UK Television Transgender Monthly Round up Mar 2013

Every month we list UK programmes the feature transgender issues good and bad. If you work in the media this is a must see monthly list.
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UK Television Transgender Monthly Round up Mar 2013

Postby Ice Maiden » Thu Apr 04, 2013 12:50 pm

So here we go again, what is broadcast in the UK reflects on you as a transperson. Every month it is a case of spot the positives. Almost all television featuring anything remotely associated with transpeople is negative, comical or are negative stereotypes.

High Points
Alan Titchmarsh Show with Luke and Sarah.

Low points are quite simple.
Comic Relief 2013

Big Brother Luke Thread here
and our blog post about how the show has improved in 12 months here
Read his interview here ... OA&index=9

Don't forget our Soap storyline Archive here
Jason Archive in Hollyoaks

And what has been happening in Coronation St here - not good.

All the following clips have been archived for evidential purposes should they be needed.


This Morning


Eamonn Holmes jokes to Matt in the Hub that he would look good in one of the Princess Diana dresses up for auction. However, why is it funny, why laugh? Had Matt been Emma would he have said it? Would it have been funny? I think this is a difficult and intrusive problem in transpeople being taken seriously. When it is no longer acceptable to laugh at a 'man in a dress' we will have won!

Pantos will stop casting Crosssdressing Dames and Drag will move onto something else.

Be a long wait eh?


Little Britain

Usual stuff.


Rude Tube

Trouble is this show has a habit of picking out transphobic video clips and this time was no exception they have repeated this of course.

One where a 'hot girl' has sex and rolls over and says, "I used to be a man." And the guy looks terrified.

The next is about testicular cancer and has a supermodel reach into her undies and pulls out a scrotum.

Classic cases of 'The Reveal' as I put it in the Trans-currency paper here viewtopic.php?f=16&t=3352

I dunno - same old story...


Let's Dance for Comic Relief

Winner was a woman Jodie Prenger won dressed as Cameo for the song 'Word Up'. ... p-3523384/

Looks more like Bobby Ball than Cameo you tell me ;) ... o/Ball.jpg

Swiftly moving on...


The Likely Lads (1976)

Bob walks into the bathroom of Terry's Flat and there are women's underwear, tights etc... hanging up in there.

Bob - (holding up the bra in the kitchen to Terry) Is there something you want to tell me? Do you want me to lend you the fair to Denmark?
Terry - the Articles in question happen top belong to a certain young lady...
Bob - of course you always did have a certain irresistible sexual magnetism...


In the supermarket chatting

Bob - I think I am having an identity crisis!
Thelma (his wife) - "Oh is that what Alan Pooley Had?
Bob - No I just think Alan liked dressing up in women's clothes!
Thelma - Well you know who you are Bob and you know where you are going - crashes his shopping trolley into another old lady's trolley.


Family Guy

Crossdressing gag


This Morning

FTM Bobby Barnes Appears on show to talk about his family dynamics - great stuff :) Very Positive. Nice to see Family supporting him too.

The person doing the captions should be fired - I mean just take a look at this Title flashed up beneath his name.

"Bobby Barnes Was Born a Woman,
but always felt she was a man." [SIC]

What a mess!

What do they say with mountains (media) and climbing them?

Image ITV



Tim Healey (Transvestite Les/Lesley) sings 'Man I feel Like a Woman' in a female cowboy outfit.


People Like Us
Episode 5 of 6

Duration: 1 hour

Three miles north of the city centre is a little-known Manchester suburb called Harpurhey. Ten years ago it was labelled the most deprived neighbourhood in England, but there's a lot more to life around here than government statistics.

In this six-part documentary series, a vibrant mix of feisty, witty and headstrong young people show us what it's really like growing up the hard way.

We catch up with ladies' man Jamie, 19, who works on the local market with his mum Donna but doesn't see himself on the market for the rest of his life. He dreams of becoming a singer, and hooks up with an unlikely career mentor, drag queen Belinda Scandal. Jamie's convinced Belinda can help him get his 15 minutes of fame, but Donna's not so sure about Belinda. With tensions rising, Donna goes to Manchester's gay village to confront Belinda.

Image BBC

Comment - It all turned out right in the end. Belinda came across as a nice person, the only issue was the general feel to the build up as if she was some predator looking for boys to take back to her lair.


An Idiot Abroad
'swim with dolphins'
Pick TV

Karl visits the Ladyboys of Bangkok.

Now this had all the layers of ignorance.

He used the term Tranny - he called them blokes - and questioned at what point does a bloke become a woman?

How much 'Blokage' did they have and could he tell. He compared them with the trans in the UK who have beards and hairy legs and big hands.

He dressed up and had a make-over to look like a woman - much to the delight of the Katoi watching.

I have listened to Karl Pilkington and his infamous Ricky Gervais Podcasts since they first appeared on audio - later to be made into a cartoon series as they never shot video of the recordings.

Karl is now in the New Ricky Gervais Show 'Derek' playing himself really.

Karl is ignorant, that's his thing. He calls it as he sees it, there is rarely malice in anything he says. He sees the world with an almost child-like amazement. And loves a 'freak'.

He to me exemplifies the majority of UK public when we see anything trans on telly. He is perfect to look at our community with. As he has an unfiltered take on it all.

It is clear there is a LOT of work to do before the Karls of this world and their female counterparts understand what trans is and how it affects us.

And that being a bloke with a beard, can still be all female inside. He mentions, "are there 'levels' of this - are some like Eddie Izzard where they like knickers and bras but then take it off and be men again." "Does cutting the boll*cks off - is that the point that they are women?"

This episode is something that is difficult to explain and needs to be seen, and Karl needs to be understood as a person before we critique it. I kinda understand him and do think he has a way of looking at the world that has made him very well liked.

I am not making excuses for him. Rather we should perhaps take advantage of his views to try and see why we struggle to make headway. After all there are Karls in every corner, in every office and even employers.

However, he was not nasty in the shots below he says, "do they have boyfriends," and they reply, "yes". He then says. "they must be gay," as only two have had 'the op' and they say not they are straight. They laughed about it as one said, "they come in and say hiyah..." And he says, "yeah definately gay!" :lol:



What was endearing is how he ended it - remember he is speaking for himself, he said, "Would I think less of my girlfriend if she turned around tomorrow and told me she was born a bloke?"..He said, "it probably wouldn't make any difference to how I feel about her!"

So a very mixed bag - this is a repeat of course from Sky when it was first show sometime ago but being repeated on Thursdays as a special free Sky preview thing on PICKTV their Freeview Channel. It was worth remembering.


Channel 4

This is an interesting one - Television review programme narrated by Caroline Aherne. Britain's most opinionated and avid TV viewers comment freely on the best and worst television shows of the past week from the comfort of their sofas.

Now! Channel 4 have made a flimsy promise to treat transpeople properly. This show has reviewers sitting in the armchairs - its basically the 'Royle Family' but with real people.

Despite not one of the programmes under review being trans, they still edited this into the opening sequence.

A man points with horror - "She used to be a fella!!!"

Now I then had to think what was on the most recently that they may have been so horrified by? I can only assume that it was the episode of either the shooting gallery with Paris Lees, or the Inside Out programme Broadcast in the Westcountry? I am interested to know what it is they were watching - but my gut feeling is this was a fabricated comment and filmed purely for the opening credits to sensationalise them despite having no trans content whatsoever.


The Ambulance- 8 Minutes to Disaster

Documentary following the staff of the Reading Ambulance Service, as they attempt to meet Government targets to reach 75 per cent of life-threatening calls within eight minutes. Crews respond to some 300 calls a day, covering everything from suicide attempts and binge drinking to repeat callers who just want a chat and a cup of tea.

Ambulance Diver and Paramedic mock a transperson

Ambulance is driving through the town center busy night life.

The driver says to his paramedic colleague, "God that's an awful dress!""Hey I got a smile!" They both burst out laughing. The driver retorts, "I think it was a tranny!!!" They burst out laughing some more.

"IT", "A TRANNY?!" This is the Berkshire Ambulance Service!

When compared to the way the police dealt with a similar issue (above) it is clear that a uniform and work pressure is no excuse for this type of behaviour - and on camera!

Not good, sorry!

And this from actual working paramedics who maybe called to your home! A disgrace really!

PS - This was originally commissioned for Channel 4 - just so you know re the Memorandum of Understanding etc.


Family Guy

Crossdressing gag


Batman - The Bold and The Brave
Channel 5

The Criss Cross Conspiracy!: Animation. Katrina Moldoff uses magic to swap bodies with the Caped Crusader. [S]

Interesting and handled quite well :) It is for kids after all.

Apart from BatMan camping it up a bit I did enjoy it hehehe :gigglersx: :lol: :P :shrugs: :noway:



Features Charles Hides - he is a comedian who makes himself up as celebrities like Cher and Lorraine Kelly hence why he is on the show.


All New- 8 Out of 10 Cats

Jimmy Carr to 'Made In Chelsea' star Ollie Locke - "You look like a person for whom the Gender Reassignment has gone brilliantly!"
Later whilst talking about James Bond and female Spy Names like 'p*ssy Galore'...Ollie is asked if any of his posh friends have names like that.
Ollie Responds, "no although I have a Binki and a caggi [nick-names for friends]."
Jimmy Carr responds, " You've got a Binki and a Caggi? [points at his crotch] So you are transgender???!!!

Gets a laugh I suppose... But its the same old same old pattern that just goes around and around. Seemingly forever!


UK Border Force
Pick TV

Observational documentary series. Officers stop a Nigerian with a forged passport who insists he is 15 years old. A transgendered woman suffering from terminal cancer and with just $10 to her name finds out if she qualifies to get into the country. A criminal is caught in Calais.


The Matt Lucas Awards

At the end of the show they have a spot where his celebrity guests have to show a talent. Like a party trick.

Josie Long said she can complete the titles of headlines in women's magazines.

Matt clearly had a million to choose from but he chose this...

They flash this up - "A BEE STING MADE MY MAN .....WHAT?
Josie - it could be change gender?!
Matt - It is CHANGE SEX CONGRATULATIONS!!! Laughter and applause.

This headline was considered by Matt and his script writers, it had to be researched, calls were no doubt made asking if they had any 'sex change' headlines to a magazine - and they then went trawling for them... So this GAG is at the very end of a long process of effort. When at ANY POINT they could have said - "No lets do something else."

This is why we need to really think about comedy and trans issues - as it is rarely a passing comment off-the-cuff live.


Star Trek (Original series)
'Turnabout Intruder'
CBS Action

The crew's loyalty to Kirk dwindles when he returns in an unusually petulant mood from a mission involving an old flame. However, the reaction of the officers seems unnecessarily harsh and the prospect of mutiny looms.

An old flame swaps bodies with Kirk. Interesting body swap storyline where Bill Shatner can mince about a bit.



The infamous episode where being crossdressed gets you arrested for soliciting.

The Police Van is also full of transpeople too - no other crime takes place in Benidorm but transhookers of course.

A disgrace!

Full Story here



Interesting one this.

Jimmy Carr makes a limp-wristed joke and Stephen Fry (who is a gay man) chastises him saying, "honestly Jimmy you cannot do that its the 21st Century." To which Jimmy kinda looks a bit taken down.

However, moments later this happens.

Alan says, "I had absinth in Manchester in a bar... it was TRANNY NIGHT!!! I enjoyed it much more after the absinthe!!!"

Bottom line is Stephen laughed about this.

Double standards! And a BBC production!


Celebrity Juice
'Hunks Special'

They mock Alex Reid 'Again'! As Roxanne - just leave her alone!


The Body Shocking Show

Pete Firman and Jessica-Jane Clement host the series looking at extraordinary people who do bizarre things to their bodies. Pete Burns visits the Penis Museum in Iceland and witnesses an ampalang piercing. Pete and Jessica-Jane meet Tatyana, who demonstrates an interesting talent, and a woman who prefers her own breast milk in a cup of tea. Series regular Jackie Stallone is on hand to offer some words of wisdom.

Bound to explore trans issues - to me this is just a direct rip-off of 'Euro Trash'. Its practically the same show - same styling, same presentation. Body modification is big business, lets hope transpeople if they are featured get a fair deal!

Pete Burns gets a gig so thats good :)


Comic Relief

Full Story see our Media Section.


Noel Fielding's Luxury Comedy

Repeat of the transvestite Andy Warhole Gag.


Doctor Who

The transgender Horse one :\

Even a horse deserves the right pronouns doc!


Mrs Brown's Boys

Nuff said! :\


8 Out Of 10 Cats Uncut

Jimmy Carr - "And 27% of people believe in re-incarnation, my uncle died and came back as a woman! I say died he went to Thailand!"


BBC Radio 4

Jo Fidgen explores the underlying ideas causing tension between radical feminists and transgender campaigners, and how developments in the law and science are fueling debate.

Who decides if I'm a woman?

30 minutes

First broadcast:
Monday 18 March 2013

A spat between feminist Suzanne Moore and transgender rights activists played out on social networking sites, and then hit the headlines when journalist Julie Burchill joined in too.

Jo Fidgen explores the underlying ideas which cause so much tension between radical feminists and transgender campaigners, and discovers why recent changes in the law and advances in science are fuelling debate.


James Barrett, consultant psychiatrist and lead clinician at the Charing Cross National Gender Identity Clinic

Julie Bindel, feminist and journalist
Lord Alex Carlile QC, Liberal Democrat member of the House of Lords
Melissa Hines, professor of psychology at Cambridge University
Richard O'Brien, writer of the Rocky Horror Show
Ruth Pearce, postgraduate researcher in sociology at the University of Warwick
Stephen Whittle OBE, professor of equalities law at Manchester Metropolitan University
Producer: Ruth Alexander.


8 Out Of 10 Cats Uncut

Jimmy Carr - "I hate the way hotel beds turn what can magically turn what was clearly a beautiful exotic woman the night before into an unshaven oriental man in the morning!"

Jimmy's Disgust Face.


The Alan Titchmarsh Show

Teatime chat and live music with Alan Titchmarsh and his guests.




Family Guy

13/21. Go, Stewie, Go: Animated comedy. Stewie cross-dresses to star in the US version of Jolly Farm Review. Peter makes Lois feel bad about her age. Contains adult humour. [S]

Pastiche of the 80s film 'Tootsie'.



Last in series. Some of Donald's clothes are found on the nudist beach - and he has left Jacqueline a note. The Garveys gear up for Madge's bar opening. Pauline hits the bottle.

Les/Lesley the Transvestite in the shape of Tim Healey hams it up for the cameras.


Bizarre Animal ER

Documentary series featuring the oddest animal accidents and strangest pet problems from all corners of the UK - from domestic pets and farmyard animals injured in unusual circumstances to weird emergencies experienced by wildlife - and the most surprising stories of animal misadventure. A lizard laying an egg suffers a prolapse, there's eye-watering surgery when vets perform a sex change on a tom cat, and a hedgehog undergoes plastic surgery after its face is ripped off in a cat attack.


Family Guy

Quagmire's Dad

Click here for the full review of this transsexual episode.


The Body Shocking Show SE01 EP02

Image e4
Cliched Mirror Shot.

It didn't take long! This Eurotrash Rip-Off reached Rock Bottom (Pun Intended).

Pete Burns - ironic he was covering the pain of scalpel cutting tattoos - nothing wrong with that.

But the last feature was a transperson (I assume CD) who was describing getting an erection whilst having enemas crossdressed.

I just think that we have had enough of this type of presentation on telly. It plays right into the hands of the naysayers and transphobics that transpeople are just a bunch of fetishists who should not be allowed out. Rather than part of the melting pot where one transperson may like one thing like anybody else but like anybody else transpeople may also not understand it - and rather distance themselves from this. It is a private 'clinic' and people can do what they like - but perhaps the transperson will change and go back to being a fella after leaving those who are full-time with any fall-out (ouch more puns :wtf: :lol: ).

Image e4
You can go when Matron Tells you to!

Within the context of this programme - its OK I suppose as it was in EuroTrash over a decade ago, but I think this is all old hat. And lazy - all been done before.

Watch it now and see for yourself this is in the last part. Pete was OK in the first part - its a good little presenting job for Pete. But in Part 2 - well you decide?

17mins in (no pun intended a good one though ;)) ... g-show/4od


This Morning

'Bio-Male' Man appears who was born without a penis. Ruth says,

"Do you have to be counselled? Like some people who have sex-change operations?"

This is a very interesting point (no pun intended) as if this man can get a phalloplasty without attending a gender clinic then why shouldn't any trans man?


Loose Women

The Hairy Bikers join Andrea McLean, Denise Welch, Carol McGiffin and Jane McDonald to round off another week.

Carol McGiffin is at it again, this is the third time she has used the 'to look bad as a transvestite' she has used 'tranny' in the past we have it on file.

Again I don't know who the transpeople of which she is talking about are but they are likely to either be flamboyant types that may not even be trans, or are vulnerable souls who struggle day to day.

She should use Drag Queen and leave transpeople out of it. As drag is more often than not what she is likely to have experienced as the metaphor she is looking for. To look like a drag queen is also not necessarily a bad thing. Whereas to 'look as bad as a tranny is!'

She says when she dolls herself up

"I look like a transvestite!"
Laughter from audience
Denise buts in - "We've all had that said!"
Then Jane MacDonald mentions, "that there is nothing wrong with that!"
Carol quickly puts up her hands and says in a sing songey voice - "Nothing wrong with being a transvestite!!!"
Denise - My dad is a drag queen and my Ex Husband is the transvestite in Benidorm - Laughing - "You don't dis my dad!"
Carol - "Its not right if you are a woman! You are already a woman!"

To be honest I think she should find another metaphor - this is going nowhere and just opens a can of worms. There are some stunningly beautiful 'transvestites' out there. But her metaphor is likely to be choosing those that can be read and struggle maybe with victimisation and street violence and cyber bullying. Just stop it


Eurotrash - The Sexy Bits
Pick TV

Any port in a storm - Eurotrash the original euro sex and 'freak show' is back on Pick. Now many many years old.

This week features a transsexual Swimming coach - who teaches what else? But sex lessons in the pool.


Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway

Lets all look at the funny man in a dress - when they get a male 'Neighbours' star to wear the clothes belonging to one of their audience members.

Ant and Dec tend to do this a lot. The lazy staple of an otherwise OK show.

Image ITV


Mrs Brown's Boys

Nuff said.


Family Guy

13/21. Go, Stewie, Go: Animated comedy. Stewie cross-dresses to star in the US version of Jolly Farm Review. Peter makes Lois feel bad about her age. Contains adult humour. [S]


'The Hate Debate'
25/03 (9pm)
BBC Radio 1




A Girl Like Me - The Gwen Araujo Story

Drama based on the true story of a transgender teenager. With the support of his mother, the boy gradually adopts a female identity, only to meet a tragic end at the hands of a brutal gang.

Channel 5 plays a blinder yeat again by showing this moving story. It actuall happened and I remember it well. We reported on it then. The transworls was moved by the case and the courage of her mother who went on to become a trans activist.

It is also timely when we think of the loss of Lucy Meadows this week.

Chanel 5 just have a knack of getting this right and remain deserved winners of our best channel award every year here


The Cleveland Show
'You're the Best Man Cleveland Brown'

Animated spin-off from Family Guy. Cleveland's parents reveal that they plan to re-marry and would like Cleveland to be the best man.

The father has a flash back to all the sons her fathered and one is a transsexual streetworker agreeing a price for sex through a car windo on a side street.

Nice to be included though eh? [GROAN]

Image: E4/Fox/FuzzyDoor


This Morning

A look through the day's headlines, all the soap gossip, plus all your comments and views in The Hub.

Dame Edna AKA Barrie Humphries makes an appearance saying he is packing in the act - missing you already! Make sure you burn the frocks to be certain.

Image ITV



More from Les/Lesley Tim Healey the Benidorm Transvestite.


The Body Shocking Show

Pete Firman and Jessica-Jane Clement host the series looking at extraordinary people who do bizarre things to their bodies. Pete and Jessica-Jane reveal some of the longest nails in the world, while Pete Burns witnesses a man receive an intimate and very painful piercing. They also meet a man who loves to get walked all over, a studio guest demonstrates his super-stretchy skin, and Jackie Stallone offers some more words of wisdom.

Pete Burns takes a look at genital piercing.


Image above carefully edited/cropped for G-rated status here ;)

Available on 4OD


Snog Marry Avoid

New Series and an interesting change.

This show was infamous for using the term 'tranny' as in as bad as a tranny.

However I am pleased to say on this occasion SMA said, "Jasmine's look is very man in drag!"

Ironically what she meant by that was breasts pushed up and hanging out and too much make-up.

Progress? You decide.


Life's Too Short Special

Val Kilmer discusses a sequel to 'Willow' with Warwick. And Les Dennis, Keith Chegwin and Shaun Williamson visit a spiritualist. Contains strong language. Also in HD. [AD,S]

Shaun Williamson shows why the funny man crossdressed remains a staple of comedy.

Unnecessary, the media gives the overall impression transpeople do it for a laugh.



World's Greatest Body Shockers

What would a show like this be with out making transpeople freaks as well?

Whilst they did have comment from Thomas Beattie, and Scott and Thomas Moore (FTM Couple with kids) were shown. Well with comment from 'celebrities' - as Russel Brand puts it - "the whole concept of celebrity is silly - its just people you have seen before on telly!" He is right. Well, the people we have seen before on the telly, talk about these guys in a way which quite frankly is doing them no favours at all. Lauren Harries comments - "who cares where the baby is coming from as long as the parents who have the child love the child." And that is it in a nutshell. Gawping and pointing at transpeople is so circus tent - and on E4 too. Maybe the commissioning editor of the channel would like his child or family shown in this way? Doubt it!


So endeth another month of happy transempowering television - yeah right - see you next time!

Don't have nightmares - I mean there is an editor right now putting together then next transabuse. :roll:
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Man [...] must count no one but himself; that he is alone, abandoned on earth in the midst of his infinite responsibilities, without help, with no other aim than the one he sets himself, with no other destiny than the one he forges for himself on this earth." - J.P.Sartre.

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