The Wright Stuff 12/08 Channel 5 - A 5 star no-Brainer!

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The Wright Stuff 12/08 Channel 5 - A 5 star no-Brainer!

Postby Ice Maiden » Tue Aug 12, 2014 5:45 pm

The Wight Stuff
Channel 5

Matthew Wright hosts the topical debate show.


Following Sunday's Mirror Revelations here. ... ng-4030910

There has been a bit of a frantic runaround for comment from the trans community.

Yesterday, 'This Morning' bussed in a Kellie-a-like viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4414 (cos they couldn't get the real one) to talk about similar issues that affected her life. This does not take anything away from their guest, as in any other situation her voice would have been stronger I feel.

It just felt a bit knee-jerk.

Yesterday (Monday) during 'The Wright Stuff' on Channel 5. Matthew Wright (the host and our 'Best Presenter of the Year' see mentioned that he would be debating the topic of transgender awareness and transition later in life on the following show after a positive newspaper review about Kellie Maloney coming out - He said that on the next show (Tuesday 12/08/14 Today). That Paris Lees would be a guest. I expected her to be in the audience as this was not a panel 'booking' as such, it was like everyone else in the media this week so far and grab someone to comment for a bit of a 'quickie'.

Matthew and Paris were last on screen together when he hosted the 'Big Benefits Row' see link.
viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4167 (see Matthew's back of the head)

However as 'quickies' go, this was an excellent effort by Matthew and Princess Productions (who produce the show).

Here is what immediately sprung to mind before I watched it.

They will bus Paris in as a 'talking head', ask her about a person she doesn't necessarily know. And she will give some stock answers and that's that. I also feared that her age would immediately go against her as the era Kellie Maloney existed in was a long way away from the world Paris lives in. Paris is in her late 20s and Kellie is at retirement age.

This is something we are careful about as we do a show with older trans people and activists who have an important voice and are so often ignored yet they go back to their groups and actually effect the changes - our show is a bit niche but check it out. So we push on!

HOWEVER! I was pleasantly surprised by the way it was handled!

Paris was introduced, she is very accomplished at speaking about these issues by now and managed to pack in most of what she wants into the allotted time - that is quite a skill in itself no matter who you are.

BUT! The show's producers and bookers were way ahead of me, and ensured voices from all generations including the mother of a Gender Variant Child were heard and not just from call in. But in the studio audience as well.

This was the decider for me. It made a huge difference to have a good cross-section of transpeople available, and some of a similar age to Kellie represented. Most people know I am very big on 'trans elders' and their voices being heard! I even coined the term (I think).

This was a very positive move and if Paris had anything to do with sourcing those involved I congratulate her! As it showed personal growth as an activist to do so.

If it was the 'hard working team of researcher' (a Wright Stuff Joke about his under-staffing), then again good for them!

Rather than transcript it (pun intended) I will link you to the programme and suggest you watch it here! ... ode-157-54
And there is a clip of Paris speaking here ... ransgender

Channel 5/Princess Productions
Caller Nikki - a similar age to Kellie Maloney.

Channel 5/Princess Productions
Paris hopeful.

Panel - sensitive and interested.

Channel 5/Princess Productions
Bernice discusses her issues.

Channel 5/Princess Productions
Jane calls in about her now happy Gender Variant Child.


All very nice warm and fluffy. It was a lovely piece and helpful! Great to see Trans Elders involved!


Needed trans-identified men.

Some contradictions that Matthew tried to address. Mainly he stated that there is still considerable hostility aimed towards transgender people in some sections of society.

Matthew - "Transgender people do suffer harassment is that changing too?"

Paris - "I think there is a very big focus on 'passing' like trying to look like you are not transgender... in 10 years we are all going to know a transperson and it will be OK."

Matthew was clearly tickled by her optimism - I think he is a bit of a cynic like me in that regard!

She went on to say that, "if Matthew wore lipstick out in the street he would likely get abuse shouted at him or even thumped! It is still very much the dark old days"

Then goes onto to say, "how positive representations like Laverne Cox in 'Orange is the New Black' is..."

Laverne Cox plays the part of a criminal in a drama where her second series almost starved her out and in some cases was ludicrous - Laverne explaining vaginas to the inmates of a woman's prison made a the Terf hackles go up that's for sure! Candis Cayne before her, after playing third hooker from the right for many years went on to play another call girl in 'Dirty Sexy Money'.

So these examples are not quite there yet. I think television will change as we too are fighting that fight along with her and Trans Media Watch etc. But 10 years? I doubt it will change that much tbh.

This is also mixed message as the two statements are a bit of an Oxymoron. She is ambitious and hopes for a world in 10 years where trans will be 'normalised' and all this is no longer an issue.

My own personal view is of course this maybe a tad naive. I would say maybe 30 years? And by then the UK could be run by a very different culture indeed and where trans are detected in the womb they will likely be aborted as many with 'Downs' are today! After all the world are on a quest for perfection, beauty and intelligence. The future is a scary place for trans I feel.

The truth is that the NHS is on its knees, if there are going to be cuts it is likely transgender services will go first, many already do suffer discrimination in a bureaucratic 'QALY' way now. It is as easy as 'losing' your referral!

She also did not take into account the growing major issues of Cultural and Religious intolerance. This is on the rise in many parts of the world. The UK is a multicultural society now. and when people move to the UK from such countries, many bring these views with them.

These individuals do get elected to power. Then of course there is the 'Shame' of being trans. There is little doubt that many attempt to go ultra macho (in the case of trans*women) or be a doting daughter and white wedding baby-maker (for trans-men) in an attempt to somehow shake off these feelings. All the healthcare in the world may not be enough to shake off your parent's hopes and dreams - a parent's tear is powerful stuff!

Many struggle on, and get trapped in marriages, and I suspect this will never end. Finally of course there are reproductive issues. Many may avoid early intervention or surgery because they want children so retain the part they detest - many simply cannot afford IVF which is now under increasing pressure, and surrogacy is expensive - so they 'stay as they are' until they procreate' and again are trapped in this brave new world.

So there are many complex factors at play here. Above and beyond the whole issue of 'people' not attacking trans in the streets for looking weird.

Being trans is kinda a wicked issue - Yup I said it!

Disability rights have been on the agenda for quite some time and this is something we can all suffer from - especially as we get older. Yet the discrimination, mockery, abuse, and violence of disabled people is shocking!

Reports like these demonstrate that anything other than perfection is irrelevant ... 58841.html

Paris is a passable woman and she works at it, and much of her 'currency' is based on that. Yet she is smart and articulate, and to me, that has equal, if not more value - after all pretty girls are a penny a bucketful. So for 'The Wright Stuff' to see the bigger picture here and engage with older transpeople was great.

I suspect Paris will not please all of the people, who does? Many will be envious of her looks, others of her lifestyle, some may feel that if she was a 'plain Jane' no one would be interested in her.

And of course there is a risk of overexposure. Anything trans that comes along 'call the Paris Hotline' - I jest but it is something she may have to think about carefully the public can historically get bored pretty quick with trans 'celebs' Nadia Almada Jackie McAuliffe to name but two. Of course if she is always chosen to comment other hard working activists will get annoyed as the trans reality become polarised - I don't do talking heads for the media so this is not an issue with me - just saying!

So spreading the 'joy' and 'the message' by ensuring others have a voice made this a 5 star no-brainer! And for the first time I saw Paris as part of an ensemble piece that may give her more legs in the long run! Although cynics may say she rarely sits with someone prettier than her ;)


After all being overoptimistic for the trans community is not a crime!

I am just the naysayer that's all!

Image 5/5 TZ Stars -

Excellent! Well done Paris! There I said it! [yesss] :shrugs: :roll: :lol: :thumbup: :think:
And well Done Matthew!
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Re: The Wight Stuff 12/08 - A 5 star no Brainer!

Postby Ice Maiden » Tue Aug 12, 2014 5:51 pm

Disclaimer!!!! Please Read!

"Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have." M.Mead

Man [...] must count no one but himself; that he is alone, abandoned on earth in the midst of his infinite responsibilities, without help, with no other aim than the one he sets himself, with no other destiny than the one he forges for himself on this earth." - J.P.Sartre.

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Re: The Wright Stuff 12/08 Channel 5 - A 5 star no-Brainer!

Postby Christine » Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:01 pm

My other half recorded this for me after having positive things to say (I was exercising at the time so I missed it!)

The only thing I find slightly worrisome in your write-up is the matter of disabled people, who over the past few years have sadly become synonymous with idlers and scroungers thanks to a relentlessly negative media campaign. It's shocking that such a thing could happen in a supposedly enlightened country, and as a result I'm not taking anything for granted.