UK Gender Identity Clinics and Surgeon Referral

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UK Gender Identity Clinics and Surgeon Referral

Postby DramaQueen » Tue Mar 19, 2019 11:17 am


I transitioned back in 2011 and have been living full time since then. I was referred to Charing Cross GIC in London where I was diagnosed and in 2013 I was assessed and referred for surgery.

At the time I had some family issues because of my transition and after losing contact with most my family, I went into a deep depression and didn't get the surgery done.

I now feel ready to get the ball rolling again to get referred back for surgery but as it's not a topic I've spent much time researching over the last few years I have some questions about the process I'm hoping someone with some up to date knowledge could share with me.

I've spoken to Charing Cross GIC and have been advised that because of the time that has passed since my assessment for surgery (About 6 years), I would need to be reassessed which I'm fine with. I'm now living in the north of England and when speaking to my GP last week he said he would make a referral to the GIC in Newcastle.

From what I read quite some time ago (Things may be different now, or I could have been mistaken at the time), once you've been diagnosed and the 2 years have passed and you're ready to start the process of being referred to surgery, you're then sent to the Charing Cross GIC who assess you for surgery and make the referral to a surgeon. I'm wondering if this is still the case, or can the surgery assessment be done at the other GIC's? I already have my diagnosis and have been living full time close to 8 years now (With documentation) so I imagine it's not necessary to repeat the diagnosis and RLE.

If it is the case that surgery assessments and referral to the surgeon is done at Charing Cross then I imagine it'd be better to ask my GP to instead refer me down there. It's a bit of a journey getting there though. It'd take over 2 and 1/2 hours by train (Unaffordable too!) and I dread to think how long it'd take with the slower but cheaper option (Coach). I'd much prefer if everything could be done at Newcastle and then just have to travel to London or where ever for the surgery.

I'd really appreciate if anyone has any knowledge about this and wouldn't mind sharing it! If you have any questions for me feel free to ask.


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Re: UK Gender Identity Clinics and Surgeon Referral

Postby Ice Maiden » Thu Mar 21, 2019 7:22 pm

The problem is as there has been a gap in your care you will likely have to be reassessed and have to speak to a psychiatrist again as they will wonder why you stopped.

I am not doubting your enthusiasm but for their point of view you were referred then dropped out. They may think you changed your mind. Or at least need clarification as to why explained to them that they are satisfied with.

I suspect they would review your notes and decide what to do.

Thier argument would be that if you really wanted to have surgery then nothing would stop you. The depression issue maybe something they would also need to examine.

I would be very surprised if you could walk into the GIC at CX say Hi! I am back! Refer me for surgery! :shrugs:

I do not think at this stage it would make much difference if you went to Newcastle or CX as they are likely to start over. However, the system has improved and compared to the old regimes it is far better in terms of patient led care rather than service led care.

The best bet is to go to Newcastle GIC and explain all of this to them. They maybe able to fast track you as a result. Just get back into the system asking for CX which is already over subscribed may actually take longer! [yesss]
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Re: UK Gender Identity Clinics and Surgeon Referral

Postby Ice Maiden » Thu Mar 21, 2019 7:26 pm

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"Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have." M.Mead

Man [...] must count no one but himself; that he is alone, abandoned on earth in the midst of his infinite responsibilities, without help, with no other aim than the one he sets himself, with no other destiny than the one he forges for himself on this earth." - J.P.Sartre.

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Re: UK Gender Identity Clinics and Surgeon Referral

Postby Gremzin » Sun Jun 09, 2019 4:23 pm

Well you have to be reassessed for sure anyway. Try to do everything in the clinic that you planned before. It makes more sense to me as they already have your history at least. I will try to get you more information when I am back from holiday in Berlin. It will be in about a week or so.

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