UK Television Transgender Monthly Round up August 2011

Every month we list UK programmes the feature transgender issues good and bad. If you work in the media this is a must see monthly list.
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UK Television Transgender Monthly Round up August 2011

Postby Ice Maiden » Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:58 pm

So here we go again, what is broadcast in the UK reflects on you as a transperson. Every month it is a case of spot the positives. Almost all television featuring anything remotely associated with transpeople is negative, comical or are negative stereotypes.

High Points
Difficult one this as beggars can't be choosers. so its a transperson appearing on television this month - how sad is that - ONE! Lauren Harries click here viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2237

Low points are quite simple.
Wilfred BBC Three

Don't forget to follow our Soap storylines here
Jason in Hollyoaks

And Marcia and Hayley in Coronation St

And the trans guests on Big Brother 2011 here


Jamie Drag Queen at 16
BBC Three

Yet another repeat of this show.

It does show just how starved the BBC are of half decent minority viewing to have to repeat this so many times.

Time to invest, BBC?


The Wright Stuff

Panelist jokes she was dressed up by gay friends as a teenager and the host (not Mathew) passes this onto a male panelist who makes a joke out of crossdressing at the weekend.


Goodnight Sweetheart
'All about Yvonne'

Castrated gag gets laugh.


The Simpsons
'Grift of the Magi'
Channel 4

The one where Bart's injury forces the school to adapt it to wheelchair friendly and bankrupts it with the Mafia and their shoddy workmanship just as it finishes Bart recovers and the school is covered in ramps with no other disabled wheelchair using children in Springfield.

Homer comes home to see Bart and Millhoues crossdressing out of boredom.
Homer panics, and asks what they are doing and this better not be the gay answer.
Millhouse thinks quickly on his feet (unlike bart who has broken his coccyx and says we are drunk very drunk!

Which appeases Homers panic.

I think a few trans people can recognise this incident or how close they came in the past to being caught by it.

That said the old crossdressing = Gay is misleading, and all these comments funnel into global ignorance.




This Morning
Soapstar Superbrain

In this ongoing summer quiz they ask which of the Costello family is missing in Hollyoaks. It of course happens to be Jason, but fair dos to the panel when one woman says Jasmine another quickly interrupts and says, "OR JASON, HE changes!"

This does show a level of ignorance after all this effort with keen soap fans, for one to still describe Jason as Jasmine.


Mr Bean's Holiday (2007)
This summer staple comes around again.
Well we all know where this character came from - this

That said Rowen does crossdress at the end.

Last shown on ITV1 27/03 and earlier this week on ITV3

Image©Polygram/Working Title/Tiger Aspect


Family Guy
BBC Three

"So Annika Sörenstam you are quite the female golfer aren't you?"
"Yessss, quite the 'female golfer..."
"Ha! I knew it! Look everybody look, look she's a fraud!!!

Image©BBC three/Fox

Obviously the use of the baby in FG is a clever tool (no pun intended) to get away with things that with others would be questionable kinda in a similar light to drag using transphobic comments without guilt.

However that said this also does play into those that would touch a transwoman's genitals in the street and pull of their wigs etc as the target audience of this show is the 'yoof' market. Grabs her wig Look she's a TRAN!!! This happen only recently but it made national news when the crossdressers happened to be cage fighter - touche'!

I thought the BBC was going to stop comedy abusing real life people after the Frankie Boyle Mock the Week debacle? Hmmmm... now what's going to happen with Family Guy - they going to get special treatment?

Remember even if a baby says it or even a child actor like in the series Outnumbered on BBC1 - It's still written by adults for them to say! So is no different to an adult saying it.


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Ch-Ch- Changes

Even the title takes the mickey.

Forensic drama series. A roadside murder turns out to be the ultimate mistaken identity, and requires the team to explore the world of transsexuals.

Dark, seedy and unpleasant, it gives a lot of smart mouthed comments for the team with one liners like

"Four jars of depilatory cream?"
"I was looking for ovaries and I found a prostate!"
"She had Genital reassigmnent Surgery" - the expert says- "the testicles were removed and the penis was inverted to make a vagina!" [Time to go back to school Doc;)]
"They don't call it an Adam's Apple for nothing!" [this was cut out of her neck as part of the murder!]


"You have been performing gender surgeries without a medical degree!"

"How many others [trans] have died?"

[This is straight out of 'The Worlds worst sex change surgeon' documentary].

"The only way to explain the semen in her mouth is to suggest you wife is still packing!"

you get the idea...


American Dad double bill
Stanny Slickers 2
BBC Three

Roger crossdresses to entice employees into sexually harassing him so he can claim for abuse.

American Dad
Roger Codger

Stan asks his Boss to remove effeminate remarks from his record.

"Maybe you could insert Lady and not a?"

When sharing emotions men get labeled effeminate, as this is some weakness, this can create a macho culture who can in turn find effeminate men, and of course crossdressed people and transsexuals threatening.


Quantum Leap
'Another Mother'

Sci-fi drama series about a scientist trapped in a time warp. Sam discovers the difficulties of dealing with an adolescent son.

Sam leaps into a mother with 3 kids, the youngest is 'innocent' and as such can see sam as a man in a dress, he and Al his holographic friend and advisor pretend to be angels to appease her.

Another good program where Sam despite walking about in a dress, soon becomes normalised and forgotten about. :)



The Pregnant Man
CH 20 Really

In 2008, transgender Thomas Beatie became the worlds first 'male mother'. [Disputable of course]. This documentary recounts Thomas and wife Nancy's remarkable story, from his own childhood to parenthood.

The Digital Channels have found 'The Pregnant Man' and of course the rebranding of channels brings us new channel 'Really'.

This is old hat now for transpeople, but worth showing as nebies may have missed it. At the time it did 'rock the world' and led to a lot of abuse from Harry Hill running around his desk in TV bUrp! With a pillow stuffed up his shirt, to Ricky Gervais saying it was a con because her wasn't really a man as he had ovaries in his podcast and later is Rickey Gervais Tv show.

Worth watching. Simply beacuse its a trans man authentically describing his life in his own words and we watch the vitriol of those ignorant bigots around him.


Family Guy
'Brian the Bachelor'
BBC Three

I remember when I became a man."

"The operation was a success"

Image©BBC three/Fox

"What are you going to go by now?"

Image©BBC three/Fox


There still seems to be this impression that sexual organs define your gender - well news just in that's no longer the case!


Loose Women

"It's My dad!" Screams Denise Welch (whose husband plays the tv in 'Benidorm') her father does drag,

This must be the umpteenth time she has mentioned this.



Family Guy
Breaking out is hard to do

Stewie - oh
Brian - hey
S - hey
B - playing a little dress up
S - yeah
B - yeah
S - its fun to pretend
S - if you see Lous, graham cracker
B - graham cracker yes
S - I am just going to go out into the hallway to throw up about something else!

Image©BBC three/Fox


Mock the Week

Frankie Boyle - "I had my man breasts done and donated them to an Ethiopian transsexual!"


Steve Coogan - the inside story

Crossdressing a plenty in this lookback at his characters including Pauline Calf.


Family Guy
BBC Three

"So Annika Sörenstam you are quite the female golfer aren't you?"
"Yessss, quite the 'female golfer..."
"Ha! I knew it! Look everybody look, look she's a fraud!!!

Image©BBC three/Fox

Obviously the use of the baby in FG is a clever tool (no pun intended) to get away with things that with others would be questionable kinda in a similar light to drag using transphobic comments without guilt.

However that said this also does play into those that would touch a transwoman's genitals in the street and pull of their wigs etc as the target audience of this show is the 'yoof' market. Grabs her wig Look she's a TRAN!!! This happen only recently but it made national news when the crossdressers happened to be cage fighter - touche'!

I thought the BBC was going to stop comedy with real life people? Hmmmm... now what's going to happen with Family Guy - they going to get special treatment?


Family Guy
'Brian the Bachelor' (REPEAT SEE ABOVE)
BBC Three

I remember when I became a man."

"The operation was a success"

Image©BBC three/Fox

"What are you going to go by now?"

Image©BBC three/Fox


There still seems to be this impression that sexual organs define your gender - well news just in that's no longer the case!



Currently being repeated on ITV2

This is the first time Les/Lesley comes out 'dressed' on the job.

Clearly it all a big laugh.

"It was fun and a good laugh," he said.


"Dad I like that girl over there. But don't do anything embarrassing will yah!"

Camera pans back to reveal Tim in a skirt and roller skates.


American Dad
'Stannie Get your Gun'

Calls daughter 'Hermaphrodite' to abuse her in an argument.

Image©BBC three/Fox


How to Lose Friends n& Alienate People (2007)
Film 4
Full Review


Family Guy
'Go Stewie Go'
BBC Three

A Tootsie parody Episode where Stewie works as a crossdressed girl on 'Jolly Farm'

Image©BBC three/Fox


My Favourite Joke

The Late lamented Dick Emery

Forgotten about now - even the comedians cannot think why.

Of course very of it's time but it was more innocent times and his drag and characters were well executed.

Little Britain seems to be a crude direct copy of this comic.

But without the finesse.


Ronnie Corbett's Comedy Britain

I get the feeling that this has legs to investigate more comedians.

He interviewed David Walliams


Sadly, it was all about Emily Howard, and crossdressing for laughs. Be that when he was at school, the all boys school he attended needed a queen stand in and he realised early on that a dress gets a big laugh.


There is no question that he is fearless as a performer. Walliams is a very good actor as I have said in the past, his portrayal of Frankie Howard in a biopic drama tucked away on BBC4 was a joy.

But "Emily Howard, I'm a lady" has done a lot of harm to a community stepping into the light. It was like a seamonster tentacle wrapped around your leg. It was hilarious of course for the millions of viewers 'othering' and laughing at trans issues. I just think its a shame that Ronnie concentrated on this and the clips of him urinating in the gents was turfed out yet again.

Time to move on Dave!



The Simpsons
'Days of Wine and D'hoses'
Channel 4

Barney gives up alcohol after seeing himself drinking booze off the carpet crossdressed.

This is not good at all - firstly it is Channel 4. Second it is family viewing. Third It is crossdressed humiliation, shame, and so bad that only this will give Barney the wake up call he needs.

Image©BBC three/Fox

Image©BBC three/Fox

Barney Gumble gives up drink after seeing what a disgrace he is on video when drunk.

Of course the worst possible thing to be is crossdressed.

Thanks Channel 4 nothing like seeing crossdressing in a positive light eh?


George and Mildred
'The Four-Letter Word'

Two gender specific comments

Although this is 'harmless' it is a show from the late 70s and there is far worse today. Nevertheless, other shows of the era are conspicuous by their absence - of course I speak of the Black and White Minstrel show, and the rather homophobic and transphobic 'It Ain't half hot mum'.

George reads paper - "Sex-Change scout mistress tells of trampoline orgies with swinging vicar!" But Mildred has cut out the article as there is a patchwork quilt pattern on the other side. George retrieves it - Mildred says its disgusting..."

Later - George is reading his brother-in-law's mail at his desk pretending to be rich. "Dear sir or madam?

"He sound a weird one!"

It was of it's time and does have it's moments but you cannot help liking Yootha Joyce and Brian Murphy - quite brilliant and technically superb actors the pair of them - they were too good for this show really.



Lesley (Tim Healey) crossdresses for laughs in this popular comedy series.


The Pregnant Man
'Really' - Freeview 20

Yet another showing of this documentary of Thomas Beattie.

Its good the first time but its now being flogged to death and is already showing its age. Its a few years old he has had more children since as have many other FTMS. He was not the first anyway.

Time for something new me thinks.


Family Guy The Courtship of Stewies Father
BBC Three
Pedophile dream sequence where he is crossdressed with Chris reinforcing a link that isn't there

Image©BBC three/Fox


American Dad
It's good to be the queen

"Oh I wish i could get that guy back (for the damaged eye) I'd like to dress up like a girl, and make him have sex with me. Then say, HA! I'm not a girl, you just had sex with a boy who hates you! HA! HA!"

"Yeah, Let's keep that plan between you me and the string of therapists that won't be able to help you!"

Image©BBC three/Fox


Pick TV/Sky Travel

Now 10 years old and has shown a transsexual in the past on one episode (we have archived) supported by Janett Scott (ex President of the Beaumont Society) - that's not my gripe.

It is the opening sequence that shown on every episode a crossdresser as being guilty caught putting makeup on.



Image©Pick TV/Sky


Quantum Leap

Sam leaps into a cop playing a transgender hooker decoy


Celebrity Big Brother 2011
Cleb BB's Bit on the Side
Lauren Harries



This Morning in Blackpool
'Funny Girls'


I often wonder if they were not crossdressed would they still be a draw?

After all that's the true mark of talent?


Family Guy
Brian Sings and Swings
BBC Three

Teacher shows a sex tape to the children and he is dressed in female underwear.

It's one thing to make a joke about sex tapes but another to link it with crossdressing and demanding children watch it.

Image©BBC three/Fox


American Dad
'20/20 Stan's Night Out'

"You know if you fixed yourself up a bit men would find you attractive too instead of wondering if you are in the middle of gender reassignment!"

Image©BBC three/Fox

Roger the Alien identifies as male and is voiced by a male actor so i assume this is the case ;) Of course using an Alien (or animal/baby) in the cast of characters is a clever work around trans humour though so hats off to their ingenuity getting around phobic jokes eh?

Its a bit like If you wanted to abuse a black person, then have a cute puppy say it and you are in the clear.


Big Brother's Bit on the Side

Josey Introduces Alex Reid.

"He's partial to a bit of crossdressing is our Alex - It's Alex Reid!"

Transpeople are one of the few groups who are introduced in this way. Even if it is 'harmless Fun' and consentual.

I mean they wouldn't introduce an ethnic minority like this or someone disabled.

"And here he is the man with no legs give it up for..."

Just odd, unless he was there to talk about crossdressing for example then it would apply. Nevertheless it was all light hearted and Alex, let's face it, can look after himself ;) He has come out of his shell and is now quite articulate, and has a good screen presence these days :)

Good for him.


American Dad
'Vacation Goo'
BBC Three

Roger decides to get work by dressing as a woman after seeing 'tootsie' (the movie).

That's fine, trouble is it ends with him in a lap dancing bar and hooking.

Not that I have a problem with either, it's just the association of crossdressing ending up there all the time in most scenarios of this kind media wide and not just in cartoons.

Its a bit lazy going for this angle, a bit like a working man's club comedian of the 70s picking on mother-in-laws as all being fat hags. They ain't and that's the problem.


'Trust' S01E02
BBC Three

Ok I started my stop watch on this great new show where a depressed man sees a dog like a human, and it was not bad - unusual.

Episode 2 the dog is taken to the vet and as he is just about to 'go under' he says his mistress (who the man fancies) has a dick.

OK here we go.

The rest of the programme is spent with him looking at her genitals trying to work out is she is a biological male.

He even pipes up that he had heard about intersex people on the internet.

She is sitting legs wide open drinking beer cheering at a football match.

He then spies on her going to the toilet as he thinks she is peeing standing up.

She was pouring some of the beer away actually.

But this was like a few minutes and the crammed all this into the script.

I mean this was so soon to stoop to this transreality stuff.


Image©BBC three
PS the dog didn't finish the sentence - the dog meant to say - she has a dick .... for a boyfriend but went unconscious before he could finish.

Again in Episode Three the very next day we have more transphobia you can read about it more here



The Wright Stuff

The big news story this week - it is 'silly season' after all!

Was the 12 year old boy from Cornwall who won a local beauty pageant in drag.

This was handled in a variety of ways.

By far the most balanced was Mathew Wright who just has a knack of getting it right - no pun intended.

His panel were supportive regardless of if this was fun, a statement of independence and independent thinking, serious career ideal or even being trans. It made no difference so full marks to him.

Sadly his show is tucked away on Channel 5 and few listen to his wise words compared to the other channels.

Contrast this with 'This Morning' who were clearly uncomfortable with this whole idea and even back peddled a bit when one of the guests said, "what wrong with it?" - or words to that effect. Eamon and Ruth felt it was odd and appeared to come across as, its fine as long as it's a good laugh, and nothing more.

Ruth - Before you say what you think about it this is just because there were not enough girls!
Eamon - That sounds funny to me?
Gloria Hunniford - its a bit of fun he did it for a bit of a laugh really.
Ruth - When i first saw the heading I thought I don't think I like that, but when you read it and it was just because there were not enough girls ...
Ruth - If my son did this, 'I'd be worried' and made a face.

Bit uncomfortable to watch. SO WHAT! He maybe having fun, he maybe looking at drag as something to pursue, he maybe trans and this was an excuse. Regardless, the fact that in 2011 this made the national newspapers if terrifying! What is wrong with this country?!

Other commentaries did border on transphobic that day. The general view being. A 12 year old boy shouldn't be doing this and if he is there maybe something wrong with him, and this is perhaps why he is doing it - like a cry for help or something. As no other boys the commentators knew would ever do this and would be worried if their own children wanted to at that age.

What annoys me personally is if this was a biological girl noone would care - so its sexist too!

And we wonder why the media has such a problem with trans folk - well there it is!


Snog, Marry, Avoid
'Twins special'
Cheeky Girls
Really Channel

This is the problem with transphobic broadcasting, The BBC then go on and sell this to the plethora of digital channels out there that included Dave and Really.

A perfect example is Snog, Marry, Avoid. First created for BBC Three is now broadcast on Really.

What was said?

CG 1- "Which one wears the most make-up?"
Pod - "Why fight over something that makes you look like twin 'trannies'!
CG 2 - "You are mean..."

Image©BBC three

I give up!


Russell Howard's Good News
'Comedian section Stand up on his extended show'
Chris Ramsey

"I am not having a go and if you want to be a transvestites good luck to yah but..."

Is never a good thing to hear when it comes to transphobic comedy.

What follows is going to be exactly that, and this was no different here is a brief outline of what was if we swap skin colour for the 'levels of trans' there would be outrage.

It all got a laugh of course - 'othering' is easy.

He spoke of the 'levels' of transvestite.

From the 'No way' to the 'that's a bloke'.

He joked about how you could be trying to put your c*ck in and hit another c*ck.

He joked about seeing someone crossdressed at a Gok Wan fashion show and couldn't stop laughing.


"One more person had to walk out and it was a bloke..."
"I didn't know how to take him, if it was a preop transsexual, transvestite, or just a bloke..."
"I have genuinely been fooled before!"
"I felt bad cos I was just sitting on a bin laughing my head off!"
"It takes balls to do what he does and the man replied and a c*ck!"

All that for that one c*ck gag!



Family Guy The Courtship of Stewie's Father (REPEAT)
BBC Three
Pedophile dream sequence where he is crossdressed with Chris

Image©BBC three/Fox

reinforcing a link that isn't there


Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side

Pete Burns makes a few entrances


More on this here



More transvestite Les/Lesley comedy.

Its a shame its always a big joke though.


American Dad
'Irregarding Steve'
BBC Three

A bit like the Simpsons couch gag they do a different headline for each show.

Opening sequence headline.

Image©BBC three/fuzzydoor/fox

Double bill

American Dad
'Of Ice and Men'

Roger crossdresses to be an ice dancer and becomes a diva.


Quantum Leap
'Miss Deep South'
Sam lands as a beauty contestant en route to the 35th Annual Miss Deep South Pageant.
25/08 (Last Shown 18/01)

I think quite by accident Quantum Leap demonstrates just how it is to be trapped in the wrong
body and in the case of Sam being trapped inside a woman no doubt rings alarm bells with FTM men
when they fell like him but see someone completely different in the mirror.

Worth watching currently on ITV4 so set your sky+ and tivos DVRs.





Again it is not the crossdressing it is the thought behind it and the scripts that are important.


Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side

Lauren Harries goes for a vjazzle at Amy Child beauty salon in Essex.

Despite the minefield this could have been, it actually turned out very well.

Pronoun usage was adhered to, no transsexual gags. Lauren was treated like any other woman in a similar position doing something for the show.

Not a lot more to add really, makes a change to be neutral for once ;)P

Image ©5/Emdemol


This Morning

Kelly Curthoys (formerly Kenneth) appears on daytime chatshow to talk about Ferret rescue. I think that the subject was interesting enough in itself did not necessitate raising a transgender issue, but each to their own.



Coronation St

Full story

Marcia Come out Earlier that day This Morning had a transsexual who kept ferrets on, then later discussed Marcia. Paddy McGuinness made the joke that maybe Marcia should keep ferrets (based on the earlier article above). It went down like a lead balloon.


Mock the Week

Andy Parsons - "I used to be a Lord now I'm a Lady!" (Unlikely things to hear in the House of Lords).


Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side

Pete Burn's turns up in a heavy dress.


Family Guy
'Deep Throats'

Car chats up car and then realises he's had a respray for a girl.

Is there Gender roles for cars(?) maybe? But the reaction when he finds out is akin to transpanic.

Image©BBC three/fuzzydoor/fox


Celebrity Juice
27/08(last shown 14/11}

Again shows Holly with genitals (intersex gag) see past months for more on that

click here©ITV

Click here to read the full account. ... f=16&t=785


Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side

The reinact a scene (as they 5 don't own the Channel 4 Archive).

"Maybe Nadia is on her period?"

Pete Burns comments (not part of the script) "WELL THAT'S F*CKING UNLIKELY SHE HAD A C*CK 3 WEEKS AGO!"





Audiance laughs at abuse - he gets away with it because he is dressed the way he is.

I suppose its kinda the same where a black person can be racist against other black communities (A Nigerian mocking a Jamaican for example) when they are totally unrelated.

And again there is the 'drag queen' can be transphobic licence.

But its a nasty and a hurtful comment.

Pete Burns slipped up there, otherwise he is catty and clever, but this was just nasty. I suppose Nadia could be hateful about Pete's lip infections, but there are somethings you simply do not say, especially medical issues.


American Dad
'Stan's Night Out'

"You know if you fixed yourself up a bit men would find you attractive too instead of wondering if you are in the middle of gender reassignment!"

Image©BBC three/fuzzydoor/fox


The Secret Diary of a She Male 2
Television X
Freeview Channel 93

Although this is a scrambled Channel

(And no I don't have it unscrambled ;) LOL)

Nevertheless this was flagged as being listed in all G-rated guides.

"Transsexual Girlfriend Experience: A frustrated guy has always wanted to sample the delights of a lovely ladyboy, and now is his chance. Go on give it a try."


Mock the Week

"What frightening experience did Cameron suffer?..."



Frankie Boyle -"Of all the crimes that could happen to David Cameron, that's the least funny!" "I'd much rather see him happy slapped by and enormous trannsexual!!!"

It's curious to see the reaction of Russell Howard here also to this joke, and in part why the recent

Thai Airline transphobia tickled them when they did it, they clearly think trans jokes are hilarious!



MTV Music Awards
Lady Gaga Dresses as a male

Been done Before by Annie Lennox - and better ;)P

ImageImages ©5/Mtv



Man holds bra up against his chest whilst clearly a burnt out house.
"There is a name for people like you!"


8 0ut of 10 Cats
Channel 4

Sean Lock - "Canada is so boring even their transvestites are women!"

Whilst the gag could be seen as promoting transvestism in that its boring if a person is not trans. It also quite wrongly assumes that all transvestites are MTF and they ain't.

Ignorance is bliss i suppose.


The Pregnant Man
Really Channel

Yet another repeat of this documentary on Really.

Whilst it was good and interesting when the story broke, it now looks a bit tired 3 years further on and there have been a number of docus since then along the same lines, Thomas has had more kids since, and
of course Thomas has been challenged by the FTM community saying he was not the first by a long shot.

It is now overkill.

Is this the only docu Really has? :)



Tim Healey singing 'Man I feel like a woman', whilst dressed as Lesley (the transvestite in the show).

(Tim Healey is a cisgendered male actor).

Clowning around - Healey.


American Dad
'AT the abusive terrestrial'

During this episode Stan and Francine find out their beloved soft drink company Mt Pibb is closing down.

The tour guide then out of the blue says

Image©BBC three/fuzzydoor/fox

"It was my last tour anyway, tomorrow I am having a sex change operation, from now on I'll be living my life as a woman."

Stand and Francine just ignore this and carry on talking about Mr Pibb Drinks.

Image©BBC three/fuzzydoor/fox

Then we cut again to the trans character stroking a box of tampons saying,
"Oh soon my sweets!"

This is a cartoon but it is just so loaded with misinformation it's no wonder parents are terrified. No 'real life test' for this bob it seems.


See you next time :)
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Re: UK Television Transgender Monthly Round up August 2011

Postby windows1 » Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:58 pm

The Wikipedia link on the post is not working. Can the OP please cross check?

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Re: UK Television Transgender Monthly Round up August 2011

Postby Ice Maiden » Fri Jun 08, 2012 5:14 pm

Disclaimer!!!! Please Read!

"Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have." M.Mead

Man [...] must count no one but himself; that he is alone, abandoned on earth in the midst of his infinite responsibilities, without help, with no other aim than the one he sets himself, with no other destiny than the one he forges for himself on this earth." - J.P.Sartre.

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