UK Television Transgender Monthly Round up Nov 2012

Every month we list UK programmes the feature transgender issues good and bad. If you work in the media this is a must see monthly list.
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Ice Maiden
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UK Television Transgender Monthly Round up Nov 2012

Postby Ice Maiden » Sun Dec 02, 2012 3:05 pm

So here we go again, what is broadcast in the UK reflects on you as a transperson. Every month it is

a case of spot the positives. Almost all television featuring anything remotely associated with

transpeople is negative, comical or are negative stereotypes.

High Points
Jackie - Transsexual Beauty queen

Low points are quite simple.
Alana Carr and Paul O'Grady on Alan Carr Chatty Man - they show their true colours in that.

Big Brother Luke Thread here
and our blog post about how the show has improved in 12 monrths here

Don't forget our Soap storyline Archive here
Jason Archive in Hollyoaks

And what has been happening in Coronation St here - not good.

All the following clips have been archived for evidentual purposes should they be needed.



"After the break we are off to speak to Ross King in Hollywood..."
(after talking about the return of white stilletoes (fashion)...
"Ross are you a white stilletto man?"
"Only at weekends - doesn't make me a bad person!"

Bit tired of the 'Only at Weekends' rebuttal to any comment posed to a male about crossdressing. It is always followed by laughter.

Why not just say, "yes they look very nice have you got a pair?"


The Wright Stuff
Channel 5

Topic of Transgender Teen Ria wanting to be male again.

Difficult subject well handled, good callers mainly transgender.

Male pronouns used for Ria but that was in part due to the assumption Hir wanted to be a male?


The Late Great Eric Sykes

Eddie Izzard is among those paying tribute to a comic genius, a man who blasted his way through six decades of comedy with his unique brand of surreal, classless humour.


The Graham Norton Show

Paul O'Grady (AKA Lily Savage) is a guest. Both Graham and Paul are past culprits of transphobic


In this instance, He also has Robbie Williams on the show, in his intro Graham remarks that "Not everyboody can look good as a woman... (like Lily) and they flash up a photo of Robbie in what appeared to be a drunken state wearing nothing but a bra and tights with a wig and the usual Robbie gurning face - got a laugh.

Again, in isolation this is just a 'bit of a laugh' but when grouped with all the similar comments and giggles it is quite serious.

I suppose its like any abuse, if its a trickle it goes unnoticed, but if you slice and group it all together it can appear quite shocking. Man plays stereo loud calls police, he stops its 'harmless' he plays it day and night for months, it can become either a serious mental health problem or violent.

So it is not the 'one off' its the relentlessness of it all.

This in principle is 'a laugh' but why do people laugh at a man in women's clothes? And does that help or hinder transgender people who are particularly vulnerable to street abuse and humiliation of a similar nature?

No-one wants to clip the wings of comics, but Graham didn't REALLY have to make that gag - he chose to.


Harry and Paul

The duo have a 'certain style' now and tend to go back to wartime portrayals of men and women.

Unlike 'Little Britain' there is not an over reliance on crossdressing for laughs here, and just one or two sketches is balanced well with other things.

Not ideal but I think this is the way to go when there are no trans alternatives to hand.


American Dad!

Son Steve goes back in time to meet a woman who he sees in a portrait from the 80s hanging in a Hotel they are staying in after Roger's Fart results in their home being uninhabitable and requiring fumigation.

Its a paradox in that that woman was him painted when unconscious and they simply painted a female shape and a wig on him.

When he finds out he was actually in love with himself he cries out and screams NO!

American Dad! and Family Guy is very much rooted in the 80s as that is where the writers and creators of the Show have their formative years. They rely on it a lot. Maybe lost on some younger folk.

Image (Image: BBC/Fox/FuzzyDoor).


The Ambulance: 8 Minutes to Disaster

Originally a cutting Edge programme made for Channel 4 now sold to digital docu channel 'Really'.

Early in the show one of the paramedics makes a transphobic comment.

Ambulance show about getting to people within 8 minutes. 2 ladies walking in the street and one of the paramedics says to the other "good thing we're not stopping, think one of them is a tranny."

Thanks to TMW pages and Marci Hawkins for this alert.


Two examples last night of why the BBC have learned nothing.

BBC Three

6/8 Example and Jerry Springer join Greg James and Russell Kane for a chat.

This truly was an evening the BBC and its shows hit below the belt - pun intended.

Following the mocking of 'people of indeterminate gender' by Russell Kane last week in Unzipped, this week we have even more...

They invite Jerry Springer on and the researchers have seemingly gone through thousands of episodes but the one they choose for a clip is (guess?) a transgender woman revealing her secret that then leads to stage violence as the BBC audience laughs away.

OK it is Jerry Springer, perhaps we can accept that if we must, the clip after all is of a trans woman who has agreed to be on stage doing this. But it was of it's time and today in 2012 has no place here as it can encourage negative stereotyping, we can see it happening live in front of our eyes.

What follows is a tirade about transgender people here is the 'transscript' (no pun intended but a good one)...

Greg James - "we have an amazing example of just how stupid your show is (Jerry)."

Cuts to clip of his show - I have a secret...I was born a man!

"You didn't know?"

"I have had only had half of my operation I have only been castrated!"

Image (Image: BBC).

The transwoman is then assaulted (transpanic).

The clip ends...

Greg (co-presenter) then somehow clumsily tries to justify this with - "she is pretty fit!"

This however just gets an even bigger studio laugh.

Jerry explains that he does not know what the show is about other than the card he is given at the beginning.

'Example' (the singer) chips in - how do they find 'these people' then??? They just call up and say,

"Hey I used to be a man!"

Greg comments - "I have always wondered about that, the guy asks what show am I going on?" "They say"

- "Oh it's called 'trannylicious?""WHAT?!"

Another laugh...

Jerry - "we came to England to do this show some years ago and nothing was different except the accents."

[IM - This is not true! I have this series that he filmed in our archives and it was not like that the transperson who did appear was quite dignified.]

Anyways it goes on...

Example remarks - "You have more transvestites than we do I think!" Another Big studio laugh... "we have Jeremy Kyle, I am have cut my dick off!" More laughs.

All this could have been avoided, but it was dredged up from some time ago.

What has happened?

From the many shows he has done the researcher has looked up his episode guide and searched and searched until they found the word 'tranny' so they could then have some justification in using it. There is a black guy on some weeks would they use a clip of the Black and White minstrel show? Or show slaves being beaten for laughs. They are laughing at an assault taking place?

This is just lazy and cynical, times have moved on, and then the BBC drag us all the way back.

Chances are many younger viewers may not even heard of Jerry Springer, but see a transgender women being attacked as funny, and see the acceptable face of transphobia. We also see 'trans-currency' rear its head again. I'll be writing a blog post on transgender zone in due course about what this is in media terms and how it is a dangerous paradox.

On paper this show reads like this.


This is the same BBC that puts their name on this page and any efforts there are nullified when we see this broadcast.

But there is more - oh no they are on a roll!!!


Michael McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow

They are repeating this show and we see one of Sarah Millican's (who has made a few trans gags in the past) first forays onto Michael McIntyre's prime-time show. They don't get a very big time-slot but she managed this in a 7 minutes.

"I did toy with the idea of getting some thigh-high boots and fishing for a compliment I asked my sister where would I get thigh-high leather boots? And she replied" - "Well trannies must get them from somewhere!!!" [negative stereotype].

Of course this then cuts to an hysterical audience. And even a round of applause! :shrugs:

This is on Prime-time BBC ONE not hidden away on a digital channel which kinda makes this worse.

The BBC need to start with clearing up this mess before they start trying to do anything else.

They have proven that they have slipped further down from last year - how is this possible?

They either want to change or they don't. This sadly is not changing.

The irony is when the new raft of comedians in the 80s broke through their 'alternative comedy' which is the roots of almost every comic standing today, was led by people like Ben Elton. They looked down their nose at the homophobic and racist night club and working men's club comedians that were on their way out. It truly was a golden age. I recently saw a Ben Elton Stand Up routine and not one gag could be deemed non-PC no transgags, no sexism, some people may dislike the motormouth but he has stuck to his morals. When we see the tacky and lazy way the latest comics behave it is a real shame.

They had it! And now they are letting it all slip away again. They cannot mock race and ethnicity

(unless they are from that very same group) they have to be very careful with sexism and must be qualified almost immediately as tongue-in-cheek, but again we see transgender people being hauled over the coals.

The BBC leads by example, if they are seen to be endorsing this then what's to stop any other broadcaster continuing with trans-stooge and transphobia? "Hey don't look at me they are doing it!"

[Update the BBC has now got a plan to get a trans comedy script going - may have a go myself at that. But whatever transpires from it will likely cause offence to someone and it will have to start some transgender actors else it just won't work.]


'Beast with a Billion Backs, Part Three'
Pick TV

Futuristic cartoon comedy. The monster from beyond the anomaly takes over the universe and Leela attempts to expose the truth.

Futurama comes from the same camp as 'The Simpsons' and although axed for a period of time it then returned and how! It is sometimes difficult to believe that the Simpsons and their transphobic comments have the same creators.

The most recent series is very good and will certainly get a mention in the Television Awards this year.

In this older one we see Fry become the leader of a new faith. Speaking for the alien he says,

"The monster's name is Yivo, lover of all things male and female, but Yivo has no gender! So Yivo has proclaimed instead of he or she, we are to use the word 'Sklee'." Instead off her or him we are to use the word 'Sklim' or 'Skler!'." Hermes retorts, "Phew! I've been sweating over the nomenclature all week!"

Funny! And shows that with a little thought writers can make inoffensive funny gags in this way.

Image (Image Pick TV/FOX).


Loose Women

Denise Welch talks about make-up

"It's always difficult for me because I grew up in a household where both my parents wore full make-up, but my dad wears more than anybody, bless him, when he does his 'Raquel' (Drag Act)."

Her promotion of this subject (her father doing drag) is relentless, to the point where it is gone through the plug barrier into some post-modern promotional tool. Walk into the light! LOL

Seriously though, there is no harm in anyone doing drag, but Denise often muddies the waters when say there was a trans issue in the wings.



Bender's Game, Part One
Pick TV

Futuristic cartoon comedy. Dark-matter is running out, Leela is punished after disobeying Professor Farnsworth, and Bender's imagination runs away with him during a game of Dungeons and Dragons.

A transbot screws in her left breast, Bender falls out of the window then stands up, believing himself to be a Knight.

"On Guard! Manwench! Prepare to cross blades..."
Transbot with puritanical accent..."You couldn't afford it hunny! and does a finger click.

There are a couple of levels to this gag.

One, the very fact there are transgender robots is kinda funny...
Two, the very fact that they are still hookers in distant future I suppose has some comedy. But it is a negative stereotype they are probably aware of. The accent is clearly an American thing.
The crossing blades (reinforces the fact that this character is trans and has not had surgery or at least seen a mechanic...

With something so abstract and momentary, I think its just 'one of those things' that exists and they want to reflect it in the cartoon. There is no transphobic language other than 'ManWench' - a new one on me.

But as 'it' is a robot I think its a moot point.

Image (Image: Pick TV/ Fox).


8 Out of 10 Cats
'A repeat of an earlier (this year) episode now on their digital channel 4 Music.
4 Music

Sean Lock (has done some very transphobic comedy in the past!)

"Canada is so boring even the transvestites are women!"


The Simpsons
'Any given Sundance'
Channel 4

Marge is shocked and distressed to see a crossdresser applying make-up in a movie.

Nothing to report other than the joke is she sees the movie title 'Regularsville' and she then says, "I get it(!), every movie is the opposite to what it means." So we can glean from that that a transgender person is 'irregular'?


'Bender's Game, Part Three'
Pick TV

Futuristic cartoon comedy. The world is sucked into Bender's imaginary universe. Fry embarks on a mission to destroy the anti-crystal.

Hermes - "I am Hemaphroditeee...Most beautiful of centaurs! Gaze upon me an weep at my loveliness!"

I suppose in the context of an ancient Greek adventure or similar, useable. It is also quite clever as the character is 'Hermes' in the series and Hermaphrodite was the child of Aphrodite and Hermes. (Trivia eh? ugh!)

So works on an even deeper level. Plus very positive comments about the centaur in this instance.

Image (Image: Pick TV/ Fox).


The Removal Men
Channel 5

"I pack the ladies clothes because Martin does not like the ladies clothes..."
"Only at the weekend..." They laugh...

Then later ...

"What do you think? Is that me?"
"Ahhh Ummm I don't know could be a Friday night not Saturday night!"

Image (Image: Channel 5).

Dunno what to make of this really they are removal men and probably are being pushed by the camera crew to 'do something funny'.

This "It is what I do at the weekends gag" is everywhere at the moment, from Ross King on Lorraine to documentaries. Always ends in a 'I am not gay' laugh... I suppose if they didn't laugh that would be something?

That said this is not that serious as the benchmark comment of this kind comes from Nick Knowles in DIY SOS when the electrician said a similar thing and followed it up by saying, doesn't make me a bad person, to which he replied, "Yes! Yes it does make you a bad person!"

This is a comment to watch, it creeps in all over the place.



Worth watching as it has a similar storyline (That is where Hollyoaks got it from I think) to that of Jason (FTM) in Hollyoaks.


Loose Women

Comedian Eddie Izzard and two of the Military Wives join Carol Vorderman, Denise Welch, Carol McGiffin and Jane McDonald to round off another week of chat.

Eddie in boy-mode showed off his multicolored finger nails and guy-liner.

All very nice and cosy.



Repeats running all week from that above.


Desert Island Discs Revisited
BBC Radio 4 Ex

Grayson Perry: From Busted to Philip Glass - artist Grayson Perry's castaway choices, in conversation with Kirsty Young. From February 2007.


My Super Ex-Girlfriend (2006)

Eddie Izzard plays 'the baddie' in this screwball comedy about a man who must suffer the consequences when he breaks up with his girlfriend who wreaks revenge on him.


Channel 5

Historical drama starring Tom Cruise and Kenneth Branagh. During the height of World War II, an army officer leads a conspiracy to assassinate Adolf Hitler. (2008) [S]

Features a nice cameo by Eddie Izzard as a German officer.


Some Girls

2/6. Comedy series about a group of teenage girls. Amber's new boyfriend Ryan seems to have a mysterious secret, which the girls are determined to discover. Contains strong language. [S]

Think of this a an 'Inbetweeners for girls' and it is a good insight into what it is like growing up as a girl today in the city. Albeit a bit daft at time.

Sadly anything that involves some 'dodgy secret' generally ends up with a transgender stereotypical comment. And this was no exception.

"I saw Ryan's file (at school), I know his secret! But I can't tell you until we see Amber!"
"Just tell me! Has he had a sex-change?!"
Spoiler: show
Spoiler - he had had sex with an older woman.

Celebrity Juice

A repeat of the gag that regular team captain Fearne Cotton (who was in hospital) had gone in for GRS.

Got a big laugh - it always does ;\


American Dad
'Phantom of the Telethon'

A number of crossdressing gags and one rather unwarranted intersex gag.


Unsafe Sex in the City

4/4. Series about life at the Manchester Centre for Sexual Health. Pre-op transsexual Jasmine hopes her sexploits don't jeopardise her life-changing operation. [S]

'Life-changing' makes a change at least :)

Feature Jenny-Anne Bishop in a parenting/mentoring role.

My View: Its an important message to young and promiscuous transgender people to use 'safe sex' and condoms. Especially in the run-up to World Aids Day. Transpeople want to have things done to their bodies much of which is not available on the NHS, so the state can take some blame here - I mean the NHS will fund genital surgery but not facial electrolysis - thats just dumb!

So they can ened up putting themselves at risk for money.

Back to the person shown - I think it was really quite shocking how many partners she had, but she came out clean and had her surgery. It seemed to be luck more than anything else.


South Park
'Eek A Penis'
Viva (Channel 21)

Another airing of the episode where Mrs Garrison (who had GRS) decides he wants his penis back, it is grown on the back of a mouse (like the ear was - remember that?) But the mouse escapes. In the end Mr Garrison is reunited with it and is 'complete again'.

Cartoons make it all so simple!

Ho hum.


The Simpsons
'Treehouse of Horror XIX'
Channel 4

One part shows a Transformers Robot Toy change into a female robot in a pink dress, with a deep man's voice.

Inclusive or just for a laugh - you decide?


'Raging Bender'
Pick TV

Bender has to crossdress to get work as a pro-wrestler.


Russell Howard's Good News (Episode# 8/12)

Makes a joke about the recent news story about the BBC stopping an experiment to contact aliens through health and safety.

Russell jokes
"Oh my, he is not wearing a visor when playing conkers! I don't care! The other day I ran in high
heels! (In a silly voice) I like to look like a woman! At the weekends!"

I have reported in the past about the increasing joke and usage of the 'at the weekends' for a laugh.It is 'trending' atm in the archives - one to watch!

Nevertheless, Russell said this for one reason - for a laugh...It had no relation to the story or anything else in the show. It was a lazy transgag and unnecessary.

Image (Image: BBC).


8 out of 10 Cats
Channel 4

Best way to make an Ex Jealous

Sean Lock
"I look better in your clothes than you do..."


'Put you head on my shoulder'
Pick TV (Sky 3)

Bender's dating service lands Captain Zapp Brannigan with a transgender woman.

The joke being she had a deep voice and 5 O'clock shadow. When she leaves he shouts, "But darling - you haven't shown me your surprise!

OK I guess, Futurama is one of the better cartoons for tranpeople.


Big Momma's House

Not a lot that can be said about this really?

Awful on all levels.


Unsafe Sex in the City

Repeat of earlier programme see above


Bob's Burgers
'Sheesh! Cab Bob'
Channel 4

Animated comedy. Tina is desperate to have her first kiss at her 13th birthday party. But after Louise breaks the deep fryer, Bob takes a second job as a taxi driver to pay for Tina's party.

It has been said the first time it was shown but I will simply copy and past that here.

Trans stereotypes aplenty when Bob takes a job as a taxi driver to help fund his daughters party.

3 transgender hookers get in the cab, and make jokes about beards, Adam's apples, hairy large hands and smoking crack. Bob Befriends them so they were at least nice crack whores eh? That makes it alright then :\



Snog, Marry Avoid
Really Channel

Not sure what to say about this other than there were two episodes back-to-back that featured crossdressing MTFs.

It was difficult to tell if they identified as trans, seemed to me they were very flamboyant gay men wanting attention.

So best leave it at that.

SMA Has a lot of looking 'bad as a tranny' comments throughout its series.


I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here Now!

Nothing to serious but not exactly positive.

The comic Rob Beckett jokes that useless contestant Helen, looks like Macaulay Culkin with his hand on his cheeks - the difference being she has red nail varnish on.

He remarks..."Macaulay Culkin has enough issues without putting nail varnish on the poor boy."

Again its the little things like this that creep into the consciousness.


Harry and Paul

More crossdressing for laughs from the comedy duo.


Another showing of Unsafe Sex in the City (see above) - certainly getting their money's worth!


This Morning

Jackie Green in advance of her documentary 'transsexual beauty queen' later tonight appears on the show to talk about her life.

A usual 10 mins with Holly and Phil and a similar interview she has had before. The actual documentary was little talked about, they seemed more interested in the boy she was - 'tran-currency'.

She dealt with it very well and clearly confidence is built on passability. and the first time I have heard Phillip describe any transgender guest as 'very beautiful...'

Interesting aside - they used the term 'sex-change' as teasers throughout the show, but when they spoke to her face-to-face they used the term 'Gender Recognition Surgery'.

Image (Image: ITV).

Image (Image: ITV).

Image (Image: ITV).


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Channel 5

Getting Off: The team believe they are dealing with the death of a transvestite but, during the autopsy, they find his make-up is face paint and he is actually a clown. (16/23) [AD,S]

One of the few import that tarnish Channel 5's otherwise excellent record.

That said it is about a clown and not a 'tranny' but the term this is 'tranny town' is used by one of the detectives.

It has been shown before so check out out archives.


Transsexual Teen, Beauty Queen



New Patrick Kielty's One Night Stand

Stand-up comedy series. Patrick Kielty returns to his hometown in Northern Ireland to perform.

"I've lost my faith, I have to answer all the big questions in my life, is there a god, is there an afterlife, does Lady Gaga have a c*ck?!"

It maybe about LG, but regardless this is a transphobic gag. After all even if she did, making fun of the issue - what else can it be?


Transsexual Teen, Beauty Queen

A repeat of the programme reviewed above.


Alan Carr- Chatty Man
Channel 4

Alan Carr invites Paul O'Grady on.

Good grief this was rock bottom!

Paul who thinks by dressing in drag has given him some license to abuse transgender people - it doesn't work like that Paul.

Alan who has just lost the plot and become a crude lazy comic better placed in a 70s working man's club.

Both brought out the worse in each other and both are no strangers to the use of the term 'Tranny' for laughs. We have them archived using it.

Last night it just got out of control. I had just watched Graham Norton (on BBC ONE) (who has used that term in the past) we did write to his production company 'So Television' and request he not use it. So far he hasn't. But what a difference in the quality of the programme. He at least does has 'some class'.

But Channel 4 what ARE you doing? Here is how it went:


About women Bishops - "Surely there is a compromise in all this? Couldn't we just have Tranny Bishops, c'mon you'd all go to church if there was a Tranny." "Walks in a silly way, "Hello, I am Reverend Patty O' Doors, and I'm simply the best! (sings like Tina Turner), I'll be on my knees
tonight but I won't be praying!!!" (So turns it into a trans oral sex joke) - its gets worse!

Then Paul O'Grady joins him...

Speaking about how his mother never saw him get famous with his drag act Lily Savage:

"I was doing the Bill, and again I was playing an Old Hooker Tranny in that - Roxanne..."



This is Channel 4 the same Channel 4 that agreed to this.

Now you can go read it on the Trans Media Watch Site or in our library - just search for 'Memorandum of Understanding', at the time they signed it I said there and on this very forum, "transgender viewers should not expect to see much change – if any."

This is one of those few times it pains me to say I told you so. I so want to be wrong about them and have hoped to have been able to see positive change - but as our stats prove right here:

Abuse is going up... And yesterday that went up a little bit more.

Gutted for those who have campaigned to curb this.

Read the MOU here -



American Dad!

20/20. Stan's Night Out: On a boys' night out with his CIA colleagues, Stan finds himself stuck in

increasingly wild and reckless situations. Contains adult humour. [S]

Roger to Hayley - "You know if you fixed yourself up a bit men would find you attractive too instead of wondering if you are in the middle of gender reassignment!"

"Can you use your gun to shoot my hooker's penis off..."

hmmm... :\


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Channel 5

This has been around for years now (it shows up in our logs a lot but I thought I'd write a little more about it) and Channel 5 just run it in the loop with the other episodes.

As it goes despite the rather gory issues in CSI a lot of the messages are factual and it is worth watching.

Forensic drama series. A roadside murder turns out to be the ultimate case of mistaken identity, and requires the team to explore the world of transsexuals.

Transsexual is murdered (throat cut) and then the team go on a journey that involves show girls dancers, plenty of 'genuine' transpeople are cast in cameos, it also has some unpleasant truths about the US healthcare system.

Image (Image: Channel 5).

Trans as victims trans as heroes. On the fence. Perhaps a little too 'real' for some. And a few days after the 'Transgender Day of Remembrance' this is still happening.

It also slips in (no pun intended) the back street surgery world. In this instance there is the shot of a makeshift operating theatre with a dead transsexual mid op in a lock-up storage facility.

I think it makes you realise just how good the (our) NHS is.

Image (Image: Channel 5).
(A shot straight out of the 'World's Worse Sex-Change Surgeon - this is what happens sometimes).

One of three CSIs that is regularly looped the other two are mistaken identity for trans people. One is where there was hormones in a water supply and the other where a clown was mistaken for TV.

Worth Watching - they do try to cram in as many trans issues as possible. Just a shame it is a crime show.


CSI- Crime Scene Investigation

The Case of the Cross-Dressing Carp: Crime drama series. The CSI team works to solve the death of a transgender teenager (4/24). [AD,S]
Spoiler: show
Spoiler - he grew breasts from the oestrogen in the water supply.
Unfortunate title.


The Simpsons
How the Test Was Won
Channel 4

While taking the rebels and underachievers of Springfield Elementary on a fraudulent field trip,

Principal Skinner rediscovers the meaning of teaching. Homer forgets to pay the family's insurance bill.

On the first day back they are greeted with this banner.

A 50/50 gag, on the one hand it shows that Springfield Elementary is an equal opportunities employer, on the other it is yet another 'trans gag', still it is a step up from the episode with the Gym mistress coming back as a Mr where it was not played very well at all. Also another FTM gag with another teacher at the school being FTM(?), these are on the increase. I think the MTF stuff has all been exhausted, so look out(!) fellas here it comes ;)

Image (Image: Channel 4/ Fox).

Here is the last similar gag they tried:
The Simpsons
'My Fair Laddy'
Channel 4

Principle Skinner - "Your Gym Teacher Miss Pommel-Horst is going to make a brief annoucement!"
Miss Pommel-Horst - "This is very emotional for me! I'm taking a leave of absence and will return in the Fall as Mr Pommel-Horst! Your new shop teacher.
Principle Skinner - "We're telling you children now so you can adjust and not make jokes!"
Nelson (the school bully) - "Looks like there'll be some new 'wood' in shop class!"
Principle Skinner - "Precisely the type of wordplay I seek to discourage!" [whispers laughing under his breath] Heh heh heh ... New wood!


8 Out of 10 Cats
Channel 4

Jimmy Carr - What Jobs should Women not be Allowed to do?!"
Panelist - Comic Andrew Maxwell - "Ladyboys!" He says with a smug grin on his face... Mel
(Spicegirls) C, laughs and Sean Lock - you can see him thinking.
Mel_C - "Is that a job?!"

[Yeah it is Mel for some poor sods in the world who cannot afford to survive without it - lucky you 'Girl Power' millionairess eh? IM]

Andrew Maxwell - "No I mean a woman should not be allowed to masquerade as a Ladyboy! Can you imagine how 'disappointed' you'd be in your hotel room?...Ha..Har WHAT? NO C*CK???!"

[IM - I just do not know where to begin with this tbh - I have just given up with Channel 4.]

They are women dumb-ass! That's the whole point, but they have got to do the best they can with what god gave them. Also there are transsexuals around who are not sex-workers and not all 'ladyboys' are sex workers either. The fact they are I think shows just how serious the situation is and the risks they take to raise the money for surgery.

It could be equated to having a broken leg and having to sell your body to pay the surgeon to reset it. Rant over and on a similar theme later we move onto Thai Ladyboys but at least this time it is in context...


Transsexual Teen, Beauty Queen

Another airing of this programme - plenty of mileage here for the BBC.

This although worth watching has resulted increasingly in reports of distress from younger
transgender viewers. As not all have been in a position to arrest puberty. Some have said they were so upset they could not even watch it. Meaning the unfairness that she has achieved her goal and they are left in limbo. Not Jackie's fault but these things will happen.


The Wright Stuff
Channel 5

The paper review highlights the story in the Daily Mirror.

That explains the Awful Ironing, he says.

Matthew and the team just move on swiftly, as to be fair it is a potential quicksand situation. LOL

"That's a good point to move on I think," says Matthew.

It gets a giggle from the audience, and one of the panelists says, "I think there is a lot more to that, I could point out a few things..."

"Matthew then says people are strange, people are weird."

I don't think he meant it in a transphobic way, but to the occasional viewer it could have seemed that way, I think he may have been talking about the husband who has made such a bold statement and to the press complaining about her ironing of all things? I think that's weird myself.

They clearly must have been in love - so I just don't get it. Unless the man is trying to pull an Corbett Vs Corbett ruling (April Ashley/ Lord Justice Omerod) in that the marriage was not valid so she gets nothing?..

However the court ruled he could not evict her from their property.

Image (Image Channel 5/ Mirror Group).


Big Trouble In Thailand
Pick TV

It is in context as ...well it's about Thailand so unlike the myriad of times it is said in the UK

there are times when the term 'Ladyboy' can be used.

However, in this instance it was all a bit negative.

The narrator spoke of the Thai pride in community and their flag, and how the tourists are monitored by the 'Tourist Police' voluntary westerners who speak English and help the Police on patrols - one of the few countries that allow this. That's a good idea.

But make your own mind up.

When 'Ladyboys are mentioned it is kinda along these themes.

"Ladyboys pickpocketing..."
"The Ladyboys in Thailand have a notorious reputation for targeting visiting sailors on shore leave.""Stories of men being lured back to a hotel room, drugged then robbed are common."
"The problem we have got in the early hours are the Ladyboys...they don't tend to drink much but they tend to prey on 'vulnerable men' in the early house..."
"As the Military Police (RMs) patrol the streets they are greeted with an outbreak of violence between a Ladyboy and a tourist...Eagle-eyed Tim spots a Ladyboy launching a vicious attack on a man, using a broken beer-bottle as a weapon!""The tourist had a lucky escape (walks away unscathed btw) as the ladyboy looks on indifferent to the fact HE is about to be arrested by the police for attempted assault."

The interesting thing here is the RM Military Police Officer who was awaiting the Thai Police referred to her as a female who was involved with an fracas, says 'she'.

But the Narrator says, "He"... interesting?

"The city is a little safer with the bottle-smashing ladyboy now banged up!"

Nothing seemed to happen - she was led away if anything.

We never hear her side of the story...


Family Guy

Gag at the end has Peter's son Chris who has now become popular for dating the coolest and prettiest girl in the school, broght down by a home movie of him pretending the be the killer in 'Silence of the Lambs', applying lipstick with his genitals between his legs - a gag that has been done to death - pun intended.


The series continues the next night with more on 'Ladyboys'...

Big Trouble In Thailand
Pick TV

"LADYBOYS! They are one of Thailand's most popular and exotic tourist attractions."

Cuts to a man pointing at his mate laughing drunk shouting - "HE JUST WENT WIV A LADYBOY!!!""YOU MEAN YOU DID!!!"

Cuts to drunk girls from UK...

"Yeah they are absolutely beautiful!!! You can't tell the difference!"


"Ladyboys are men that have gone down the route of having a sex-change!" "Some already total transsexual - others anywhere inbetween!"
Sleazy stripper music plays...
A local Ladyboy madam then is interviewed...
"Face like woman, t*ts like woman, but c*ck! Some men want to try it, some like and some think not good!"
"To make the transformation requires expensive surgery! And hormone treatments. And the ladyboys fund their treatment by working in Thailand's anything goes sex industry. (we now hear sex groans to music).
"Sometime it very hard to make the money," says a Thai sex worker.. "Some men they difficult to make c*m when they drunk!"
Narrator - "With many making convincing looking women, they offer up all sorts of surprises, to the unsuspecting tourist!"

[What a penis? What else is there? Maybe they have 2? IM]

Infamous ladyboy is interviewed - "They know what men like, what men want, and make men happy, many British men they like Ladyboy..."

[Interesting - where are they all hiding over here then? IM ;)]

Narrator - "The Police are on patrol for a Ladyboy Crackdown (there is a pun there :)), They know that many Ladyboys don't sell sex and mug tourists instead of their wallets and other valuables!"
English Tourist Police Volunteer pipes in - "There are a lot of transsexuals in Pattaya, and don't get me wrong some are nice! They have their 'registration papers held with the bar' others hang around the beach and look for trouble. The reason they do it is they want their sex-change operation and if that means stealing from a foreigner to do it they will. The police are beginning to crack down on the ladyboys because they are giving Thailand a bad name!""We see this man arrive at hospital after being beaten by 3 ladyboys on the beach.They offered him sex but when he refused they picked up a piece of wood and clubbed him over the head. As he fell to the ground the others stole his wallet, jewellery and mobile phone.The assailants fled the scene leaving the tourist needing desperate medical attention. But even when they are caught the police go easy on them viewing them as 'social misfits'.

So for now the Thai Ladyboys are sure to remain a colourful feature of their city streets."


The Simpsons
'Wedding for Disaster'
Channel 4

After discovering that his marriage licence with Marge is invalid, Homer proposes to her for the second time. However, his disappearance on the big day means another case for Bart and Lisa.

The Simpsons recycle a gag first used by a judge (in an ealier episode) as a throwaway gag when Bart is manacled to his father by a new female judge. In that case it was kinda loaded. But this time it just felt like a lazy bolt-on as they some how suddenly have realised that their content is often quite transphobic.

Still all things considered its better than nothing.

Here is the ORIGINAL entry for you to compare:

The Simpsons
'The Parent Rap'
Channel 4 + 1

Female Judge says to Bart, "I used to be like that when I was a boy!"

If it had been left there then fine but,

Then it cuts to 'faces of disgust' and another person in the court looking worried saying, "did she just say she used to be a dude?"

Again it is a case of not what you do but also what you do not do.

Saying she used to be a boy should be enough. Reinforcing shock and disgust compound transphobia and transpanic as an defence excuse for violence.

The Simpsons is one of Channel 4's regular offenders in this regard and show pre watershed.

In this latest episode there is this instance when the 'Parson' - who is like the local pope - comes to town (clearly a Bing Crosby look-a-like, and Ned Flanders treats him like a member of 'One Direction' by swooning all over him). When speaking to his old friend Tim the local reverend he says to Tim (Reverend Lovejoy) speaking about Lovejoy's wife Helen:

Parson - "I remember when she was Helen Schwartzbaum. In fact I remember when she was Harold Schwartzbaum!" (Hayley in Coronation Street used to be Harold).
"You what?!" Retorts Rev Lovejoy.
Parson - "I've said too much!"

Image (Image: Channel 4/ Fox)
An awkward moment.


Doctor Who
BBC Three

6/13. The Vampires of Venice: Science fiction drama. Desiccated corpses and terror fill the canals as the Doctor takes Amy and Rory to 16th century Venice. [AD,S]

Rory looks at his psychic paper.

"Hey, it says here that I am your Eunuch!"
"I'll explain later..."


Alan Carr- Chatty Man
Channel 4

David Walliams is a guest.

Finally I think we can put the whole is he or isn't he to bed regarding trans issues.

In his new book - 'Camp David' - old joke.

He explains that the roots of Emily Howard (the transvestite in Little Britain) was because he had to play a queen in a school play at a boy's school. And it got such a big laugh he has been playing on it ever since.

So man in a dress is funny.

I prefer laughing with crossdressers like Izzard than laughing 'at them' but hey he's got rich (and
the BBC) from it so what do I know?

In fairness it is quite hard to make people laugh regarding trans issues as it walks a knife edge
between offence and comedy. This can be greatly offset by having trans writers and trans performers.

Then it very difficult to criticise even if it is offensive.


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