UK Television Transgender Monthly Round up Apr 2012

Every month we list UK programmes the feature transgender issues good and bad. If you work in the media this is a must see monthly list.
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Ice Maiden
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UK Television Transgender Monthly Round up Apr 2012

Postby Ice Maiden » Tue May 01, 2012 2:17 pm

So here we go again, what is broadcast in the UK reflects on you as a transperson. Every month it is a case of spot the positives. Almost all television featuring anything remotely associated with transpeople is negative, comical or are negative stereotypes.

High Points
Julia Grant on Four in a bed :)

Low points are quite simple.
Gabby Logan leaving her show - which won our best programme of 2011 here

Don't forget to follow our Soap storylines here
Jason in Hollyoaks

Coronation St


The Cleveland Show
'The Men in Me'

Crossdressing Doll Gag

Junior has his stuffed toy in a dress and wig and Cleveland is so shocked he has to remove the imgae of it with a wand and place it in a jar and lock it away with other bad experiences.


Mrs Doubtfire
Channel 5

Well it has took to date half a billion at the box office(!), and was perhaps one of Robin Williams' greatest roles.

He did well considering how hairy he is and his voice was passable demonstrating it is possible to change your voice.

However, he has this gay brother who does prosthetics, plays very much into stereotypes, gays crossdress all the time don't they? They are everywhere doing it? Nah they ain't and thats problem one, the gay/crossdressing link.

Problem 2 is it is a comedy, crossdressing is a big laugh.

I mean why couldn't have he played it 'straight', a father wanting access to his children without the laughs being forced to do this, in a 'Father's for Justice' style - but then noone would have been interested and perhaps a tad creepy?

This is the problem with Hollywood's relationship to crossdressing, it only works as a comedy, if it is a drama it is linked with mental illness and serial killers.

So although this was great for the picture houses, and great for Robin himself, and was voted in the top comedy films of all time (with number one being 'Some Like It Hot' and third being 'Tootsie') it is clear that there was an apetitie for this. But as the new film 'Jack and Jill' this year has already won worst film at the 'Razzies' perhaps this relationship is coming to an end?

If it does then perhaps things will change for the better, as studios have to go out and find talant from the communities they profit from?


Kourtney and Kloe Take Miami
4 Music

This comes around over and over, too much use of the negative sterotypes in this, 'Trannies' being the worst, and being compared to one as being horrible.

I must admit that the Kardashians are a bit of a guilty pleasure, and I do watch them if they are on, kinda a bit like 'The Osbournes' for a shallow and fame hungry youth.

But Channel 4 need to keep their eye on this show as they are at it again later this month!

I think they should dip the volume with the term 'tranny' for sure! As its target audience is female adolescents and we do not want to encourage the use of derogatory terms like this as some how OK.



More of Tim Healey's Crossdressing - nothing wrong with this if he was actually a transvestite actor - but he ain't and as a result it lacks authenticity and is just embarrassing!


Family Guy
'To Love and Die in Dixie'
BBC Three

Chris believes he has fallen for a boy who is actually a 'Tom Boy'

The interest here is clearly one of an FTM and 'trans panic' when this happens.


8 Out of 10 Cats
4 Music (Channel 4)

Sean Lock and Jason Manford

Jason Manford suggests that being gallant got him beaten up when he was 16 may have got his some 'inside bra action' with a girl.

Sean Lock says, "were you wearing the bra? That's why you got beaten up then!"

Sean is a real problem for Channel 4's MOU (Their promise to stamp out transphobia) as he simply ignores it.


Rather than post every day here is the review

Julia Grant on Four in a bed :)
Channel 4

An episode at tea time every day :)


School of Comedy
4 Music (Channel 4)

Young comedians...

This was first aired 03/11/11

But one of the gags is a boy in a van unable to shout lewd comments at passers by.

He blames it on his mother forcibly crossdressing him as a little girl and this has made him frightened of women.

On the surface harmless.

But beneath it we have mental illness, child abuse, crossdressing, and trauma lasting to adulthood.

There now seems to be a habit of tucking away their little transphobic problems on 4 Music hoping nobody will spot them it seems, more on the Kardashians there later.


Quatum Leap

Sam leaps into the body of Katie McBain, a rape victim whose attacker, Kevin Wentworth is a member of a rich and powerful family.

I suppose QL is one of the rare prgrammes that can challenge gender roles simply because we always see him as him rather than the body he inhabits - it also shows how quickly this becomes a non-issue.


Keeping up with the Kardashians
'I'd Rather Go Naked'
4 Music

Kloe Kardashian again!

In this episode she is offended as she looks like a 'tranny'.

Of all the 'set ups' used to then go on to be empowered in a photoshoot for PETA, why does she have to use being compared 'trannies' as how bad she looks and how this is damaging her confidence.

I am not happy with this at all or 4 music for letting this go through.

I'd be more impressed if she said, "Oh they are comparing me to transgender women - well they are beautiful people so that's fine!" :)

Send out a positive(!), after all Kloe you should be so lucky to look like her! ... alter.html

Of course she is not comparing herself to her, she is using a comparison with the most vulnerable members of our community, who perhaps need to survive on sex work. That makes it even worse. Just who are these 'trannies' she is so disgusted by being compared to?

Compare the worse aspects of yourself to someone else and leave transpeople alone.

You are a beautiful and wealthy woman, isn't that enough?!!! Some people do not know they are born!


Mock the Week

Chris Addison

"Prepare to meet a new breed of sex change super hero - with the X-Men!!!"


American Dad
'Phantom of the Telethon'
BBC Three

Intersex and crossdressing gags aplenty.


Live with Gabby
Channel 5

We say a fond farewell to Gabby hosting her own show, it is her last show, and she is away this summer for the Olympics and her specialist skills as a sports commentator.

What will happen to this show next who knows they have stand in's this summer - will she return - again who knows?

But it appears as that's it.

This is a real shame as she won our best programme of 2011 see our awards. SHE won it as her style was very amenable to our community. viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2662

I wish her well, and hope her replacements don't scr*w up, I think Princess Productions are very good and we have spoken with them, I think they know what they are doing - so fingers crossed and lets hope and see.

Maybe she is destined for a bigger show? Well she cannot be worse than Jonathon Ross as I doubt she would have exploited trans humour so much.


The Simpsons
'Brother's Little Helper'
Channel 4

Not trans but an interesting aside for you nerds.

"Any other strange behaviour?"
"He quit blinking!"
"He (Bart) says that's when they get yah!"

Funny there is a episode of South Park where they try new ideas of villainy out with Butters and every time he thinks of something they say "Simpsons did it!" Already.

Well if anyone remembers this Blink Doctor Who.

Sorry Steve (head writer) SIMPSONS DID IT!!! LOL ;)


Anyways back to business ;)


Mock the Week

'Things a new pope shouldn't say:

"I have dreamt of this since I was a little girl!"


Five Children and It (2004)

Eddie Izzard plays the voice of a magical 'Sand Fairy' in this children's classic adventure tale.



Not a big fan of this show, it has set up Tim Healey as a clown with little or no dignity as a transvetite member of staff.

But this week what I did find interesting and perhaps at last something better written was this scene.

The Hotel has an inspector and at the end he puts his hands in his pockets at reception and says "I am going to reveal myself to you!" To which the female manager shouts, "HELP we have a sex pest in reception!!!" To which Leslie (crossdressed) wrestles him to the ground saying, "Alright pal I've got your number, I have always had you down as a bit of a nonce!!!"

This IS an interesting juxtaposition in that historically transpeople have been treated this way, but in this scene the hero/ine is a transvestite describing a white well-to-do middle-class gentleman as a nonce whilst crossdressed.

This is one tiny ray of sunshine and well written piece of positive discrimination in an otherwise stereotypical series. Where crossdressing is played for laughs.


The Change
BBC Radio 4 EX
22.28PM Sundays

Another chance to hear this radio series first aired in 2001

Back then I archived it in its entirety with photos of the performances, as this included Diane A from WOBS (Women of the Beaumont Society).

Not a bad yarn, and worth listening to.

It is the sitcom about a troubled hormonal wife and a transvestite husband and stars Lynda Bellingham and Chris Ellison (usually plays 'Hard Man' roles). In 6 episodes maybe catch up on Iplayer?


8 Out of 10 Cats
4 Music (Channel 4)

Jimmy Carr
Worst fashion faux-pas is when a b@ll slips out of your bikini!

More from Jimmy later!


American Dad
'G-String Circus'
BBC Three

A high pitched voice is mocked being down to what can only be an intersex issue.


The Wright Stuff
Channel 5

"8,000 Men being admitted to hospital for being pregnant...Telegraph says!"

"Male Mothers and the lies in NHS Statistics..."

Wine critic Olly Smith jokes about NHS gender markers, and men being admitted to hospital for ticking the wrong box.

He joked I worry I may go in Olly and come out Olivia - gets a bit of a laugh... This sort of thing usually does... Matthew fortunately moved him on quickly.


Loose Women

Matt Lucas comes on to promote his new BBC1 (very dull) TV Show.

He mentions he is directing the new 'Proclaimers' music video, and his idea is get this ... really original for him...

"I am going to get them crossdressing at a wedding and then it ends up in a fight!"

Give me strength! =(

This has been done by ARMSTRONG AND MILLER 03/02/11 and this was a repeat from their BBC2 show many years before on Dave!


It has been done MATT - go away and be original! And leave crossdressing alone for a while - it always leaves a mark on transgender people - unless it is a serious dramatic piece, on that note he has been bussed in to play Divine in a programme by Steve Coogan. If he plays this properly it may work - but stop taking the p*ss! We are still recovering from 'Come Fly with Me'!


Hit the Road Jack
Channel 4

Well here wig-o again...

He has to stay with a drag queen and then performs - I use the term loosely on stage, crude, upskirt shots, jokes about 'tucking his penis', boozing and it was just like rabble in a bar.

But that's not the issue - even though it was all 'done for a laugh' can crossdressing BE anything else on television?

Nah the issue is one in his round up at the end and a joke that has been done before in actual fact...

"Manchester where the men are men and so are some of the women", it then cuts to a crossdresser urinating at a men's urinal!

The gag has been done on Mock the Week and of course infamously by Little Britain's Emily Howard...

It has also been done before that - I can remember cartoons at least 15 years ago doing this gag..

This is a shame and Channel 4 have let their MOU slip yet again.

Their MOU is slowly becoming a bit of a joke in itself really. I mean this gag on Channel 4 in 2012 - seriously?


American Dad
'Phantom of the Telethon'
BBC Three

One intersex gag and one crossdressing gag


The Rickey Gervais Show

Rather poor offering by Ricky here and again on a Channel 4 Channel. He is going to be mocking people with learning disabilities soon in his upcoming (pilot hoping to become a series) 'Derek' I suspect he will reach for a trans gag in that too at some stage - he did with 'life's too Short', Ironically his standup show 'Science' where he used the term 'Mong' that later led to him appologising - which he said he would never do... Suggests that those that cannot help their situation like Gay people deserve less hassle than 'fat people' who can change their diet, you cannot change your sexuality he says, well Rick nor can you be the gender you are not.

In light of all this we have the episode where he challenges a transman (who was at the time and still is legally male!) who was pregnant and says,

"There is this woman going through a sex change and she's pregant!"

"thats not a man having a baby! - That's a woman having a beard!",

Stephen Merchant then chips in, "Having breakdown!"

Don't get me wrong I am a big fan of his podcasts, but they are the Karl Pilkington Show - lets face it, without him it would be dreadful!!! Yet he gets a laugh without offending with this very same topic. Learn Rick.

And a poor effort from Channel 4 who seem to have turned their back on it.


Mock the Week

Andy Parsons
"I used to be a Lord but now I'm a Lady!"


This Morning

Their TV critic mentions that Kenny Everett (A Bio Pic) will be Coming later this year on Channel 4.

He was a genius and a format that almost every trendy tv show has since followed. Off camera laughter being the most obvious, and including the back scenes as part of the show, where once the camera was never seen.

The story will be about his marriage (he was of course gay), but the trivia angle for us was he had a transsexual chef at his function so I wonder if we will see that?


10 O'clock Live
Channel 4

Jimmy Carr
"Cameron is on a visit to east Asia where he announced at a press conference, I honestly thought it was a lady she had b@@bs and everything!"

It...East Asia stereotype, the worst thing Cameron could do is this?

Another 'Ladyboy' gag from Carr - and again Channel 4 - they are doing well this month!


Ocean's 12 (2004)

Early validation of Eddie Izzard (as Boffin Roman Nagel) as a straight actor in this slick heist movie.


Quantum Leap
"Song for the Soul"
Scientist Sam Beckett leaps into the body of Cheree, a member of all-girl group the Lovettes. The girls have a rosy future ahead of them, but a recording contract is in the hands of an unscrupulous night club owner.

So race and gender are challenged by this role and he as usual plays it straight and plays it well. And not a bit of black boot polish in sight. Yet we still believe him.


Lee Nelson's Well Good Show
BBC Three

Lee's friend omelet (who is obese) wears a bikini and leaves nothing to the imagination walking around holding a boxing round card up.

'Man' + Bikini + large = funny. So this equally applies to transpeople in other similar sketches.

This is not such a far cry from Russell Howard's Airline sketch or the plenty kitchen roll ads or Harry Hill's side-kick Heather, they are all much of a sameness.


Celebrity Juice

"Fearne is not here because she is in hospital, and she is having her penis removed [laughter], so I'd just like to wish her well and good luck with it all, and I can't wait to see yah next week!"
Holly (Willoughby) chips in, "OR she is on holiday?!"
Keith retorts, "No she is having her c@ck cut off!!!" [more laughter].
Keith turns to Russell Kane, one of the comics on the panel, "Russell if she is in hospital right now and can sort of get better quick, send her a message?!..."
Russell Kane, "Um Fearne good luck with your penis removal and I hope they take the balls off as well as that'll look really weird!" [laughter].
They could push the b@llocks up to here (for breasts).

On cue Holly (This Morning Willoughby) defends her by calling him a Ginger W@nker.

This man is and has been trouble since he openly mocked Nadia on Bo' Selecta on Channel 4 all those years ago, he then went on to do a FTM and MTF transsexual comedy with Davina McCall (she played an FTM). He has openly mocked transpeople on Celebrity Juice in the past, and this just adds more to his every lengthening list of abusive comments. Leigh Francis - his real name - doesn't seem to care less. And Holly laughing along with it does not bode well for her 'serious face' interviews on this very subject on 'This Morning!' Especially when her husband produces Celebrity Juice.


Jonathan Ross was there enjoying it too .

Using a non transperson as a proxy for transphobic comments is no defence, in the same way if he was making racist comments to a white presenter about black issues.

He is way up there with the most transphobic comics on television, I think he is probably the number one, based on his history - all the clips we have retained over the years so there is no argument here! And here is a new one to add to the pile.

I despair!


Crash Canyon

"I'll bet you miss lying awake in your bedroom watching porn crying yourself to sleep!!!... most of them movies have transvestites in them!!!"


Mock the Week

Things Commentators wouldn't say at Wimbledon...

"Well that one must be a man!"


Family Guy
'Welcome Back Carter'
BBC Three

Carter is caught in bed with a Thai girl and uses she is a man as an excuse.
"She's a man!"
Peter responds, "EWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!"


Sky/Pick TV

A preop transsexual is accused of blowing her money to make herself look better in this UK mock courtroom tv show from the late 90s.

This is 12 years old and features a attractive trans woman who is accused of wasting her money. She already looked good so I guess I kinda agree with the accusers. That said it was a pretty silly programme - wonder where they are now?


The Change
Radio 4 Ex
Part 2/6 of this series that follows the life of Transvestite George.

In this episode can transvestite George dump his entire wardrobe for wife Carol? Stars Lynda Bellingham and Chris Ellison from November 2001.

Good series and one that 'Women of the Beaumont Society' (WOBS) had a hand in creating and taking part in - especially the help line call with Diane A.


8 Out of 10 Cats

Jimmy Carr jokes about porn

"No She-males..."


Hit the Road Jack
Channel 4

David Walliams is introduced by Jack Whitehall

"Joining me tonight is one of Bristol University's most famous alumni, a man who has given us some of the greatest comic creations of recent times, if a person is a product of our environment then Bristol is a TRANNY that can swim for f@cking miles!

Thanks again Channel 4 you are on a roll!

Tranphobia by proxy of people who leave the frock at the stage door is still unacceptable, and this does highlight Walliams yet again as a problem.

Would he say the n-word for a black guest even if he was OK about it? Nah - so how many failures is it this month for Channel 4 and its what(?) only halfway through the month?

I get the feeling the MOU is currently standing on a high building ready to jump!


Family Guy
'Welcome Back Carter'
BBC Three

Repeat of the episode above.


Crash Canyon

Character 1 - "Is he your boyfriend?"
Character 2 (Woman 2 talking at a table to new female friend. Character 1) - "No Stefan likes his women to have a penis!"
Character 3 (The Ventriloquist) - "Ha Ha! Finally A description you meet! Ha, ha, ha, ha! You SHE-MALE!!!


Celebrity Juice

Well following last weeks comments about Fearne Cotton being away having her penis removed, this week she is back and Keith Lemon (Leigh Francis) continues with his transphobic comments - by proxy of Fearne - calling a white person the n-word on this show would be unacceptable - this is no different, here is the script.

"We have got a special guest on the phone, I don't know who it is - let's have a listen.
An image with the name Dr Patel appears at the bottom of the screen.
"Hi Fearne are you alright?" "I am just phoning to tell you that if you have any wee (Scottish accent btw) problems with the penis we have constructed, if it falls out just push it back in and put a bit of vinegar on the end of it."
Fearne replies - "Yes Dr. Patel thank you for your concern, everything is fine."

Very odd last week she was having a penis removed, this week it was constructed? If you are going to mock, at least remember what you said last week. What a dope!

Seriously though just leave transgender people alone. Would the show have been any different without this momentary gag - no. It was unnecessary and again cruel. The idea that being trans is a laugh is an idea dreamed up by these comics who have no understanding of how hard it can make life and that it is not a joke, rather a serious 'condition' that does not deserve this relentless abuse. Would he have made a joke about say, ovarian cancer was the reason she was in hospital, or breast cancer? No there would be an outcry and he would be ruined!

He gives the impression he is a 'fun' guy, but behind this facade there is a catelogue of trans abuse going back almost a decade!

Fortunately we log it all.

Leigh just STOP! Its not exactly helping Holly as she has to try and appear compassionate on 'This Morning' after these gags - when interviewing transgender people.

And the show is up for a BAFTA of all things - youtube vote. Were it not for the transphobia it would be a good show, fun and saucy, old skool 'Carry on' Film style. But it is tarnished by this relentless trans-related humour - why else say it? If its not to humiliate?

Trouble is I doubt he even realises he is doing anything wrong - climb down off your cloud and think for 5 minutes. Imagine your trans related humour is the same to those suffering as cervical cancer and try and get a laugh. If you change your mindset you will at least 'get it'.

If Fearne was indeed a transsexual woman and agreed to the gag in the same way as someone who has cancer agreed to it - then 'fine' as at least then she would be part of it and consenting. But she is not trans and this humour has no place here.


Crash Canyon

Tell you what norm you keep (cooking pigs like that) doing that and I'll stop telling people you are a crossdresser!



Family Guy
'Friends of Peter G'
BBC Three

Peter - "So I clicked on it and the girl's got a bigger wang than I got!"
Girl - "No Way"
Peter - "So I put my thumb on it and that got me through the rest of the session!"


American Dad
'Stan's night Out'
BBC Three

"If you want to put that gun to good use you could shoot my hookers penis off!!!"


The Belles of St Trinian's (1955)

Alistair Sim plays a duo role in this classic British farce about a girl's school where he plays the Headmistress.


The Change
BBC Radio 4Ex

Episode 3 of 6
Transvestite George gets thrilling news - then a bombshell drops. Stars Lynda Bellingham and Chris Ellison. From November 2001.

Very well done and and is due to in no small part down to WOBS (Women of the Beaumont Society) I have it with studio shots from the first time around. And a copy of this sits in the Beaumont Library.


Crash Canyon

A repeat of the threat to suggest someone is a crossdresser.

Crash Canyon is slowly becoming a bit of a thorn in the side, a good idea well executed yet tarnished by the constant transphobic remarks.



Hit the Road Jack
Channel 4

Repeat of earlier edition where he uses the term 'Tranny'.


The Wright Stuff
Channel 5

Matthew and the panel discuss the story of "Mystery DNA and 26 pairs of women's shows in dead spy's flat."

Of course plenty of opportunity to make light of trans issues, but no(!) they remained solid.

The panel member says - 26 pairs of women's shoes? Maybe he was a transvestite?

"Maybe he was? I don't care about that," says Matthew.
Actor, Phil Davis responds, "Nor me..."

So again the focus is on the story of the murder and not made light of perhaps due to trans issues.

Again, great stuff from Transgender Zone's Best presenter of the year! (See ourawards page (or official blog) for 2011.)


AND Princess Productions deliver again as in part 2
Live with...
Channel 5

The new name for 'Live with Gabby'
as they have different presenters this week its Fern Britton's chance and she interviews teenage transsexual Campbell Kenneford who decided it was time for her to transition after seeing Lady Gaga.

Again great stuff from Princess (Productions).


Family Guy
'Friends of Peter G'
BBC Three

Animated US comedy.
Peter gets a visit from Death, who gives him a glimpse of what life would be like with and without booze.

(see above repeat).


American Dad!
BBC Three

'Stan's Night Out: On a boy's night out with his CIA colleagues, Stan finds himself in increasingly wild and reckless situations.

"Shoot my hooker's penis off ."


Crash Canyon

Animated series
Norm Wendell drinks from a pool in the canyon that has female hormones and grows breasts, he attempts to tape them down but that does not work.

He then goes on the flaunt them and comments like, "It's absolutely revolting!""It's unnatural!""I feel like a freak!""The testosterone will reset these."

Well unfortunately for Crash Canyon this has already been done... by 'American Dad!' (Episode American Dad! 'Helping Hands' BBC Three) Where Stan and Steve both grow breasts and well, you can guess how the behave.

The problem with this is transwomen do grow breasts, they do not 'go back' if you stop taking hormones, he would just be gynecomastic I assume? Although not trans-specific it is clear this has cross-overs and it has been done already so why bother?


Loose Women

They discuss the new film Albert Nobbs (2011)
Albert Nobbs struggles to survive in late 19th century Ireland, where women aren't encouraged to be independent. Posing as a man,

so she can work as a butler in Dublin's most posh hotel, Albert meets a handsome painter and looks to escape the lie she has been living.

This was again a minefield and a mess to be honest of misinformation and misgendering.

This was quite an interesting conversation. Not least because Carol McGiffin has 'form'. She said last time in a similar conversation - "I don't want to look like a tranny!"

This time we hear almost the same thing yet again!

"I am quite masculine, I am not butch...I try to wear feminine clothes...
I wish I could wake up every morning and be like Dita Von Teese... I wish I loved make-up..."

"If I try to be too girly, and I'm not being mean or anything, I am not being rude... but I do end up looking like a transvestite!"

It gets a big laugh...

"Because I am so tall..."

"Over 6ft..."

"Denise then joins in..."I was raised in a transgender world... I've got an ex-husband who plays a transvestite for a living (Tim Healey in 'Benidorm' (ITV1) - something she has mentioned for the umpteenth time) I've got a father who goes out under the name of 'Raquel' as a drag act..."

Then has a joke about how they went out and someone said that Denise was a rubbish transvestite...Not realising she was the 'real one'.

Denise goes on..."One of my GF runs this amazing dressing service for transvestites...bearing in mind TVs are 96% heterosexual [Source needed] completely different to transsexuals [??? I know plenty of TS who remain attracted to the same gender and just as many who don't], these completely straight men would go in for a 4 hour make-over, and they would off-load all their problems...there was a guy[?] very high up in the police who used to go...It was like a counselling thing...just to relax, they didn't want to go out as a they have to wear suits so we are quite lucky as women where we have the choice."

Another panelist..Lisa Maxwell comments, "If a transvestite wants to be a girly girl, that's in some ways easier, but for us as it has taken ages for us to be taken seriously.


TZ Critics comment:

Carol has mentioned on [Loose Women 19/06/11 ITV1 Carol McGiffin], "I don't want to look like a tranny!!!" and at that time Denise stepped in to try and repair this quite frankly out of order comment which lead to a complaint.

This time she does not say 'tranny' but she still says the exact same thing in so many words, that if she dresses up she looks 'bad', as bad as a transvestite. When people are about to say something and they use, I AM NOT BEING RUDE BUT... You tend to know what's coming (something phobic), I have lots of black friends but...I have lots of gay friends but...

Denise Welch then ploughs in with her, "I have grown up in a 'transgender world' and cites her ex-husband who is quite frankly a nitemare for our community in 'Benidorm', and this by proxy is allowing the use of transphobic comments - he is not transgender!

And her father who is a drag queen (this needs a bit more info of course as her father maybe a transvestite, but she always refers to 'him' as a drag queen) if this is the case then he ain't transgender either. Any more than Christopher Biggins is.

In fairness Denise did patch up the issue quite well, probably the best I have seen her, but please Denise, she will keep mentioning Tim in Benidorm (Les/Lesley) and this is always taken as a joke! They chose somebody who is a clown, and he is not trans, the show regularly uses transphobic comments, 'tranny' at least 3 times amongst others. It has depicted transwomen as hookers being arrested and thrown in a police van.

Denise spouts statistics about transpeople that have no foundation, saying 96% are heterosexual???

If there was one comment in the whole mess it was that women are lucky they have 'total clothing rights' (an Eddie Izzard expression) unlike men who have to lurk about. But that's it.

As for Carol, seriously! She has an idea of what a transperson is, and has chosen the lowest common denominator to be compared to - that's like using the same argument for wanting to look like a woman and choosing a woman who is homeless and 'on the game' with mental health problems (in other words its cruel!), perhaps she has chosen a crack-Wh*re somewhere who is struggling to survive, but is that funny???!!! Lets face it there are plenty of transpeople who look fantastic and far more attractive than her. But her now regular use of a transperson as a negative stereotype is out of order, would she use racial negative comments about her make-up foundation that was darker?

Not very happy at all - and they play the fact they are women and so have some right to say these things, well that assumes you are beneath men looking up most of the time, but there are communities that are struggling to have what you have, and you have no right to mock them as when they do it is not said seriously, it is said for laughs.


The Simpsons
'Days of Wine and D'ohses'
Channel 4

Barney is sickened and decides to go sober when he sees a video of himself crossdressed sleeping in vomit at his birthday.

The one thing that can sober a man is this?!


Very Important People
Channel 4

Celebrity impression show. New from Channel 4 with Morgana Robinson and Terry Mynott. Morgana's Frankie Boyle is very good, it is an interesting twist of late where female comics are dressing as men and in some cases it works - see 'Watson & Oliver' (on BBC Two) in previous logs (or just do a search here on top right).

I think if it is done very well, the joke is on the celebrity and we quickly forget the vehicle to get us there -Terry's Gordon Ramsy is uncanny! However like crossdressed men in comedy, if it is done to laugh at them in a dress - like 'Little Britain' (BBC) then its not right. So very careful management of this issue has to be understood by the artist and the comedy team. Get it right and the trans community can laugh along too, get it wrong and you just appear as tranphobic bigots exploiting the community!

For now I am glad to say when Morgana does the crossdressing, it is a means to an end rather than the end in itself.

I'll keep watching and let you know how it goes.

Worth watching - not least for FTMs who may be surprised just how she can switch genders - see her Danny Dyer for more on that.


Alan Carr:Chatty Man
Channel 4

No stranger to the term 'tranny' which he has used in the past (we have the clips), this time we have guest Jimmy Carr saying with a straight face, "that his tour is a no holds barred standup that if people buy a ticket for then they are going to hear the rough stuff." This is up to him but what I found interesting was that he said when he is on television, he is a guest in people's homes and has to tone it down a bit.

Hmmm? Really, cos I ahven't noticed it with your comments about transpeople Jim!

I hear this a lot where comedians really believe they are not like those phobic comics in the past, not realising in some ways they are worse!


Standup for the week
Channel 4

Not often you hear a vaginoplasty gag, but Andrew Lawrence manages it.


Family Guy
Stu and Stewie's Excellent Adventure
BBC Three

This is a good example of how they focus all the comedy of sexist MTF transgender topics and rarely approach FTM jokes (which is good for FTMs of course).

One of the rare gags about an FTM and if anything is blase' about it, the other being peter being proud to have become a man in a hospital - another gag.

Deep Voice "Knock! Knock!"
Ron enters the room
Mother Lois - "Oh hi Ron!"
Young Stewie - "Who is that fellow he looks strangely familiar?"
Older Stewie (it's the future him remember) - "It's meg she had a sex change right after college."
Young Stewie - "Waow! She went to college?!"
Ron - "I can't stay too late! I gotta go shop for a razor you know for my face where I grow my beard!
Peter (the father) - Ok Ron we get it you're a guy!!!


Can you imagine this working the other way around?
Woman's Voice "Knock! Knock!"
Rachel enters the room
Mother Lois - "Oh hi Rachel !"
Young Stewie - "Who is that girl looks strangely familiar?"
Older Stewie "It's Chris he had a sex change right after college."
Young Stewie - "Waow! he went to college?!"
Ron - "I can't stay too late! I gotta go shop for makeup for my face!
Peter (the father) - Ok Rachel we get it you're a girl now!!!

See how harmless that becomes? Plus the college joke still works.

When the humour is flipped and you imagine it like that just shows the effort involved and the way comedy across the board seems to be manipulated with some malice to abuse transwomen.


My Super Ex-Girlfriend 2006
Film 4

Eddie Izzard appears in this comic book comedy.


CSI:New York
'The Lying Game'

The team investigate the murder of a transgender showgirl.

I would not be happy were it not for the fact that this was played by none other than Candis Cayne, so it is what helped break her into ABC's ground-breaking 'Dirty Sexy Money'. and for that and the fact they hired an actual transsexual then I can't complin about this one ;)

The title is clearly a rip off of 'The Crying Game (1992) - IMDb' - but hey ho.


The Change
BBC Radio 4 Ex

Transvestite George confuses Ken when he sees him in a dress. Stars Lynda Bellingham and Chris Ellinson 4 of 6.

You know that WOBS (Women of the Beaumont Society) took part and a blooming good job they did too.


Scott and Bailey

Last in series. Rachel learns that Nick Savage has been brutally assaulted - and that she is top of the list of suspects. Gill gives Janet and Andy an ultimatum.

"Have you got any perfume on yah?"
"That won't work! You'll just sell like a transgender bricklayer!"

Positives? They used the term transgender instead of all the 'others' that are on offer.
Negatives? Well would they compare a black eye in racial terms or looking jaundiced after a night out in oriental terms?

No, of course not.

What's the difference?

She says she is smelly and has bad breath, if a person like that wears scent they clearly must be a stereotype.


See you next time ;)


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