GPs striking off patients 'with no warning'

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GPs striking off patients 'with no warning'

Postby Ivorybird2 » Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:29 am

found this little nugget on bbc news this morning. now apply this to my ongoing struggle with my gp, which i will lnot back down from, if i go and front her, in a calm manner, seeing as she is already being totally underhanded, she can boot me out, say i was 'badly behaved', its her word against mine, and who would the nhs complaints believe eh? definitely not me i reckon, and if the nhs aint doing diddly about such cases, where does that leave us, me? get a trans patient, dont want to pay for their treatments, lie, say they were bad patients, s--t creek without paddle, and a blot on your name. nice eh?

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Re: GPs striking off patients 'with no warning'

Postby Ice Maiden » Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:09 am

Well it applies to life really

People sometimes just do not get on and one person can make a practitioner's life a misery

People still can get a GP usually a locum one maybe but they are not entitle to have a particular GP if that GP does not want them.

We do not know the full cases of these people its often softened to look like the victim, and patient confidentiality means the GP rarely has the right to reply.

So it is all one sided.

Chances are the people involved were 'difficult' went against their GP instructions and thus the GP stand to be blamed for any problems as a result - example would be a GP says do ABC and the patients partner does CBA and the patient gets worse. The GP is not to blame but will face the music is there is a serious outcome.

Others can be aggressive, people go in highly charged and more or less attack their doctor for not doing ABC for them, from prescribing drugs, to sickness benefit, to turning up drunk and disturbing other patients and so on.

People who treat their doctors with respect usually do not have a problem :)
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Re: GPs striking off patients 'with no warning'

Postby Denise Anderson » Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:43 am

Well you would hope that if you treated the GP with respect then things will be fine... but we know that's not always the case, with a stack of cases that comes across peoples mailboxes over the years it's not as cut and dry.... :)

Yes there are troublesome patients, we know that but we also have to get past the silliness of some GPs that find the concept of things such as GD difficult to grasp, that's a lot down to general awareness and the need to find people to listen... I've been asked by the GMC to pop along for a chat on things in general, i hope to try and engage them in opening up the discussion a bit further and involve more people... these chances are few and far between to get so i'll do my best to see where we can go with this... :)

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Re: GPs striking off patients 'with no warning'

Postby Ice Maiden » Tue Oct 18, 2011 2:46 pm

Good stuff Denise I wish you well and do report back any findings :)x
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