UK Television Transgender Monthly Round up September 2012

Every month we list UK programmes the feature transgender issues good and bad. If you work in the media this is a must see monthly list.
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Ice Maiden
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UK Television Transgender Monthly Round up September 2012

Postby Ice Maiden » Mon Oct 01, 2012 11:50 am

So here we go again, what is broadcast in the UK reflects on you as a transperson. Every month it is a case of spot the positives. Almost all television featuring anything remotely associated with transpeople is negative, comical or are negative stereotypes.

High Points
The last episode of Celebrity Big Brother where they all sand to the Bugsy Malone Track.

Low points are quite simple.
BBC and E4 sadly in general.

Big Brother Luke Thread here
and our blog post about how the show has improved in 12 monrths here

Don't forget our Soap storyline Archive here
Jason Archive in Hollyoaks

And what has been happening in Coronation St here - not good.


UK Border Force
Pick TV (Freeview 11) (Skye 3)

Observational documentary series. Officers stop a Nigerian with a forged passport who insists he is 15 years old. A transgendered woman suffering from terminal cancer and with just $10 to her name finds out if she qualifies to get into the country. A criminal is caught in Calais.

Not too bad transman permitted entrance and treated with dignity and respect by the Customs etc.


Mock the Week

Hugh Dennis
"I have been saving up for a 'sex-change', I do not care what my wife says...SHE IS GOING TO HAVE IT!"


Dirty Sexy Money
'The Organ Donor'

Candis Cayne Stars - benchmark TV drama for transsexual actors!


Only Fools and Horses
'Go West'

Del and Rodney head up west for a night out.

Unknowingly they frequent a gay bar and Del has a shock when he tries to chat up two women at the bar.


"Shut up (Rodney) and drink up will yah!"
Rodney - "Why are they a couple of ravers?!"
No they are a couple of geezers!"

Followed by a big studio laugh.

Image (Image: BBC)

Note the classic way to get a laugh out of this issue.

Transpanic - Del is horrified and escapes.
The Casting insist on no ambiguity - They must look like men in frocks.
Cliche' - Hairy Chest unshaven, stubble bushy eyebrows.

In fact we only have to look at a prime time repeat of 'Miranda' on last month to show that the BBC has changed very little in 40 years!

Image (Image: BBC)


Embarrassing Bodies

Yet another showing of this rehash of Embarrassing Bodies transsexual patients.

Seems to me they are low on stuff of a transgender nature and are editing together past

appearances of transsexuals into a repackage.

This is not new stuff - its more like 'best bits' :)

Get some quality transgender drama or comedy on telly and hire transpeople to do it.

At this stage documentaries no longer 'cut it'.

I am sick of documentaries as it is always the same old thing.

Looking at this and comparing it to Big Brother on the other side I think Channel 4 maybe

kicking themselves for letting that show go!

Few other programmes showcase trans issues as well as Big Brother.


Only Fools and Horses
'Long Legs of the Law'

4/17. The Long Legs of the Law: Del and Grandad are horrified when Rodney starts dating a policewoman. [S]

Del - "Rodney is kinky he likes women in police uniforms..."
Grandad - "well why can't we just club together and buy him one?"
Del - "He don't wanna wear it! He wants the policewoman to wear it! Gordon Bennet he maybe perverted but he ain't dangerous!"


Read it again.

Image(Image: BBC).


Embarrassing Bodies

This channel is slowly becoming the Embarrassing Bodies TS channel with yet another showing of this programme.

Again its OK but its nothing new and does compartmentalise the transreality within the biomedical model.

Most transpeople are not like this. And most cannot afford to be :)

Even those involved had it done for free. For surgeon's publicity.


Mock the Week

This BBC production now earning them money on Dave is on a roll tonight.

3 trans related gags but the worse was this one.

Frankie Boyle
"Now it is my job to tell some amusing stories about Gavin, so first of all for a kick off he is a hermaphrodite!"

I am not a prude but there is simply no balance in UK comedy or the BBC - transgender is funny and that's that there is no transgender comic to offset it, the topics are laughing at transgender people and as such transphobic. And the BBC are getting paid for this STILL as they are still getting the 'blood money' for it.

None of these broadcasters (BBC, Channel 4) are making any effort to change things they just give the impression they are - they are not as we prove every week!

I'll let you know if they actually lift a finger to improve!

Doing what you have always done is not changing.


Mrs Brown's Boys

4/6. SuperMammy: Comedy series about a loudmouthed Irish matriarch and her family. Agnes decides to go on a diet. Contains adult humour and strong language. Also in HD. [S]

Old fashioned and to dependent on crossdressing carrying the humour to be worthy of this prime-time slot, in the 1970s perhaps but this is 2012 BBC FFS!


Celebrity Big Brother
Channel 5

Well it has been a great summer for transgender people.

And in this final scene from Celebrity Big Brother's bit on the Side, we say farewell to Luke who sang along with the gang and all the guests in a grand finale' to the tune from Bugsy Malone...with his best bud Adam. with a grand pie fight at the end. Like the film.

Image (image: Endemol/Channel5).

Image (image: Endemol/Channel5).


Dirty Sexy Money
Series 2. Episode 10/13: 'The Facts'
03:55[SUB AD HD REP]

Clark the chauffeur reveals closely guarded family secrets to a reporter while the Darlings are away for Thanksgiving. Letitia holds the Ferragamo fashion show at the mansion, but finds herself on the receiving end of harsh criticism General Movie/Drama

Great series in which Transsexual woman Candis Cayne stars


Accidentally on Purpose
Series 1. Episode 15/18: 'Back to School'
04:35[SUB AD HD REP]

Billie attends Zack's school reunion but worries she cannot compete with his ex-girlfriend because of her pregnancy, while Olivia helps Abby sell her miracle youth juice Sitcom.

Stars ex 'Extras' and Ugly Betty actress Ashley Jensen.

What a shame that E4 can get it so right and so wrong in 30 mins.

Woman 1 - gets a gift of new shoes
Woman 2 - Descreet transitions? THATS A TRANNY STORE!!! [gets a big laugh]. "I don't wanna wear TRANNY SHOES! THAT IS A LINE I WILL NOT CROSS!" [More laughs].


The Simpsons
'Ice Cream of Margie (with the Light Blue Hair)'
Channel 4

After losing his job, Homer tries his hand at being an ice-cream man. But his dedication to his new career threatens to come between him and Marge.

Scene - flashback - Granpa reminisce about how he played in the women's league to dodge the draft.

This is something that again plays into fraud and transpeople as insincere.

Example - M*A*S*H where to try an escape war a character was always cross-dressed as they were trying to prove they were 'insane'.


Bad Education

5/6. Football Match: Alfie steps in as coach when Abbey Grove takes on the local public school at football. Contains adult humour. Also in HD. [AD,S]

Jack Whitehall
"Any idea why Pickwell's come dressed as a trannie today?"
Woman - She's Job hunting. She's probably overdone it with her make-up.and her suit.
Jack Whitehall - "And her dick."

So one mention of transpeople this week and this is the context the BBC are a joke!

Image (Image: BBC).


Only Fools and Horses
'Friday the 14th'

8/17. Friday the 14th: A fishing trip to Cornwall results in a run-in with an axe-murderer. [S]

Rodney - "I have worked with the mentally ill..."
Grandad - "Sympathise?! But he's a psycho!!!
Rodney - "Do you know even what a psycho is?"
Grandad - "Yes he is a geezer that dresses up in women's clothes!"

One maybe forgiven for this in real life with a genuine older person.

But this was not written by a person like this it's a script.

Keep it up BBC you are on a roll!


Celebrity Juice

Bit of an unusual one here.

The play a game of 'Chinese whispers' (is that racist?)

At one end Keith says something and through the toilet cubicle glory-holes (do they not realise that's what they are?) the 'celebrities' pass on what they thought they heard.

Harmless fun?

Well As they have a brain, they know what they are saying or thought they heard. Do they not have any internal moral compass?

Well this is what Holly Willoughby (the one that present's This Morning) who in her day job has to sometimes deal with transgender children in distress in interviews.

Laughing - Holly - "Did you know that Colleen was a little boy!"
passes it on - "Did you know that Johnny Vegas was a little girl!"

It's all funny(?) until you watch someone like Livvy James on This Morning in distress.

Although not intentional - Holly needs to think about what she is saying - how can we take her seriously with trans issues when she keeps being involved in trans related gags?

Stamp it out or hire in trans celebrities - oh yeah there are none? Wonder why that is ITV?!


The Wright Stuff
Channel 5

Lively magazine show in which Matthew Wright and guests discuss the topical issues of the day.

In stark contrast the TransgenderZone presenter of the year Matthew Wright swaps clothes with his panelist Sally for 'National Clothes Swapping Week'.

He of course wore Sally's pink cardigan.

Now what did he say when he came back on air wearing it?

He said - "I love it Sally!"
Sally replied - "Oh I have big shoulders now :)"

And then just carried on with the show and said no more about it - still wearing the pink top.

This is what we gave him the award for.

No other presenter seems able to do this.

Can you imagine Eammon Holmes doing this on This Morning without making some, 'I am weird in this' joke?

Fun, easy, warm - unequaled at the moment!



(Both Images Channel 5/Princess).


2 Broke Girls

Joke about being transgender in the wrong Body.

Again this is no laughing matter - it is torment for transpeople - the distress it causes is for many is beyond any physical pain or disability. It is not funny - so what are Channel 4/E4 allowing this to be shown?


Mock The Week

Another 'trapped in a body' joke.

This time from serial transphobic comic Chris Ramsey.

Why do I say this(?) because he made a mockery of transgender people in his stand-up piece at the end of Russell Howard's Good News Extra a while back - we keep the recordings on file.

There he was mocking a transgender person - fictional perhaps? - he returns to the transgender hook again here.

Sadly this is not some old recording of the show on DAVE from 7 years ago - it is s new one on BBC TWO.

In this instance it is the set-up of the gag that is stereotyping rather than the punchline, nevertheless when you begin a gag like this we all know what you mean. A bit like starting a gag with "I am not a racist but..."

"Dear Embarrassing Bodies, I am a man trapped inside a woman's body!..."
"I got mixed up with superglue and Lube..."

It didn't get much of a laugh at least, so maybe the audience are now resisting this - comics tend to work based on how the audience are going - so get the message Chris...


Mrs Brown's Boys
5/6. 'Mammy's Going'

Comedy about an Irish matriarch. Agnes hears the family are going to put the dog in a home and thinks they are talking about her. Contains some strong language. Also in HD. [S]

This week this show won a BAFTA for 'Best Situation Comedy' ... arity-risk

All I can say is such is the wasteland of British Sitcoms that this won anything is remarkable.

It is a very old fashioned vehicle. A non-transgender person crossdressing as a woman and then gets laughs based on that. And that is all the laughs are for.

Again dress as a bloke Brendan (the lead) and see how great the show would be as 'Mr Brown'. It would die on feet.

So the ONLY thing in the show that is being laughed at is the crossdresser. And for me this is the opposite to what the BBC should be doing.

Why not exploit something new like actual transgender people? I just do not get it - why is this not happening? Why must the transcommunity still be victims of crossdressing for laughs?

So as far as I am concerned, it should remain in the 1970s where it actually belongs.

Were Mrs Brown a transsexual woman and playing the part of a transsexual parent - then it would still likely have got a Bafta but without insulting anyone. It would also have been fresh and new and cutting edge for the BBC as most trans characters are in dramas and lets face it 'odd' or killers.

Those that voted for it and those that enjoy it are probably of a 'certain age' and remember the crossdressing of the 80s in comedies like 'It Ain't Half Hot Mum' and probably are making some kind of stand suggesting it should come back. Ironically It Ain't Half Hot Mum is not on our screens because of the homophobia and racism (browning up) it is not because of the crossdressing - they would not have pulled it for us - they do not give a damn about that.

I wonder if Mrs Brown was blacked-up if it would have won a BAFTA?

Probably, if enough racists voted for it!


Family Guy
15/18. Boys Do Cry

Animated comedy about American family life. When Stewie gets sick after communion, the congregation becomes convinced that he's possessed by the devil. Contains adult humour. [S]

They go to the deep south to hide out and Chris falls in love with a boy - who turns out to be a girl - so that's ok then?

Some hidden messages here not least deceit.

The title says it all.

If you do not know what I mean look up the film 'Boys Don't Cry' on Google.


5/13: 'Now'

Well What can I say, the BBC are totally out of control if what already mentioned is not enough we hear this on this episode of Wilfred, a series that already has mocked transpeople in other episodes at least 4 times. One entire episode was every transphobic cliche in the book about if Wilfred's owner had a penis or not. Search for Wilfred in our archives.

Well this episode did not disappoint either, they mention the transgender community again but the context is this.

And a new transphobic record for a BBC TV show at 1min 27seconds into the show too.

"Smell around you Ryan! Dirty diapers! Sour milk puddles! Used Tranny A*s condoms!"

BBC seriously are you f*cking kidding me?!

The BBC were the worst broadcaster in 2011 for transrelated programming and this is why!

Image (Image: BBC).


How to Lose Friends and Alienate people
More 4



Saturday Live
86 mins

Real life but not as you know it. Radio 4's Saturday morning show is full of the stuff that matters, extraordinary stories, inheritance tracks, guerrilla reports, secret lives, poetry and more.

Sian Williams and Richard Coles with studio guest Charlie Higson and the extraordinary transgender love story of Victoria and Emma Cantons. Conservative Michael Ashcroft shows off his medal collection, we debate rites of passage for one mum and her son, the inheritance tracks of former politician Tony Benn and John McCarthy visits Kent!


Doctor Who, episode 3:
'A Town Called Mercy'

So we see Doctor Who's next transgender character.

A horse named Susan...

Can I borrow you Horse it is official Business

"He is called Joshua! Its from the Bible it means the deliverer!"
"No he isn't, I speak horse, he is called Susan!"
"And he wants you to respect his life choices!"

Image (Image: BBC).
Image (Image: BBC).

On the surface this may seem like a 'bit of fun'.

But what it does show is how far it has fallen in trans terms from the days of Russell T Davies and his 'Cassandra' (The Last Human) Character, although she was a 'baddie' towards the end we got to know her better. Then there was the briefest of mentions about a Time-Lord known as the 'Corsair' - "She was a bad girl" he says when talking about another time lord's regeneration now confined to an email box captured on a planetoid.

But today, the transreality in this series, has come down to what essentially is a 'one liner' a gag.

Hahaha a transgender horse ... moving on. And they didn't even get the pronouns right.

Respect HIS life choices (if only being trans was a choice eh)? Badly written and clearly has no idea about trans issue as is the case with most writers. At least RTD as a gay man is likely to have at least met some. Or is that a stereotype?

Maybe next time we will see a transgender Amoeba? You never know your luck.


Come Fly With Me

More Crossdressing for laughs with Mat Lucas and David Walliams.

This show like Little Britain set the trans community back 10 years!

I don't know if the BBC thinks by putting on comedians crossdressing - like Mrs Brown's Boys - that they are someway helping the transgender community or 'representing it'.

Well it isn't - A transgender newsreader would - why not try that!

The BBC has lost it's way rerunning this.


Comedy World Cup
Channel 4

"Dressing up as women has been a staple of British Comedy..."

Image (Image: Channel4/BBC).

Don't we know it? The difference is comedy needs balance if it is not balanced its abuse.

As there are no transgender comics telling jokes about transissues then non trans comics fumble their way through and give clumsy and ignorant mockery of the whole thing.

A man who crossdresses for laughs is not dressing as a woman. He is becoming a transgender person.

As at no moment are the audience believing that this person is a biological female.

So respect must be given to the community that this affects the most.

The only way to do this is to balance it with genuine transgender people either being cast or given opportunities in the channel to be creative.

Example a comic may make a gay joke who is not gay, but that same channel employs Alan Carr for example. So there is some balance. The BBC employs Graham Norton and others like Craig Revel Horwood so balance again is important.

There is nothing wrong in crossdressing comedy especially if they are actually transgender people, but if there is no balance it is a serious problem and abusive. It is 'othering' ( a minority for nothing more than laughs!

Image (Image: Channel4/BBC).

Image (Image: Channel4/BBC).

David Tennant (The host comments about his part he played in 1993 in Rab C. Nesbitt) -
"I was desperate."



Family Guy
'Stu and Stewie's Excellent Adventure'
BBC Three

We find out Meg is FTM in the future.


Dirty Sexy Money

Great series and a perfectly cast Transsexual playing a transsexual actress Candis Cayne -

The Benchmark trans series for casting agents to learn from.


Four in a Bed
More4 10:00am



UK Border Force
20/09 (Early Hours)
Pick TV (Sky freeview 11)

A transgender woman suffering from terminal cancer and with just $10 to her name finds out if she qualifies to get into the country. Spoiler -
Spoiler: show
she does as a US citizen with a UK sponsor.

Mrs Bown's Boys

More crossdressing for laughs with the sitcom right out of the 70s sadly that is not where it stayed and even won an award this week.


CSI- Crime Scene Investigation

A clown is mistaken for a transvestite.

Getting Off: The team believe they are dealing with the death of a transvestite but, during the autopsy, they find his make-up is face paint and he is actually a clown. (16/23) [AD,S]

One of the few blights on Channel 5's excellent record is this import from the USA.

"Welcome to Tranny Town this is where the hustlers come!"

As they walk through a night-time car lot of burnt-out wrecks and hookers.

"Yeah I can see why - it's very romantic!"

She looks a a dead body in a tractor tyre.
"Hes wearing make-up, transvestite? Fits the profile, the honeymoon suit is across the way!"

Looks at an old caravan on blocks.

"Anonymous sex becomes anonymous sex crime?"

Editors Note - Why cannot the investigating officer be transsexual?

It is 'othering' and a shame for Channel 5's digital crime channel. Who do repeat it twice a year.


Doctor Who

Another showing of the controversial 'Susan the horse'

Wrong pronoun usage. It has been well argued on TransMedia Watch on Face book how offensive this was.

The issue not being it is a horse, rather that they scripted the Doctor to use the wrong pronouns.

"I speak horse he is called Susan!"
"And he want's you to respect HIS life choices!"

Again we have to forget the context here. Horse, Rock, segull person - makes no odds. The issue here is the Doctor is able to understand this animal as a person, and thus it is anthropomorphized as a result. If you describe a transgender person with the wrong pronouns that's offensive.

In any case this was written and scripted by a human to say - the writer, and said by an actor.

No excuse here. Just ignorance.


Channel 4

Gok Wan hosts the dating game show where contestants must choose and reject potential partners on the basis of their baggage. Daters must choose from three contestants who gradually reveal the hidden secrets and flaws they'd normally keep firmly under wraps on a first date. As the show goes on, the contestants bring on bigger and bigger suitcases, which they open to reveal their secrets. Who will find love and win a romantic holiday?

A week before this began I had a feeling this may not reflect well on the transgender community.

It is about telling dates your deepest embarrassing secrets.

I had a funny feeling that trans issues would turn up after all this is a show first made famous by Jerry Springer in the States.

So I messaged Jennie at Trans Media Watch to look out for anything a week ago.

And just as I thought the first show had a trans negative comment or two here is how it went.

Surprisingly it was anti FTM. Who now seem to be all the rage for abusing.

The Case is opened. It reads:

Image (Image: Chocolate/Channel 4).


GOK - "Interesting!"

Image (Image: Chocolate/Channel 4).

Girl - "Does that mean they were born a girl?!" Big studio Laugh! -

Editor's Note - Sorry but would they laugh at a child born with a disability for example?

This is outrageous. There are children right now wanting to die because they are trans - this is no laughing matter. And again 'Gay License' in the shape of Gok Wan (like Alan Carr, Paul O'Grady and Graham Norton before him) assumes they can get away with it - they cannot. When they chose the 'baggage statements' they clearly are looking for transgender issues to titillate the audience. This is no different.

Gok "So Sophie have you had a think about it?!"

Image (Image: Chocolate/Channel 4).

Sophie (the girl who is choosing) - "Yeah but the one I am 'weirded out' the most about is the one that went to an all girl's school!"

More laughter.

Image (Image: Chocolate/Channel 4).

Image (Image: Chocolate/Channel 4).

Gok - "OK he's gone!" Close his suitcase.

As it turns out he just went to an all girls school because of his location and it happened to be all girls nearby.

It had nothing to do with trans issues (assuming this was genuine of course).

However, that did not stop them getting some laughs off of the back of the transgender community. I suspect this is not the last we have seen of this as 'Baggage' is going to likely be looking for trans issues as it gets more interest.

And again on Channel 4 - disappointing! When are Channel 4 going to be starting to work within the MOU they signed? I have not seen any progress yet.

So in a nutshell we have this.

A girl assumes one of the boys was born female, they all laugh about it, she says she is weirded out by this and dumps him immediately! To be 'weirded out' suggests he must therefore be a 'weirdo' - doesnt it?

Transpanic can also be added to transphobia here.

I also get the feeling they may have hyped up the studio audience laughs too.


And not the best career move for Gok, the show just comes across as some 'hasbeen cheap vehicle' for an old host out to pasture. Not someone young with ambition. And the TV critics agree.


American Dad!
8/10. Helping Handis:

Stan wants Steve to be popular and goes to desperate measures to make him better and part of the in-crowd at school. Contains adult humour. [S]

Basically steve grows breasts and allows all the boys to feel him up.

Now this is probably some male fantasy about what they (the writers) would do if they had breasts.

However there is a more sinister undertone with all this.

That it is socially acceptable to feel a 'man's breasts' where as with a woman it is sexual assault.

So when there are crossdressers and transsexuals out and about, does this assume they are fair game?

This happens all the time - this cartoon sadly just reinforces the issue. That men with breasts are a 'laugh' in reality Gynacomastia is no laughing matter and results in bullying and abuse all through school. It is certainly not the 'fun' depicted here.


In With the Flynns

6/6. Frozen Assets: Comedy. The Flynns must all make personal sacrifices when they cannot afford to repair their broken boiler.

Cast member uses the term 'LadyBoy' for laughs and as a negative stereotype.

BBC Prime-time Friday night too!

This is penned by Simon Nye - It is a 'Men behaving Badly' Meets 'White Van Man' meets '2 pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps'.

So we kinda get the level of humour within it. Mostly built on offending one another.

However, if you are going to abuse transgender people at least have the decency to hire one
to offend. In this episode we see Jim 'getting fresh' [SIC] with the female customers at the hotel.

However there are female members of the cast there. One objects to his behaviour. This is not the case with the transphobia. Again this abuse is thrown into the darkness for us to have to accept.

Its not on!

Producer - Caryn Mandabach Productions Ltd

Ironically followed by 'Mrs Browns Boys' - does the trans community ever have a day off?


Peep Show

Comedy shot in a POV style.

"Jamie Lee Curtis is born a Hermaphrodite true or false?

Another programme originally commissioned for Channel 4.


Live at the Apollo

Stewart Francis

Allergies - My Wife has a pean... yeah my wife has a penis!

Big Laugh.


Family Guy
Stu and Stewie's Excellent Adventure

Animated comedy. Stewie finds out that his life in the future is miserable so he decides to go back in time and change events. Contains adult humour. [S]

Stewie discovers Megs is now a man in the future.

A rare time they actually got it more or less right - so not going heavy on this one.

But it does show they are much easier going on FTM issues - so a bit of sexism there.


Family Guy
'Welcome Back Carter'
BBC Three

Thai trans gag - Peter is disgusted Carter maybe sleeping with a transwoman.


Sex Change Soldier (Repeat first aired 2007)
Pick TV (Freeview Sky 11)

Documentary on the first officer in the history of the British Armed Forces to undergo a sex-change operation. In 2007, film-maker Jane Preston followed Ian Hamilton, a highly decorated Captain of the Parachute Regiment, during a remarkable and emotional year in which the alpha-male paratrooper transformed into Jan, an ultra-feminine woman [SIC].


American Dad!
'8/10. Helping Handis'

Stan wants Steve to be popular and goes to desperate measures to make him better and part of the in-crowd at school. Contains adult humour. [S]

The pair grow breasts - (see previous review above).


Pick TV

Talk show in which guests try to resolve their problems in a mock courtroom. A man is put in the dock for making his wife have cosmetic surgery, and a pre-op transsexual is told that she is blowing all her money in the hope of making herself feel better[SIC].

Now over 10 years old but still regularly recycled in the early hours.


Russell Howard's Good News

Nothing bad rather an observation.

In the last series we had the infamous Ladyboy Airline mockery which led to complaints and the BBC editing it out of any repeats in future - thanks to our moderator Cassie pressing them.

However, in this episode he described others as 'bigots' when talking about gay issues "What do these bigots want?..." he says. Just thought that was interesting under the circumstances and one to watch.

Glass houses Russ etc...


Celebrity Juice

Talking of bigots...

Perennial pain in the Ar*e Keith Lemon (Leigh Francis) and Celebrity Juice.

This week Alex Reid made an appeal on video to get Chantelle back.

Now the way he was a bit wooden and seemed lost when asking was funny enough if you like that sort of thing.

However, this was not enough for Leigh, who has a long track record of transphobia from 'Bo'Selecta' (Channel 4), 'A Bear's Tale' where he pretended to be MTF and Davina McCall FTM,

'Celebrity Juice' where he mocked Nadia (Big Brother) laughing about her genitals on a number of occasions in past series - we have it all archived. Tonight he lays into the crossdressers. And this show wins an audience voted BAFTA?

Something must be done here, its now beyond a joke. He is a coward like most comics, he leaves Islam alone you'll notice. But bullies the trans community, after all what they gunna do about it?

Pretending to be (a hideous) Chantelle he says:

(laughter throughout)

"We had some wonderful times, I remember when we used to wear my bras, we'd wear my knickers, sometimes we'd even put tampons in our bodies, (angrily) but the thing is yeah! Alex it ain't f*cking appening!!! You crossdressing b*tch!!! Leave it!!!"

Now the problem here is he is not abusing Alex he is abusing the transgender community. All of this is about crossdressing and belittling what a difficult thing it is for familes (and couples) to cope with - crossdressing is a joke here. Again had he made a joke about Alex and his behaviour and invited him on the show - fine that's up to him. It is finding a weakness in a personality to ridicule and this is being trans. Laughing at people with even 'mild' gender incongruence is just being cruel - not funny, cruel!

Image (Image: ITV).

Adj. 1. bigoted - blindly and obstinately attached to some creed or opinion and intolerant toward others; "a bigoted person"; "an outrageously bigoted point of view"

I think in trans terms he is perhaps the biggest problem we have.

I am sure he is a 'nice bloke' but he is (as is ITV) getting out of control and has not been challenged about these issues for 10 years and it is clear he is making no effort to change.

If anything it is getting worse.

If someone trans were to break through and make it big he would crucify them! And good old Holly (This Morning caring face) Willoughby and her husband (producer of CJ) would be laughing along with him.

Alex Reid is a famous crossdresser - humiliated! Nadia (Big Brother) humiliated and abused at the time in 2004 and then (relentlessly even years later) by him! Who is next?


South Park

Adult animated series. When the boys find out that the Colorado Child Star winner will be paid 200 dollars to sing at a pageant, they decide to try and get their hands on the money.

Mr Garrison - Now Mrs Garrison (after a 'sex change' who later changes back) appears making lewd comments of course about being a woman now.


Channel 4

A crossdresser has a cameo - but in the following way.

The boys are given meat but it is still alive - a cow. They take it home and put it in the back yard of their Manchester council estate. Shameless was created by 'Mrs In-Betweeny' and 'Hit and Miss' Paul Abbott.

Later they hear it mooing and discover the following.

"There is always someone somewhere willing to pay over the odds to get off on it!"
"Meet Eric, by day a planning officer from Rochdale"
"By night a Heidi Fetishist!"

Image (Image: Channel 4).

Image (Image: Channel 4).

Image (Image: Channel 4).

Crossdressing linked with fetishism and sex work.


Mrs Brown's Boys Christmas Special
Mammy's Ass

'Comedy series'. As her sons may not be able to make it, Agnes must take action if she wants her family to be together at Christmas. Contains some strong language. Also in HD. [S]

More of the same old crossdressing to carry a laugh. Belongs in the 1970s with the Black and White Minstrel Show.

It is 2012 there are transgender people who pay a TV licence (no pun intended).


Coronation St

Image (Image: ITV).

Tracy - "You know what? Ryan told me that once when Steve was on holiday he got off with a tranny!"

Image (Image: ITV).

Michelle - "Ryan!"
Ryan - "Hardly a secret you put a photo of them kissing behind the Rover's bar!"
Tracy - "Anyway I doubt it means much - lots of men have a 'type'!"

Image(Image: ITV).

Michelle makes a face. The face is transphobic too as would she have made the same face if she were compared to Kate Moss? No she would have smiled.

There is no better evidence that Coronation St has lost its way since Hayley arrived in the late 90s.

Out of touch, and serving this message to the world, funny that Tracy has never used a racial slur on Craig Charles who plays Lloyd or mocked Disabled actress Isabelle 'Izzy' Armstrong portrayed by Cherylee Houston.

Cruel and unnecessary and not even relevant. Just a cheap laugh thrown in to spice-up what is now a trans wasteland - Hayley included. Andrew Hall's Marcia was axed because of viewers complaining - and that role led to Paul O'Grady saying 'Tranny' and laughing about it on his then evening show, as did Phillip and Holly on This Morning in their Soap reviews.

I do not think we have even scratched the surface of how 'institutionally transphobic' these broadcasters are.

Following Leigh Francis (Celebrity Juice Keith Lemon) mocking crossdressers also this week on ITV - ITV is showing they have not moved at all from the days of 'Moving Wallpaper' that was the catalyst for the creation of 'Trans Media Watch' in the first place. Well guys ITV are still at it.


The Thick of It (4/7)

Political Satire

"Here he is Britain's latest post-op transsexual!
"How did they do it?"
"Did they manage to actually graft one on?"

He actually had his appendix out.

Image (Image: BBC).

Image (Image: BBC).

Sadly for the writers this is not even an original joke if you want to know an early version of this same 'gag' look no further than:

The Simpsons - 'Homers Triple Bypass' and I quote - "When I first heard about your operation I was against it! Then I thought if Homer wants to be a woman, so be it!" "Barney! I'm not getting a sex change!""WHAT!!! Well what the hell am I going to do with this jumbo thong bikini?!!!"

So nothing new under the sun and a lazy way to get a cheap gag out of the transgender community.


The Jonathan Ross Show

Makes a joke about how the Harry Potter cast has changed as they have grown to Emma Watson

(his guest).

Shows her and Daniel as older and leading roles. Then shows Rupert Grint older and flashes up a photo of Rebekah Brooks - gets a laugh. Jonathan then goes on to say - well its a 'life choice'. Somewhere in there is a trans gag, he held back a little. However that 'choice' issue is increasingly being used - last time in Doctor Who (the horse one). Transgender people rarely 'choose' to be trans anymore than you can choose your skin colour or eye colour. It is something your are. Choice undermines the seriousness of what transgender fundamentally is.

I am not suggesting this is what Jonathan meant on this occasion, but the thought process is there.

If not by him then at least his writers.

Writers who are denied trans gags will find a way to still make them but in a more clever way.


Family Guy
Welcome Back Carter
BBC Three

Trans gag - Peter goes Ewww when he thinks his father -in-law Carter is in bed with a transwoman.


American Dad!
'Stan's Night Out'

Joke about a transgender MTF Hooker
"Use that gun to shoot my hooker's Penis off!"


See you next time :\ :shrugs: :noway: [yesss] :cry:roll:
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