UK Television Transgender Monthly Round up Dec 2012

Every month we list UK programmes the feature transgender issues good and bad. If you work in the media this is a must see monthly list.
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UK Television Transgender Monthly Round up Dec 2012

Postby Ice Maiden » Thu Jan 03, 2013 10:03 pm

So here we go again, what is broadcast in the UK reflects on you as a transperson. Every month it is a case of spot the positives. Almost all television featuring anything remotely associated with transpeople is negative, comical or are negative stereotypes.

High Points
Street Crime UK: Christmas Specials 4 (ORIGINAL AIR DATE 22/12/2005) We have to applaud the Police when they get it right, shame the Ambulance Service don't behave in the same way - it just shows that emergency services can be so different, yet be under the same pressure. The Genius of British Art was also rather good with Grayson Perry and Janet Street-Porter.

Low points
The Ambulance: 8 Minutes to Disaster and The Royle Family Christmas Special (shocking!).

Big Brother Luke Thread here
and our blog post about how the show has improved in 12 months here

Don't forget our Soap storyline Archive here
Jason Archive in Hollyoaks

And what has been happening in Coronation St here - not good.

All the following clips have been archived for evidential purposes should they be needed.


South Park
Mr Garrison's Fancy New Vagina



Four in a Bed

More from Julia Grant - see link (REPEAT).



Talking about about how animals (Prarie Dog/ground squirrel) can differentiate between humans and what they are wearing and lets out a specific squeak to alert the group.

Ross Noble - "So if a transvestite in tartan approaches the animal explodes?"


Harry and Paul

Harry and Paul crossdress to play wartime secretaries, and of course the Dragon's Den Ladies.

And Deborah and Hillary from Dragon's Den.



Comedy drama about a group of young outsiders who were left with superpowers after being caught in a storm. The gang spend a long night at a wild house party.

In this is the preview of the next episode.

Here is how it goes.

A man will not sleep with a girl.

She wants to know why...

Man - "I wanted to tell you! But I didn't think you'd understand."
camera pans down to a (penis between the legs... but there is a reason)...
Girl - "What happened?"

Image (Image: e4).

Girl - ..."Is that...? Were you born like that?!"
Man - hastily raising his trousers - "I was in a club! Someone stole it from me!"
Girl - "They STOLE IT?!"
Man - "It was a girl...a bloke?...A transgender bloke...she wanted to be a man! She had a power! So she took it from me - we swapped!"
Girl - "Holy sh*t!
Man - My c*ck is out there... Somewhere! ITS MINE and I am gunn get it back!"

Hmmmm. well this wreaks of 'EEk a penis' episode of South Park where Mr Garrison changes his mind and clones his pre-op penis and it escapes on the back of a mouse...

One for the FTMs to ponder over I guess.


American Transgender

A touching look at the complicated lives of three transgender people as they struggle for acceptance, build careers, and maintain long-lasting personal relationships.


The Simpsons
'Eeny Teeny Maya Moe'
Channel 4

Moe is on the lookout for love and turns to the internet to find the perfect partner. After discovering that Santa's Little Helper knows more about Maggie than he does, Homer decides to spend more time with the youngest Simpson.

A very tired gag from the Simpsons showing that even great writers rehash the same gag over and over.

Moe wants leg shortening surgery to be the same size as his short girl friend.

He has to go to an unlicensed Dr Nick who will perform it.

Just before he puts the anesthetic mask on Moe he says:

"When you wake up you will be a beautiful woman!"
Moe - "No, no, no, no ,no, I wanna be shorter for a woman!"
"Ut oh I mixed you up with the last guy!"
Who walks into shot with very short legs saying, "Argggh! I look nothing like Julie Numar!"

The Julie Numar is a nod to the drag road movie, 'Too Wong Fu thanks for everything Julie Numar'.

But the have you had a 'sex-change' or going to have one in the hospital bed gag is as old as the hills. I can probably drum up 20 similar gags that have already been done.

Homer already did the gag with Barney in a past episode.

The logic works around this 'moment' you wake up and you are now a woman, that's where its all wrong, trans mtf people are already women at this point, this is just cosmtic 'corrective' surgery.

They just don't seem to get that. But I suppose they will one day.


The Simpsons_Channel 4
'The Good, the Sad and the Drugly'
Channel 4

When Milhouse takes the blame for one of Bart's school pranks, Homer decides to punish his son by sending him to the retirement home to visit Grampa. However, things begin to look brighter for Bart when he falls for Jenny, a young volunteer at the home, and tries to behave in an attempt to win her heart.

Although Bart and Millhouse having problems over a girl has been done.

Now this I like this episode - LOL send out the trumpets!

Bart falls for a girl who makes him polite and well behaved.

At dinner Bart is eager to lay their table.

"So this is what laying the table is if I had known I would have done it without the tantrums!"
Marge comes in - "Oh Bart I don't care if this is just an act (rubs his hair lovingly) you have finally become the boy every mother dreams of - a girl!"

Now that's clever!

A line I wish I'd thought of :)


Big Trouble In Thailand
Pick TV

Hard-hitting documentary series following the drama of British tourists who fall foul of Thai law and customs, as well as the people who police them. [SL]

In this episode we meet and ex porn star now 'Ladyboy Bar' owner who insist she has the classiest act in town.

The Tourist Police there say the following are what 'you look for' to identify a Ladyboy.

You look at the shoulders...
You look at the hands .... and
You look for the Adam's Apple and the deep voice!

But there are some that can 'trick you here!'

Not really very happy with this...

This transpeople are liars or out to 'trick' people is very dodgy commentary from a UK tourist police officer there. Its an old get out of the situation free, after all if a man knows what he is doing and knows the person is trans he can after the act say - "I didn't know I was tricked, I was conned, this person is fraudulent!" We have seen this so many time in the past. Nobody is fooling nobody.

If there is blame it is shared responsibility - I get sick of the trans person being the social pariah! Even in Thailand!!!

Unbelievable really in 2012.


New Milton Jones's One Night Stand

Milton Jones returns to Richmond to perform. Also including a tour of his favourite things about his hometown.

A comic (JASON COOK) talks about life being like a shop..."

"All the good stuff is in the front to get you in...

"In the back is all the bad stuff, the racism and the domestic violence..."

"Then 7 years in you get to see the back room of the shop the really dodgy stuff is!"

"Lets be honest in the back of your shop there is some pretty dirty sh*t isn't there?!!!"

"You find out he does ring his mother every day but he does it wearing your (looks at his girlfriend) clothes and touching himself whilst he is doing it!"

So crossdressing has been relegated to again 'the silence of the lambs' or 'psycho'.

And apparently being trans to Jason Cook is worse than domestic violence and racism - well thanks for that!


Would I Lie to You

8/9. Rob Brydon hosts with captains David Mitchell and Lee Mack, and guest panellists Michael Ball, Charlie Brooker, Trinny Woodall and Reece Shearsmith. Contains adult humour. [S]

"Michael Ball said love changes everything! I can tell you Michael, what does change everything is your wife coming home and finding you prancing around the bedroom in her underwear! Goodnight!"

Been done before but what he said is true - it would change everything if it was a shock :) And many a transperson can probably relate to being caught out, it is perhaps a bigger issue than he is making of it though. Rather than a lightweight comical jibe, it is more often a life destroying family crushing marriage break-up.

Harmless gag. I quite like Rob he will rate in our 2012 Television awards this year too!...

He has an old skool 'lightness of touch' as a presenter that is sadly missing in the myriad of clumsy efforts out there. That old saying, "would you have a pint with the person socially," applies with him I think.


Peter Kay In Conversation
Channel 4

Bolton funnyman Peter Kay talks about his life and career with broadcaster (and recently sacked from the BBC) Danny Baker.

Just when you thought we had seen the back of 'Geraldine' and it was safe we see Channel 4 dredge it up again as part of this toe-curling homage to Peter Kay. Basically an excuse to show a load of old clips and repeats bagged up as something new.

Of course part of the show was dedicated to a flash back of his 'Geraldine' the transsexual character, to be fair that's not that bad really in places, but it is the way they shoe-horned in additional gags that has made any transgender woman hoping to access the X-Factor practically impossible since.

And Channel 4 again, of all the clips they could show, show the faked newspaper article "Britain's got the C*ck Factor!" and zoom in on it as the audience roar with laughter.

To be fair I doubt even the press 10 years ago would have said that, so this says more about the minds of the writers of the gag than it does about the press.

He may have got away with it had he been Eddie Izzard or a trans comic or actor as it is their lived experience they are drawing on so that softens the blow and I am not going to criticise a transsexual comic or writer in the same way I would if they are not trans same if a black writer write racist story-lines - it is all about context after all.

Nevertheless he is not trans and has no idea what it feels like or how this sort of comedy can damage our community, it was shown on Channel 4, and Channel 4 have again allowed this to be shown. why show that headline? Why could he have not just shown him singing as her or similar after all the series he did as her was hours long. They had to show 'that headline' as part of the clip set - it is just not on.

With such a slight adjustment and sticking to their MOU Channel 4 signed could they need not have had that included and still showed him as Geraldine, and it would have not been an issue.

Cruel throwaway laugh long after the event.


I suppose if he had to transition and genuinely live as a woman somewhere he is not known like drop him off crossdressed in a cab in a red neck area of America and told you have to live full time as a woman from now on - GO! The car pulls away and he is stood there in a dress, how would he feel - and that's something that is never considered in all this. The vulnerability, terror, and total collapse in confidence - it is suffering!

But you know 'man in a frock' that's funny eh? As long as he doesn't have to wear it home!

Peter is funny - but stick to what you know!


Grayson Perry's 6 Music Playlist - repeated on 'The Joy of 6' (Highlights from the last week featuring Grayson Perry, Paul Weller, The Black Keys, The Specials, Sharon Van Etten, Dark Dark Dark and Captain Sensible.) BBC 6 Music 15/12.
BBC 6 Music

Turner Prize-winning artist Grayson Perry shares some of his favourite music.


Peep Show
Channel 4

One of those rare gags about Grayson Perry.

"Still living the boxer short dream Mark? You need to get some b@ll support before your nuts start dragging like iron eggs in a pair of Grayson Perry's tights!"


Family Guy
'Go-Stewie, Go'
12/12 and shown again on the 16th
BBC Three

Stewie cross-dresses to star in the US version of Jolly Farm Review.

If there was one bigger parody of Justin Hoffman in 'Tootsie' than this spoof I ain't seen it.

Apart from that just a harmless copy.


British Comedy Awards
Channel 4

I thought I wonder if it is possible for a comedy awards to get through the show without a trans reference.

Of course they couldn't despite the fact trans people are such a minority in the UK, they still managed a few gags.

Lee Mack - no stranger to mocking transpeople in his standup - was presented by FaceJacker Star dressed as Augustine Kwembe played by Kayvan Novak.

That's pretty harmless, the only problem I have is Lee Mack jumped on this 'character' and she fell to the ground where upon he planted a long kiss on her groping her to the hilarity of all concerned.

Then he stood up and said, "I expected it to be Harry Hill (who won the award) so I have not prepared anything but snogging a transsexual."

In a way it shows that there is no harm in kissing transsexuals. But it was done for a laugh, and rather brutally. Kinda reminds me of an office or the street where no member of staff or public would 'touch up' a female colleague but a 'man dressed as a woman' seems to be fair game. Shame really.

Image (Image: Channel 4).

Image (Image: Channel 4).

Not a message Channel 4 wants to be using.

Bottom line is if that were a female guest this would not even have happened and doubtless that would have been funny too.

Still Jonathan Ross thought it was hilarious so that's alright then.

Morgana Robinson won best comedy breakthrough Artist. I am in total agreement here, she is one of those rare women who takes being a man seriously, and her Danny Dyer impression is very good as is her Russell Brand. It is very rare for women to play men and do a good job and laugh at a character rather than at the crossdressing. We need a Morgana male to play crossdressers, cos comparing someone like her to Alan Carr is point proven I think she is in a whole different league and class.

The King or Queen of Comedy award when to Jack Whitehall, the clip they chose of short-listed Alan Carr was just him in heels and catsuit at the Channel 4 Gala earlier this year, he made reference to Eddie Izzard, "You know when Eddie Izzard dresses up as a woman and tells Jokes it is really intelligent, when I do it I look like a Sl*g." There is a backhanded compliment in there somewhere if you have a mask and snorkel to go look for it ;)

My advice to Alan would be stop doing it then! And as far as I am aware Eddie does not dress up as a woman he dresses up as Eddie.

What was it he said in his book 'Dress to Kill', "I don't wear women's clothes I where My clothes."

So Alan didn't even get that right.

I can't think why he didn't when King of comedy ;)

hehehe oh yeah now I can :P

Get a new act Alan - Dick Emery wants it back :) [Dick Emery at least did it properly].



Comedy drama about a group of young outsiders who were left with superpowers after being caught in a storm. Alex sets off on a mission to try to recover what's missing in his life, but Jess is worried about the extreme lengths he might go to. Meanwhile, a mysterious girl called Abby arrives at the community centre. She pretends to be on community service, but ends up with an unexpected gift when she discovers that the community centre is the super-power magnet of the universe.

Alex has had his penis stolen by an FTM with a super power, he gets a gun and threatens him with it and gets it back.

Those FTMs eh? Always nicking penises.


The 15-Stone Babies
Channel 4

Documentary exploring the fascinating fantasy world of Britain's 'adult babies', revealing why some fully grown adults choose to embrace an alter ego that allows them to dress in a onesie, have their nappies changed and generally be cared for like a baby. With access to adult babies and the 'nurseries' they attend, both in the UK and USA, the film explores the motivations behind the adult babies' actions, as well meeting the 'mummies and daddies' who tend to their needs.

I have seen this before - In fact James Whale dealt with this on his 'James Whale Radio Show' It was TV show on late in the evenings. I have seen other docus about this too So this is nothing new.

Although not really 'trans' there is a trans element to one character who need to dress as a baby girl and pour talcum powder over herself on camera to other 'enthusiasts'.

Not a lot to say other than raises shoulders in the same way many feel about our community. It happens get over it.

Interesting though.


Street Crime UK: Christmas Specials 4 (ORIGINAL AIR DATE 22/12/2005)
Pick TV

Action-packed series which looks at how the police respond to street crime during the festive season. Police pursue and apprehend a speeding car, and find that the driver was being forced by her passenger to help him escape. In St Albans, police detain two teenage boys for aggressive behaviour, and three teenage girls are arrested for attempted robbery.

Keep saying its Christmas and editing in shots of Christmas trees is a clever way to get footage they otherwise would not use when its clear they filmed it at other times of the year.

In this episode a blurred face transsexual is arrested and then let go at the nick for an alleged knife crime.

However, I must admit I was very impressed with the way the male police officers handled it.

They could not search her so drove her back to the police station where a female officer searched her.


They had all their pronouns right, and were exemplary! - WELL DONE!


'Bend Her'

A rare gem from the creators of the Simpsons where Bender becomes a femme bot and falls for Calculon.


The Ambulance: 8 Minutes to Disaster (ORIGINAL AIR DATE 18/09/2008)

Documentary following the staff of the Reading Ambulance Service, as they attempt to meet Government targets to reach 75 per cent of life-threatening calls within eight minutes. Crews respond to some 300 calls a day, covering everything from suicide attempts and binge drinking to repeat callers who just want a chat and a cup of tea.

Ambulance is driving through the town center busy night life.

The driver says to his paramedic colleague, "God that's an awful dress!""Hey I got a smile!" They both burst out laughing. The driver retorts, "I think it was a tranny!!!" They burst out laughing some more.

"IT", "A TRANNY?!" This is the Berkshire Ambulance Service!

When compared to the way the police dealt with a similar issue (above) it is clear that a uniform and work pressure is no excuse for this type of behaviour - and on camera!

Not good, sorry!


George and Mildred
'No Business Like Show Business'

Mildred gets the chance to act in the local amateur version of Cinderella - as an ugly sister!

Not a bad joke here.

She needs her husband George to model her dress and as he sits down in it her sisters turn up and her forgets he is still in the outrageous theatrical petticoated-dress smoking a pipe.

The snobby sister comments to her husband - "he is wearing a dress!" The husband replies - "What they get up to in their spare time is their business!" She says, "Well she must be very understanding ..."


24 Hours in A&E
More 4

A repeat showing this girl waiting in A&E.



Comedy drama about a group of young outsiders who were left with superpowers after being caught in a storm. Rudy's passion for Nadine is put to the test when he tries to persuade her that they have a future together. Suspecting that she is keeping something from him, he finally discovers her secret, and the truth takes on biblical proportions when the gang discover her super-power.

After he gets his penis back he is obsessed with looking at himself 'performing' in a mirror.

Later we here a good one-liner that somehow I get the feeling was what they built the whole idea on.

His Ex-Girlfriend (who catches him in bed with another woman) says, "You were a much better boyfriend when you had a vagina!"

And that my friends is a good one-liner :) ;)


The Cleveland Show
'The Curious Case of Jr Working at the Stool'

Animated spin-off from Family Guy. Cleveland Jr gets a job working at the Broken Stool, but when he starts making changes to the bar an old-fashioned father-son rivalry breaks out. Meanwhile, Roberta gains a wealth rival and plots a surprise for this new 'friend' with Rallo.

Crossdressing Gag where Cleveland said he behaves like a female con artist.


Text Santa

Ant and Dec, Holly Willoughby, Phillip Schofield, Paddy McGuinness and Christine Bleakley join forces to host ITV's annual charity appeal with a host of celebrity guests.

There is a funny thing with crossdressing, it all depends on the context.

In this instance, it was a very rare and simply a 'clothes swap', but I think we have to hand it to Phillip Schofield here, he just went for it! And raised some cash in the process.

Interesting thing is Holly in a suit did not get much of a reaction - it says a lot about the society we live in.

Image (Image ITV).


The Cleveland Show
'The Brown Knight'

Animated spin-off from Family Guy. Cleveland is wounded when he and Donna are mugged at a cash machine. Roberta thinks she is dying of a mystery illness and uses this to take advantage of Rollo.

Cleveland crossdresses to catch a mugger.

Its OK apart from the line, "I hope I look good enough to rob but not good enough to rape."


Beast with a Billion Backs
Pick TV / Sky3 Freeview 11

Futuristic cartoon comedy. The monster from beyond the anomaly takes over the universe and Leela attempts to expose the truth.

Futurama comes from the same camp as 'The Simpsons' and although axed for a period of time it then returned and how! It is sometimes difficult to believe that the Simpsons and their transphobic comments have the same creators.

The most recent series is very good and will certainly get a mention in the Television Awards this year.

In this older one we see Fry become the leader of a new faith. Speaking for the alien he says,

"The monster's name is Yivo, lover of all things male and female, but Yivo has no gender! So Yivo has proclaimed instead of he or she, we are to use the word 'Sklee'." Instead off her or him we are to use the word 'Sklim' or 'Skler!'." Hermes retorts, "Phew! I've been sweating over the nomenclature all week!"

Funny! And shows that with a little thought writers can make inoffensive funny gags in this way.

Image (Image Pick TV/FOX).



They read out Christmas Cracker Jokes

The answer is "Eat, drink and be Mary..What do you think the question is Alan?"

"What does his mum do on Christmas Day?"

"No." Says Stephen Fry, "it is What does a transvestite do on Christmas Day?"



The Genius of British Art
More 4

Art history series on how British art has shaped the way the country sees itself. Janet Street-Porter revisits her teenage years to demonstrate how modern art has reflected social and cultural change. Damien Hirst, Tracey Emin and Grayson Perry are among those interviewed.

Very good programme by Janet here.


Family Guy


Nuff said...


CSI- Crime Scene Investigation
'Getting Off'

Getting Off: The team believe they are dealing with the death of a transvestite but, during the autopsy, they find his make-up is face paint and he is actually a clown. (16/23) [AD,S]

Only trans in passing... very briefly.


Mr Bean's Holiday (2007)

Nothing much to report apart from he has to crossdress at the end and milks it a bit.


Peep Show
Channel 4

And Christmas Eve they get a laugh out of this line: Dobby - "Oh my god I was just chatting to Trish! Big News!!!" Mark- "What?!" Dobby - "She's a transsexual!!! She started hormone therapy and in January she is having the op!!!" Mark - "Oh my god - Really?!!!" Dobby - "No of course not! Dick-head, the company has got a 6 month project in New York!" [so about the time it takes to write the next series then?]"So Trish asked how I feel about being part of it!!!" This was perhaps the laziest transgag I have ever heard it had no point to it at all, and was said for the sake of saying it. Pointless. Still if this is Channel 4 'trying' - well what more can I say?


8 Out of 10 Cats Christmas Special
Channel 4

Sarah Millican opens a gift - it is a transformer type robot with her head on it.

"I hope it is anatomically correct as I have got a c@ck!

Thing is if this were a statement of fact she would unlikely be sat there.

These are gags only transpeople can get away with saying.

It is a trans gag, saying this about oneself does not make it OK. Would she say she had black parents and make a racial gag? Unless that were true she would not.

It may seem petty but look at this month alone - there are a lot of 'petties' here and added together they make a real problem. Being even one brick in that wall is unhelpful.


Dharma and Greg

Dharma Drags Edward Out of Retirement: American sitcom about an unlikely young couple. Dharma loses money in a company that manufactures clothes for transvestites.


The Royle Family Christmas Special

They organise a series of dates for their widower next door neighbour.

One is clearly masculine with arm tattoos - yeah we get it!

And the BBC's one liner about all the dates - well of course it was this little gem.

"At least the ads are working Jim!"
"Working?! One of them had bigger balls than me!"

Image(Image: Jelly Legs/Itv Studios/BBC).

BBC still do not understand that this is not what is meant by inclusiveness.

Hairy arms and ball jokes? Seriously? Whilst Jim laughs at this encounter in the background.

Image(Image: Jelly Legs/Itv Studios/BBC).

Image(Image: Jelly Legs/Itv Studios/BBC).

And as Jim crosses out Petula a blink and you'd miss it address of: "18 Tranny Avenue!"

BBC ffs this is outrageous when you have your name on Trans Media Action...



Carry On Don't Lose Your Head

Carry On Jack

Carry On Matron

Crossdressing aplenty in these 3 Carry On Films. In Carry On Matron we see a man pretending to be a female nurse for almost the entire film with Sid James as his father. Of course many of the 'situation' faced by him crossdressed do relate to situations faced by transitioning transgender people and although of its time it still does have some valuable messages albeit in comedy form.


Ice Age 3 - Dawn of the Dinosaurs

AKA Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009) - IMDb

Even something as innocuous as this children's animation has something transphobic about it.

Buck (Voiced by Simon Pegg
"Now let me tell you about the time I used a sharpened clam shell to turn a T-Rex into a T-Rachel!"


Alan Carr- Chatty Man Christmas Special
Channel 4

Alan invites David Walliams (Again) Wanna be careful Alan he could take your show of you - wolf in sheep's clothing n' all that ;) I suppose we will find out that if Alan was unable to do his show anytime.

In any case it was the usual dated dire thin on ideas show we have come to expect from him.

Of course he crossdresses as Hillary Devey with David for a carol at the end - good grief Dick Emery must be turning in his grave!


The Cleveland Show
'Gone with the Wind'

Makes an intersex joke about Jamie Lee Curtis and her yoghurt brand.

Later the Yoghurt is thrown from the window of the truck and he screams after it,

"My Hermaphrodite Yoghurt!!!"


American Dad!
'The Most Adequate Christmas Ever'

Makes transvestite gag.

"And the Nativity Scene The three wisemen look like transvestites(!) - the mannish kind(!), not the attractive Asian kind you are always hoping your friends will hire for your birthday party!"

Image image Fuzzy Door/Fox


St Trinian's 2 - The Legend of Fritton's Gold

If you are going to crossdress then at least make the effort and to be fair Rupert does. ... n%27s_Gold


Carry On Girls

Bernard Bresslaw crossdresses to infiltrate a beauty contest run by Sid James. Usual 'Carry on' nonsense.

Rupert Everett plays the headmistress of this wild girls school originally penned by Ronald Searle.

If you are going to crossdress then at least make the effort and to be fair Rupert does.


American Dad!
'The Most Adequate Christmas Ever'
BBC Three

Transvestite gag (objectification).


Victor Victoria

A singer working the Paris cabaret scene, meets a man who knows his way around the city and conceives a plan to pass her off as a female impersonator. Contains adult themes. [1982] [S]

This has been copied since in other films but Julie Andrews just greasing back her hair was not enough and is clearly not fooling the audience. That is the only weakness in the plot. I think there were probably better casting opportunities at the time. But she was falvour of the month about then.

However, it is a film that challenges crossdressing and gay stereotyping so worth watching.


American Dad!

Helping Hands both Steve and his dad grow breasts.


Frankenstein created woman
Horror Channel (Freesat 1210)

Horror classic in which the evil Baron Frankenstein transplants the tortured soul of an executed young man into the body of his lover after she commits suicide. The Baron restores the girl's beauty with the help of plastic surgery, but the creature's mind still wants revenge for the unjust execution and seeks out those responsible in order to seduce and then murder them.

Body swap horror, interesting though man's soul in a woman's body - now where have I head that before?


'Beast with a Billion Backs'

(Repeat see above)


Alan Carr's New Tear's Specstacular
Channel 4

When compared to Graham Norton on the BBC this is looking very chaotic and a bit embarrassing for Channel 4.

Alan crossdresses and makes a meal of it, which undermines the idea of crossdressing as a woman for a topical news story rather it is mocking Alan in a dress. Something we as a community do not need. If he has no material then hire some writers, showing us your bra for a laugh is like the last gasp.

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