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Re: Breast Development

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 10:33 pm
by Pink Bunny
OOo Tamsin Thnx for Posting the Info on Breast Growth. :)

& Looking at that Guide, I'm definitely in the 3rd, maybe the Fourth Stage. :o

Here's a Picy :-


That's at 10mnths on Hormones & I'm well on My way to a C Cup, but I had a bit of a start because I started Growing a bit of a Bust at Puberty. :shock:

Byee Robyn Suzanne. :)

Re: Breast Development

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:16 pm
by quackers
There is no medical evidence that rubbing Oestrogel directly into the breast causes cancer. I have my blood and lipids checked every 6 months, I have had a mammogram and all is clear with me. I have been rubbing gel into my breasts for 10 years now and it has definitely aided my breast growth. My doctor monitors me closely as I have had a DVT in the past. Is the reason I don't take my script orally.

Well it's up to you and I wouldn't want to put you off. However I would really strongly advise against rubbing oestrogel directly onto the breasts. I speak with my "old life" hat on - I spent 2 years doing cancer research and 7 years as a Clinical Biochemist. Basically high levels of oestrogen can trigger breast cancer - that's one of the risks of HRT. No one knows the causes though obviously there are genetic factors. Rubbing oestrogen directly onto breast tissue will definitely increase the oestrogen concentration in the breast tissue up to levels much higher than normal. That's why gels are normally rubbed into the leg so the oestrogen can get into the blood.

You're right - there is no evidence that rubbing oestrogel onto the breast causes breast cancer. Probably because no research has been done. Let's be honest - there is little scientific research on transsexuals taking oestrogen anyway and technically it's not licensed for transsexuals because no pharmaceutical safety trials are carried out. Absence of evidence does not mean it is safe.

Blood tests do not detect cancer. Yes there are tumour markers but that is not routine testing. Regular mammograms are of course a good idea.

All I'm saying is be careful - you have come so far and I would hate for you to develop cancer and have to lose a breast. My mum had a masectomy and it had a big effect on her life.

Take care


Re: Breast Development

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:31 pm
by Kelly
Hi Robyn,

Thanks for posting an educated reply and thank you for your concerns. My doctor is satisfied my hormone levels are comparable to a post-menopausal woman and my mammogram is clear.

Bless, Kelly xx

Re: Breast Development

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 3:32 am
by snowdoggy
Hi all,

Sorry to butt in on a female related topic but I just wanted to comment on Robyn's post.

I (and my GF) did not realise that mtfs could get such growth on hormones alone. My GF's sister is an mtf and we always presumed that she'd had some sort of breast surgery but after seeing your photo we may be wrong. She looks to be a large 'c' at the least.

I am very impressed that you girls can get these results so quickly from hormones.

Oh and Susie, you crease me up. Don't get me onto the subject of farting. To me men doing it is funny but women doing it and telling their stories just cripples me.

My GF says I am still a like a child in this respect :roll:

Take care all

Re: Breast Development

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 7:16 pm
by Pink Bunny
Well John, I'm Amazed on How Well My Breast have Grown in 10 Mnths on Hormones, & they are still Growing. :o

Sooo I'm going to pay a visit to Debenhams & Ask the Lovely Lady Who Works in the Lingerie Dept to Measure Me up, to See if I'm now ready for a C cup Bra. :think:

I was close the last time she Measured Me. :roll:

As Tamsin Rightly Says, it's all down to Genetics. My Mum & her Sisters are at least a C cup. :shock:

Byeee Robyn Suzanne. :)