UK Television Transgender Monthly Round up October 2012

Every month we list UK programmes the feature transgender issues good and bad. If you work in the media this is a must see monthly list.
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UK Television Transgender Monthly Round up October 2012

Postby Ice Maiden » Sat Nov 03, 2012 4:10 pm

So here we go again, what is broadcast in the UK reflects on you as a transperson. Every month it is a case of spot the positives. Almost all television featuring anything remotely associated with transpeople is negative, comical or are negative stereotypes.

High Points
The rerun of the documentary (now 10 years old) 'Make me a man!'

Low points are quite simple.
Celebrity Juice continuance of broadcasting transphobic labels and transhumiliation in general. And BBC Three 'Wilfred' who continues with the 'tranny' label also.

Big Brother Luke Thread here
and our blog post about how the show has improved in 12 monrths here

Don't forget our Soap storyline Archive here
Jason Archive in Hollyoaks

And what has been happening in Coronation St here - not good.

All the following clips have been archived for evidential purposes should they be needed.


Dirty Sexy Money

Great series and a transgender benchmark as it features Transsexual Actress Candi Cayne.

Drama about a wealthy family of New York socialites..


Make Me a Man
Pick TV

(Original Air Date 21/07/2002)

The first in a two-part documentary following four female-to-male transsexuals, all at different stages of the process of changing sex to become men. The programme focuses on their struggle to get treatment, the dramatic effects of testosterone on their bodies, the radical surgery to reshape their bodies and fashion penises, and the impact of the change on family, friends and loved ones.

A welcome return of this FTM documentary. But now showing its age a little. Nice to see Stephen Whittle on telly again :)


Make Me a Man
02/10 (Rpeat)
Pick TV

(Original Air Date 21/07/2002)

The first in a two-part documentary following four female-to-male transsexuals, all at different stages of the process of changing sex to become men. The programme focuses on their struggle to get treatment, the dramatic effects of testosterone on their bodies, the radical surgery to reshape their bodies and fashion penises, and the impact of the change on family, friends and loved ones.

A welcome return of this FTM documentary. But now showing its age a little. Nice to see Stephen Whittle on telly again :)


The Cleveland Show
'The Men in Me'

Cleveland see his son talking to a crossdress toy.

He then uses a wand to remove this horrific thought from his head and place it in a jar and put it with other jars in the cupboard with other horrific issues.


Home Solutions

Selling a stain remover and demonstrates that it removes mascara from a cloth.

The demonstrator says, "Every time I use mascara I use a little bit!"
The presenter then says, "What?! I told you he had is hand on his hip, I told yah!" And 'minces about' a bit for a laugh.

I found this surprising, and I have not heard this expression for decades.

Again could be classed as nit-picking but it is about 'men' who wear makeup all being gay. And as the majority of crossdressers seem to be straight men when not 'dressed', It is just a curious thing to hear.

Image (Image: Pricedroptv)

Good product though LOL



"Your second biggest secret?"
"I love you!"
"Ryan that's SO not a second biggest secret"
"A second biggest secret is I'm afraid of spiders or you were caught beating-off to a tranny!"

BBC - again - now slipping back to the worst broadcaster for 2012 they have leaned nothing in a year - they were the worst last year too.

As the gag pool dries-up transgender people are increasingly being tagetted for gags - in 'Wilfred' now it is almost every episode.

What do the BBC think they are playing at here? - once maybe acceptable but this is just bullying now!

Again a negative stereotype. And within 3 mins of the shows starting - last time it was under 2 mins.


Mock the Week_BBC TWO_2012_10_04_22_00_42 - DVRMS

Q: 14 1/2?

A. "What shoe size was it that made Prince Charming think I'll Leave it?"

Being picky here obviously but as many transwomen have larger feet than average women and this is about Cinderella then it has its place.


Live at the Apollo


Shappi Khorsandi

"Oh a wolf Whistle! I never got that when I was a man!"

She is not a transperson.

So 'trans-stooge'


Five Children and It

Eddie Izzard puts on his best James Mason accent and Stars as the voice of the Sand Fairy in this children's adventure.

Doctor Who clearly took it's inspiration from this for their episode, 'The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe' rather than the more obvious Narnia.


This Morning

Carla Lamrey
Transgender Single Mum

Very good and very passable woman.

Image (Image: ITV).


Make Me a Man
Pick TV

The second in a two-part documentary following four female-to-male transsexuals, all at different stages of the process of changing sex. The programme examines the obstacles they face in their daily lives as they undergo extraordinary physical changes.

Stars Stephen Whittle

Great programme - sadly it shows just how far we have to go back for something decent done in the transgender name.


50 Greatest Plastic Surgery Shockers

A countdown of the most eye-watering, freaky plastic surgery from around the world. Featuring Jackie Stallone, Pete Burns, Cindy Jackson,

Jodie Marsh and Lizard Man. [S]

Features Pete Burns and of course the 'exotic' transsexual Amanda Lepore.


Dirty Sexy Money

Transsexual Actress Candis Cayne Stars

Benchmark Drama for a transgender woman!

Top Marks!


Nevermind the Buzzc0cks

The song is - finish the ending - to McFly's Danny.

"I'd like to phone her because she puts me in the mood..."
"Ummm? The rumour's spreading around that she could be a dude?!"
"No! Cooks in the nude!"

Big laughs.

The Simpsons
'Crook and Ladder'
Channel 4

Mischievous Bart and Millhouse sends his drugged up father into a bar crossdressed.


The Cleveland Show

Hormone swap with grandparents with obvious consequences.


Star Trek : The Next Generation
'The Offspring'
Pick TV (Sky 3)

Sci-fi drama series about the crew of the USS Enterprise. Data becomes a proud father when he creates an android using his own neural programming. Picard, however, is apprehensive about Starfleet's reaction to the unauthorised newcomer.

This is interesting and as always ahead of it's time.

The neutral body of his offspring android, Data asks it what it would like to be - What gender and sexuality it would like to choose.

The offspring chose female human (of course) as it made intimacy like holding hands and father daughter relationship work better, script-wise.

Nevertheless I think there are plenty of transpeople out there watching that thinking if only humans could decide when they were read rather than have it forced upon them. Although with early intervention and blocking puberty its still not quite the same.


Nothing to Declare
Pick TV (Sky 3)

Fly-on-the-wall documentary series following the men and women who defend Australia from drug runners, illegal immigrants and terrorists.


Transgender MTF 'Ronald' was detained, opening her purse there were 'undeclared medications' HRT. In the end it worked out OK for Ronald, but not before a series of pronoun slip ups and, him, he, fella etc and what seemed to be hours of faffing about - with poor Ronald sat there with the rabbit in the headlights look on her face. In the end even Immigration felt sorry for her.

For obvious reasons immigration have the birth name on the passport in this instance, and did treat her well, but there surely was a better way? And all on camera too - bit much!


Celebrity Juice

Katie Price invited on the show.

An excuse to use the term 'Tranny', as did Katie Price and abuse the trans side of Alex Reid. There are so many other partners and things she has done but this trans issue was singled out for ridicule.

Leigh Francis (Keith Lemon) has a serial preoccupation with trans issues and making fun of them. From his early days in Bo' Selecta - A bear's Tale to Celebrity Juice where he has abused transpeople a number of times (in particular Nadia from Big Brother) we have the events archived.

They then went on to use a green screen to super impose Katie Price's face onto Alex Reid's head for even more 'hilarity'. Alex's image was obviously chosen when crossdressed.

Alex is her Ex, Alex has transgender 'needs', Alex has been known to self-mock. But at the end of the day, all the comedy is based on trans issues, it is exploited mocked (sometime quite offensively), it sends out the wrong message to society, that transgender people are 'trannies' and it is OK to humiliate them.


Mock the Week

Katherine Ryan
Lines in a bond Movie

"Hey its me p*ssy! p*ssy no more! Yeah I'm post op now!!!


This Morning

FTM Steven George (nee Alison) appears on 'This Morning' to explain about the abuse 'she' then suffered at the hands of Jimmy Saville.


Channel 4

Gok Wan's final dilemma for the quiz was does the person they picked have the following baggage?

1. Is he a Crossdresser - gets a huge studio laugh.
2. Will he never share a bed with you?

It was the later and they won the holiday.

But why use the crossdresser issue for a joke? It is again the Gay license that Gay presenters assume they have to use transgender people for comedy.

They are gay not trans they have no relationship whatsoever with trans issues, in the same way being gay does not mean you can make racist jokes. However, you can of course be a black gay man and you can be a gay transsexual. Then it applies.

It does not apply here so pack it in!

Since the series began this is the second time they have made a gag about transgender people without any transperson being involved.


Jonathan Ross Show

About guest David Walliams - who is not trans. Rather I see him as he does an exhibitionist who will use any tactic to shock. His image of him in a dress as a child now turns out it was put on him by his sister to act in a play in the garden. So this is a smokescreen.

Jonathan Gag goes:
"Him and his model wife have a large walk in wardrobe so there is room for all the suites belonging to David and all the dresses belonging to David."

Big studio laugh - sadly this type of comedy belittles what is a serious issue. If David lived part of his life as a woman even and went shopping and out like Grayson Perry 'en femme' from time to time (not for any theatrical reason for payment) as part of his identity then fine. But he does not. Jonathan Ross is just as a camp as him really when you stand back and think about it.

So the mileage he gets out of exploiting the transgender community, from joking about (and getting away with it) 'Ladyboys', to crossdressing for laughs is unhelpful.

Wearing a frock does not make you trans. But the public cannot see that. One is a performance for money the other is a 'gender need', a compulsion that is hardwired into the very being.

Annoying and disruptive to advancing the cause for transgender people to be taken seriously.

Men can dress in 'women's clothes all they want - thats not the issue the issue is when it happens it usually ends up at the feet of the transgender community who cannot escape the issue by not wearing them again for another year or until the next stag.

Plus it is an excuse (like with Alan Carr), to hire a person to make jokes about crossdressing by proxy of someone who has worn a dress for comical effect. Sorry Jon that don't excuse it. It is getting to the point now that if you want to make light of the transgender community you hire David or someone who 'knows' Alex Reid. Out of order really.

Hire a trans person!


Alan Carr: Chatty Man
Channel 4

Alan opens with a gag about humiliating the deputy Prime minister by suggesting her was crossdressed.

Linking crossdressing with weakness and humiliating him as being a crossdresser when it did not even happen and is an invention of his own mind (or his writer's) is not on - sorry Alan!

"Cameron arrived with his arm around Sam Cam (his wife) wearing skinny jeans and cork wedges, at first I thought it was Nick Clegg till I spotted the tell-tale ankle chain was missing!"

Gets a big laugh.

So a man wearing women's shows is hilarious?


American Dad!
'The Best Little Horror House in Langley Falls'
BBC Three

Halloween Special

Roger (who identifies as male) dresses as a female throughout.

Nothing to say other than it is interesting.


The Simpsons
'He Loves to Fly and He D'ohs'
Channel 4

After saving Mr Burns from drowning in a water fountain, Homer is rewarded by being treated to a serenade from Lionel Richie and a flight in a private plane. Homer soon becomes depressed after his taste of the high life ends, so Marge decides to hire a life coach.

Lenny makes a trans comment.

Homer's Life Coach - "I want to make Bowling Ally Homer into every day Homer!"
Lenny - "I have an aunt who became an Uncle! Is it like that?"


8 OUT of 10 Cats
Channel 4

Jimmy Carr and Channel 4 continue with their trans gags.

"I'm planning on going to Rio in 2016 and bringing something back for Britain - A woman called Paulo with a suspiciously long vagina!"

We all know what this means - what is wrong with the gag?

1. Objectification - bring some 'THING' back from Brazil. Not someone.
2. Paulo is a male name.
3. and the rest of the joke about trans genitalia is just outrageous to be honest. Got a big laugh though so someone is happy.


The Agenda

Weekly talk show in which Tom Bradby, ITV News's Political Editor, is joined by big names from the worlds of politics, news and entertainment to take a fresh look at the week ahead.

In this episode we have the following panel.

Jo Brand
Ulrika Jonsson
Ed Milliband MP (Leader of the opposition)
Ex-newspaper (and current D Mail contributor) editor Max Hastings

And presented by Tom Bradbury

So they all had their best behaviour hats on and they debated some serious political issues and of course the Jimmy Saville and BBC enquiry issues.

However, when it came to the end of the show they put up their headlines for a laugh.

Milliband chose BOJO (Boris Johnson) jumps from Space, Jo Brand chose Virgin Birth, Branson opens new maternity Clinic, and to finish off the programme with a big laugh all round Max Hastings says this is his dream headline...


Seriously? FFS!

And they went to the trouble of printing this on Art Board and putting the shows name at the top
- Depressing!

Image (Image: ITV).

Image (Image: ITV).

Image (Image: ITV).


Channel 4

This series is now repeated

It had a shaky start in its original first series with a lot of transphobic comments.

Comedy drama about a group of young outsiders who were left with superpowers after being caught in a storm. Still banned from athletics, Curtis uses his new gender-swap power to compete again, but ends up falling for a fellow athlete. Meanwhile, a predatory figure turns his advances towards 'female Curtis'.

In this episode we see Curtis handle the transition thing well, but of course he is changing to a female 100% biological.

So this is probably one more for the feminists to examine.

However it is 'gender swapping' so has relevance here.


Pick TV/ SKY 3

Talk show in which guests try to resolve their problems in a mock courtroom. A wannabe pop star is accused of pursuing an unrealistic dream, and a man is charged with being an aging Peter Pan.

The person in question is a drag queen who identifies as male but has had feminisation surgery.

(original air date 2003)


Coronation Street - (omnibus)

A collection of episodes strung together from the midweek show shown on the weekends.

Audrey's new beau has disappeared - Audry went out with Marc/Marcia see previous threads.

In this case it is her new fella and 'charmer' Nigel Havers I think he is typecast.

Anyways, the issue here is the negative stereotyping again in the show, just how often are trans people mention? Despite there supposedly being one permanently resident? (Hayley).

Well you will be pleased to hear the trans community did get a mention this week and it goes as follows.

"That's the sign of a good conman isn't it? Winning everybody's trust and then bang!"
"Look at you - dead impressed (with her knowledge)."
"Shame really! Conmen, trannies! She don't have much luck!"

Image (Image: ITV)


Mr Bean's Holiday (2007)

Nothing much to report apart from he has to crossdress at the end and milks it a bit.


Comedy World Cup
Channel 4

Good case of 'Trans-stooge' here. This is a recently coined term click here for a definition.

"The captain of the team to my right is a star of television and stage (Phil Jupitas). He recently dressed up as a woman in London's West End, where a producer spotted him and cast him in Hair Spray."

The joke here not being in Hair Spray rather the build-up. If people laugh after it is said then it is a joke.

This said by David Tennant who crossdressed in an episode of Rab C Nesbitt and Rab C Nesbitt had an entire episode of trans-related jokes based on if you are trans they think you are so mad you do not have to worry about benefits. To Phil Jupitas who made a Joke of stopping a car he was in and shouting at someone he spotted was trans and criticised the way they behaved (Said on This Morning last year). That would be quite frightening I'd of thought. We have everything archived.

Trans-stooge or Trans-Stooging is the use of a non transperson as a proxy to a gag or using a fake transpersonna as a vehicle.It also applies to broadcasters and actors who make light of the trans experience in comedy or drama. Unlike the term 'transphobic' they might just be ignorant and have no malice.


888Bingo Advert

Bingo ads seem to edge on the the side of trans mockery.

Apart from Vic Reeves in his regular crossdressed Bingo Ads behaving in a way that undermines genuine crossdressers.

We now have Robin Hood Bingo at it.

Here the issue is far more subtle but I'll explain.

A brief history lesson.

Women only wearing hose is a very modern thing, one look here demonstrates that

However, when we have Robin Hood (still a myth for the most part) there is a cliche about how he looked. Early adopter of camouflage and wearing green etc.

This stereotype is shown in this ad, but thats fun.

The problem is the creators of the ad needed a punchline, after all what can you really do with Robin Hood that associates it with women who play bingo? The same thing that has happened with Vic Reeves. Get a crossdressing gag in there.

In this instance it is, "are they my tights Robin?" "He looks away and says YES!"

But it is the reaction on the women's faces that is the offender. In that era this would not have been an issue it would have been more odd had she been wearing them. But today this is twisted to find basically yet another gag at the transgender community's expense.

This may sound trivial but all these 'little' things add up' to basically painting the trans community as something to laugh at.

Image (Both Images:


Transvestite Wives (Original Air Date 2008)
Pick TV/Sky 3

Documentary series lifting the lid on the lifestyles and lifestyle choices of different British wives. An insight into the lives of women married to men who like to dress as women.

See original entry.


Series 10 Episode 9
Channel 4

Jamie must act swiftly to lay down the law and protect his family from gang threats, but it's not easy when the enemy are so well informed.

Someone has to be passing the gang inside information, but who? The unthinkable has happened - the Department of Work and Pensions have finally caught up with job dodger Frank. He finds himself in a nightmare fantasy on death row, he's a 'dead man walking' to... a job!

"You will have to stop dressing like that in another couple of years people will think you actually are a transvestite! Rather than just resembling one!"

Image (Image: Channel 4).

"You! You have a face that sank a 1000 ships! No wonder your husband ran off to be with the Ladyboys!"

Image (Image: Channel 4).

Thanks Channel 4.


The Cleveland Show
'Mama Drama'

Auntie Mama - is her transgender 'uncle'.

See original entry


The Wright Stuff
Channel 5

Call in: Is sexuality Fixed.

One transgender caller sadly a bit rushed as the commercial break was coming called in.

Talked about sexuality in her case, interesting albeit speedy. Matthew as we have come to expect handled the issue well.


Alan Carr - Chatty Man
Channel 4

Alan Carr is an OK alternative to Graham Norton, but unlike Graham who sticks to the Parkinson/Ross/Letterman etc format.

Carr is increasing relying on crossdressing to get laughs.

Whilst this is not much different to what appears in drag clubs every night, there just is something worrying about this trend.

Usually if you are low on material then grab a frock and goof about.

But he has now done this on almost every show he has been on recently.

It is quite 'quiet' atm in crossdressing for laughs terms in the media and that's a good thing. Apart from Vic Reeves spoiling it in his Bingo Advert.

It is refreshing to just have a break from crossdressing for laughs. But Alan has noticed this and is exploiting it on Channel 4.

When men like Alan crossdress they do not do so in a way that 'plays it well straight' (for example when compared to Jeff Kristian on Big Brother this year who could have gone over the top did not as we can see here ), what Alan does is fall into the trap of 'grotesque' it reinforces the transperson as a monster or sexually complicit - as in it is OK to touch trans women inappropriately and lets face it a bit weak for Channel 4 who I assumed were trying to get away from all this and develop transgender-focused programming.


Image(Image: Channel 4).

Image(Image: Channel 4).

After watching this just how many will take a crossdressed mtf woman as seriously, it quite by accident can give the message, that its just all a big laugh.


The Wright Stuff
Channel 5

Interesting one this and hotly debated on Trans Media Watch (on FaceBook).

Basically it was an article in the Sun that had a bit of a nasty edge to it.

It read: "BAN MR & MRS! Council plan to axe titles that upset transsexuals!"

Now there sadly has not been much in the way of transgender news stories since we awarded Matthew as the best presenter of the year in the Transgender Zone Television Awards.

So here was an opportunity to test his metal.

They had a laugh about Lowri (guest panelist) being confused about one of her forms saying Mr, Miss or 'Other') but she acknowledged the importance to [some. ED] transgender people. Matthew quickly steered it away to the unfairness that Men only get Mr and Lowri has choices -

Ms, Miss, Mrs...

Now again Matthew is not stupid and quickly could see some potential offense in all this, and again expertly steered it away.

Hi is a bloody good broadcaster - and I know this same story on other shows would have taken a different route and been offensive.

Again nothing to report - good job Mat!


American Dad!
'The Most Adequate Christmas Ever'

Makes transvestite gag
"And the Nativity Scene The three wisemen look like transvestites(!) - the manish kind(!), not the attractive Asian kind you are always hoping your friends will hire for your birthday party!"

See past Notes


Jonathan Ross Show

One of his guests was Russell Howard, now infamous for the LadyBoy Airline Sketch that was pulled after protest to the BBC.

However, on this occassion they show a clip from his BBC 2 show and the clip they chose was a classic example of how to do it properly!

The sketch goes: "There is water in one village where the mayor thinks it is turning everybody Gay!"
Russell takes a sip and falls down behind the sofa... in a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde fashion.

At this point alarm bells ring and we can see what may have happened 10 years ago where he may have minced about etc.

BUT - who stand up with his T-shirt on but Louie Spence and we all know he is Gay and very camp.

It was perefect - and a LESSON to all those who question using the right person for the job. In other words when you want to mock transpeople - HIRE THEM!

so well done to him and JR for showing it again :)


Transvestite Wives

Second showing this month on Pick TV
(see above)


Transvestite Wives

Third showing this month on Pick TV
(see above)


Inside Out South East

Download options ... 9_10_2012/

Girls will be boys and boys will be girls - but how tough is it being transgender in Sussex?

Broadcast on BBC One, 7:30PM Mon, 29 Oct 2012
Available until 7:59PM Mon, 5 Nov 2012
First broadcast BBC One, 7:30PM Mon, 29 Oct 2012
Categories News, Factual
Duration 29 minutes
Credits Key talent Natalie Graham

Ice Maiden Comment:

Good programme, but it is almost identical to progammes we have on file from 15 years ago.
I could overlay them and they would be the same, same issues, same problems, same non-trans 'experts' talking about us (in fairness waving research at someone kicking your teeth in doesn't really help - we need people on the telly in serious front of camera jobs - thats the only thing now that will work IMO).
I suspect we will be seeing this same programme in another 15 years sadly.
One positive is FTM is the 'new black' (in fashion terms) it is clear that Luke Anderson in Big Brother and the men who appeared in 'My Transsexual Summer'(Channel 4) have again opened the eye to the trans men in our community and thats good. That said Stephen Whittle was actually presented a BBC prime time show 10 years ago ('Heart of the Matter' More Sexes Please). And where did that idea go after. The BBC

feeds crumbs it tuts at discrimination faced by transgender people yet where is their transgender presenter? Weather people? Comics? Actors?

TV shows? Disc Jockeys? Hypocrites really.



5/8. Harry and Danny from McFly join Greg James and Russell Kane for chat, games and confessions, all based around a survey exploring British behaviour. Contains adult humour. [S]

Sadly they use an intersex joke to get a big laugh. And the laughter went on quite sometime between the hosts. Finally Russell apologised to Greg for 'inflicting' this onto him.

Russell Kane (Comedian)

"Greg did get off with Miss East Anglian regional heats, but she was disqualified because her gender was indeterminate!"

The laugh that followed went on for quite sometime followed by corpsing (laughing at each other).

This is in very poor taste, sure people make jokes about regions, yokel jokes for the Westcountry (my region), interbreeding jokes for the East.

But When Jackie Green was recently in the finals of Miss UK, and a transgender woman (Jenna Talackova) was disqualified (then reinstated after protest to Donald Trump himself) in Canada for Miss Universe pageant for this very same subject,

Image (Image: Metro ... land-title)

Coupled with this is what comes of 'interbreeding'. Intersex/transgender people are a damaged gene pool?

Then the extended laughter, which bordered on cruel - this could have been edited.

Seriously BBC this is a disgrace! And sadly you are showing what value you attach to our community by what you broadcast, not what you put your name to.

Namely 'Trans Media Action'. Its is a real shame as funding is desperately needed to educate, but exactly a year from their funding pledge we have this! And this is not an isolated incident, what about the few episodes of 'Wilfred' they broadcast with transgender negative stereotypes only a few weeks ago (Tranny and Tranny/sex workers comments).

The bottom line is all the funding and education in the world is not worth the paper it is printed on if they do not change as a result.

Then it is just patronising.

Last year the BBC (BBC THREE) was the worse channel and it looks like this is unlikely to change in 2012).

Image (Image: BBC)

Image (Image: BBC)

Some minutes later...

Image (Image: BBC)

Image (Image: BBC)


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