UK Television Transgender Monthly Round up Feb 2013

Every month we list UK programmes the feature transgender issues good and bad. If you work in the media this is a must see monthly list.
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UK Television Transgender Monthly Round up Feb 2013

Postby Ice Maiden » Fri Mar 08, 2013 4:43 pm

So here we go again, what is broadcast in the UK reflects on you as a transperson. Every month it is a case of spot the positives. Almost all television featuring anything remotely associated with transpeople is negative, comical or are negative stereotypes.

High Points
Meet the Izzards, 20/02, BBC ONE and Inside Out, BBC1 West, 25/02

Low points are quite simple.
Gay Licence in action - first here - People Like Us (3/6), 20/02, BBC THREE
and then by Sue Perkins in Horsemeat & Other Food Shockers, First broadcast at 22:00 25 Feb 2013, 25/02, Channel 5 - a rare slip for Channel 5

Big Brother Luke Thread here
and our blog post about how the show has improved in 12 months here
Read his interview here ... OA&index=9

Don't forget our Soap storyline Archive here
Jason Archive in Hollyoaks

And what has been happening in Coronation St here - not good.

All the following clips have been archived for evidential purposes should they be needed.


Mrs Brown's Boys
'Mammy?' 5/6

Mrs Brown sits on an Iphone and has an orgasm, great except When Harry Met Sally and The IT Crowd with the phone on vibrate where Moss does super powerful version (Channel 4) Already did it.

This show is some dialogue held together with f@ck this and f@ck that. Were it not for him wearing a dress would not have even made it to air.

Another example of television bypassing transgender people for an alternative with less risk. Dick Emery was doing this in the 60s and lets face it this is just Les Dawson's Ada and Sissie act all over again.

Still the UK public gave it a television award - I think all hope is lost.

As this demonstrates there is nothing new under the sun.


I suppose they'd call it a 'homage' I just call it a tired rip off. And Les never needed to say the word f@ck either.


The Jonathan Ross Show

Eddie Izzard appears in 'action transvestite' mode. He talks about his upcoming world tour and his plans to stand for Mayor of London in 2020.

It is shame Eddie cannot dress the way I suspect he truly wants to. Society seems to have boxed up and put away his feminine side. He now has to settle for a played down dandyesque look some guyliner and union flag nail varnish art. Russell Brand was doing that as well. Maybe Eddie is just tired of fighting it and realised there is still no hope as a transperson today. Even Grayson Perry has packed away Claire. The people who pay the rent still do not want it.

Nice to see him though.

David Walliams challenged him about the lack of crossdressing a year ago - I thought it was a bit harsh and they appeared to fall out over it. Maybe he has a point?


Way to Go

A repeat of the transsexual prostitute gags from last month.


Breakfast on Pluto

Drama about an Irish transvestite embracing a new life and identity in early 1970s London, struggling against homophobia and with the troubled Anglo-Irish political climate. Her adventures brush upon seedy Soho incidents and running guns for the IRA.

Interesting one this, and been on a regular loop on Film4 since 2007.

Even though the actor is not trans I think they try as hard as they can to make an exciting and sometimes terrifying reminder of the 1970s with the IRA and the Catholic Church, This pays a homage in places to 'The Crying Game'(1992), but this maybe one of the rare times that I do not give it a miserable review, just watch it and decide for yourself.


Grayson Perry's 6 Music Playlist
BBC 6 Music

Turner Prize-winning artist Grayson Perry shares some of his favourite music.


Only Fools and Horses

1/17. Big Brother/Go West Young Man: Del has a problem with some briefcases he has acquired, and some cash from a car deal sees Del and Rodney head up west for a night on the tiles. [S]

Go West – 03/09 Del and Rodney head up west for a night out. Unknowingly they frequent a gay bar and Del has a shock when he tries to chat up two women at the bar.
Image (Image: BBC)
“Shut up (Rodney) and drink up will yah!â€
Rodney – “Why(?) are they a couple of ravers?!â€
“No they are a couple of geezers!â€
Classic unshaven – ‘this is a bloke’ gag…

Image (Image: BBC).

Trouble is this was the second episode of this show ever, and this is where it went. I know the series has national treasure status. But it is built on humiliating transpeople here and there.


Mrs Brown's Boys

6/6. Mammy Swings: Wedding mania descends on the Browns. Agnes is looking forward to it, until she meets their wedding planner. Contains some strong language. Also in HD. [S]

Brendan O'Caroll crossdresess for laughs for this comedy series.


'House and Home'

Stephen Fry asks unanswerable questions about house and home, with Bill Bailey, Eddie Izzard, Danny Baker and Alan Davies.

Eddie Izzard makes an appearance on this clued-up knowledge show hosted by Stephen Fry.


Only Fools and Horses

3/17. A Slow Bus to Chingford/The Russians are Coming: Del tries to launch Trotters' Ethnic Tours, and Rodney persuades Del and Grandad to test out a nuclear fallout shelter. [S]

In the shelter they are chatting.

"On the other hand with a bit of mutation and a touch of strontium 90 I could end up being the queen." "Grandad can be Queen Mother!"

Look at it more closely its not so funny, linking 'sex changing' with 'mutation', 'Mutants' and disease.

Well, you know...


American Dad!

7/20. Phantom of the Telethon: Animated adventures of a CIA agent. Stan holds a telethon to raise funds for the CIA, taking all the glory even though it was Roger's idea. Contains adult humour. [S]

Intersex gags.

Then followed by

Family Guy
15/18. Boys Do Cry: Animated comedy about American family life. When Stewie gets sick after communion, the congregation becomes convinced that he's possessed by the devil. Contains adult humour. [S]

They make a run for it down south where is dressed as a little girl to hide him, using the title 'Boys do Cry' (it is based on the Murder of Brandon Teena FTM Film 'Boys don't Cry') was a bit too cruel for a laugh tbh.


Phil Trow's Breakfast Show

Trans woman Beth Seymour speaks about her relief regarding the recent vote on allowing Gay Marriage. The issues of Gay marriage until now has forced people seeking a Gender Recognition Certificate to dissolve their marriages first.


Woman's Hour
BBC Radio 4

The wardrobes of Grayson and Philippa Perry.

I do not think Grayson ever has surpassed his 'Why Men wear Frocks' snapshot programme of transgender life in the UK. It is what launched him as a TV presenter (no pun intended). However, I do worry that he maybe becoming the goto person for transgender box ticking rather than source new talent.

A sort of, "hmmm we better do something trans call Grayson..."

We don't want to have a transperson who will go to the opening of an envelope as a role model - or do we? I do prefer his art shows. But then again maybe talking about hir wardrobe is something other women do so why not Grayson?

I am concerned that he is becoming overexposed and people will tire of him before we have replacements. Always a safe bet for BBC Arts programmes and commentary of course, and his day job does pay well ;).


Only Fools and Horses

The Long Legs of the Law/Ashes to Ashes: Del and Grandad are horrified when Rodney starts dating a policewoman, and the Trotters try to get rid of Trigger's grandad's ashes. [S]

4/17. The Long Legs of the Law: Del and Grandad are horrified when Rodney starts dating a policewoman.
Image (Image: BBC)
Del – “Rodney is kinky he likes women in police uniforms…â€
Grandad – “well why can’t we just club together and buy him one?â€
Del – “He don’t wanna wear it! He wants the policewoman to wear it!
Gordon Bennett he maybe perverted but he ain’t dangerous!â€

Image (Image: BBC)


South Park
Cartman's Mom Is Still a Dirty S***

Adult animated comedy series. Cartman discovers the identity of his father.

Well the twist is his father is his mother and they say she is a hermaphrodite to which all the men that slept with her vomit. This vomiting upon discovery of tran'ness' Has been copied by Family Guy and The Cleveland Show since.

To be fair to South Park they were very ahead of their time as even though they were very 'graphic' with Mr Garrison when they made the character have GRS with Dr Stanley Biber in Trinidad Colorado, (South Park is supposedly set in the same state) even back then! It was done for laughs, but we know that Mr/Mrs Garrison is possibly one of the stronger characters in the series apart from Eric. And it did have some moments of real conflict and questioning that still apply till this day.


Very Important People

A double bill repeat of the show that won Morgana Robinson a British Comedy Award this year with her quite brilliant impressions.

Celebrity impression show with Morgana Robinson and Terry Mynott. In this first episode, Bear Grylls tackles the perils of suburbia, David Attenborough examines the fascinating behaviour of Frankie Boyle in Stand Up Planet, while Danny Dyer deals with one of the toughest things on earth - the commute to work in Britain's Hardest Commute.

Morgana won our best newcomer award for 2012 here viewtopic.php?f=16&t=3450 and quite rightly so it has been a long time since I have seen a non-trans woman play celebrity men so well, when we compare her to the bumbling efforts of French and Saunders or Catherine Tate, we see a true perfectionist. Her Danny Dyer is so good you simply cannot believe Morganna is in there. It also gives some hope and even some tips on passing and body language to transmen.

Her Danny Dyer, Frankie Boyle and Russell Brand are brilliant.

Next step get a trans man doing impressions and that would be even better but for now she will have to do, there is no better female impressionist on British Television atm.


Coronation Street Omnibus

In a Gay Bar

"Eh! They do a Tranny Night on a Wednesday! It's hilarious"
"No they don't do it anymore!"
"Really? Why?"
"Dunno, they got fed up I suppose?!"
"Did you used to go?"
"Uhmmm now and again?!"
"I can understand why people got fed up, nobody's bothered with trannies since digital radios came out!"
"It's a good job I love you Kirky (shaking her head).

Good grief! What more is there to say?


Have I got News for You
Sun 10/02

The popular news quiz, with team captains Paul Merton and Ian Hislop, guest host David Mitchell and guest panellists Grayson Perry and Ed Byrne.

REPEAT of the Grayson Perry Episode.

Nice that it was shown at 2pm on a Sunday as trans do come out in daylight ;)


Doctors - Series 14 - 190.
'Something Extra'

As Mrs Tembe works her way back into the graces of the church parishioners ahead of the arrival of their new vicar, Daniel hopes his rift with Jimmi can be mended on Joe's first birthday. When one of Kevin's patients with a history of mental and emotional problems has an extreme reaction to her boyfriend's marriage proposal, he has to counsel her to open up about the enormous secret she has been withholding from him.

Broadcast on BBC HD, 4:00PM Wed, 13 Feb 2013

Stella is a women in her 60s clearly a bio female so naturally passes she has not had lower surgery but must have a blooming good electrolygist and FFS surgeon as its only been a few years since she divorced and transitioned. She has a Boyfriend of a similar age, they have not had sex for the two years together he is impotent and lives in the flat above, he says he wants to marry her, she refuses, at the end we discover with the young doctor's help saying it will all be fine to tell him. She tells him and he is disgusted and walks out. She is then seen sobbing her hand shaking putting his photo into a memory box where there is a photo of a boy with a school tie on - probably the old 'him'.

YAY! Another positive older transgender person on the telly!



Shown Twice and not for the first time as this is quite an old show now on a repeat -loop.

Kourtney and Khloe Take Miami

and again on the 15th

Kourtney and Khloe Take Miami

Problem with this is the GLBT Group did not use the term tranny. They used the term Drag queen Kadashian look-a-like contest.

Kloe however continually used the term 'tranny' thoughout.

The first use was when she said the following, atypical 'bad as a tranny comment'.

1. "The only thing I am skeptical on is that on blog sites I get referred to as a tranny, me hosting a drag queen look-a-like contest? Transsexuals and drag queens are not the same thing but it is adding fuel to the fire.

2. But here is the catch, they want to have like a tranny competition with look-a-likes of me! Kloe you have to do it that is so funny!

3. Her judging - If I get compared to people like you I do not mind being compared to a tranny!

Right here you can see the disconnect between ignorance and activism. The activists used 'drag queen' and Kloe had to keep saying 'tranny'.

And this was on Channel 4' 4 Music Channel - not good and another blight on Channel 4. The Kardashians are a guilty pleasure for many people and young women to idolise them, however them hearing their idol openly use the term tranny in this way means they will likely use it tomorrow in the school yards and colleges of the worlds making our lives that much harder.



And so begins Tim Healy's 'Transvestite Character' [SIC] Les/Lesley all over again.

Try as I might this is nothing short of trans for trans sake, a total bypass of understanding and cast to be a fool. Well most are in this show.

Try as I might I have never warmed to this character as it is a cynical rather than a progressive step by ITV.


The Simpsons
'The Parent Rap'
Channel 4 + 1

Female Judge says to Bart, "I used to be like that when I was a boy!"

If it had been left there then fine but,

Then it cuts to 'faces of disgust' and another person in the court looking worried saying, "did she just say she used to be a dude?"

Again it is a case of not what you do but also what you do not do.

Saying she used to be a boy should be enough. Reinforcing shock and disgust compound transphobia and transpanic as a defence an excuse for violence.

The Simpsons is one of Channel 4's regular offenders in this regard and show pre watershed.


The Simpsons_Channel
'Homer the Moe'
Channel 4

Moe turns the bar into a hang-out for Springfield's beautiful people, forcing Homer to open a bar of his own in his garage. With the guest voices and music of REM.

The Second fail of the day from Channel 4 and despite them being alerted to it in an annual report (since the MOU they signed) have done nothing about it.

They sing a song in Homers garage bar.

It ends with, "Moes a big jerk and a she-male too!"


South Park
'Two Guys Naked in a Hot Tub'

Animated adult comedy. Stan's parents go to a party which is mistaken for a suicide cult by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

In the Basement the boys find a box of women's clothes and play dressup, only problem is Stan sees this is as making them pathetic. So there is still that undercurrent just below the surface of it being wrong.


The Cleveland Show
'Tis the Cleveland to be Sorry'

"I will never be Santa unless I win the lottery and pay the $58,640 dollars for genital reassignment Surgey I ain't never getting that part."
"Actually that is why I invited you back..."
"Roberta I will pay you back very cent!"

It was that she pimped up her disability buggy.

This was close as they made a gag and said Genital reassignment, which is now more favoured over gender as gender is set at birth. So thats good, But $58,000 she need s a quote from Suporn in Thailand ;)

If they are gunna make a transgender gag at least this was a better effort.

Mayb the US pressure groups have guided them better as something has happened ;)P


Only Fools and Horses
‘Friday the 14th’

Grandad – Sympathise?!!! He’s a psycho!!!
Prison Warden – Have you any idea what a psycho is as you so eloquently put it is?!
Grandad – Course I have – He’s a geezer that dresses up in his mother’s clothes!!!

The 'Alf Garnet defence' is often used in these situations, that ignorance is funny and exposes more than political correctness, however, it was not written by an old man it was then written by a savvy young one. And the writers have to assume the viewer is that sophisticated, as if they are they are unlikely to be the type to trans-bash people anyway. If you are talking to a YOB will they get it? The jury is out on that one.


Treasure Island
Pick TV

First part of the adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson's novel. High octane adventure following the story of Jim Hawkins as he discovers Flint's treasure map. With the help of family friend Dr Livesey and Squire Trelawney, Jim climbs onboard the Hispaniola and sets sail for the promised loot alongside Captain Smollett and Long John Silver, who recruits some of Flint's men and prepares to lead a mutiny to get his hands on the gold.

Eddie avoids the 'Ar Jim Lad' for a more authentic and believable Long John. Great stuff.

First shown a couple of years back on Sky HD - we archived it then.


Mrs Brown's Boys

Nuff said!


Not Trans but a similar story by any other name

Penelope (2006)
Channel 4

A wealthy Heiress is born with the nose of a Pig down to a witches curse, the only way to break the curse is to find one of her kind who will love her for herself, meaning another blue-blooded moneyed person. both her family and a scheming tabloid journalist try to find her a suiter.

Hmmm, the nose of a pig? Seriously this is as laughable as it gets when compared to being a trans kid in the same position would face. It just shows though how hard a life we have when this should result in sympathy and it just becomes comical.

Apart from the nose there is nothing wrong with her... ... elope2.jpg

What facial injury charities have to say about this one can only imagine.

And finding love? Hmmmm, swap this girl for a transgender kid and they'd have a story :) All I know we must have pis*ed off SOME WITCH too to get this agro.

Lets reword it

A wealthy Heiress is born with the wrong genitalia down to a witches curse, the only way to break the curse is to find one of her kind a non-jugmenta FTM who will love her for herself, both her family and a scheming tabloid journalist who continually exploits her back story in the press try to find her a suiter.

Now thats no fairy-tale! Rather a cautionary one that happens every day!


On the subject of Fairy-Tales

Five Children and It

Not a bad Yarn where children find a creature on the beach where the are evacuated to called a Sand Fairy, voiced by Eddie Izzard. And the Episode of Doctor Who entitled ... e_Wardrobe seems very similar. Just saying ;)


CSI- Crime Scene Investigation
'The Case of the Cross-Dressing Carp'

The Case of the Cross-Dressing Carp: Crime drama series. The CSI team works to solve the death of a transgender teenager (4/24). [AD,S]

Crossdresser is found dead - assumed it is a murder/suicide cos the person has budding breasts. However Spoiler Alert.
Spoiler: show
Turns out there is oestrogen in the water supply.

Start the Week
BBC Radio 4

Grayson Perry now the darling of the BBC arts channels. Describes his view about class to the studio audience from his series last year (search our archives) on 'Taste' he jokes about crossdressing and going out with the Newcastle lasses.


American Dad!
'Stans Night Out'

This episode has featured again and again in out logs search for 'Stan's Night Out'.

I quote, "Shoot my hooker's penis off!" I think that just about says it all.


The Shooting Gallery
Channel 4

And in the early hours the long awaited 'Shooting Gallery' for trans people, much hyped, but didn't really deliver. Full Review here.


Image (Image: Channel 4).


Meet the Izzards (1/2)

New series. 1/2. The Mum's Line: Comedian Eddie Izzard uses cutting-edge DNA science to explore the secrets of his mother's family history. Contains some strong language. Also in HD. [AD,S]

Great stuff from the master of the underplayed trans delivery.

The Voice Over intro said, "Eddie Izzard, comedian actor transvestite..."

Particularly poignant for Eddie, as he lost his mother to cancer when he was just 6. So it helped him see more in his late mum than home movies of them on the beach in Yemen - his Birthplace - ironically the only place he could not access following his (and our) families exodus from Africa.

Highlights included, him saying to African tribesmen that, "he had both girl and boy in him," And then painting the tribeswomen's nails like his (pictured) - he was in 'boy mode' or 'action transvestite' mode. Well it was practical given the environment.

Those remote parents of mankind had no problem and quite enjoyed him. Note to transphobes.

Eddie always has more than being trans in his programmes and this was an interesting experiment, he was popular everywhere he went.

It is possible to be trans and be something more, Eddie has managed this since his beginnings. I do kinda miss the girl mode, but as they say horses for courses, and he has made wise decisions throughout to get the very best jobs and Hollywood roles. If this meant putting the heels away for a month or two and having a beard then so be it. He 'normalises' being trans more than almost any other person in the public eye. And our community owe him a great debt of gratitude.

First class television!




Eddie mimes blowing on the nails to the tibeswomen who show them off - lovely touch :)

Eddie at his best.

Par 2 follows where he traces his father's line.



Noreen checks in - with her daughter. Les/Lesley is getting on Mateo's nerves. The Garveys decide to visit a water park. Donald and Jacqueline have a whip round to help Madge.

More crossdressing nonsense.


Dharma and Greg

Dharma Drags Edward Out of Retirement: American sitcom about an unlikely young couple. Dharma loses money in a company that manufactures clothes for transvestites.

OK I suppose a bit pipe and slippers, and similar to the episode of 'Miranda' when she visits a 'transformers' lifestyle products store by accident as the clothes fit her.

Nothing new so bit dull really.


People Like Us (3/6)

3/6. Series following people on a Manchester estate. The Wakefield house gets noisier when the dogs have puppies. Arroll and Patrick prepare to go to Kavos. Contains strong language. [S]

Sadly we see a prime example of 'gay licence' in action. Gay men are not trans but trans can of course be gay men. The Gay Bar is partly responsible for this happening, and it leads to ignorance globally.

Here is a prime example of that.

Here we see two gay men having T-shirts printed with Hayley Cropper on the front saying "Balls in a Jar!"

I suspect many will laugh and see it as light hearted but it is something they would not do with race. And BBC could have edited that pice out without any effect on the storyline of them getting ready to go on holiday.


I think part of the problem is gay men often are victimised and this is their chance to project some of that 'down' to another community.

Again some may say it is trivial but 100's of 'trvials' add up across the months. It is also subliminal. As in it is OK to say this about a trans person - laugh not it could be your photo next!

This also sadly demonstrates the problem with non-trans people playing trans roles, after all hayley is not trans (not really she is a bio female with kids). So maybe they detach her from the reality of what they are doing.

More: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=3556


Meet the Izzards (2/2)

In part two of this series we see eddie follow his father's line - click here for a full review on it...



Treasure Island (Part Two)
Pick TV

First shown on Sky HD a year earlier in this as Eddie is on BBC ONE we also see him as his Eastend Gangster version of Long John Silver (as opposed to Arr Jim Lad which he said the critics may have cruscified him for).

Good Stuff and Eddie was the star attraction no doubt about that you couldn't take your eyes of of him.


Waterloo Road
Series 8 - Episode 18

Tom clashes with Michael over his decision to ban star player Kacey from the boys' football league final, causing Kacey's identity issues to come to a head with shocking results. Meanwhile, Imogen refuses to wear the engagement ring that Connor has bought her - has she got cold feet?

Available on BBC Iplayer


Four in a Bed
Channel 4

A show where guesthous owners (B+B) visit each others establishments over one week and vote for the best one.

One was run by two gay men, and although they didn't do it on their night one of them drags up for the evening on another's. This seemed unfair and attention seeking. Not the best way to make friends.

Why must they do it? It just shows anyone who crossdresses (not just drag acts) to be a bit of an a*shole really. LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME OVER HERE!!!! Now if she did it all week I would have remained quiet.

In anycase the others saw through it too and didn't like it either. How to make friends and influence people - NOT!




A series forst shown on MTV about stunts and stupid home movies causing accidents. I call it 'YouTube Lite'.

In this episode a person crashes into a mud bank and is helped up by a black teenage 'male' in a pink dress'. Only slip was the host called him a 'creepy dude' helping him up. Again young person's TV and a crossdressing issue even if it was for a ragweek or for a fraternity house initiation cerempny (I take it we have all seen Animal House? Which seems to have set the standard since) a man in a dress 'creepy' does enter the brains of teens who sublimiminaly absorn such things.

Angain nothing wroong in saying it if there is a right to reply or comedy rebuttal. Like the 'guy' coming on in the same dress and then putting a custard pie in his face etc...for saying it undoes this.


American Dad!
'Stan's Night Out'20/20

Another airing of the episode where they pick up hookers one of which is trans and the john says, "put that gun to some good use and shoot my hooker's penis off!"

I think there is not a lot more I can add to this...


Mrs Brown's Boys

'Mammy Pulls It Off' (1/6)

And so the carorusell turns and the relentless loop of laughing at a man in a frock saying f*ck with every other word (the sign of terrible material) demonstrates just how awful television has become.
Les Dawson at least was funny when he did the same act in the 80s.

All I can imagine is society all has brain damage from mobile phones or he has a big family in the audience. It challenges nothing, educates noone, steps back in time and crushes better acts like Les.

So dated!.. It is like bringing the Black and White Minstrels Back - after all they were very popular too.

And it is a man in a dress who without it would be very vulnerable indeed - just imagine it for a moment, imagine its Pa Brown's Boys, and listen to it and imagine Brendan (AKA Mrs Brown) in a Man's suit. It would be a failiure on the spot. Why does him wearing a dress make it a success? Unless the dress has the power?

Trust me I really want to like this but I just do not.

Lazy and forced, crude for the sake of crude 'dress carrying the comdey' mind-numbing dross.

To think this was on the same Channel as Eddie Izzard's show ' Meet the Izzards' - The schedulars should be sacked.

I mean nothing wrong with wearing a dress, where what you like, but if the laugh is - hahaha a man is wearing a dress that, affects the trans community!

As opposed to funny comic who happens to be wearing a dress who would be funny without it. Like this guy.

I mean see for yourself - Les could do the whole thing on his own if necessary - Mrs Brown needs about 15 people to even get close. And still not funny.

I compare it with Les Dawson as it is the same style and clearly where Brendan got it from, and to be fair Les copied another person who did something similar long before him. The only difference is with Les he had other characters like 'Cosmo Smallpiece', was a talented muscician (even if he played it for laughs out of key (quite hard to do), and a great stand-up as well. A rare diamond.

Just listen to the dialogue between Sissy and Aida above, you forget about the dress in a few minutes and then you think of the comedy. Brendan O'Carol in Mrs Brown's Boys is just the dress.


Saturday Review
BBC Radio 4

Cloud Atlas, Lichtenstein at Tate Modern and A Chorus Line are all reviewed by Tom Sutcliffe and his guests - artist Grayson Perry, playwright Laura Wade and writer Susan Jeffreys.

I think they must keep Grayson Perry in a cupboard at BBC Broadcasting House, as here he is again commenting on stuff for them.

I like Grayson, but herein lies the problem which was a long time known as the 'Lenny Henry Factor', much joked about by Black comic Stephen K Amos. To quote him, "I am waiting for Lenny Henry to die before there is room in the BBC for my own show."

And this I fear is what is now happening with Grayson Perry. The only trans in the village - the 'box checker'. Sorry BBC but Grayson and Eddie (Izzard) are not enough. Where are the transsexuals? Where are the Gender Queers? Where are the FTM Transmen?

I really Like Grayson, but lets not rest on your laurels! He could be run over by a car tomorrow then what you gunna do?

I wish they could see beyond the 'safe zone', Great telly came about by taking risks, be that at the bottom of the ocean in Space or hanging off a cliff with Sir David Attenborough - he played with Gorillas to who could have ripped his head off at any moment! I am talking peril and risk-taking is what gives the viewer a 'rush'. Else it become mediocre and mundane which Grayson is at risk of unless he paces himself.

He'll know when - it will be when the audience says - "Oh no not him again!"

The BBC could say well what do you want! We have a trans on you wanted that here we are. But Grayson is not an 'ordinary' or jobbing actor, he and his alter-ego Claire are rare, Millionaire artists, who have become media darlings, as making pots is more trouble than its worth these days it seems :)

Lets get some newsreaders on BBC News24 who are trans what about a trans Children's BBC presenter?

Too risky? Thats the problem!


Top Gear

5/7. Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond tackle the problems of an ageing population and the increasing complexity of modern cars by designing a vehicle exclusively for the elderly. [S]

Interesting this

james mcavoy drove the 'reasonably priced car' around the track and in his interview he was pulled up on the fact he has brown hair and a ginger beard. To this he replied I am 'Trans-Gingered' is there room on the bandwagon for that? Is it a means of comparing transgender with ginger in persecution?

Whatever the case when having Ginger Hair leads to being sterilized maybe?

Not heard it before though and it got a laugh...


My Super Ex-Girlfriend
24/02 and again on the 28/02 (Repeat)

Screwball comedy about a man who must suffer the consequences when he breaks up with his girlfriend - consequences that are magnified by the fact that she has superpowers and is not afraid to use them to wreak revenge on him.

Stars Eddie Izzard as a kinda warm and cuddly baddie.


Embarrassing Bodies
Channel 4

A Phalloplasty on Embarrasing Bodies - same technique as used on a transman was used on a non-trans ma whose penis was damaged in and accident.

Useful footage (no pun intended) of the op for our archive :).


Inside Out
BBC1 West

The extraordinary story of a Dorset barrister undergoing a sex change [SIC].

Image BBC

A hidden gem and this was a long time coming, first scheduled and then postponed/axed, when the snow fell, setting the schedule for broadcast back by two weeks.

Image BBC

However after all my negative reviews it makes a pleasant change to say something nice, a good story, very positive, a regular transwoman middle-aged (at last). Ticks all my boxes as we do not see enough positive stories like this. Took me back about 10 years to similar style reporting now sadly all but gone in favour of glamour and celebrity (not that that is problem rather it has resulted in this particular group of transwomen being left invisible, not on BBC West Regional TV they ain't). Shame it was a regional and only caught by our Freesat hookup as part of the media center's PCI cards array. Most will have missed it so here is a reminder of how to see it but hurry!

We have it archived of course ;)

Image BBC

It followed Robin White, a Barrister from Sherborne in Dorset, on her journey of transition. That included: Electrolysis, hair transplants on her bald patch etc. And vocal and genital surgery. All private medical care of course.

Image BBC

Her colleagues and clients have taken all this in their stride, her interest in railways (the big type) has also resulted in acceptance from her many friends and even an old school chum remarked how he has a new friend to get used to.

Image BBC

Her message at the end was, if me appearing on television helps others not to appear as a threat or freak then she was happy to put herself out there.

Image BBC

And you did great - well done Robin for doing this it will help many.

Image BBC

5/5 Stars - Worth watching!

Available for a limited time from today 6 days here ... 5_02_2013/


CSI: New York
'The Lying Game'

The team investigate the murder of a transgender showgirl, but find the case complicated by the sheer number of suspects. (14/24) [S]

Unfortunate title - but not bad - plenty of trans supporting cast actors (Extras).


Horsemeat & Other Food Shockers
First broadcast at 22:00 25 Feb 2013
Channel 5

Industry experts and food researchers explain that things aren’t always as straightforward as they might appear – whether it’s healthy ranges that aren’t that healthy, or foodstuffs whose ingredients aren’t quite what they say on the tin. If you are what you eat, then these days it’s essential to know what’s in your food in the first place.We’ll reveal exactly what goes into bargain bangers, the potential dangers from eating organic chicken, and why a visit to the dentist might be in order if you overindulge in getting your 5-a-day. But it’s not all bad news ... alongside the possible dietary side-effects of vomiting and diarrhoea, bacterial infection and increased risk of brittle bones that come from some of our favourite grub, it turns out that tomato ketchup might actually be quite good for you.

Abut 27 Minutes in to this programme 'The Great British Bake Off' darling Sue Perkins (doing the voice-over) addresses 'Trans Fats'

"Ready meals contain Hydrogenated Vegetable oil, and that means they contain fat tranny ...[Shows a clip of Rio carnival dancers and a crotch shot]...sorry trans fatty acids which are bad..."

Here again it is 'gay licence' (Sue is not unique, we have Norton, Carr, O'Grady all at it Tranny this and Tranny that) - the assumption that someone gay/lesbian will be deemed to be able to make such a gag merely by association, gay press, gay bars etc. It is no different to a black guy and a white guy using the same bar and so the white guy can speak about racism and say racist terms.
What he can't?! but they drink in the same bar?!

And the other problem is drag queens who cross-dress for laughs, they feel as they are wearing a dress they can be transphobic - news just in it don't work like that. In the same way putting black bootpolish on your face on stage doesn't allow you to make racial remarks about Africans.

Sue is a clever girl and has appologised on Twitter after the issue was raised - we will have to wait to see if she does it again.

Nevertheless, on her twitter feed she said the following.

This was a comment sent by one of her followers and she replied... (I assume).

@sueperkins Please explain why in tonights @channel5_tv Horsemeat& Other Food Shockers show you said "fat tranny"? Making fun of trans ppl?

Here's a link, at the 27:25 mark, @sueperkins uses the phrase "fat tranny" w/ a clip of a Mardi Gras dancer ... d-shockers …

Another Tweeter @sueperkins Wow. That was a "joke" that really didn't need to be there.

I kinda hoped @sueperkins would understand the abuse #trans people get already and wouldn't involve herself with such an insensitive 'joke'

Sue Perkins replied
That VO was recorded in 2006. Only horsemeat bit added last week. Therefore I have NO recollection of that line. I don't EVER
...disrespect the trans community. I have made my support for the trans community clear on innumerable occasions...
I however, DO apologise for reading s'thing out that was crass about transvestites. I guess I was not as alert back in the day.

[Back in the day - 2006? Transvestites? Trans people are more than that Sue - she still doesn't get it bless her :\. I Thought I would interupt the flow anylays back to the tweets]

Anyhow, if I have offended, I unreservedly apologise x

@sueperkins Wow that was quick :) Thanx for apology, I know of your support for trans folk, s'why I was so taken back by the line...

@sueperkins Sorry to 'overhear' but that apology would do for me. Not every celeb would take the time or care. Thanks Sue


Of course this assumes that all the transpeople in the UK who watched it was following her tweets - they don't. 99.9% will know nothing about this so this is why it is repeated here.

It is an interesting one, lets not forget when Sue won her 2008 Stonewall award she had to walk past this lot of transpeole protesting ... ll-awards/ and the Burchill issue and Trans Protest Groups are on the rise just recently. Is sue sincere or just a bit shaken? Only time will tell. Her quick appology, was kinda like Johnathan Ross' similar apology. It is easier to appologise and delete the issue than to get into a debate about it. I would be more interested to find out why she said it, why she thought it was acceptable (even if it was in 2006?) and what has changed in a few years? Her profile has certainly risen in the last few years she has come a long way since Light Lunch. Maybe she is as we speak editing her new sitcom on BBC to get the term Tranny out of it :) (I jest), But if she is an ally then great, just double check with us maybe before you do trans comedy. Best person to tell a trans joke is a transperson. And The only one who probably is qualified (Eddie Izzard) would unlikely ever say that.

A rare slip for Channel 5 who lead our broadcasting best channel 2 years running. To be fair it was quick, and so was the speed Sue deleted the issue from her twitter feed. But we have it all so fear not ;) Inc the clip. ... d-shockers


Embarrassing Bodies
Channel 4

In the UK clinic, Dr Pixie helps a man who lost his penis in a childhood car accident, and follows the dramatic reconstruction surgery to make him a new phallus from his own body parts [Forearm Radial}.

Interesting and you can comment about it here in the FTM Zone
viewtopic.php?f=20&t=3576 ... er#3485097

The Patient also appeared on This Morning ITV1_2013_02_26_11_29_02


Dharma and Greg

Another Repeat of this programme about Dharma Drags Edward Out of Retirement: American sitcom about an unlikely young couple. Dharma loses money in a company that manufactures clothes for transvestites.

OK and light but still 'funny man in a dress' comedy - which is now old fashioned and tired.


And more funny man in a dress in Benidorm now being repeated for the umpteenth time.

Mr Pink

Mateo prepares for his first water aerobics class - but then Donald takes a funny turn. The Garveys are approached by a gangster who says they have inherited Mel's debt.

Les/Lesley played by Tim Healey, goofs around (as usual).


Waterloo Road
Series 8 - Episode 19

Teacher tries to get the mother in to talk about her Gender Variant child but she was having none of it. Forced to wear a skirt friend lent 'hir' trousers.

Waterloo road is a slow burner and the FTM charater is too much like Degrassi (US) and Hollyoaks (UK) viewforum.php?f=48 It is good in the sense that it is now more common. But nothing new and not as good as Victoria Atkin's Jason I am afraid.


Charlie Brooker's Weekly Wipe

Charlie mocks Mrs Browns Boys Cloud Atlas - both I agree with - top stuff!

One of the better critics out there - PS I wrote the 'Cloud Atlas' review before this was aired ;) and said Mrs Brown was 1970 dated crud a while back too.

I am not alone a well respect TV critic agrees :) ;)



Little Britain



So endeth another month of happy transempowering television - yeah right - see you next time!

Don't have nightmares - I mean there is an editor right now putting together then next transabuse. :roll:
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