Rules - This is an Independent User Group

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Rules - This is an Independent User Group

Postby tzone » Fri Sep 24, 2010 9:09 am

This section is for patients or 'service users' who attend NHS Gender Clinics within the UK.

People who post here can be patients past or present, who may have compliments or grievances to air about their care.

It is important that any controversial comments be carefully worded as we will not allow libelous comments to be posted, or comments without any foundation.

They maybe comments that are felt could improve the service there, areas in which it is lacking, but remember they are limited by budgets and cannot always provide what is ideal in your case.

Quite often the topics discussed here relate to surgery in the main hospital you may want to thank surgeons or practitioners that are seen to be particularly skilled, about treatments from Genital surgery to speech therapy.

Chances are if you attend this clinic (or others) you have a story to tell and perhaps compliments to give.

Unlike other NHS user groups of this kind we do not require you give any private information about yourself whatsoever. It is clear when you give information you could be identified and risk your care, this site does not require you do that.

The demand for information may mean you are therefore effectively silenced and gagged until your surgery and outcome is complete, you then may have a LOT to say! Unlike other groups we allow past users to comment too not just current ones as the current ones may be too frightened to say anything in other user groups.

Just be careful what you say and try to avoid generalising, stay focused on your story and you experiences.

If you have images of surgery please post them in our 18+ site

Good Luck! :)

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