UK Television Transgender Monthly Round up August 2012

Every month we list UK programmes the feature transgender issues good and bad. If you work in the media this is a must see monthly list.
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UK Television Transgender Monthly Round up August 2012

Postby Ice Maiden » Sat Sep 01, 2012 2:02 pm

So here we go again, what is broadcast in the UK reflects on you as a transperson. Every month it is a case of spot the positives. Almost all television featuring anything remotely associated with transpeople is negative, comical or are negative stereotypes.

High Points
Luke_A winning Big Brother - that's obvious!!! ;)

Low points are quite simple.
The BBC and Channel 4's over reliance on crosssdressing for laughs with no effort whatsoever to do anything about it more than a year on from the all singing and dancing bluster with the MOU promise they made.
The BBC suggest their 'Charter' is enough - News just in - It ain't!

Big Brother Thread here

Don't forget our Soap storyline archives here
Jason in Hollyoaks

Coronation St


My Transsexual Summer

Another Airing of this popular series

(Won out digital choice award last year)
see - viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2662


BBC Three

The first series was shown back to back.

Two episodes of concern.

1. Pronoun misuse and stereotyping in the pole dancing bar episode.

2. Transpanic - Episode in the episode where Wilfred says his mistress 'is a man'

Read about them here viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2247


Quagmire's Dad
BBC Three

Full Review here


Family Guy
'Welcome Back Carter'
BBC Three

Negative reaction to a trans woman.


How I Met Your Mother

US sitcom. Ted joins a dating agency with a remarkable success record in an attempt to meet the love of his life. Back at home, Marshall and Lily wage war with a horrifying household pest - which seems to be part mouse, part cockroach.

Another let down for the trans community from Channel 4.

The dating expert (woman says to Ted), "

"I spent an hour showing your photo to random pedestrians, no takers!"
"Although this transvestite hooker said he-she would do you for half-price because you look like John Cussack and 'his-her' favourite movie..."

Stereotyping - transgender people as sex workers! Pronoun misuse, and pre-watershed.


The Simpsons_Channel
'Homer the Moe'
Channel 4

Moe turns the bar into a hang-out for Springfield's beautiful people, forcing Homer to open a bar of his own in his garage. With the guest voices and music of REM.

The Second fail of the day from Channel 4 and despite them being alerted to it in an annual report (since the MOU they signed) have done nothing about it.

They sing a song in Homers garage bar.

It ends with, "Moes a big jerk and a she-male too!"


Rude Tube
'Love Bytes'

Alex Zane presents the funniest, strangest and most outrageous clips from the internet. This installment features theinternet's 50 greatest love-themed clips, whether romantic, raunchy or just plain weird! [SIC]

Couple just finish having intercourse and she lies on her back and says, "I was a man!"
His face grimaces.

Transpanic as comedy - hmmm where have I seen that before? - try everywhere! Not least the IT Crowd when trans character April was smashed through a window in a fight to the delight of the audiece. Trans remind me of 'the black guy' in 80s films.

Wonder which one is not going to make it out alive?

Trans now face similar stereotyping.

Followed by another clip where a model is touching herself to rock music, then flops out a scrotum - it is about feeling for lumps, as she actually holds it separately away from her body in her hand.

However the voice over present Alex zayne says, "Oh I just was sick in my mouth."


Channel 4

The 2007 remake of the far better 1988 original with Divine who was far better 'qualified' to play the crossdressing lead than Travolta - however with the recent book from one of his staff being published about his private life - well I'll leave that there ;) too poor to be sued.

The original made famous Ricki Lake, can remakes ever compete? Who knows?

That said why did they need a crossdresser as a mother at all? Unless it was to exploit the Rocky Horror Show's popularity at the time and create some 'gay hook'.

Another example of crossdressing exploitation at the cost of genuine transgender people - after all why not a gay chearacter? Why must they crossdress when most crossdressers at straight males?


Amsterdam Nights
Pick TV (Sky Three on Freview 11).

A look at the seedy, vice-ridden underbelly of one of Europe's great cities, following the tourists, police officers and others who live and work in the Amsterdam night. In this edition, the cameras go behind the neon windows to reveal the secret life of a transvestite prostitute, the murky world of sex performing and the dangerous streets of the red light cops.[SIC]

Its a shame that this was the 'highlight'.

I think it would have been more interesting to have interviewed her dressed and ask her why she remains male in every way apart from when servicing clients.

Is this another 'Rent-boy' addon in an already choked marketplace? Or is she genuinely transgender?

They concentrated too much on what she did rather than who she is.

Assuming she is she of course.


Dirty Sexy Money

Drama about a wealthy family of New York socialites. During Letitia's murder trial, Nick uncovers Nola's nasty secret.

Tripp tries to influence Patrick's choice when he is selecting his chief of staff.

Candis Cayne Stars

The Benchmark TV series with a transgender actress playing a trans character - yet to be equalled!

Search our site for more.

5/5 star!!!


The Girl Who Became Three Boys
Channel 4

Full review here


South Park
'Go God Go'

Adult animated series. Cartman freezes himself so that he can travel through time to the release date of a new games console, but wakes up 500 years in the future.

This is only of relevance because Mrs Garrison (who is now transsexual - well for a while) has a date with Prof Richard Dawkins and well one thing leads to another, but it was very interesting as Mrs Garrison is quite thick-skinned until she was treated like a woman at dinner and it was cute, she made the effort with lipstick and eyeliner and a new dress. But the bald head being left actually is better as it proved that gender roles are often so daft, why cant't a woman have a bald head?

South Park was one of the first cartoons to have a regular transsexual character like this, albeit the infantile humour had to be fed, they nevertheless had their good moments, and the kids in the class amazingly were very accepting of her.



Have I Got a Bit More News for You
Dave ja vu

Transvestite Artist Grayson Perry appears dressed as Claire.

A slightly larger slice of topical satire with Paul Merton and Ian Hislop. Guest host Martin Clunes introduces guest panellists Grayson Perry and Jimmy Carr. [S]


My Transsexual Summer
More 4

Another episode of this popular documentary first aired in 2011.

Search our site for more on this.


South Park

Mrs Garrison Read

Adult animated series.

Cartman attempts to return to the present as war breaks out in the future.

Trans Relevance - Mrs Garrison is outed by Eric who calls her home and says, can I speak to Mr Garrison or whatever he calls himself since his sex-change, Eric is a nasty bit of work anyway, but it does expose a certain truth to how soon men can bolt when discovering this - transpanic.


2 Broke Girls
'And the Kosher Cupcakes'

US sitcom about the lives of two New York waitresses in their early twenties. Max and Caroline have to make kosher cupcakes for an Orthodox Jewish family's bar mitzvah. Meanwhile, Caroline worries she might be getting sick, since she lacks the resources she used to have to deal with health problems.

"Its a sad story, he broke up with me to date other women, and she had a penis!"
"I can't compete with that!"

Now this is almost OK, it is well pronouned she, woman...

The problem is yet again stereotyping, transwoman in the context of a man-stealer (untrustworthy), and again in the context of sex.

No actual transperson present to be part of the gag - gag said in absence so joking about the community laughing AT the community!

Why should this even be funny? Still a long way to go for Channel 4/E4 I'm afraid.

There are celibate trans women!

Unfortunate and still wide of the mark!


How I Met Your Mother
'How I met Everyone Else'


Comedy. Ted's new girlfriend becomes jealous that the story of how Ted met his friends is better than how she met him.

Ted - "There is no stigma to meeting online anymore!"
Barney - "The only hot girls who trawl the internet for dudes are crazy, hookers or dudes!"
Ted - "She is not crazy a hooker or a dude! Although there is this guy I pass on the way to work everyday who is all three and scares the cr*p outta me!!!

You have to read exactly what was said here to make it applicable as the opening statement was...

The ONLY ...'girls'... who trawl the internet for men are dudes. Then there is one person who is all three, that is crazy, and a hooker (again), and a dude.

It is a mess but you get the idea. It would not be a trans issue had he not said the only girls...if he had said, 'the only people' then it would be fine. But saying that girls are dudes are hookers (and crazy) is transphobic, then they bolt on 'hooker' and 'crazy...'

More on this here


Family Guy
'Friends of Peter G'

Mocks trans women - sex worker stereotyping


How I Met Your Mother
'Slap Bet'

"Trust me you want to postpone knowing about anything about each other for as long as possible!"
"I disagree if there is some potential 'Oh!' moment I wanna know about it right away!"

Cuts to Ted at the alter and a woman saying - "I used to be a dude!"

Gets a big laugh...


American Dad
'Phantom of the Telethon'

Interesex and crossdressing gags


Dirty Sexy Money
'The injured Party'

Candis Cayne Stars - Excellent!


Mrs Brown's Boys
'Mammy Pulls it off'

More dross (a show carried by a non transperson crossdressing for laughs) from this archaic format sitcom, It should be filed next to 'Love Thy Neighbour' The Black and White Minstrel Show' and 'Little Britain' - shame is this was made this century!

The BBC need to recognise that laughing at men in frocks is abusive, and the Only way around it is to ensure the 'man' wearing the frock is trans!


The Accused
'Tracie's Story'

Full Review


My Transsexual Summer
More 4

The gang go Bowling. And the men get to see surgery results on another FTM.

A welcome repeat full story is here


Family Guy
'Friends of Peter G'

Trans negative (trans as sex workers) stereotyping comment


2 Broke Girls
'And the One-Night Stands'

US sitcom about the lives of two New York waitresses in their early twenties. Max feels obligated to throw Caroline a surprise birthday party. Then she learns that all Caroline wants is to see her imprisoned father.


Manager of diner - "Guess what everyone I have a secret!"
Waitress - "You're a woman trapped in a man's body?"
Manager - "No."
Staff - "Your a man trapped in a woman's body?!"
Cook - "You're a little boy trapped in a little girls body!"

That's it on E4 transgender issues are just ONE big joke!

Belittles what is a terrible issue for transgender people, as offensive as anything that can be dealt in comedy. Reduces the 'locked-in' sickening feeling that transpeople experience (especially through childhood) into - well a joke!


Pick TV/ Sky 3

Interesting one this a late night programme that is continually repeated since all the way back from 1998

Image (Image: United/BSkyB).

Talk show in which guests try to resolve their problems in a mock courtroom. A man is accused of wasting his life by

having an affair with a married woman, and a husband and father who had a sex change defends his decision.

Image (Image: United/BSkyB).

This broadcaster decription is in fact wrong it is someone who is considering genital surgery, however Janett Scott does make an appearance :)

Image (Image: United/BSkyB).

Proof positive even today how advice stands the test of time



1/6. Date: Miranda gets overexcited by the prospect of her first real date and decides it's time to try to be more girly. Unfortunately her makeover doesn't go quite to plan. [AD,S]

This episode Miranda is looking for clothes to sit he bigger girl frame, she is tall and her feet are large, she looks in the window of 'Transformers' (meant to be 'Transformation')

An gets a make-over, to look like a 'transvestite'.

These stores make people over to look like women in actual fact, so thats a bit weak.
The store shows a person leaving it crossdressed with a moutache.

To hammer the joke home.

It is 'OK' i suppose as the joke is on her, she is mocking the fact she is mistaken for being a man all the time and one thing leads to another.

But with a little bit more effort it could have been better.

If you search the forums you will find the original thread for this 12 months ago as this is a repeat.

But this image is a stereotype
Image (Image: BBC).


Models, Misfits and Mayhem
Last in series

Last in the series of the reality show set at the London School of Modelling. A former model wanting to get her career back on track signs up for a course, but she soon falls out with her younger teachers. A girl who had a sex swap on her 16th birthday tries her hand at modelling. A spectacular photoshoot sees the students tested to their limits.[SIC]

The episode with Jackie Green and Toni talking about trans issues on the swings.


Alana Carr's Summertime Specstacular 2
Channel 4

Apart from the crossdressing for laughs - not a lot we can do about that.

We have to hear the infamous Sinitta story about how when she was in St. Tropez with Simon Cowell, to get rid of some women interested in him she told them he was 'pre-op transsexual'.

WTF Channel4?

And Alan and Sinitta have a good old laugh about it.

I have heard her and read about this story before on telly and in the press, so perhaps it is time to stop telling it Sinitta.

But shame on Channel 4 for publishing it.

It seems every Alan Carr programme is a nitemare really.

He uses the term tranny for laughs (archived), in his last 'specstacular' (1) he was at it again with David Walliams.

Image (Image: Open Mike/Channel 4).

Make Gay jokes Alan but leave the trans community alone - you simply do not know what you are doing and being gay doesn't make it so.


The Simpsons_Channel 4
Roda to D'ohwhere
Channel 4

Marge sells out of date prescription medications.

Smithers offers to buy all the estrogen.

"I have a friend trapped inside anotehr friend who could use this!"

Later Homer imagines Bart as a woman and freaks out.

Image (image Fox/Channel4).


American Dad
'Phantom of the Telethon'

Another airing of this episode that makes intersex gags.


Dirty Sexy Money

(Repeat Original Air dates TV Series 2007–2009)

More from this drama that set the benchmark for transgender people starring Candis Cayne. Great stuff!


My Transsexual Summer
More 4

Another showing of this award-winning (our award) series from 2011.



The Simpsons
'Homer Simpson, this is your wife'

Episode where Homer calls his trans sister-in-law

Voiced and in part written by Ricky Gervais.

"You are leaving me for him?!"
Homer chips in, "So it would appear, but cousin 'it' there was born a woman!"

So again this negative abuse.

Why could they have not left it at He was born a woman, born female would be better of course.

But that's never enough they always have to stick the boot in!

Again on Channel 4...


Embarrassing Bodies

Another showing of this Transsexual special on the new Channel 4 digital channel '4seven'. Shows repeats and a little extra info about those who took part.


The Wright Stuff_
Channel 5

Call in about Prince Harry.

Caller ('Jeremy')

"Why don't they investigate the editor of the Sun how do we know he doesn't crossdress at the weekends?!"

Although this was a caller and not the team, it does demonstrate that when push comes to shove there is nothing much worse it seems than crossdressing to ruin your life?

As that was the first thing he reached for when finding something to humiliate.


Live at the Apollo

4/6. Stand-up comedy from the world-famous Hammersmith Apollo. Scottish comic Kevin Bridges introduces sets from Shappi Khorsandi and Jack Whitehall. Contains adult humour. [S]

Both comics we have on archive telling transgender jokes!

Kevin Bridges
"Phil Mitchell (the Eastenders crack addict), where is he? Probably up at Kings Cross dressed as a 'ladyboy', trying to raise enough money to buy a Pot Noodle!"

Gets a big laugh from none other than Ian Beale (AKA Adam Woodyatt).

Say no to transphobic labels click here and visit our FaceBook Page!

The BBC do F-all to change this sort of thing and they have the nerve to pt their name here! ... nd-the-bbc

Rather than 'fund' why don't they just deal with it! Smoke screens and pointless.

Like Channel 4 the BBC has achieved nothing and made no progress that is clear to see in their broadcasting in regard to transgender people.

I am still waiting...


Mrs Brown's Boys
2/6. Mammy's Coming!

Agnes is upset that her son Trevor has been called back to the missions in Africa. Contains adult humour and strong language. Also in HD. [S]

Junk crossdressing vehicle.

Take away the frock and we see it for what it really is, mediocre - what it is doing on BBC ONE prime time is beyond me.

Now if a transgender woman were playing the part the BBC will have learned something, as it is they are still stuck in the 70s!


Come Fly With Me

The BBC protects their investment and props up Matt and Daves pension schemes with a repat showing of this weak spin-off of Little Britain.

From blacking-up, to crossdressing for laughs. It did show that the duo had exhausted the format and really crossdressing for laugh these days? Its now time for the BBC to show they are a modern broadcaster and deal with this issue in the same way as they did with the Black and White Minstrel Show - employ the correct ethnicity or minority for the job - this is not rocket science a child could understand the concept.

In a week where they will launch their first ever Asian sitcom 'Citizen Khan', I noticed not a 'browned up face in sight! It is now time to afford the transgender community the same respect!


Idris Elba's How Clubbing Changed the World
Channel 4

Good show this, about the history of clubbing from Acid House to Ibiza.

Small ray of sunshine and fondly remembered was when Tony Blair wanted to be 'Cool Britania' and invited the 'cool' kids of the day to Downing Street for a party.

Amongst the Oasis singers was Eddie 'I'm a TV and proud Izzard, in full make-up!

Those were the days eh? Where is our Eddie now? It is pathetic that we have to go back a decade to see how little progress has been made in this department.

More trans comedy please BY TRANSPEOPLE NOT ABOUT THEM!

Image (Image: BBC/Channel 4).


Whatever Happened to Harry Hill
Channel 4

Harry crosdresses for laughs.


The Jonathan Ross Show

I don't know if he has moderated his comments here or not in light of a recent interview he had with Paris Lees at Trans Media Watch but he would I suspect have generated more currency from this usually.

However, still got a big studio laugh about crossdressing from it, but It was about what Guest and F1 Racing Driver Jensen Button said.

JB - "Never wear women's clothing!"
JR - "Well I don't know sometimes it makes the day go faster?!"

Big studio laugh.

So a bit positive and a bit negative... The jury is out on this one ;)

A far cry from his recent 'Ladyboy' comments, My Transsexual Summer jokes and comedy at the expense of Sean Bean's Tracie character in the last series.

Let's hope the trend continues. We will be watching!


Embarrassing Bodies

Another showing of this episode with flashbacks to transsexual surgeries.


Disney's Beauty and The Beast
Channel 5

Interesting this one, remember this is sold to children and was made in the late 80s (production time for animation is long) (1991).

There is a scene where a wardrobe attacks a member of the angry mob forcing the doors of the palace.

The wardrobe crashes down on him and traps him inside and spits him out, he is dressed as a woman.

Instead of having fun with this and going hmmmm... nice in the mirror.

Image (Image: Disney/Channel 5)

He makes a hideous scream and panics in terror!

For a young trans child trying to come to terms with these feelings this sends out the wrong message, in the same way that pantomime in the UK does something similar. For a young transgender child looking at pantomime in the UK the crossdressing is mocked and the actors humiliated.

It may seem petty but it all adds to the whole problem.


Dirty Sexy Money

Real Life Transsexual Candis Cayne appears in the episode - very good 5 star the drama for every other programme maker to beat!


Celebrity Wedding Planner
Channel 5

Denise Welch and Russell Grant: 'Celebrity Big Brother' winner Denise Welch and 'Strictly' star Russell Grant inject some glamour into a couple's big day. [S]

For the stag she buses in her old man Vin - the drag queen she doesn't stop mentioning :)

Image (Image: Renegade/Channel 5).

Vin/AKA Raquel - Looks confused - all a bit embarrassing really.

I just felt they were laughing at Requel rather than with her - assuming Vin identifies in this way - probably just ids as a fella perhaps?

Nevertheless, it seemed a shame that Raquel had to do this rather than say sing a song or something.


The Rob Brydon Show

3/6. Rob Brydon is joined by Sarah Millican, voted Queen of Comedy at the British Comedy Awards, and artist Grayson

Perry. Plus music from Newton Faulkner. Also in HD. [S]

Grayson does her usual thing crossdressed she has fun with the issue.

Image (Image: Talkback/BBC)

To be fair to Rob he did not mock crossdressing and took it seriously but light-heartledly - if that's not an oxymoron.

Grayson used the word 'tranny' - but that's her choice as it is her lived experience - sends out mixed messages though so not a big fan of that.

I think they were more in awe of the fact she can sell a pot for £100 grand than anything else!

Image(Image: Talkback/BBC)

"I have to be careful what i draw as it is like drawing money!" When comparing herself to Picasso when he signed napkins to pay for meals.

Would Grayson be the star he is without being trans - Something says no.

But he needs to brush up a bit on his labels, as he is the most high profile transperson in the UK atm, so if he says 'tranny' then that leaves the rest of us high and dry!


The Simpsons
'Girls Just Want to Have Sums'
Channel 4

When the new school principal splits the school in two, separating the boys from the girls, Lisa dresses as a boy called Jake so that she can attend maths classes. With the voice of Frances McDormand.

A real nightmare this one for Channel 4 and their MOU promises.

The term 'He/she' is used.

The term 'Tranny' is used to humiliate.

A real mess!

FFS What is the point in Channel 4 signing the promise to treat Tranpeople with dignity when they just ignore everything and carry on as they always have?


The Rob Brydon Show

Another airing of Grayson Perry on this new comedy talk show.


Celebrity Juice

Back for a new series.

The published preamble: The irrepressible Keith Lemon returns with a brand new series of the comedy panel show with regular team captains Holly Willoughby and Fearne Cotton. This week's guests include TV presenter and actress Kelly Brook, pop superstar Ronan Keating, Olympic gold medallist long jumper Greg Rutherford and comedian Chris Ramsey all hoping to prove they have been keeping up with the latest celeb news.[SIC]

The track record of Leigh Francis in regard to the transgender community and how he has mocked it is beyond a joke, from a 'Bear's Tale', pretending to be a transwoman and Davina McCall pretending to be a transman, to his hideous portrayals of Nadia (with testicles hanging down) in Bo' Selecta. Hmmm we have seen that recently on Russell Howard - and edited out after protest. And also only this month on Channel 4 in their Rude Tube series!

To more recent offence on Celebrity Juice again about Nadia, and mocking intersex people by making genital jokes that only affect this community.

He may well be popular but he is out of order!

This week he mocks Fearne Cotton as having a penis (AGAIN).

OK that may work in a club chatting with friends, but what he is doing is getting a laugh off the back of transgender people again. Fearne does not have one (as far as I am aware) so who is the target of the joke?

It is clear his format is popular mainly because the humour is playground in its style - giggling about sex mainly, but when he is mocking his panelists and talking about his sexual prowess, that's fine, but leave transpeople alone or book some to be on the show! Luke_A or Grayson Perry may like to be on (although Luke may well be overwhelmed)?

He mocks Verne Troyer ('Mini Me' Austin Powers) but at least he has the decency to hire him to be there to take the joke and agrees to it! That's a big difference!

Otherwise it just looks like bullying a minority in their absence. And as said before this does not help Holly (whose husband produces CJ) in her day job when trying to look 'caring' about a distressed transgender guest they sometimes interview on 'This Morning' (ITV1), if the night before she is humiliating the transcommunity with Leigh Francis (Keith Lemon is just his act).


Mrs Brown's Boys

Now for a BBC Double bill of tired old 1970s humour - that is where it should have stayed.

The crossdressing removed from either of these two shows would demonstrate they are not even broadcastable - dress carrying the shows? You decide.

Imagine editing out all the crossdressing - try it. It exposes the shows weaknesses.


Come Fly with Me

More crossdressing for laughs from the people that brought us Little Britain.


See you gain in another 30 days...

Will Channel 4 and the BBC have cleaned their acts up by then? What do you think????!!!! :noway:
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