' in his bloodstream.


In the second part he jokes about jacking off to a 'shemale' sex site.


Seann Walsh's Late Night Comedy...

If once was not enough now they inflict the transphobic repeats...

For more see here:


A Girl Like Me - The Gwen Araujo Story

Drama based on the true story of a transgender teenager. With the support of 'his'[SIC] mother, the boy gradually adopts a female identity, only to meet a tragic end at the hands of a brutal gang.


I was actually online running the Beaumont Society chat room when this happened - showing my age now. And it was a case that shocked the world! Many of the lines of negotiation with law enforcement and their improvement world-wide kinda stemmed from this outrage! And the wonderful work of her campaigning mother - despite her grief.

The only thing that could have improved this would be a trans actor, however, this again demonstrates just how smooth an operation Channel 5 has and why it tops our Awards every year as Best Channel for Transgender Issues.

Whilst Channel 4 and the BBC ridicule transpeople, Channel 5 show what actually happens when this occurs!

I have seen this a number of times, the poignant part for me was to see the bikers act as crowd marshals! As people were still transphobic at her funeral!!! Even though she was murdered!!! Truly I despair in society sometimes, and this recent [url= ... image[/url] of Chrisie Edkin's Funeral just reminded me of that as bikers lead her funeral too.

Moving and sad.


Seann Walsh's Late Night Comedy...

More transphobia 3 time running this week from BBC THREE See above (this was a repeat).


Secret Diary Of a She-Male 4
Television X

Alekssandra goes out on the streets of Whitechapel and meets the ghosts of two Victorian street girls, Pamela and Starr. The former's a lovely ladyboy, making for some interesting three-way fun.


Yet again publicly searchable and not in the slightest bit restricted from listings. The show maybe scrambled but the listings are not!


London Irish
Channel 4

Sitcom. Four young friends from Northern Ireland experience life in England. Packy bumps into Ryan, an old friend from home.


This has been hammered a bit for being racist, and it is no 'Father Ted', just crude lazy stereotyping. However that is for someone else to worry about. I was more concerned with the speed they made a cross-dressing joke, and one that lasted for practically the entire episode. The lad is at the airport, they have too much baggage, but they can wear the baggage and thus bypass the weight limit. That's fine and even makes good sense! He ends up with this dress on. Then instead of just changing when he got back leaves it on as a script vehicle to encourage a number of comments, ridiculing the wearing of the dress. In reality as soon as they arrived and landed he would just repack it - if the zip was stuck it isn't going to get any less stuck by wearing it all day working in a bar!

Basically the writer was using the dress to fill the voids in the script. Transgags help many a comic or scriptwriter out when they are struggling for content.

I just did not see the point in keeping this going, it was ridiculous, the crossdressing is fine, but the way this was constructed and carried on was not. It made no sense. Other than invite stupid questions about wearing the dress. If the character transitions or is a crossdresser then fine - if however by next week this is ancient history then its yet another example of Channel 4 losing the plot.



"The zip's stuck I can't get it off..."

Yeah that's why... and it has been almost a day since he put it on. Not that this is deemed to be funny, lazy laugh at a man in a dress comedy. They just don't get it.


New - The Railway - First Great Western
Channel 5

Documentary series. This episode explores what happens on the network after dark. The Night Riviera service has a broken carriage, and some inebriated students arrive at Reading. [S]


Guard jokes when checking the last train for people before locking up - "We had a bloke change into a woman once when we opened the toilet door, yeah...! (LAUGHS...)"

What is this Metropolis? Where is Superman? He means changing clothes surely? ;)

If not can I have their Endocrinologist's number please?

Sorry just being pedantic ;) This was harmless fun...


'Ladyboy Beauty Queens'
Pick TV

Following on from the acclaimed documentary exploring the world of Thailand's ladyboys, this thought-provoking series offers further insight into a sector of Thai society that makes up one per cent of the country's population.[SIC]


Another showing of the episode above.


This Morning

Morning show featuring the latest news topics alongside showbiz and lifestyle features.


Lauren Harries lands a, 'I will value our antiques' slot on the show.


The hunt seems to be on to find something to do with the only famous transsexual in Britain at the moment :) That's funny and very sad all at the same time!

Lauren is a mistress of reinvention, from child curiosity, to adult curiosity, to self-described 'Fashion Expert', and now the antiques are back.


Some may say this is just filling air time and does she really know what she is talking about? Would you trust her valuation? On the other hand she has been interested in this field since childhood so must have learned something? Surely? [AND DON'T CALL ME SHIRLEY! 'Airplane' gag? NM :lol: ]

Nevertheless, they have booked her and it is 'profile'. Personally I feel her best bet is to have some sort of reality show with Courtney, stateside. Anyone remember this series? or this one? with Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie. Well Lauren and Courtney do LA? or something like that would I think be better. One thing is clear Lauren is better when she has a double-act, she needs another person to bounce off. Perfect example was her relationship with Courtney in this year's Celebrity Big Brother, But I noticed it before when she did fashion reviewing with Pete Burns watching previous versions of Big Brother - those two make a great pairing too! Now there's a thought ;)


Anyways, just saying Lauren was on, and Emma (Willis CBB presenter) was in the 'Hub'. I get the feeling Emma may well have brokered the deal and return of Lauren here. As until now she was not welcome. If this is the case then I think that's another thing we should be thanking her for apart from winning our best show awards every year in our very own Transgender Zone Television Awards.


The IT Crowd - The Final Episode
'The Internet is Coming'
Channel 4

All four stars of the award-winning cult sitcom - Chris O'Dowd, Richard Ayoade, Katherine Parkinson and Matt Berry - reunite for a one-off special final episode written and directed by Graham Linehan. The reputations of Roy, Jen and that of Reynholm Industries itself are at risk when an incident involving spilt coffee and a homeless person ends up on the internet. Meanwhile, after Douglas shares the secret of his confidence, a newly transformed Moss devises a plan to inspire Jen and Roy.[SIC]


The long awaited new episode of 'The IT Crowd'. However, they do not have the best track record of dealing with trans issues. Their last attempt saw transsexual April (named after April Ashley - who else?) smashed through a plate glass window to laughter - I kid you not.

So How long did it take for the imaginative thoughts and fresh thinking of these expert writers to opt for what else? A crossdressing gag? Not long.

The secret to Moss' bosses' confidence is wearing ladies Slacks. So Moss tries them too. On the surface seems quite harmless? But its not.

So there is this awkward moment buying them in a women's shop, the comedy and laughter around wearing them.

They made a big joke out of short people too, but unlike Ricky Gervais' 'Life's too short' with Warwick Davis this was unsophisticated just laughing at a short person for being short, and the whole show required a number of 'stooges'. Be that height, crossdressing, or sexist with women being too stupid to understand IT.

This for a programme perfectly constructed for the modem age, has got old so quickly - or is that just the writers? To think that this writer's same mind was partially responsible for creating 'Father Ted' (FT was written by a team inc Arthur Mathews and Graham Linehan), This is what is the most depressing. That when it comes to anythin' to do with crossdressing its all a BIG LAUGH! Perhaps Graham Linehan needs Arthur Mathews, cos this was diabolical and I think they should not have bothered to bring it back.

Thanks Channel 4. It may have given Moss confidence (in reality this was just another crossdressing joke vehicle - SEE "TRANS-STOOGE" here viewtopic.php?f=16&t=3292), but the fact that again crossdressing comes to the rescue for a plotline - the other being 'London Irish' above - is very telling. That basically comedy has run out of ideas! And we are all they have left! Channel 4 do not seem to understand the difference between 'empowering' our community by hiring transpeople for dramas (and comedy) and just having people mock or pretend to be transpeople or dress like them for a giggle.

Boss - "Wearing women's slacks gives me confidence..."


Boss - "I am pretty sure this doesn't make me a transvestite!" BIG LAUGH.

[Would he say the same with a blacked up face with Race? IM]


Moss - "I am here on purpose!
Woman - Yes?
Moss - I am interested in women's slacks!
Audience laughter (probably canned).
Moss - I would like to buy a pair for me! Not for a woman!
Audience - Even bigger laugh.
Woman - Oh well that shouldn't be a problem!

[Interesting that an expert in IT wouldn't shop online - just a thought! IM]

Moss - I am not trying to look like a woman!


Trouble is in reality if this were even likely, he would buy them online they would be delivered, but that's not funny. Putting him in a store with women's clothes is apparently, but why? But that's not funny in reality for transpeople, it is either a pleasant day out being treated how you should be, or a really freakin' traumatic experience that does not deserve ridicule. Of course, even when someone visits a 'transgender lifestyle product store' Like 'Miranda' did in her BBC sitcom, we do not escape mockery even then. This all is very tired now. And comedy needs the same kick up the backside it had by the new wave of comics that appeared in the late 80s. The then 'Alternative Comedy' scene looked down their noses at the old racists and working men's club sexists of the 70s. But they too have now become our modern day version. Its just about transpeople now instead. How the mighty have fallen eh?

Laughing at dwarfs, women, the homeless - yeah they even did a mentally ill homeless person that they all had a jolly good laugh at too! Oh and don't forget the transvestites? This is Channel 4's effort! Unbelievable!


My Super Ex-Girlfriend

Screwball comedy about a man who must suffer the consequences when he breaks up with his girlfriend - consequences that are magnified by the fact that she has superpowers and is not afraid to use them to wreak revenge on him.


Eddie Izzard plays the loveable baddie!



Coronation Street

So Hayley goes in search of her estranged son Christian.

Full Story here! Follow it every week!


New - Family Guy



'Ladyboy Surgery'
Pick TV

Following on from the acclaimed documentary exploring the world of Thailand's ladyboys, this thought-provoking series offers further insight into a sector of Thai society that makes up one per cent of the country's population. Find out exactly what it takes to make a man into a woman. Cameras follow two patients as they embark on sex change procedures.{SIC]


Very good and again in context as they are self-described labels not the term being used about the UK Trans community for laughs.

The only criticism would be that it has already been repeated a number of times and maybe it is time for some new content? The listing says 'sex-change' too.

As the saying goes - its old news now.


The Fried Chicken Shop
Channel 4




So endeth another month of happy transempowering television - NOT!- see you next time!

Don't have nightmares!
Disclaimer!!!! Please Read!

"Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have." M.Mead

Man [...] must count no one but himself; that he is alone, abandoned on earth in the midst of his infinite responsibilities, without help, with no other aim than the one he sets himself, with no other destiny than the one he forges for himself on this earth." - J.P.Sartre.

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Rona Rees
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Re: UK Television Transgender Monthly Round up Sept 2013

Postby Rona Rees » Sat Oct 05, 2013 2:08 pm

good to see the good along with what was bad keep it up
Rona Rees
Skype live chat